Online Award Portal

Awards and honors in the SCA generally come from the hands of the Royalty. But they don't make those decisions by themselves: in a Kingdom of people like Artemisia, it's impossible for the Royalty to know more than a small fraction of the populace. So they depend upon the citizens of the Kingdom to tell them about folks who are deserving of awards. If you believe you have an member of the populace deserving of an award, please fill out the award recommendation webform.

Recommend an award

SCA Name: John Robert of York
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Bedlam
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert de Fletcher the Duelist
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert de Spencer II
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert fitzWilliam
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert le Raven MacLeod
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert mac Neill nhic Donnachaidh of Inchmagranach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Silverbow of the Fells
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert the Bard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert the Lost
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert the Strong
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Wydville
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Roberto Damiano da Bologna
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabriel Robertson
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Osbern le fiz Robert
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey Robertson
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 0


4079Arn HoldArma Volans2011-06-17
4080Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-07-16
4081Arn HoldGryphon and Francisca2015-07-18
4082Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2013-06-15
6077Inactive/Out of KingdomBaroness' Oracle1997-08-11
6078Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-11-24
6079Inactive/Out of KingdomErmine and Gauntlet2003-12-13
6080Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2007-01-06
6081Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2006-01-21
6082Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-09-06
6083Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-09-08
6084Arn HoldAward of Arms1983-04-03
6085Arn HoldCourt Barony1996-08-31
6086Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf1994-12-11
6087Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1985-08-24
6088Arn HoldFons Animae1994-12-10
6089Arn HoldGrant of Arms1995-06-10
6090Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-03-05
6091Arn HoldLaurel1986-08-23
6092Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2008-11-15
6093Arn HoldWhite Falcon1995-12-09
8159Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-11-04
6094Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms1989-01-14
6095Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-03-11
6096Loch SalannKnight1978-05-28
6097Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2014-08-30
6098Loch SalannCommander of the Fleur de Soleil1988-08-06
6099Loch SalannCrystal Heart2017-12-09
6100Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1982-07-31
6101Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1981-11-14
6102Loch SalannFleur d'Or1984-03-24
6103Loch SalannFons Animae2014-12-13
6104Loch SalannGrant of Arms1980-11-22
6105Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2001-03-24
6106Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2012-03-03
6107Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
6108Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
6109Loch SalannHawk's Lure1990-09-01
6110Loch SalannKing's Sigil1988-10-29
6111Loch SalannLaurel1987-12-05
6112Loch SalannLeaping Stag1980-10-18
6113Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1980-11-22
6114Loch SalannLion of Atenveldt1980-11-22
6115Loch SalannPelican1981-11-21
6116Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2012-09-01
6117Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1989-01-14
6118Loch SalannViscounty1982-07-25
6119Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
6120Loch SalannWhite Falcon1996-03-23
6121Loch SalannWhite Lark1988-10-29
6122Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8326Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2019-03-02
6123Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-06-14
6124Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
6125Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-12-08
6126Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-11-12
6127One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle1998-08-08
6128Loch SalannAward of Arms1998-09-19
6129Loch SalannKnight2009-02-14
6130Loch SalannCounty2014-03-01
6131Loch SalannCrystal Heart2006-06-09
6132Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2004-12-11
6133Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2006-12-09
6134Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-03-26
6135Loch SalannFons Animae2005-12-10
6136Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2002-06-06
6137Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
6138Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2004-01-24
6139Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
6140Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
6141Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-03-11
6142Loch SalannKey Cross2017-07-02
6143Loch SalannPelican2016-01-09
6144Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
6145Loch SalannQuodlibet2006-03-11
6146Loch SalannService Performed Under Duress2009-09-26
6147Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-03-10
6148Loch SalannWhite Falcon2002-03-23
6149Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-06-04
6150Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
6151Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2017-07-08
8663Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
8689Loch SalannSocietas Aquilae Coronatae2020-03-07
6152Inactive/Out of KingdomAstral Fog1977-07-17
6153Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1985-03-09
6154Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-07-25
6155Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1997-03-15
6156Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1994-07-09
6157Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-05-01
6158Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-12-12
6159Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-12-04
6160Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-03-21
6161Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1985-03-03
6162Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1984-04-14
6163One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-14
6164One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2004-03-06
6165One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2003-03-01
6166One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
6167One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2013-06-13
6168One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2000-03-11
6169One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2012-11-17
6170One Thousand EyesPelican2006-03-04
6171One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-08-16
6172One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2012-11-17
8239One Thousand EyesDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2019-01-12
8395One Thousand EyesMirror2019-03-16
6173Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-09-02
6174Inactive/Out of KingdomBowman's Mark9999-12-31
6175Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
6176Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose9999-12-31
6177Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
6178Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
6179Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1993-01-09
6180Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-10-08
6181Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1994-07-09
6182Sentinels' KeepKing's Sigil1994-03-05
6183Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
6184Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
6185Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
6186Sentinels' KeepVigilance1993-04-03
6187One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1990-11-01
6188One Thousand EyesCourt Barony1999-11-13
6189One Thousand EyesFleur de Soleil1995-10-14
6190One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-06-21
6191One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1992-03-28
6192One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-06-21
8169Arn HoldGolden Pillar2018-11-17
8173Arn HoldIron Hart2013-03-01
8174Arn HoldStag's Blood2009-07-24
8175Arn HoldSable Lion of Caerthe2010-07-24
8176Arn HoldAspen of Caerthe2013-08-03
8177Arn HoldPromise of the Outlands2004-07-04
8178Arn HoldGreen Tree of Caerthe2009-01-03
8179Arn HoldCordon of Honor of Caerthe2010-04-17
8180Arn HoldFallen Snow2014-04-05
8181Arn HoldKnight2015-09-05
8533Arn HoldFer de Moline2019-08-23
8839Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2021-05-08
8860Arn HoldCourt Barony2021-09-11
8976Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9296Arn HoldCounty2022-09-17
9420Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9539Arn HoldPilgrims of Artemisia2023-02-03
8526Loch SalannList of Courtesy2019-06-01
8677Loch SalannWhite Lark2020-06-06
8622BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2020-01-04