Online Award Portal

Awards and honors in the SCA generally come from the hands of the Royalty. But they don't make those decisions by themselves: in a Kingdom of people like Artemisia, it's impossible for the Royalty to know more than a small fraction of the populace. So they depend upon the citizens of the Kingdom to tell them about folks who are deserving of awards. If you believe you have an member of the populace deserving of an award, please fill out the award recommendation webform.

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SCA Name: Casamira Jawjalny
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1


1644Loch SalannAward of Arms1987-12-05
1645Loch SalannCourt Barony2005-06-11
1646Loch SalannCrystal Heart1992-12-12
1647Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1989-09-23
1648Loch SalannFons Animae1993-10-23
1649Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2012-03-10
1650Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2017-06-03
1651Loch SalannGrant of Arms1991-04-13
1652Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2009-09-05
1653Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-07-14
1654Loch SalannLaurel1991-12-07
1655Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1990-12-08
1656Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-03-02
1657Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
1658Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
1659Loch SalannPelican2006-12-09
1660Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1991-04-13
1661Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
1662Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2013-09-07
1663Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-03-08
1664Loch SalannWhite Goose2009-12-12
1665Loch SalannWhite Lark1986-12-20
1666Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
1667Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2014-12-13
8237Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2019-01-12
8614Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07