Online Award Portal

Awards and honors in the SCA generally come from the hands of the Royalty. But they don't make those decisions by themselves: in a Kingdom of people like Artemisia, it's impossible for the Royalty to know more than a small fraction of the populace. So they depend upon the citizens of the Kingdom to tell them about folks who are deserving of awards. If you believe you have an member of the populace deserving of an award, please fill out the award recommendation webform.

Recommend an award

SCA Name: Aaron Caldarius
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aaron Carter of Liddesdale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 1
Active: 0
SCA Name: Erin di Paladin
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Abigail du Crauford
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Abigail Kerslake
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adam Carmychel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adela De Rouen
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adele de Carlysle
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adele of Crystal Crags
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adele Yseult de Saint Brieuc
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adelhead Rotlin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adelheid
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adelheid Achtsnicht
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adeliz Fergusson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adhemar Martel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adne Dirdal the Whitewolf (reg as Asne Whitewolf)
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adria Jermyne
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adria of the Crosswinds
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adrian Dragon
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Adriana Mentieth/Adriana Mendeith
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adrianna Holloway
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adric Lagot
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aedh MacEdghainn
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aegina de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aelfred vom Silberwald
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aelfric Bernson of Westbrook
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aelia Sophia of Artemisia
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aelin of Vordingborg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ælwyn de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aeric Ketcham
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aeschine Larke
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: AEthelwulf Omund
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aethelwynn Thraedgyld
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aethric filius Ealhstan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aethric of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aghren the Brus
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Agnar Badgerclaw
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Agnella Iocapi
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Agnes Hale
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Agnes of Whitby/Hrafnhildr Frostadottir
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Agnese Canigiano
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: A'hongus MacEohn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aidan McAbe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ailesh
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ailionora Elliott
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ailis Inghean Ui Mhathghamhna
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aillean O'Meighann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aillenn an Bhallach
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aine ingen Ruaidri
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aine inghean Mhaghnusa
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aine MacCullen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aine o'Laoghaire
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aingeal inghean Garaidh
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aislinn of Fife
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aislinn Rowena MacKenzie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aislynn Ulfbearn
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aithne O'Ryan
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Akiame Oni Yoshi
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Akiyama Taron Makoto
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alan Fitz Talbot
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alan Youngforest
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alaura Sprigg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alayna MacPhearson
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alban of York
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Albert Faulke of Sandford
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Albion Robynsson
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Albrecht Von Kallenburg
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Albreda Wolfkeeper
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Albredda of the Broken Wire
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aldgyth aet Fennholme
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aldun Blackhand
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aldwin Longwalker
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aleah de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aleanbh MacEnruigh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aleksandr Hrafnson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alena Vladimirovna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alessandra de Violone dela Flora
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alessandra Gianetta da Siena
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aletheia Isidora of Philae
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alethia of Moon Hill
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alexander
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alexander de Aragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alexander Ormskirk
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alexander the Black
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alexandra MacDhomnuill
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alexandra von Raederschloss
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alexandria Cecil of Fairbrook
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alexdria Vashanka
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alexine du Chat
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alferesi Dragoni il Condotierro
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alfric the Stout
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alianor Rowan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alianore de Harcourt
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alias Cato
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alice Langston
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alicia Brigetta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aliera
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alim of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alina Rose of Black Company
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alissa Gabriel Yaritsa
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alistair Ian McGregor
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alix d'Orleans
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Allegretza di Pannettier
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Allesandria de Cappela
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Allessandra Raffaela di Luciano (AKA Zahara min Shammar)
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alleyne de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Allie of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alma Albionsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alric of Ashfield
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alric Thrydwulf
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Altani Batu
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alwen ap Pasgen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alycia Marsh
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alyna Isabel de Clare
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alysande of Greenvale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alyss d'Esplechins
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alyssa Schwartzwald
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alyssia Gabrieal Yvonne
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alzbeta Jerabkova
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alzbeta Romany
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Amanda de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Amarantha of the Golden Tresses
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ambrose of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Amhran A’leigheas
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Amicia Sennet de Bruges
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Amina al-Farasha
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Amira Raedwoulffe/Dierdre ni Cash
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Amolia Karenina Tavsen of Norway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Amycia acGhillielaidir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anastasia de Rose
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anastasia von Banburg
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anastasiia Katerina Petrova
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andre le Loup de Mer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andre le Loup de Mer (reg)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Andrea des Chiens
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andrew Broxton
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Andrew C. M. de Holloway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andrew Mac Eth
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andrew of Harris upon York
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Andrew the Executioner
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Angela de la Halcon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Angela Norreys
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angela of Sausbury
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angela Seuestere
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angelina MacDougal
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angelique de la Seine
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angharad Lloyd
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angrim the Unreasonable
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angus MacArtne
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Angus Mor MacAiodh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Angus Sinclair of Wick (AKA Sadiq)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anikahha Ivonova Pisareva
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anisah MacEohn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anja MetsaIainen
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ankharet Verch Meredudd
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anleifr Raedwulfson (AKA Graeleaf)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ann (Symantha Jensen)
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna Carlsdotter
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna de Brabant
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna de la Rosa
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna Elsbeth von Zuberbuehler
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna Ophelia Holloway Tarragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anna Rayne
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anna Zauberkunstlerin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Annabella Graham
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anne de Junius
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anne of Hynchecliff
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anne the Faire
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Annie Morrison
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Annikha Helkavaara
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Annikki of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Annora Greenhalgh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Annora the Wise
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Annys of Pengwyrn
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anquarette
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ansel Matthews
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anthony
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anthony Iron Skull
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anthony of Blaidon
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anthony of Sherwood
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anthony of the Tyne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Antoine de Bueil
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Antoinette Clarissa du Bete
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anton Hojen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Antonia d'Alessandria
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Antonii Machinevik
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Antonio de Valenza
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anvirre Thorndyke of Turlough
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aodhnait Maire Siobhan NiNuanain
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aoife nic Gillechomhghain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aonghas Yeltoun
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aonghus ill ulfr
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aonghus Ni Goibhnean the Unlucky
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Apollonia Künster
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Apothis
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aquilanne Jessica Grace
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aquilla Ashley Maddox
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arabella de Rebelh
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arabella MacLeod
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aramia Macleod
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Areana Greycastle
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Argyle Culpepper
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ariadne Flaxenhair of Dragon's End (Reg.)
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ariana Dmitri of Castile
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arianna Rhosyn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ariel Etain O'Connor
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ariel of York
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arima Jinsuke Shirotora
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arkadii L'vovich (AKA Arkasha)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Armand le Mort
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Armando Ramos el Caido
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arn the Bull
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arndis Espilunde
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arnkatla Solveigardottir (AKA frisha the Irreverent)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arnleis Valbjorndottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arnóra Andríðsdóttir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arnora di Firenze
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arrianna liDonnici
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arrowyn of Emerald Moor
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Artemis the Brave
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Artemisia de Lioncourt
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arthen ap Rhun
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Arthur Guion d'Anjou
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Artus d'Arques
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arundel
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Arwyn Lassarina ni Mhaolghaoithe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aryan Christoph Weinburg
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asa Grunnarsdottir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asa Haraldsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ascelynne de Tournai
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asgierr Rekke I Dane
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ashe'el Terestini
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asher
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asher Landchender
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ashley Arronsdale
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ashlyn of Gryphon's Lair
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ashten Roseland
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aslak the Awful
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Astrid Arakoua
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Astrid Grimsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Astridr in kyrra
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Athena
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Athenais Bryennissa
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Auletes
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Auletes the Hungry
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Auraelia de Medici
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aurelia
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aurelia of Sentinels' Keep
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aurelia of Whitebrooke
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aurildis von Trier
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aurora de Portugal
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aurora of Crystal Crags
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aurore de Flandres
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aveloc the Younger
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Avelyn ingen Uilliam
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Avice d' Aquitaine
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Axel Ironstomach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aydn de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Azia
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Azir de Lucera
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Badaschia
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Baldric
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Baldwin Giffard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Balenor Blackmere
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Balin Michael Guiscard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bartholomew Hightower of Canterbury
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Baruch ben Moshe
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Basil der Drache
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bastia Domingo de Cadiz
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bastion
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Batu Chinois Cortchi
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bearcat
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Beatrice Carmela Mercante
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Beatricia
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beatriz de Saabedra
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beatriz Pantoja de Las Mercedes
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Belka
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Belladona di Francia
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bengta Rolfsdotter
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Benjamin Caimbeul
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Benjamin Spigle
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beodin Blaengir
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beorn-Wulf von Stauffenberg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Berenger Fitz Gerard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bernadette
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bertram Ferrar of Errol
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bertrand D'Avignon
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bertrand Lamont
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beth
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bethannee de la Valencia
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bethany of Windermere
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bethoc ni Coiseam du Cruford
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Beytill
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bianca da Ravenna
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bianca Spiriti de Fiorenza
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Big John the Diminuitive
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Biorn Smidhr
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Birgit av Birka
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjarki Hvitabjarnarson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjarni Thorvarrson of Hillstead
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bjorn Hrafnsson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjorn Johansen
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjorn Johansson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjorn Raumr
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bjorn Svenson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bjorn Thegjandi Grimnisson
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bjornsten
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Blaiden of Moytura
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Blaise Tourmente
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bleddyn of Coldwell
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Boedjin van de Sterren
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bogar Solarari
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bohun the Black
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bonnie von Raderschloss
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Böse
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bowen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Braden Burleigh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bran MacDonald
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bran MacNish
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brandubh Ewebank
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Branwyn Pengrych
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Breena
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brendan ap Morgan
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brendan Pilgrim
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brenna Chaimbeul
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brentor Marsh
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brian Barnum
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brian O'Leary
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Briana MacConcarrigy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brianna Roriksdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brianne the Poet
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Briatiz D'Andrade
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bridget Woulfe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brielle van de Sterren
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brienus the Silent
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brighid
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brighid Henroten the Amused
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brighrd Kathleen Sullas
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brigid Helmsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brigit ingen ui Chillini
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brigit Mac Ceird/Bridgit mac Caolaidhe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brigitta Blodyr
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brion Anthony Uriel Tarragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Briony of Windermere
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Briony Reynolds
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brita
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brita Nilsdotter
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Britt the Celt
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brokha Veis (Reg.)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bronwen Montgomery of Irenwold
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bronwyn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bronwyn Morgan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bronwyn of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bronwyn y Ceredigion
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bruce MacQuhirrie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bryan O'Leary
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Bryce Morgen
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brynjolfr Alarrsonn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Brynjolfr Fjallgeirsson
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bud of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bullman
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Caelainn inghean Aoidh
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cailleach Dhe' bean Tigernaich
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caillean Aletha Terrell
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caitlin
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caitlyn the Killer Attack Butterfly
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caitriona Suthirlande
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cal the Badger
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caleb of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Callum Lamond
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Calvin Augst
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cameron the Nightbird
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cameron Turney
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cameron Wadey
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Camilla de Luna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Caointiarn Comhthaistealaí
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caolaidhe mac Ceaird
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cara di Appollonio
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Carados ap Caradoc of Pembroke
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Carl of Pendleton
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Carl of Wiltshire
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Carl of Wiltshire (reg.)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Carl the Inquisitor
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Carl the Questionable
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Carla the Unquestionable
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Carson of the Blue Eyes
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Carthann MacLuinge of Inishmore
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Caryl Olesdattir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Caryn Isolde Clothilde von Katzenberg
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Casamira Jawjalny
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cassandra of the Fells
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catalina Giancomuzzi
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catarina Di Caneva
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Catelin O'Meighan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catherine Chamberlayne
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Catherine Hywel of Alton
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Catherine Matthews
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catherine of Ferrara
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Catherine of White Pine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catherine Owain of Porth Ceri
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cathryn Anne of Newbury
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Catilin O`Coingillion
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catrin of Llanbadern
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catrin of Llanbardern
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catrine van der Nacker
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cecilia de Caravello
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cecilia di Firenze
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cecille Marie Garielle Genevieve du Mont
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cecily de Percy
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cedric of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cedric of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ceili MacClaine
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Celeste de Leon
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Celeste Norreys
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Celestine of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ceridwen Alianora McInnes
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ceridwen Môrdelyn Eryri
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ceridwen Noel Telynor
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cerys Bassett
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ceserea Malatesta
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Charlott Falcon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Charlotte of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Chastity
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Chen Yung Ho
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cheri
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Chirhart Blackstar
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Chrestiens de Chanpaigne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Chrisogone Thomas of Portsmouth
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christall MacKellar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christian de Launey
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christian Fletcher
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christian MacLellan
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christian of Cote du Ciel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christoph of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christoph von Lubbeke
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christophe Nevin
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christopher of Bronzehelm
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christopher Xavier
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Christov di Rosa
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cian MacCinaeda
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ciann ua Neill
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ciar dubh ingen Domnaill Moir (AKA Ciarrai MacGriogair)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ciara Russo
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cillian Neill MacAoidh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cinara de Castille
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Claire Frevisse de Montbrun
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Claire le Potter
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Clare
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Clare de Lacy
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Claudia von Lubeck
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cliodhna Ui Fearadhaigh
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Coilin Cruaidhchridheach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Colgrym of Avebury
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Colin Campbell de Leith
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Colin MacDhaibhidh of Southkeep
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Colin MacMichie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Colin Tyndall de ffrayser
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Colleen inghean Phattraicc
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Conall D'Everaux
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Conan MacAlpine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Conchobhar mac Michil
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Connall O'Doibhilin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Conner Blackthorne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Conner MacNeil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Connie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Connor Mack Lynch
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Connor O'Riley
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Connor Tryggvason
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Conor macAlistair of St. Andrews
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Conor Rowan MacCallum
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Conrad von Zuberbuehler
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Constance Bannatyne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Constance de la Rose
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Constance Montgomery
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Constance of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Corey de Lucera
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Corisande de Burgh
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cormac MacGuin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cormac MacTaran
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cornelius the Crusader
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Corrynnth du Cooilsellagh
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Corwin Breemore
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Corwin of Bronzehelm
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Courtney Caesaria Almy (reg. as Caesaria Almy)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Crispin
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cristaine Woyade
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cristina Louise More  
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cristobal Alvarez
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cristy MacLeod
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cu Dub Mac Lorccain
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cuilann McBride
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Curbin Mac Art
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cynric of Defnascir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cynthia Anne of Silverlakes
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Da’od Ibn Roj’ar
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dabhaid MacRaibert
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Daffyd of Whitetree
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dagon of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dainya of Moon Hill
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dairiene O'lestlobain
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Daleene of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Daman MacMillan
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Damhan M'Kynnes
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Damian (of Sentinels' Keep)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Damian Tenny
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Damion Azure
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dammar Fajer/Gustav Greyheart
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dan Halfhand
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dana
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Daniel d'Aurelle
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Daniel Lee O'Byrne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Daniel the Blind
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Danielle Alavaine de Licorne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Danielle of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dannu Thorgierrsson
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Da'oud al-Dimashqi
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Daria de Salamanca
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Daria Fauna de Cankles
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Darius Coligny
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Darius Xerxes al-Rashid
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Date Mitsushima
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: David
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: David Bruce
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Davina Marie des Flanders
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dawish
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dawn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dawnyel of Arnhold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deann Chick
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Deborah
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deborah Browning
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deborah of Gryphon's Lair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Decimus Tiberius Tricostus
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Decker Hawkeswood
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Decklann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deegan the Scraggly
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deirdre of Kerry
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Delaine of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Demus von Grunbach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dercuan
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Derrick of Tintagel
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Derrick the Exile
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deryck of Annesley
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dessera the Enchantress
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Develyn Hansson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Diana Lee Ambree
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Diana the Dreamweaver
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Diego de la Mar
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dierdre Maolruanaidh Campbell an Teochraidaich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dierdre von Drachenfels
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dietmar Wolfmeier
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dietrich of Huntington
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dietrich Schneewolf
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dionisia Peregrine
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dirck de Jager
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dmitri Vladimir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Domenico Bombello
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dominic al-hadi byn-maalik
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dominique Wolfkeeper
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Domnall
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Domnall MacTire (called Griff)
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Donella Chameleon
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Donilee Witherspoon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Donovan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dosia of Glendalough
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Doug Petard/Tarkash
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Douglas Grey
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Douglas Sutherland
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dragan Volkov
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Drake DeHann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Drathen Bain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Drayden Bowtell
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Drea of Erdraug
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dub Essa O'Fidhne
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dubhglas of Annandale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Duncan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Duncan MacPhearson
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Duncan MacVryce
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Duncan of Long Drax
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Duncan Vag Sithech
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dunkr Ormstunga
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dyddgu
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Dylan of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dylan the Traveler
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eachann na Beinne Leithe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eadric Hammersmithe
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eaghan Mackay
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eagon MacCoilin
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ealasaid nic Shuibhne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ealusaid inghean Ghille Bhrighde
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eamonn MacCampbell
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eanfrith Derelei of Ophir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Earc Eideard Cearr
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edgar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Edgar the Builder
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edmund de Port
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edmund of Ratcliffe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Edric Blackstar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Edward Calhoun
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edward Drakenfeld
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edward Fitzwilliam
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edward Menteith
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Edward Shortshanks
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Edward Winterbourne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ehreni
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eibhear Mac Cuilinn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eilidh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Einendoch of Hostel Haus
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eireanne O'Gleannan Diomhair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eirikr Eyvindarson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eirinn O'Riordan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eithne Na Teamhair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ekaterine Kievanova
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elad
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elaina Elizebeth Theakston
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eleanor la Maladriote
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eleanor the Silent
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eleanore MacCarthaigh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eleira de Santiago
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elena Belmare of Sherwood
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elfwine of the Longbow
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elfwyn the Dane
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eli Salazar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elias MacGriogair
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elias McClure
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eliizabeth
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elina Knarrarbringa
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elinore of Loch Salann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elisabeth Davies
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elise
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elise de Champtoceaux
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth [Arn Hold]
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth Black
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth Caldwell
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth Cameron Campbell
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth Carter
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth du Fluer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth O'Byrnne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabeth of Grey Castle
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth of the Crosswinds
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth Stephensdottir
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth Urswick
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabetha Hams
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elizabetta Malatesta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ellen MacDonnal/ Eilidh MacDomnhuill
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ellisif Sleggja
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Els Merryweather
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elsa
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elsa of Schola Metallorum
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elspeth McBain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elyas Tigar
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elyder of Silveroak (AKA Ely O'lestlobain)
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elyn of Coffinbury
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elyne the Elder
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elyphaas Levi Ophenbach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: El'zhbeta Dmitrovna
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emilia
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emilia of Bronzehelm
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emma "Drekbeita" Nandosdottier
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emma Holloway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Emma MacDonald
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Emris
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emrys Dragon
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Emrys of Sentinels' Keep
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eneas MacConcarrigy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Engeline Von Foxridge (Reg.Teresa Cerro Zorro)
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ennlynne Lilje
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Enrique Matias de Rojas
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eoin Maclullich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eresbet of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eric Colquhoun
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eric Dannusson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eric Thorvaldsson/Eric the Rabbit
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Erick d'Arcy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Erin
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Erin Callan O'Connor
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Erin MacClure
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Erin of Lorraine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ermine Coeurcleft
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Esabell Grant
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Esmeret de Saint Circ
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Esther bat Baruch/Arwen de Redvers
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Esther of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Esther of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Etienne Dupre
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eulalie Lockhart
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Eva wen verch Wilim
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Evane Manouche
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Evelyn of Arrow's Flight
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ezekiel the Slightly Demented
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Faith
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Faline
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Faun MacDarragh Walsingham
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fearghus mac Lachlainn
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fedor Poriadnich
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fenton Montero
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fentyr
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ferelith MacDonald
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fergus Andrew MacGillreick
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fernando de Santiago
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ferris Nelson of the Falcon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fiametta da Trastevere
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fine ingen Scandail
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Finlay Comyn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Finn Einar Gilchrist
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Finnbar O'Sirin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Finvid
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fiona MacArtne
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fiona of Skye
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fionbhar MacFianna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fionn MacAindrea
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fionn ui Niall
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fionnghuala inghean Uilliam
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fionnghuala O Murrigane
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fiorrah Aleka
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Flóki hvítskeggr Lambason
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Flora of Heronton
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Floyd Anthony Thomas Smith
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Forest of Gumb
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Francesca da Bari
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Francesca d'Angelo de Noir
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Francisco di Grazzi
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fred of Loch Salann (Vigdis’ Daughter)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Freya
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Freydis the Good
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Frideger Leopo Sturmreiter
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fritz der Klewer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Fritz Zapff
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Fujiwara no Murasaki
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabiella de Tacetti
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gabrelle Elena
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabriel Hawke the Gunsmith
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabriel Lawrence Zubel
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabriel Michael MacFarlane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gabriel Wayfarer
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabrielle Angelline de Montalba
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabrielle Antoinette Dubois
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gabrielle de Nevers
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gabrielle of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gaetana
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gage of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gaius Scorpianus Romanus
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Galina Morjakova Filipovna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Garath'r cath cara bard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gareth ap Llwewlyen
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Garr Ironskull
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Garrick Germain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gaston Pogue
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gauceran de Provence
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gauden of Beremere 
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Geariod MacEgan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gefjon fasthaldri Hrafnardottir
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Genai
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Genevieve de Corbeil
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Genevieve Frei
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Genrose Brigit de Danann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey Cheriton
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Geoffrey de Engoal
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Geoffrey Forester
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey of Crystal Crags
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Geoffrey of Dale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey of Hastings
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey the Procrastinator
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: George Armstrang
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: George Frank MacKenzie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gerald FitzGerald (AKA Fitz)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gerlach Sturmere
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gerlach von Eschenbach
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Germaine Jambert l'Innocente
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Giliana Attewatyr
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gillian de Raveley
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gillian inghean Conchobhair
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gimli
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ginevra del Fiore
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ginevra Ferrea (AKA Gwen of Iron Will)
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ginhayabusa no Yukio
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Giovanna Semenza
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Giovanni il Ratto
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Giovanni Orsini da Venezia
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Giric Vag Sithech
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gisela van Windkeep
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Giselle
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Glae Morghayna
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Glenda MacChlurain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Glorianna Maria Louisa Sophia Geraldinia
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Godfrey de Fry /Engurrin of Warwick
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Godwin FitzGilbert (AKA Godwin fitzGilbert de Strigoil)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Goffredo Pugno di Ferro
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gomez de Santander
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gracia Rede de Hauke (AKA Redhawk)
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Graeme Beudach
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Graham
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grainne Caer ni Morrigan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grainne Dhonn
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Grainne inghean Dhonnchadha
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grainne of Aileach/Grainne Cair ni Morrigan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grania Ariel Caerphilly
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grania McNish of Eagle's Eyre
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Greaghan McBayne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gregori of Sentinels' Keep
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gregory Gustavson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gregory McBride
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gregory of Bec
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Greta von Kuttenberg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Griffin Blackthorne of Bristol
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Grifin Trewren
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grifon de Radonvilliers
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grim Wall of the Whispering Plains
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Grimr inn feilan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Grimulf Thyrmodh
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Grimulfr Halftroll
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Growin MacNeil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gruffydd ap Idwallon
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gryfn Stephenson
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Guarre MacNeil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gudrid Sorensdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Guenivere Marian Coe
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Guilford Winterwood
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Guillaume au Bon Cuer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Guillaume de la Rapiere
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gunnadter
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gunnvor Vikarsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gunwaldt Gullbjorn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gustav von Rostock
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gustava Thanasius von Hausenstadt
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Guthrum Ivarsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gwen Mercer
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwendolen Wold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gwendolyn aet Faegerlea
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gwendolyn of the Shell
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwenevere McAy
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwenhwyvar ferch Tewdrig
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gwenivere
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwenllian verch Ffrancis
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwilym ap Mathias of Conwy
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwynnyth verch Morgan
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gylda
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gyllian Sprigg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gyszel of Côte du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Haakon Haukarson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hakon Vinstri Halfdan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Haldar Skvalore
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Halla Brandsdottir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Halla Garsdottir
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hallerna Stjarnkona
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hamall the Quiet
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hamish MacKellar
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hannah Isobel Lowrie
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hans the Gentle
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: HaraldR Sky Taan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hauk Maclean
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hawke Rivenoake
Group: Dragonsspine
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heather
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heather MacGilChrist
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heather of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Heather of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heather Valbjorndattir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Heidi of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hekja of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helaine du Port
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helchen the Rogue of Capua
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helen Might de Gunthorpe
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helena Boccardi
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helena Handbasket
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helena von Meissen
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helga Skjaldmær
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Helmut von Meer
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heloys de Bec
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Henry Valentine of Pontesford
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hidenhulf i Botgan known as Gere
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hideyoshi Akane
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hienrich Eisen
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hikaru Ichijo
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hildegarde Düsing
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hildegardis filia Vulframni
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hildr Ulfsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hogar Hansen
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Holmbiorn Sundafillyr
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Houri the Savage
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hrodgierr Hrodgierson (AKA Hrothgar)
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hrothgar inn Vegandi
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hugh de Givors
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Iain MacConmhaoil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Iain MacLeoid
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ian MacGrery
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ian of One Thousand Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ian Tanner
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ian the Strange
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ibrahim al-Dimashqi
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Iduna Snorradottir
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ieuan ab Einion
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ignatius Innes
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ilea Fraser
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Illeana Bambina la Dolce
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Illore of the Westlea
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ilyana of Tuloc
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Indra of Arrow's Flight
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Inga
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Inga Eriksdottir
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ingridda Oskarsdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ingvarr Vikarsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Innocent Villain
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Iohne Mac Dabhidh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Irusan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabeau Bernard de Navarre
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabeau con Buchert
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabeau de Savigny
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabeau Guion d'Anjou
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabeau Lia Rossedal
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabeau Somme de Ville
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabel Cordera
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabela Cortez
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabella Damiana Diez de Medina y Sandoval
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabella of Caerphilly
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabelle la Noire/Eleanore d'Angouleme
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isabetta Becarri
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabetta Bianci
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isadora de la Roja/ Irina Roman
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ísgerðr Bjargeyjardóttir (Isgerthr Bjargeyjardottir)
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ismay le Dragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isolde von Kriechbaum
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Issac Hutzel von Wuttenberg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Issac Hutzel von Wuttenburg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Iuliana Constanteanu
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ivan Dalemirich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ivan Leicester (AKA Kensai)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ivan of Zemgale
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ivan the Alchemist
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ivar Drekkerbitt
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ivegard Sask
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jacob the Fryer
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jacob the Jester
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jacomo Zamboni
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jacqueline d'Bear
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jacques
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jade Aldrich
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jade of Sentinel's Keep
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jadi al-Ishfahani al-Samarkandiyya
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jadwiga de Zawada
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jaethen McDavier
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jaime Fullmer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jak de Graeme
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ja'mala al-Badawiyya/Morgan du Marc
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: James [SK]
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: James de Critz
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James Gislemar
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: James Newton de Stile
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: James of Penmore
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James the Wise
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James Uilliam
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: James Ulrich MacKellar
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jamesbad Aziz
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jamukha Batu
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jana Atte Hille
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jane Fox
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jane of the Plains
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Janet Gordon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Janny of Brittany
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jaque de Lux
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jaquelinne de Radonvilliers
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jaquetta
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jaren Bloodstone
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jaryl Stephenson
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jashon Faustus
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jasmine Lamica
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jasmine St. Catherine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jason of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jasyn Tod MacBrimmon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jaythynn Uros Von bohemia
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jean de St. Jean de Angeli
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jean the Fisher
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jean-Luc
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jed
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jeffrey of Arrow's Flight
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jehane de Saint Michael
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jenefer Symmone Mo'r
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jenna Corrigan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jennet Moir de Brechin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jennifer [1000 Eyes]
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jennifer Lovejoy
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jensine Alfheim
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jeremia of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jeremy McLeroy
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jerilyn of Vert Silva
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jessie McKinnon
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jevan Arthgen de Berwyn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jezebel of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jill the Just
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Joanna de Paladin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Joanna of Shrewsbury
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Joel DeGrace
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Joel the Wanderer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jofrior Connorsdottir
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johann Pfielmacher
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johann Wolf Blut
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: JoHanna the Lute Girl
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johanne Katrin die Weyer
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johannes Angelus
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johannes von Narrenstein
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Johannet Renoux
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: John Blod
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John Byron of Wales
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John Fitzgerald de Clare
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John Fletcher
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: John Gilson
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: John Ironstone
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John of Brittany
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John of Gryphon's Lair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John of Stonegate
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: John Richard de Holloway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John Richard Fairfax
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: John Robert of York
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johnathan Erickson
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johnathan of Cote Du Ciel
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johnathon
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ian Mckellar
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jonathon De Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jonet MacTeir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jorundr Skogarnef
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Joscelin Raye
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Joscelyn de la Sol
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Joseph of Silver Keep
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juan Cauhtemoc Aguilar
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juan Sebastian
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juana of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Judith of Sherburn
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juel de Caen
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jules of Warwick
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Juliana
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juliana Fox
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juliana nic Lachlainn
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juliana Selwyn
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Julianus Germanicus
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Julie of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Julien de Nevelet
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jun Yamasaki
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jurgen von Lowenberg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jurgen zem Licht
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Justin Bidel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Jyllian of Bubb
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kadrina Tanskalianen
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kaia Hansdottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: K'alan Taurwen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kalix Sinon
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kamei Kojirou Yoshinaga 
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kamei Sayoko
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kamiyama Hiroshi
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kanamore Yamabukime
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kano Hiroyoshi
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Karen of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Karl Braden von Sobernheim
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Karl Rasmussen of Tvede
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Karl von Metelen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kaspar of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kassandra de Catania
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kat the Wench
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kat?
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katarina de Petyn
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katarina Elisabeth de Clisson
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katarina of Hawkswood
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kate Klierech
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katerina O'Callaghan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katharin the Smiling
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kathelyne Fraser of Lochdoy (AKA Kathlyne Dubh Fraser)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katherine Ce'Nedra von Oppal
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katherine de l'Eau
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katherine Holloway
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katherine Kelly
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katherine Owain of Porth Ceri
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katherine Wycliffe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kathleen de Rose
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kathleen of Otterdale
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kathryn Marie Turner
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kathryn of Iveraugh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katie of Arrow's Flight
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katreana Donavan de Holloway
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katriana
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katriana of the Crosswinds
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katrianna of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katrianna of the Crosswinds
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katrin von Dusseldorf
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katrina of Cote du Ciel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katrine Eberly
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katriona nic Daedin MacAoidh a'Mhonadh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Katya in raudhara
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kaylee Anne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kaylin Tomashi
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Keith of Kent
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kelsey Drekkerbitt
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kelvin Anders
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kelwin Ratslayer
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kenneth Wayne
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Keridwen of Montrose
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Khalid ibn Ibrahim al-Basir
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Khalida bint Rojer al Rabi
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: K'harlampi P'ianista
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Khorhene of Corbin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Khudkakhar the Bear
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Khynika Nikol'eva vnuchka
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kian hrafn af Dyrnesi
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kiera
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kiera Morkstjarna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kierrieanna MacDonnell
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kieser der Murrisch
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kilah
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Killian Calaway
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Killian Flynn MacThoy
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kinga de la Roux
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kiraana Davydova
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kita no Mesume
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Klaus Weizenbrauer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Konall Rogersson
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Koneko No Umiko
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Konrad von Krixen
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kormak Hroarsson (reg. as Cormac mac Ruadri)
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kortland Stirling Mayfaire
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Koshka
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kouss Theass
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kraygun Sald
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kristiane
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Astrid of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kristiane of Loch Salann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kristin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kristine Ragnvaldsdatter (called the Killer Rabbit)
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Krystyn of Wulfekin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kveldulf Lohipoika
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kveldulfr av Ulfsgaard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kvigger Brodn
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kyle Allen Schwartzwald
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: KyneWynn the Kind
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kynric de Coventry
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Kyri the Red
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kyrie of Cirrage
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lachlan Morgan
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Landolf Witkowski
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lars
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Laurellen de Brandevin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Laurellen du Brandevin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lauren Tumponue
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Law Sparhawk
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lawrence Bacon
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lazarius Howard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Leah de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lecelin of Arundel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lecelina O'Brien of Mountshannon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lee of the Crystal Clyffe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Leiannka Zoraya Zelolev
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Leidolfr' Ragnarson
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lenore the Lost
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Leon Du Chateau
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Leowyn Constance Marshall
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: LeRoi of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Leslie Rose Merryweather
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Letitia des Montagnes Bleues
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Li Li
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Liam Holmbiornson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Liam MacFarlane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lianor da Costa
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lilian Turley
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lilli
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lilvati bint Talib
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Linda Halley of Barry
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lindzee de Florenz
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Linnet Morningstar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lisset Clarisse Wilkins
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lizzie
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Llywellyn ap Rhodri Hopkins
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lochlain the Lost
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lochlan Bjornson (Reg Lakhan Bornin syn)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Logan of Fairbrook/Griogair Loganaich a'Bhannillt
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Logan O'Lorccan
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lore von Vechta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lorenz Wilhelm
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lothair the Bear
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lothar Krieger de Schauspieler
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lott
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Louis Pelissier
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Loxley of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lucas Silvertre
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lucia Ilaria Malatesta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Luciana of the Ivy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lucien Le Noir Cuirier
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lucrezia Colze
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lucrezia da Volterra
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ludmilla Nikolaevna Volkova
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Luisa of the Willows
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lutvik der Kramer
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Luveday de Salford
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lynette Huntingdon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lyon MacKeegan
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lyonel Oliver Grace
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Lysette d'Everaux
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mac Con mac Rodáin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Macela Christine
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mackenzie Cawdor
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Madalena Renaldi
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maddi
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maelian
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maeve - Keeper of the Hounds
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maeve M'Crimmon/Maeve Fiona MacCrimmon
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Magda Vladimirovna Krasnov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Magdalen Anne Catherine Ravenstein
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Magdalena del Monte
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Magdalena Lucia Ramberti
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Magdelen Isabelle Maria de Valencia
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maghnus Mac Faelain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Magnus Beartase
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Magnus Mikkelson
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Magnus of the Burning Waters
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Magnus Sigurdson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Magnus Slembidjakn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mair of Lew
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maire Bridgit ni Mhoire O'Meagher
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maire Inghean ui Dheorain
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mairghread inghean Uilluim
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mairsile Kendric
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mairwen verch Cerridwen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Malatesta Simonetti
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Malcolm MacCealliach
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Malcolm MacNeill
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Malcolm MacPherson
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Malcolm of Fife
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Malkin Allardson
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mananon de la Pleut
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mantus Daglien
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maori of Cote du Ciel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mara the Black
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marcella livia Pavo
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marcello daDonnici
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marco dei Caprioli
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marcus Caecilius Existimator
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marcus de l'Aile
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marcus MacDougall
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Margaret Anne of Somerset
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Margaret Blakesley
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Margaret Mendeith (reg. as Margaret Mentieth)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Margaret of Cote du Ciel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Margate Verch Llywelyn
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marguerite des Baux
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marguerite Du Retto du Brest
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marguerite fileresse de saie
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maria Zenobia MacThoy
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mariah
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mariah Jehane of the Wulfekin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marianne Freya Spjeldvik
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maridah Radcliffe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marie Ashton
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marie de Saint Onge
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marie Lorraine de Montclair
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marie of Cote du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marie von Lowenburg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mariegold
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marika NicLachlainne na Gunn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marisa nic Gregior
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marius Markos Algallon Armenios
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Markus Ruger
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marlyse
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Marten Claessen van Ruyssevelt
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Martus Almasy
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mary Amanda Fairchild
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mary Catherine of Castle Mountain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary Cats the Minikin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary Claire of Clan McDonald
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mary Constance MacBain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary Elizabeth of Arundel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary Louise the Brave
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary of Arhane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary of Loch Salann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mary the Merry
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marya Elizavita Mikhailova
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Massala
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Màtè Czygan
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Math Halfdane - called the Fish
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Matheus de Petyn
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mathew Martigan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mathghamhain MacAlpine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Matilda of Stirling
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mattheus
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Matthew of Ipswich
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Matthias Gordon of Glen Devon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Matthias Silvan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mauda McClain
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maude Teler
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maura Aaronwyn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maureen
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maximillian von Passau
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Maxmilian von Fallingbostel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Maysun al-Isfahaniyya
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: McCaila
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meabdh O'Comain a Corca Laoidhe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Meg Davenport
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meg O'Neil
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Megen de la Beche
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Megen du Forde
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Meghan
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meghan of Arrows Flight
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meghan of Clan Sutherland
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meig O'Dobhlain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Melangel ferch Rhys ap Owain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Melangell ferch Rhys ap Owain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Melanie
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Melasande of Greenhaven
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Melinda Traveler
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Melisande Alys Deschaux
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Melissente Lyonne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Meraud des Belles Feuilles
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Merglin Fuchsyn
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Merin du Bourbon
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Merwyn ferch Morgan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Merzanna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Micahel MacGarry
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael Gerard Curtememoire
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael Joseph LaMano Dolce
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michael MacCranney
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michael MacGarry of Antrim
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael O'Brien
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael of Aquitane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michael Romark
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael the Bullseye
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michael the Loud
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michael the Lucky of Lancaster
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michele Bacelier de la Chance
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michele de Aragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Michelle of Harris upon York
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mighan Kele Nidun
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Miguel Delgado
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mika
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mikahle of Moon Hill
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mikel von Foxridge
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mikhail of Silverkeep
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mikhail the Varangian
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mikulas the Butcher
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Miles Stockton
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Milisandia verch Madoc
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Mina of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Miranda
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mirr Merat al-Qasab
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Miyamoto Takezo
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Moira of Cloonlara
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Moire O'Lestlobain
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mongo of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Monica De Chocolat
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mor Lochlann Harte
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morag a'Skye
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morgan Aethelwulf
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morgan Anderson
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan Blaidd Du
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan D'Antioche
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan de Holloway
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan ferch Cennydd of Hawksreach
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan Glynndwr
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan McFie
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morgan nic Gregor
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morgann
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morlan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morrigan MacFhionnachtaigh
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morrigan of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morwenna atte Fenix
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morwenna de Membyri
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Movius von Reitfurt
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Moyses de Mondello
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mstislav of Novgorod
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Muchat
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Muirenn ni Ailbe
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Muirgheal inghean Shitheach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Muirine
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Murdoch MacLennan
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Myghchaell Loughlin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Myira bat Ranya
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Myrddin ap Ardin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Myrddyn Woulffe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nahanni bint al-terazzi
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Naima bint Rashid al-Andalusiyya
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Najarra Min Al-Shshams
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Najuma Saharowi
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nancy de Critz
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nancy of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nanette de la Mar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Natalia Lovtsevich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Natalia Tanzenwolf
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nathaniel Willoughby
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nenaeve of Gwynedd
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nerilka Sudovshehikov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nero
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nesrin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nessa Inghean Uilliam
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Niall Logan
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Niccolo Gianfigliazzi Genovese
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nicholas
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nicholas Alejandro del Otono
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nicholas Demere of the Oaken Staff
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nicholas von Droht
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nicolai Rusjager
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nicole Drake de Luna
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nicole of Loch Salann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nicolina of Cornwall
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nijo Yoshimitsu
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nikolai Dmitri Zhdanovich Dolgorukov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nikolai Ivanovich Sudovshchikov
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nils Volgaard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nina of the Lost Caverns
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Niniana Morgan
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Noël of the Byways
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Novella Fortunata Viti
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nuala Cochrane
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Nuala Teegan
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: NyKyha al-Sabir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Odolf Liafwin/Odfa Liafwin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ǫgmundr hrokr
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Olaf Canceler
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Olivia di Ravenna/Caitlyn Fletcher
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Olivia the Fragile
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Onora inghean ui Aodha
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ookami of Farhave
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ophelia la Poretta
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Orenya of Cheddar
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Orfhlaith Ingen Bhriain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Oriana De Javier
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Orianna de Poitou
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Osondrea Elspeth Gabrielle du Bete
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Otiliah Vuhs
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ottar Magnusson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Otto of Côte du Ciel
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Owen Dayspring
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Owen the Evil
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Owen y Bwa ap Howell
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Owna ny Glasnie
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ozanna McDennison Macleod
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Padraig MacBrian of Lough Strangford
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Padraigin Ohilfearnain
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Padruig macTavish
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pasha Starling Mayfaire
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Paul of Loch
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pawel of Gdansk
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Pelinore of Silver Keep
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Penelope Highfield
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pepi d'Ayamonte
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pericleia of Constantinople
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Perry Gordon
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Perwyr verch Owen
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Peter de Nevillett
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Petronilla of Argyll
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Phaelaine Ellwoode
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Phalen
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Philip de Lisboa
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Phillip of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Phineas 'Ivan' Keler
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Pieter van Zwolle
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pietro de Baptista
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Pillan MacArtne
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Pohjoisesta Kultaseppa Koullin (Kaukori)
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Porthos of Kent
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Praxilla Taurina
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Primus of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Qamar al-Nisa al Anatolia (Reg. as Qamar al-Nisa)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Quentin Kirtsean Tarragon
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Quillant
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachael du Boise le Basque
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rachel [BH]
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachel Ashton
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachel Ravenlock
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachelle Cornelli
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rafaella dei Montagne Courebianco
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ragnarr Ionsson
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ragnarr Rod Steinn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ragnell Gry
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rahmut al-Tayyiba
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Raibert Cambeul
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raimund of Jutland
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raina Laurentiiovna Doch
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raine
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ralph of Stan Wyrm
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ramon De Javier
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ramona la Indomita
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rand Wulf
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Randal Avery of the Mease
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Randulf
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raoghnailt Marie Beatrix de la Barbe
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rapheal the Rogue
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rasheed Ahmen Omar
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rashid al Wahid
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rashida al-Maaharun
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Raven Ashe Hunter
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Raven du Loche
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raven Locke
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Raven the Wanderer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ravis Lucas Deorila
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rayya
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Razumnik Zhiroslavich
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rebecca Chadderton
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rebecca the Reluctant
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rebekah of Loch Salann
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rechnar von Brandenbury
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Regina Katherine Rollinson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Reginald Du Aldebourne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Reginald Warwick
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Reinmar Wolfmeier
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Renee de la Pommeraie
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Renee Dominique Vittorio
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rhianna ingen Cathail
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rhianna of Erin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhiannon Brenna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhiannon MacDhaibidh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhiannon the Gentle
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhianwen Morgaine ferch Aelhaearn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rhyndel Angharad Terentia
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rhys Ap Maelgwn Ap Cynan
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rhywallen du Dornoch Firth
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Riain ap Saoirse
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ricardo De Leon Piccolo
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Richard de Maris
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Richard of Annesley
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Richard Stark
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Richenda de St. Clair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rikker the Gray
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Riley Frost of Farhaven
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rimdular
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rina d'Aillette
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rob the Piper
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robbert the Peaceful
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Bedlam
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert de Fletcher the Duelist
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert de Spencer
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert de Spencer II
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert fitzWilliam
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert le Raven MacLeod
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert mac Neill nhic Donnachaidh of Inchmagranach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Silverbow of the Fells
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert the Bard
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert the Lost
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robert the Strong
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robert Wydville
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Roberto Damiano da Bologna
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robin Le Lucera
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robin of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robin Randell Petrie
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robin Wodeman
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Robyn of Gryphon's Lair
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Robyn O'Reilly de Aragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rochelle de la Mer
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rochelle Renee de la Breton
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Roderick ap Cenydd
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rodrigo de Castille Leon
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rodrigo de Navarro
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Roger de Palermo
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rognvaldr dan Jaegar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rogyll Renfield
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Roland of Yorkshire
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Roland Youngforest
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ronan Geirson ta Rautalahti
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ronsin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rosalind the Tender
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rosamond Carver
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rosamonde Aurelia Ravensea
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Roshayann D'Lynn
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rowan Meabhh MacTeera
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rowena Montgomery McMichie
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rowena of Avalon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Rozalija of Silverkeep
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ruaidri Campbell
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rudhri Campbell
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rudolph Fekter
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ruger von Wolfenjaeger
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rurik Christiansen
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ruth the Pilgrim
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ruth the Timid
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ruth the Widow
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ruth Wayne of the Green Hills
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ruzgar ibin Fahalan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rycharde de Bruce the Fowler
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ryryd ap Gwerstan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Saaiqa Chandani
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sabin de Sauvage
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sabina
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sabina Ostler of Portsmouth
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sabine Crespelle
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sabine De Drogo de la Zentille
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sabine od Vlatavy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sabine of Wyndbourne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sabriyya bin Mikail al Ardabil
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Saffeea Zevce Boga
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Safiya Al-Zarqa
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Saige verch Laurens
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sajah al Shiraziyyah
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sakura Kita Maikeru
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sakura no Gorozaemon Yoichi
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sakura no Tetsuyari Tsumiyori
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Salam'el ibn Ahmoud
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Salome Abdul T'Shall
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Samantha of Avondale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Samuel of Grimborne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sanada Mitsuhide
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Saoirse Inghen ui Ruaic
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sara of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sarah von Feuerbach
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sarah Gill
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sarah Thomasyn
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sartakh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sasha of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Satcher the Sand Dragon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sati al-Isfahaniyya
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Satya Amnesiac
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Savati
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Savina des Gitanes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Seamus the Shameless
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sean Chipendale
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean Cleirech
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean Kirkpatrick Tarragon (reg. as Sean Kirkpatrick)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sean MacAiodh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean MacCenna
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean Michael MacAiodh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean O'McKennen
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sean O'Sirin
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sean Thorvaldsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sebastian the Traveler
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Seng Si
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Senica
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Seoinin Irontree
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sere McKelley
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Serefina Brasso
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Serenity
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sergei Stepanovich Bezru'kev
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Seth Fletcher
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shae nic Lean
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shalama
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shamus McPike
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shandril Germain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shannon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shanta de la Mar
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sharlee Lenartz
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sharma Archerfriend
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shathow
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shauna of Carrick Point
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Satake Naname
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shawn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shawn de Lucera
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shaylan MacNeil of Wandering Feet
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sheaghda McCullouch
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sheelaegh mac Cathail
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sheelagh of Priests Meadow
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shintala
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shintaro masashige (Lash wraithbone)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Shyeleen Ileice Leticia Kirkpatrick
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sieg Geirolnir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sigmund Schwartzwald
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Signy Gydadottir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Signy Hari
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Signy the Slow
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sigrothr Melrakki
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sikman the Stout
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Simahoyo Yahola
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Simon Novgorodov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Simon of the Black Hands
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Simona de Foletti
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Simone
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sine Fergusson of Kintyre
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siobhan inghean Roibin
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siobhan of Crystal Crags
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sionan Padraig Caimbeul
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siren
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sitara
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sitric McConnaill
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siubhan MacDuff
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siwsan McGowan
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Skarphedin Leifsson
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Skye de Lucera
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Skylar the Brown Eyes
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sneferu sa Djedi mwetif Merit (also reg. as Einarr inn kristni Hákonsson)
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sofi the Crabby (reg. as Sofi Crabbe)
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sophia Ivarsdottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sophia Sedon
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sophia the Wanderer
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sophie
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sorcha
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sorcha an Dornleus
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sorcha inghean Aoidh
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sorcha inghean Ui Lorcain
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sorcha of Loch Maree
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sorcha of Sherwood
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Spanish Dan (Reg. Daniel de Taviras Espadachin)
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sprata the Rat Lord
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Steaphan MacTir
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Stefana of Starfall
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephan Schwartzwald
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephan Vuhs
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephen Hamersmythe of Dragon's End (Reg.)
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephen McCale
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephen Minstrel
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Stephen Serpent Slayer
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Stephen the Other
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Steven Wolfrem
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Strausie of Castelleone Nuovo
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Styrr Ulvarson
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Subotai Cinoa
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sumayya bint Suleiman
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sundrina of Dragonmarch
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Susan Moore
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Susanna de Castil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Svein inn fróði
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Svein the Wretched
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sven the Templar
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sybill the Daft
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sybyll de Warene
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Syeira Caminante
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Symonne de Clare
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Symonne de Clermont en Beauvaisis
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Symonne de St Maur Des Fosses
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tabitha de Luna
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tadgg Derg ua Ciarain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tadgh O'Cuileannain
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tagan
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Taira Kentarou Shigekuni (known as Heigo)
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tairdelbach MacLachlainn /Shajara al-Ameena
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Taka MacLeod
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Takeyama Nakayoshi
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Talanesea Gupta
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Talia E'Toile eluminer
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Taliesin dhu Gwarthegydd
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Taliesin of Clan Furlong
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tamar Oqropiri /Tamar Black Sea
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tamsyn Sutherland
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tanglwyst de Holloway
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tanzeda de Radonvilliers
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tara
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tarl Tallbotte
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Taryn mac Cormac
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tasadar
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tatania
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tatiana Nikitovna Aleksovich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tati'iana Zoia Aleksieva
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tatiyana
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tearlach MacMillan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Teckla of Unicorn Meadow
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tegan de Raveley
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tegan ferch Aethric
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tegan y Telynores
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Teghan MacLiam
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Teleri ferch Lludd
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tera Dragonstaff
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Terah of Caer Narvon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Teresa de Cadiz
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Terrell al-Qasab
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thaddeus Ariadneson
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thaddeus Guy/Otnand Vettich
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Theiron de Lioncourt/Terence Kimble
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Theodicia des Wittlesbach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Theodora d'Heronville
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Theodora of Trebizond
Group: Deceased
Registered: 1
Active: 0
SCA Name: Theodore de Champidou
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Theodric van Rijn
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Theophania of Hythe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Therasia von Tux
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Therese du Donjon des Sentinelles
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Therius the Hilarious
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thomas de Beaumont
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thomas de Bohun
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thomas de Mourtenshire
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thomas Foxhall of Gravesend
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thomas Harold Artemis Redfield
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thomas the Colorful
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thomas the Diminutive
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thomas the Potter
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thor One Son
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thora of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorad Bjorgsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thorfinn the Just (reg.)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorfrida Grimsdottir
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorger
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorgierr Gunnarsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thorgrim Steinarsonn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thorhal the Hunter
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorkatla Bjarnardottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorolf
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thorvald Ulfhednar
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorvaldr Blodox Ericksson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tianna Ni Coimin (reg. as Tanne Comyn)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tiberia Julius
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tierrynna CaerNarvon/ Terah of Caer narvon
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tiffany of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tigernach Bard 
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tighearnan MacGregor
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tighearnan mag Cinndeargain
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tilke von Lehe
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tilmann Glückhaft (Til the Lucky Til von Mannheim)
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Timmur Jochan (reg. as Timur al-Badawi)
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Timothy Brother/Brother Timothy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Timothy Garnewood
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tireachan MacPherson
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Titiana Craft
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Titianna dell Angelica
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Titus Didius Maximus
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Titus Silvius Aquila
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Toirdealbhach Bodhar
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tokihira Tamasaki
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tomas de La Mallorca
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tomas Winterwood
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tony Lipari
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tor von Butterberg
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Torbaec O'Duinne
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Torgene of Arn Hold
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Torin Ironbrow
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Toukhil MacNeil
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tracy Phillips
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tristan Heartrose the Unbalanced
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tristan Hervé
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Troailtys Coisich
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tryggvar Halfdan
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Tsuyoi Sukanku
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tuathflaith ingean ui Thighearnain
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tula Zeeraze
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Turi MacCarthy
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Twas Winkler
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Uggedei Mighan Nidun
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Uilliam McAindria (William)
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulbhaidh nan Monadh Dhu
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ulfberht
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulfr Bonde
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulric de Dalyhel
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulric de la Rosa
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulrich von Grimme
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulrich von Violette
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Uluric Gilcrist
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Um Da’ud Rayhanna al Suri
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Una Bjornsdatter
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Uriah MacGilchrist/Oriah MacGilChrist
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ursa Arci
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ursula de Strattone
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vadoma
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valandi Parama
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Val-Bjorn
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Valcav Taz Svoboda
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valdís Bjarki
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valentina la Marcheande
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valentinus Zapolya
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valka Lakhandottir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valka Leifsdottir
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vallaria the Illogical
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vanya Shakhmatnikov
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Varia Goffe
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vashti
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vasily Shatho Urenski
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Velma the Harper
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Veorn Natthawk Ragnarsson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Verena von Farnburg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Veronique d'Arcy
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Veronique de Holloway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Veronique Tromp l'Oile
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Veyla Sol
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 1
Active: 0
SCA Name: Victor Davidson
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Victor Highgate
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Victoria Eisen
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Victoria of Lochlann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Victoria of the Crosswinds
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Victoria of the Rockford
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vidar Brekebowe
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vigabrand
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vigdis Hakkondottir
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vigdis Ionsdottir
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Viktor Vladimirovich Strakov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vilhelm Silverhammer
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vincent McThomas
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vincenzo Del'Aquila
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Violetta Veneziana
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Violinda d'Cocghraine
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Virginia
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vivian
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vivian Leonna d'Arcy
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vladimir Danzig Bartok
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vladimir Neupokoev
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vladimir Rurik Sheremetyev
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vladimir Vitalievich Volkov
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vladislav Korsakov
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vogg Hjalti Hrolfsson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Voltarra Greyheart
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Vsevolod Igorovich (Sevya)
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vulcan Fergus
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Walher
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wallace fitzWilliam
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Walter
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Walter de Clare
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Walter of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wavrin the Wanderer
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Waylan Dentinhelm
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wayne MacDonald
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wendel Weller/Wendell the Badger Weller
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wilhelm Bowman
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wilhelm Emmanuel Schleicher
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wilhelm von Adlersheim
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wilhelm von Munchen
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William Baptista Halloway
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William Connor MacKay
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William de Bec
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Gallowglass
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Kyle of the Wilderness
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William le Child
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William le Dragoner/William the Dragonhearted
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William leBond the wakedog
Group: Otherhill
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Murphy
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William of Southerland
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William of Stonegate
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William of Vielburgen
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Somme de Ville
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William the Sinister
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William the Younger
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Thorsson
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: William Wilde
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: William?
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Willum Halfhand
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wiltold Kryzptor
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Winifred Whitehorse
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wojcek Sobieski
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wolfgang der Stumm
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wolfgang Heinreich von Weinberg
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wolfgang von Tolstad
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wolfram der Jager
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wolfram of Bear Mountain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wulf Archier
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wulf Ericson
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wulf Sagan von Osten-see
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wulfe H'dey of the Winds
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wulfgang von Branburg
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wulfgar Kennetson
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wylef the Stubborn
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Xanthius Dracontius
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Xavier de Saone
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Xeno della Lama
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Xugolbi Jabu
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yaasamiin al-Raqqasa al-‘Ala'iyiyya
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yakoub Kadar
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yakuta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yamamoto Shintaro Ujiyori
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yamanouchi Eidou
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yashoda
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ygraine Cei Ferch Gwenydd
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ygrainne ferch Rhun
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yin Mei Li
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ynesyn Ongge Xong Kerij-e
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: YongHwa
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yorick of Yarmouth
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yrsa Ivarsdottir
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ysabeau Champdiou de Navarre
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ysabel la Serena de Lille
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ysabet Abella
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yuki Shiro
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yuki Tamoe
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yumitori no Kiyoshi (reg. as Aylwin Graham the Flamehaired)
Group: Deceased
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Yuri the Yakslapper
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yvette
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zach
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Zach Macleod
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zafirah Tahreer bint at Riyah
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zarabeth em Zarathustra
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Zianna De Lakeitio
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zoe Amaranta
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Zoe of Cheddar
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zuzanne Suwalska
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sumayya of Yibna
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Annelise von Aachen
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brandon
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Connor McMichael
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cú Dub mac Lorccáin
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sextus Papellus Caesidious
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christopher ap Odde
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Odde ap Tam
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Soffi Ivarsdottir
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vincenzo del Aquila
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Virgil Valyn
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heath Gisbourne
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ursula Biornsdottir
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alec ap Odde
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Will ap Odde
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: David de Petyn
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Will ap Odde
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dirck Der Jager
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan Greindour
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hoggar Hanson
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ambrose Norwich
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caleb Cameron
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kore
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ise Kotaro no Kurama
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alfdis Hakandottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dalek Volkov
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Phillipe of Stonegate
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kristi of Arn Hold
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sirrus the Blind
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ceridwin filia Bala
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Donald fitz Alan
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Athanasius of Sparta
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Siobhan MacDufh
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shirin min Alshshams
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Caoilfhionn inghean ui Flaithbheartaigh
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Matteo of Gryphon's Lair
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Melanie of Arn Hold
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Simon the Smith
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Cristina de Lagonissa
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Chagatai Burilgi
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 1
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aramis Salgado
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gabriel Robertson
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jasmine
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ignat Ladogin
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Isabella Guererro
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valr Skjaldari
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lili of Bronzehelm
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Chaia bat Johanan
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 1
Active: 0
SCA Name: Belatrix de Covington
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Elayne Chisholme
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoff of Loch Salann
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gaius Crassius Germanicus
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jorik
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Conall Ua Doibhilén
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Joan de Covington
Group: Castelleone Nuovo
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Adelheid Rotlin
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Henry de Spencer
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dierdre Baird
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nadia of the North
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Ingridr Rauokinn
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Joan of Ook
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katrín Stefánsdóttir
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Talorc Caer Arianrhold
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Balen Blackmere
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Djarl Galfndson
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Freya Variasdottir
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gautier of Loch Salann
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kazimir Konstantinov
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tessema of Arn Hold
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Vigdis au Neil
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Elizabeth [1000 Eyes]
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Catherine Noelle Elizabeth Petit
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aaron di Paladin
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: James
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jennifer
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rook
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ogmundr hrokr
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachel [1000 Eyes]
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sheela de Presle
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hellmuth Gugel
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lochlainn Hallvardarson
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Juan Aguilar de Granada
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aife ingen Muiredaig
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Harun ibn Yusuf al-Qudsi
Group: Myrgan Wood
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: David dePetyn
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Duncan Fletcher
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Strausie of Sentinels Keep
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kristiane de Chance
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Therasia Von Tux
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ryan of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Taylor of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Madison of 1000 Eyes
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thaddeus of 1000 Eyes
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shirley of 1000 Eyes
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jasmine of 1000 Eyes
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sarah von Feuerbach
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sarah bat Reuben
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bridgette Parish
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Malcolm Parish
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Seraphina Rose
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Shauna Sal Speranza
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Denise of Amberley
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Matsumoto Ai
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jora Williamsdottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Deralt Galensson
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gaius Tiberius of the Julii
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Birna Bjornsdottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Cecilia Bookbinder
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Saffeea the Tailor's Wife
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Osbern le fiz Robert
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Emalina de Mortain
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kaspar Graf
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Knut i Lundi
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ays Galster
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Theodore of Harris upon York
Group: Dragonmarch
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Alicia of Côte du Ciel
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Auri Vahan
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Wulfgar Banner-bearer
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Evelyn Highwood
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kerrah of Two Rivers
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sarah Douglas
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Athanos of Sparta
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Myira of Arn Hold
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Andrew Bowman
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Gasparre di Lucca
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Marcus Gilson
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sevati Chikkaya
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Sevati Chikkaya
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Morgant Fagan
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Richard von Teck
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Geoffrey Robertson
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Hugh the Bowyer
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Isaac the Blacksmith
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Erin Riggs
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Christina de Lagonissa
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Keterlyn Katzenellenboyer
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Thora Atterdag
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Atilius Primus Castus
Group: Crystal Crags
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Meagan Harfnsdottir
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Helmut Cugel
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Callaghdooney MacGillowie
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan the Bald
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Razumnik Zhiroslavich Zhuravlev
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Livia Pomponia Graecina
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Heather Calderwood
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kameron Lindau
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Keaton Lindau
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rachel Kleinmuller
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name:
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ziva of Loch Salann
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ziva of Loch Salann
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Crestina da Brescia
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Bronwyn Morgan the Embroiderer
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Reynhard Sebastian von Reutte
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ravenhyrst
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Miri Nader
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kara Baraksdottir
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Reynerius Delaire
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Reynerius Delaire
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Idunn Nornsdottir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kára Báreksdóttir
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Katherine Cantor
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gerlinde Scrivens
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name:
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mavriki Andronikov
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Johannes de Javier
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan the Bald
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Morgan Lucktain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Aedamnair O’Dubhain
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 0
SCA Name: Anna Veillette
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Colleen of Stan Wyrm
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jesse Billson
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Michael Veillette
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sigrid Ros Ulfhild
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Rohesia Fetch Dia
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jeffery of Artemisia
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Datsun Sahin
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jacob of Windgate
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nathaniel of Windgate
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tara of Windgate
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Aaron ap Odde
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Peregrine ap Odde
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Domnall Boii
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Domnall Boii
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Thorston Kvendulfson
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Turstin FizOsbern
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Genevieve du Bois Joli
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kiyune of Côte du Ciel
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ulvar Tryggvason
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Uther Scheimann der Hunt
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Brandon MacCool
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Astrid of Stonegate
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Anastasia Mechina Drozdova
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Asbjorn Bjarnisson
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Valdr
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ember Frost
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Alyna de Vega
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wolfgang of 1000 Eyes
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hildegard von den Pfauen
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lydia daughter of Bronach
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Killian of 1000 Eyes
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sven Brazhnikov
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jonathon de Bec
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Otto Hardbeinn
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Otto Harðbeinn
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Andrew of Riga
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Leticia de Scocia
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Zayn Bradensohn
Group: Bronzehelm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Dietrich Geroltzoon Tassoma
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Hextilda filia Fredric
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Olivia of volch'ya staya
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Khalid of volch'ya staya
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lucas of Gryphons Lair
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ermine de Groot
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eys Gallister
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nathaniel of Gryphons Lair
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Þora Biarnardóttir
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Eduard Litiljohne
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Diana of Arn Hold
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Grayden of Arn Hold
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Otto Siefried
Group: Stan Wyrm
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Svana Wolfsbane
Group: Arn Hold
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tyre Wolfsbane
Group: Windegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Ruger
Group: Inactive/Out of Kingdom
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mari Alexander
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Mariana Vivia de Santiago
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sabine la Crespele
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Coraline
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Safiye zevce Boga
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Nigel Morganson
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Myfanwy Gwen
Group: Silver Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Snæbjorn Bresson
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Petronella de Fenne
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lyn of Stan Wyrm
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Gwen of Stan Wyrm
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tom of Stan Wyrm
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Olivia of volch'ya staya
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Khalid of volch'ya staya
Group: Crown Lands
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Wolferam Kupferschmidt
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Kazimir Konstantinov of Novgorod
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Petro Kovelenko
Group: Côte du Ciel
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Jonathan Carden
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Lijsbet van Zwolle
Group: Arrow's Flight
Registered: 1
Active: 1
SCA Name: Audrie the Jolly
Group: River Serponnde
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Tyson of 1000 Eyes
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Taylor of 1000 Eyes
Group: Sentinels' Keep
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Sylgja
Group: Gryphon's Lair
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Smidur Torhand
Group: One Thousand Eyes
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Etienne Valois
Group: Loch Salann
Registered: 0
Active: 1
SCA Name: Yamashiro No Irou
Group: Stonegate
Registered: 0
Active: 1


1DeceasedGrant of Arms1990-01-27
2DeceasedWhite Duck1984-10-01
3DeceasedWhite Lark1984-12-15
4Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-02-13
5Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf2007-07-28
6Inactive/Out of KingdomErmine and Gauntlet2003-12-13
7Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-28
8Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2016-04-30
9Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2009-03-14
10Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2006-02-16
11Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
12Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2010-10-16
13Inactive/Out of KingdomDefense2015-06-20
14Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2013-03-02
15Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2012-01-07
16Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2002-11-02
17Arn HoldAward of Arms1999-09-04
18Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-10-17
19Arn HoldCombattant Moose1999-09-04
20Arn HoldGolden Pillar2002-03-16
21Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2007-04-03
22Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-01-26
23Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-03
24Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
25Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2011-07-16
26Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2000-01-15
9188Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2022-05-07
9446Arn HoldTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
27Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-04-14
28Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2010-06-18
29Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2010-03-20
30Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2008-07-12
31Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2012-09-22
32Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2014-10-18
33Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume2000-02-26
34Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2003-03-08
35Crystal CragsGolden Pillar2018-03-10
36Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1986-03-22
37Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1987-12-19
38Loch SalannArgent Plume2016-03-12
39Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-10-03
41Loch SalannJewel of the Keep2017-03-04
42Loch SalannSilver Crane2017-03-04
9643Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2023-09-09
43Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1996-12-14
44Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1996-06-14
45Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-10-23
46One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2000-11-18
47One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2004-03-06
48One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
49One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2000-11-18
50One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2005-11-19
51Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-02-13
52Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-03-11
53Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2017-12-09
54Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-03-11
8370Loch SalannGolden Tear2017-02-04
8371Loch SalannSilver Pegasus2018-09-08
8372Loch SalannStar and Lily2016-12-03
8375Loch SalannRowan2018-09-29
8376Loch SalannRoyal Cypher2019-05-12
8377Loch SalannCourt Barony2019-05-04
8707Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2020-10-17
9315Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2022-05-28
9580Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-09-16
9627Loch SalannPelican2023-12-09
9673Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2024-03-16
55Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-07-10
56Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1995-12-16
57Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1995-01-14
58Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2002-03-23
59Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2004-10-16
60Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-10-21
61Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-10-28
62Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2003-07-12
63Sentinels' KeepLaurel2008-03-08
64Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-01
65Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2003-10-18
66Sentinels' KeepPelican2011-06-17
67Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2003-07-12
68Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2009-07-18
69Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane1997-10-25
70Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2002-08-24
71Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2009-10-24
72Silver KeepAward of Arms1991-09-28
73Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-02-26
9256Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2022-08-20
74Arrow's FlightAward of Arms1987-09-05
75Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2005-01-29
76Arrow's FlightKey Cross2008-02-02
77Arrow's FlightPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1989-07-08
78Arrow's FlightPelican2006-02-16
79Arrow's FlightQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1987-12-05
80Arrow's FlightViscounty1989-07-08
81Arrow's FlightWhite Duck1987-08-08
82Arrow's FlightWhite Lark1992-08-22
83One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2000-10-28
84One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
85One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2000-11-18
86Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-12-04
87Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1991-12-07
88Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1992-12-12
89Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1996-04-27
90Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1991-03-09
91Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-09-24
93DeceasedWhite Duck1983-07-24
94Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-03-23
95Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae2005-07-16
96Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2005-06-03
97One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2015-01-17
98One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2017-11-11
99One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2014-08-20
100One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2013-08-03
8382One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2018-01-20
8391One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2019-01-19
101Loch SalannAward of Arms1983-08-13
102Loch SalannCourt Barony2018-03-10
103Loch SalannWhite Duck1983-08-24
104Loch SalannWhite Lark1988-06-04
105Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-02-12
106Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-07-25
107Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1990-02-21
108Loch SalannAward of Arms1984-07-22
109Loch SalannWhite Duck1984-12-15
110Crown LandsAward of Arms2009-10-17
111Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2011-10-01
112Crown LandsGolden Pillar2010-11-06
113Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
114Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
115Crown LandsKey Cross2013-09-07
116Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
117Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
118Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2010-06-01
119Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-07-16
120Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2012-05-05
121Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
122Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
123Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2011-10-29
124Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2009-09-26
125Loch SalannAward of Arms1995-04-01
126Loch SalannDragon's Teeth2002-08-16
127Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-12-12
128Loch SalannGilded Reed1996-05-10
129Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-04-04
130Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
131Loch SalannHildisvin1995-08-16
132Loch SalannWatchful Tower9999-12-31
133Loch SalannWhite Duck2009-03-14
134Loch SalannWhite Duck2013-07-27
135Loch SalannWhite Lark2015-12-12
8353Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2019-06-15
8942Loch SalannPelican2021-10-16
136Loch SalannList of Courtesy1990-01-31
137Côte du CielAward of Arms1998-12-12
138Côte du CielCrystal Heart1999-12-11
139Côte du CielCrystal of the Salt Wastes2000-07-08
140Côte du CielGolden Pillar2002-09-07
141Côte du CielGolden Scarf2003-05-03
142Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2004-06-11
143Côte du CielOleander9999-12-31
144Côte du CielPeacock's Heart2001-11-10
145Crown LandsArgent Palm of Trimaris2002-10-26
146Crown LandsAward of Arms1999-03-20
147Crown LandsGrey Beard2002-10-26
148Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1984-12-15
149Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1989-09-03
150Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-12-02
151Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1981-12-13
152One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2001-11-17
153Arn HoldYggdrasil2009-01-31
154Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2004-12-09
155Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2011-01-08
156Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2010-06-18
157Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-10
158Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2006-09-16
159Gryphon's LairGrant of Arms2010-04-10
160Gryphon's LairGryphon and Bow2017-01-14
161Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-08-06
162Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2012-09-12
163Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2017-05-13
164Arrow's FlightMeridian Cross2014-05-24
165Arrow's FlightWhite Lark9999-12-31
8302Arrow's FlightKey Cross2018-12-08
8434Arrow's FlightClaves Artemisiae2019-06-01
9338Arrow's FlightQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
166Silver KeepBaronial Brownie2010-09-25
167Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
168Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
169Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-04-17
170Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1997-11-15
171Arn HoldCommander of the Fleur de Soleil1997-07-12
172Arn HoldCourt Barony2004-09-04
173Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1995-09-16
174Arn HoldLaurel1998-05-09
175Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-08
176Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia9999-12-31
177Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-07-08
178Arn HoldPomme d'Or9999-12-31
179Arn HoldQuodlibet1996-05-11
180Arn HoldQuodlibet1999-05-08
181Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1993-05-29
8674Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2020-05-02
9334Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
182Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1984-06-16
183Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-06-09
184Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1994-11-12
185Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1995-10-14
186Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1990-02-10
187Inactive/Out of KingdomMaunch1985-08-17
188Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1998-07-11
189Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-12-14
190Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
191Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-07-23
192Inactive/Out of KingdomLeaf of Merit2017-12-09
193Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-09-08
194Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-08-24
195Inactive/Out of KingdomRaven's Treasure2002-07-13
196Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant2004-10-16
197Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2003-10-18
198Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2002-01-12
199Arn HoldPelican2013-10-25
200Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2012-07-07
201Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2017-05-06
202Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2001-03-31
203Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-05-13
204Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2001-10-20
205Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2015-07-18
206Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-01-17
207Arn HoldFer de Moline2013-07-13
208Arn HoldGolden Pillar2015-05-16
209Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2017-08-26
210Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-12-11
211Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1999-10-23
212Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2007-07-07
213Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2008-07-26
214Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-07-29
215Côte du CielAward of Arms2016-09-17
216Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-06-15
217Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2009-06-18
218Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-05-20
219Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-12-11
220Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-09-17
221Loch SalannCrystal Heart2015-12-12
222Loch SalannCrystal Heart2016-12-10
223Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2014-12-13
224Loch SalannErmine and Quill2014-08-09
225Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-08-06
226Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2015-12-12
227Loch SalannGolden Pillar2012-12-08
228Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2014-12-13
229Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2013-12-14
230Loch SalannPelican2017-12-09
231Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-03-01
232Loch SalannSage2015-06-20
233Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2015-08-08
234Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-07-21
235Loch SalannWhite Goose2013-09-21
236Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-03-12
237Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8658Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
8659Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2020-04-18
8732Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2020-12-12
9044Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2021-12-11
238Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2014-01-04
239Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-01-09
240Gryphon's LairOleander2016-02-27
241Gryphon's LairWhite Falcon2016-12-10
242Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1995-04-29
243Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-12-07
244Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-08-04
245Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
246Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-07-25
247Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-12-12
248Arn HoldAward of Arms1985-07-06
249Stan WyrmAward of Arms1998-05-02
250DragonmarchWhite Falcon2011-06-04
251Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2018-05-27
252Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2011-12-10
253One Thousand EyesArtemisian Order of Grace1991-10-13
254One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1990-03-17
255One Thousand EyesCheval d'Or2011-09-04
256One Thousand EyesKnight1992-06-27
257One Thousand EyesCommander of the Queen's Grace1996-03-02
258One Thousand EyesCounty1994-03-05
259One Thousand EyesDuchy1999-01-09
260One Thousand EyesGolden Feather of Artemisia1993-01-09
261One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2007-11-17
262One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms1991-09-07
263One Thousand EyesGryphon of Artemisia2003-09-13
264One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-03
265One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
266One Thousand EyesGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-08-01
267One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1989-11-03
268One Thousand EyesKing's Council2000-01-08
269One Thousand EyesKing's Council2006-09-09
270One Thousand EyesKing's Council2007-09-08
271One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-08-01
272One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1992-11-21
273One Thousand EyesMirror2001-06-08
274One Thousand EyesMirror2009-01-17
275One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2008-06-15
276One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1990-03-17
277One Thousand EyesPelican1993-05-01
278One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1993-04-10
279One Thousand EyesPrince's Counselor1990-11-17
280One Thousand EyesPrince's Counselor1993-06-19
281One Thousand EyesPrince's Counselor1995-01-14
282One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1991-09-07
283One Thousand EyesQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1990-12-08
284One Thousand EyesViscounty1992-07-11
8583One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2019-11-23
285Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1994-07-24
286DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-07-07
287DragonmarchWhite Duck2002-06-29
288Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
289Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1994-06-18
290Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1994-09-10
291Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-09-19
292Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-11-19
293Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-05-15
289Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1994-06-18
290Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1994-09-10
291Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-09-19
292Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-11-19
293Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-05-15
294Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1993-10-02
295Sentinels' KeepCompanion of Minstrels (of Sentinels' Keep)2016-03-12
296Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2016-02-06
297Sentinels' KeepDefender of the White Scarf2010-08-28
298Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf1998-09-12
299Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2000-10-28
300Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1999-01-02
301Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2016-08-20
302Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-10-15
303Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2018-04-14
8196Sentinels' KeepDefense2019-01-05
9260Sentinels' KeepGryphon of Artemisia2022-08-27
304Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2002-11-02
305Gryphon's LairCrescent Sword2005-10-29
306Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2012-12-08
307Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2013-03-02
308Gryphon's LairUlftönn of Starkhafn2002-12-21
309Gryphon's LairUlftönn of Starkhafn2003-05-17
310Gryphon's LairWhite Falcon2013-12-14
311Crown LandsAward of Arms1988-11-05
312Crown LandsCounty2002-09-14
313Crown LandsDuchy2005-03-12
314Crown LandsFriendly Castle1993-09-19
315Crown LandsGolden Pillar2006-02-16
316Crown LandsKing's Council2005-03-12
317Crown LandsRose2002-09-14
318Crown LandsLaurel2003-06-14
319Crown LandsPrincess' Token1991-07-13
320Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2002-02-15
321DeceasedAward of Arms1997-06-07
322DeceasedWhite Duck1995-10-14
323Loch SalannAward of Arms1990-09-02
324Loch SalannCrystal Heart1988-12-13
325Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1995-12-09
326Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1996-07-27
327Loch SalannGrant of Arms2001-12-08
328Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-01
329Loch SalannPelican2005-03-26
330Loch SalannWhite Duck1988-12-13
331Loch SalannWhite Lark1989-12-16
332Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
333DeceasedGolden Feather of Artemisia1993-06-19
334DeceasedGrant of Arms1992-08-01
336DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1991-07-13
337DeceasedService Performed Under Duress1991-07-13
338Loch SalannWhite Cygent2017-06-03
8142Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-10-20
339Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-01
340Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1993-05-01
341Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-01-10
342Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-03-10
343Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
344Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2015-12-12
345Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-06-02
346Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-12-08
347Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-12-10
348Loch SalannWhite Osprey2017-06-03
8520Loch SalannWhite Falcon2019-07-20
8644Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-03-07
349Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-08
350Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
351Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-05-28
352BronzehelmAward of Arms1998-01-17
353BronzehelmGolden Pillar2001-01-06
9518BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-05-06
9571BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2023-09-02
354Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2007-11-03
355One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
356Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1994-12-10
357Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-05-14
358Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2008-08-23
359Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-07-07
360Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2002-06-08
361Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-24
362Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-07-25
363Loch SalannCrystal Heart1993-12-04
364Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-12-12
365Loch SalannWhite Duck1992-10-17
366Loch SalannWhite Lark1992-03-21
367Crown LandsAward of Arms1995-06-24
368Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-11-09
369Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1993-05-22
370Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-05-29
371Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-04-12
372One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2013-11-23
373One Thousand EyesDefenders of the Citadel2017-11-11
374One Thousand EyesGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-06-20
375One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2013-11-23
376One Thousand EyesQuodlibet2017-03-11
377One Thousand EyesQuodlibet2018-04-14
378One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
8125One Thousand EyesQuodlibet2018-09-07
9307One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2018-12-01
379Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-03-26
380Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf2008-02-14
381Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-06-16
382Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2006-10-14
383Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-11-03
384Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-03
385Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-01
386Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2005-12-10
387Silver KeepAward of Arms2001-02-10
388Silver KeepCompany of Sojourners2003-01-25
389Silver KeepGolden Pillar2014-02-08
390Silver KeepSigillum Coronae (Drachenwald)2003-01-04
9452Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2023-02-11
391Silver KeepBaroness' Oracle2014-06-12
8740Silver KeepSable Helm: Bardic2021-01-09
9423Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
392Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
393Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-03-03
394Crown LandsAward of Arms2012-09-22
395Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-10-17
396Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2012-01-28
397Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2010-01-30
398DragonmarchAward of Arms2017-09-16
8113DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8591DragonmarchGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8606DragonmarchWhite Loon2019-12-07
9041DragonmarchWhite Lark2021-12-11
9382DragonmarchGolden Maple Leaf2023-03-04
399One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2000-06-10
400Silver KeepAward of Arms1994-10-01
401Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1983-12-17
402Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2007-06-15
403Gryphon's LairFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
404Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2009-11-14
405Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2008-09-20
406Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2011-11-05
407Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2013-05-25
408Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2017-01-14
409Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
410Gryphon's LairKey Cross2012-09-01
411Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2011-03-05
412Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2012-03-03
413Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
414Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2011-01-08
415Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2014-04-12
416Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2015-08-08
417Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2013-05-25
418Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
419Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2015-12-12
420Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
421Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2018-01-13
422One Thousand EyesArtemisian Order of Grace1994-09-10
423One Thousand EyesAugmentation of Arms1991-06-30
424One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1985-11-09
425One Thousand EyesEleanor's Balance1985-12-31
426One Thousand EyesFounding Baroness One Thousand Eyes1987-11-14
427One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2007-07-28
428One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
429One Thousand EyesLaurel1992-08-01
430One Thousand EyesLight of Atenveldt1988-11-19
431One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-11-17
432One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1988-03-05
433One Thousand EyesPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1991-07-13
434One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1991-06-30
435One Thousand EyesPelican1989-12-16
436One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1990-01-13
437One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony1991-06-29
438One Thousand EyesViscounty1991-07-13
439Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-10-18
440Loch SalannKnight1981-04-12
441Loch SalannWhite Duck1980-10-18
442Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-01-23
443Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-01-02
444Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1994-07-09
445Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
446Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-06-30
447Arn HoldGrant of Arms2001-01-13
448Arn HoldIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-03-09
449Arn HoldKing's Council2002-03-09
450Arn HoldSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
451Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2004-09-04
452Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2010-11-06
453Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2011-03-12
454Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2016-10-15
455Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2014-06-14
456Sentinels' KeepVigilance2015-10-17
9719Sentinels' KeepDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2024-04-20
457Côte du CielAward of Arms2008-10-11
458Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-01-06
459Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-08-23
460Inactive/Out of KingdomCounty1998-07-11
461Inactive/Out of KingdomDuchy2003-03-01
462Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
463Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-21
464Inactive/Out of KingdomRose1998-07-11
465Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-08-10
466Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1995-08-26
467Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1996-08-10
468Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-12-01
469Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1991-03-02
470Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-01-09
471Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1994-09-10
472Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-08-01
473Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2010-06-19
474One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-11-19
475One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1991-10-19
476One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2015-11-21
8491One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2019-09-06
477One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-10-24
478Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-11-22
479Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2017-08-05
480Loch SalannCourt Barony2012-06-02
481Loch SalannCrystal Heart2009-03-14
482Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1988-12-13
483Loch SalannFleur d'Or2016-12-10
484Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2016-08-06
485Loch SalannGolden Pillar2009-09-05
486Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2009-12-12
487Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2015-08-29
488Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-03-02
489Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
490Loch SalannKing's Council2016-09-03
491Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1987-12-05
492Loch SalannPelican2012-11-03
493Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2010-01-09
494Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2012-09-01
495Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2016-09-03
496Loch SalannWhite Duck1984-12-15
497Loch SalannWhite Lark1987-08-08
8057Loch SalannKey Cross2018-07-21
8489Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
8906Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
8973Loch SalannPilgrims of Artemisia2022-03-05
9013Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-03-12
9278Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9325Loch SalannQuodlibet2022-09-17
9649Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-09-09
498One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1997-06-07
499One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-06-18
500Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2017-08-26
8438Arn HoldLeaf of Merit2001-04-21
8439Arn HoldAward of Arms2001-04-21
8440Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2018-08-25
8441Arn HoldFer de Moline2014-11-15
8535Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8580Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-11-02
8703Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9407Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-03-18
501Crown LandsAward of Arms2014-06-07
502Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-04-12
503Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-10-18
504Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2003-03-22
505Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-02-12
506Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1992-02-14
507Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-04-24
508Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-01-20
509Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
510Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
511Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1998-05-16
512Stan WyrmAward of Arms2011-03-26
513Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace2017-03-04
514Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-09-19
515Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-07-25
516Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-09-26
517Loch SalannAzure Archers of Atenveldt1994-03-05
518Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1995-06-10
519Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1995-09-16
520Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-09-10
521Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-01-12
522Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1988-02-27
523Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1991-11-23
524Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-08-18
525Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
526Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
527Silver KeepAward of Arms2011-01-15
528Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-06-03
529Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae2004-01-03
530Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-05-01
531Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop2003-03-01
532Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2012-01-07
533Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2012-05-26
534Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2016-01-09
535Gryphon's LairGryphon and Axe2018-01-13
8710Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2020-11-07
9220Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2021-06-26
9221Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2021-06-26
536Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-10-09
537Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-11-18
538Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-06-10
539Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-06-10
540Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-10
541Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2005-07-16
542StonegateSwan and the Escallop2009-01-17
543Crown LandsGolden Pillar2008-06-21
544One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-14
545One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2017-11-11
546One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2004-11-20
547One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-11-20
548One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
549One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2000-08-26
550One Thousand EyesMirror1999-03-20
551One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2015-06-19
552One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2002-06-06
553One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2002-11-16
554One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1997-04-26
555One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2004-11-20
556One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-01-25
9313One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2018-12-01
9410One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
557Loch SalannAward of Arms1989-01-14
558Loch SalannWhite Duck1984-04-14
559Crystal CragsAward of Arms1998-12-31
560Crystal CragsGolden Maple Leaf2009-05-02
561Crystal CragsQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
562Loch SalannKing's Council2009-03-07
563BronzehelmAward of Arms1985-03-02
565BronzehelmCourt Barony2018-01-06
567BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2006-09-30
568BronzehelmPillar of Artemisia1991-05-04
571Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-03-10
572Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-04-25
573Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1995-03-25
574Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2005-07-02
575Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-07-11
576Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1991-01-12
577Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1989-09-23
578Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-12-10
579Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-08
580Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2013-08-31
581Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2015-06-19
582Stan WyrmKing's Council2015-03-07
583Stan WyrmSilver Crane2017-03-04
9712Stan WyrmPearl of the Mountain2022-10-08
584Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-07-23
585Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2006-09-30
586Inactive/Out of KingdomLeaf of Merit2017-12-09
587Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1998-07-25
588Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1999-10-23
589Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2001-01-27
590Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2001-09-08
591Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-10-28
592Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2002-09-14
593Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2004-11-06
594Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2002-07-13
595Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2003-07-12
596Silver KeepArgent Plume2014-07-19
597Silver KeepAward of Arms2012-06-16
598Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2012-06-16
599Silver KeepKey Cross2017-10-08
600Silver KeepPeacock and Key2014-06-12
601Silver KeepPeacock's Heart2013-02-06
602Silver KeepSilver Crane2017-10-14
603Silver KeepSwan and the Escallop2012-06-17
8123Silver KeepGolden Pillar2018-09-07
8851Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2021-05-08
9415Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9579Silver KeepSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2023-09-02
604Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2003-05-17
605Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-07-11
606Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1996-01-13
607Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2013-11-09
608One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2005-10-01
609Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-03-26
610Loch SalannBaronial Order of Courtesy2005-03-18
611Loch SalannCoral Branch2005-03-26
612Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
613Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2008-11-08
614Loch SalannGolden Pillar2012-09-01
615Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2014-06-07
616Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2013-11-02
617Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
618Loch SalannKey Cross2011-11-05
619Loch SalannPelican2016-12-10
620Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-03-01
621Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2011-12-10
622Loch SalannWhite Duck2008-05-03
623Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-09-29
624One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1993-08-21
625StonegateAward of Arms1993-09-05
626StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
627StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
628StonegatePeacock's Heart1992-11-21
630StonegateQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
631StonegateQueen's Confidence2009-09-05
632StonegateSwan and the Escallop1992-03-28
633StonegateTerritorial Court Barony2000-06-10
8259StonegateQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
9400StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2023-03-18
9411StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
634Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1995-01-14
635Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1988-10-29
636Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1990-01-13
637Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1986-12-20
638Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-09-07
639Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-09-19
640Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
641Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1993-01-09
642Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1982-02-15
643Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1989-01-14
644Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1992-07-25
645Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1993-01-09
646Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1982-02-26
647One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2006-03-04
648One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2008-01-12
649Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1992-07-25
650Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1994-01-08
651Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1993-01-16
652Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-12-12
653Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
654Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1992-07-11
655Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-04-13
656Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1992-07-11
657Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1992-07-11
658Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1988-01-16
659Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1987-12-19
660Crown LandsAward of Arms1998-10-10
661Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-02-02
662Loch SalannAward of Arms1979-05-26
663Loch SalannCourt Barony2001-03-24
664Loch SalannCrystal Heart1996-12-14
665Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1987-12-19
666Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
667Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1981-11-14
668Loch SalannFons Animae1991-07-31
669Loch SalannLaurel1982-03-07
670Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-08
671Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1994-12-10
672Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
673Loch SalannWalker of the Way1981-07-05
674Loch SalannWhite Duck1990-12-08
675Loch SalannWhite Lark1979-06-16
676Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2018-03-10
677Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2015-03-07
678Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2016-08-13
679Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2018-01-13
680Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2015-06-27
681Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
682Gryphon's LairOleander2018-02-24
8488Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
683Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-05-20
684Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-09-26
685Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1992-12-12
686Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-01-29
687Arn HoldBowman's Mark2012-01-28
688Arn HoldGolden Pillar2016-01-23
689Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
690Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
691Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
692Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
693Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2013-05-18
694Arn HoldYggdrasil2009-09-26
695Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-10-09
696Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-04-24
697BronzehelmAward of Arms2014-04-05
698BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-05-21
8850BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-07-03
699Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1998-03-28
700Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1996-12-14
701Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2011-11-19
702Sentinels' KeepEye of the Swan2000-10-28
703Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis1998-01-31
704Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2008-04-12
705Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2000-01-29
706Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2001-11-10
707Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
708Sentinels' KeepHeart of the Keep1995-05-06
709Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1996-01-28
710Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2008-10-25
711Sentinels' KeepLaurel2009-06-19
712Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain1997-10-25
713Sentinels' KeepPelican2003-06-13
714Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence1999-01-09
715Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
716Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2002-07-13
717Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2009-03-21
718Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane1998-10-24
719Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2000-10-28
720Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2001-10-20
721Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2007-03-24
722Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1981-12-13
723Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-10-11
724Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2005-02-19
725Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2005-03-12
726Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1988-12-13
727Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-02-24
728Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1995-07-15
729DragonmarchGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2001-07-06
730Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1996-07-15
731Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1990-03-17
732Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2000-05-13
733Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2001-03-31
734Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2009-03-21
735Sentinels' KeepDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2015-03-21
736Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2009-10-03
737Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2012-09-22
738Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2002-07-13
739Sentinels' KeepPelican2014-10-18
740Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2013-09-28
741Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2012-09-22
742Sentinels' KeepVigilance1999-10-23
9258Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2022-08-20
9609Sentinels' KeepDefense2023-07-22
743One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1992-07-11
744One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar1998-11-21
745One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms1997-01-11
746One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1993-11-20
747One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1992-06-28
748One Thousand EyesPelican2003-11-22
749One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1993-03-27
750One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2008-11-01
751Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1981-06-27
752Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1979-07-28
753Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1980-08-09
754Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1979-07-28
755Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
756Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
757Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
758Arn HoldAward of Arms1986-07-17
759Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2012-10-27
760Arn HoldCornerstone of the Keep1990-07-21
761Arn HoldCourt Barony2014-03-01
762Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2002-05-04
763Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
764Arn HoldJewel of Alces2012-07-07
765Arn HoldLaurel2004-01-31
766Arn HoldPelican2001-09-01
767Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1991-10-12
768Arn HoldSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
769Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
8943Arn HoldClaves Artemisiae2021-10-16
770Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2018-03-24
771Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms9999-12-31
772Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
773Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1991-11-09
774Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1990-07-28
775Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2009-11-07
776Sentinels' KeepEye of the Swan2000-01-29
777Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis1994-08-07
778Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2001-09-08
779Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-09-13
780Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1991-11-09
781Sentinels' KeepLaurel1992-06-26
782Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-04-27
783Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
784Sentinels' KeepPelican2003-11-08
785Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1994-05-14
786Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2002-03-23
787Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2000-10-28
788Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane1997-10-25
789Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2003-03-22
790Sentinels' KeepWooden Spoon1993-07-21
791Sentinels' KeepWooden Spoon1994-07-09
792Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
793Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-06-07
794Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1997-11-15
795Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2001-07-14
796Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-10-11
797Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-02-18
798Loch SalannWhite Lark2004-01-03
799Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-07-12
800Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-05-06
801Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
802Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2017-04-22
803Arn HoldGolden Pillar2018-01-27
804Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
805Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
806Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2017-05-06
8059Arn HoldKey Cross2018-07-21
8157Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-11-04
8303Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2019-01-26
8424Arn HoldGryphons Eye2019-08-24
8669Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2020-05-02
807DeceasedAward of Arms1999-06-06
808OtherhillAward of Arms2015-02-07
809OtherhillGolden Maple Leaf2018-03-10
811BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-02-06
812Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-06-24
813Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-06-19
814Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1989-03-11
815Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1993-06-19
816Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-10-20
817Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1993-06-19
818Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-07-29
819Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-02-17
820Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1996-10-12
821Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-12-12
822Loch SalannErmine and Quill2018-03-10
823Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-11-09
824Loch SalannWhite Goose2015-06-18
8360Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2019-06-01
8519Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2019-07-20
8609Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8979Loch SalannGolden Scarf2022-03-05
9050Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
9371Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2022-12-10
9564Loch SalannGolden Pillar2023-07-07
9629Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2023-12-09
9680Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
825Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-09-10
826Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-06-07
827Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1997-02-16
828StonegateAward of Arms2004-03-06
829StonegateSwan and the Escallop1997-06-07
830Crystal CragsAward of Arms2011-05-21
831One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1987-08-16
832One Thousand EyesFleur of Æthelmearc2005-08-16
833One Thousand EyesGolden Alce2013-09-28
834One Thousand EyesKeystone2012-04-14
835One Thousand EyesSigil of Æthelmearc2010-09-18
836One Thousand EyesSigil of Æthelmearc2016-04-09
837One Thousand EyesSycamore2005-08-16
838Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1997-01-25
839Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-09-21
840Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
841Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
842Loch SalannList of Grace2013-06-01
843Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-06-12
844Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1990-07-21
845One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-14
846One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2004-03-06
847One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2002-11-23
848One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2002-06-06
849One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
850One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2013-06-13
851One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1997-08-16
852One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2003-11-22
853One Thousand EyesPelican2006-03-04
854One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
855One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-01-25
856One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2012-11-17
857Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
858Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1992-10-24
859Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-04-09
860Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-05-09
861Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-05-09
862Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet1997-01-11
863DeceasedCercle d'Honneur1993-11-20
864DeceasedGrant of Arms1996-09-07
865DeceasedGratia et Comitas2002-03-09
866DeceasedJewel of Alces1994-04-16
867DeceasedKing's Sigil1997-07-12
869DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-09-18
870DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
871DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-05-06
872DeceasedQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
874DeceasedService Performed Under Duress1994-09-18
875DeceasedSincerity and Honor1992-12-14
876DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-07-18
877DeceasedTerritorial Court Barony1999-09-04
878One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-11-20
879One Thousand EyesCourt Barony1999-11-20
880One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-11-09
881One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1994-11-19
882One Thousand EyesMirror1993-08-21
883One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1995-10-21
884One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1997-06-07
885One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or1996-07-06
886Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1981-08-22
887Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1985-03-03
888Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1992-01-11
889Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-07-15
890Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1996-01-13
891Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-05-06
892Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-01
893Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
894Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1997-06-07
895Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-07-25
896Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-10-18
897Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold2008-07-12
898Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-03-12
899Côte du CielAward of Arms2013-09-14
900StonegateAward of Arms2002-02-15
901StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2009-06-20
902StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
903StonegateKey Cross2013-06-15
904StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
905StonegatePeacock's Heart2014-06-12
906StonegateSwan and the Escallop1998-07-11
8257StonegateCourt Barony2019-03-02
907Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1983-01-12
908Sentinels' KeepCounty1983-02-12
909Sentinels' KeepDuchy1987-09-08
910Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2000-06-10
911Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2003-09-13
912Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
913Sentinels' KeepRose1983-02-12
914Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence2003-09-13
915Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2006-12-09
916Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold9999-12-31
917Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-13
918Inactive/Out of KingdomPluvia Nex2009-08-08
919Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-12-12
920Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-10-24
921Crown LandsAward of Arms2002-04-13
922Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1999-10-23
923Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1999-10-23
924Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2003-01-11
925Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-08-24
926Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2002-03-23
927Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2002-10-19
928Sentinels' KeepVigilance1998-07-25
929Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1979-12-15
930Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-05-01
931Loch SalannWhite Falcon1996-12-14
932Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-03-23
933Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2015-01-10
934Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
935Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
936Arn HoldAward of Arms2005-10-08
937Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2006-02-04
938Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2007-05-19
939Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-06-26
940Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-01-09
941Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2017-01-14
942Gryphon's LairKing's Council2017-09-09
943Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2018-01-13
944Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-04-30
945Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2005-04-30
946Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
947Loch SalannKey Cross2011-06-17
948Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
949Loch SalannWhite Lark2005-12-10
9456Loch SalannFlame of Pharos2023-02-18
950Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-10-29
951StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2015-06-20
952StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2012-06-14
953StonegateSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
954One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-07
955One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1993-10-23
956Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2008-11-08
957Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-12-08
958Côte du CielAward of Arms2011-04-23
959Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2015-07-25
960Côte du CielGolden Pillar2012-03-03
961Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2017-04-08
8124Côte du CielQuodlibet2018-09-07
8304Côte du CielGryphon and Candle2015-08-19
8778Côte du CielKey Cross2020-07-18
8929Côte du CielLaurel2021-12-11
8930Côte du CielPelican2021-12-11
9601Côte du CielQuodlibet2023-07-22
962Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
963Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-05-26
964Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-01-08
965Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2010-04-03
966Inactive/Out of KingdomPluvia Nex2009-08-08
967DeceasedAward of Arms1993-10-30
968Stan WyrmAward of Arms2016-07-09
969Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-08-27
970Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-01-11
971Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2005-07-23
972Silver KeepAward of Arms2012-10-06
973Silver KeepSwan and the Escallop2012-06-17
974Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
975Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-03-15
976Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2004-01-31
977Inactive/Out of KingdomCheval d'Or2006-02-04
978Inactive/Out of KingdomChevalier Baronia Gloria9999-12-31
979Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2004-04-17
980Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
981Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
982Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
983Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-09-18
984Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1993-01-30
985Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1992-07-18
986Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-03-28
987Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-03-28
988Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
989Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence1998-07-11
990Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-12-09
991Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-06-05
992Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2012-10-06
993Sentinels' KeepPelican1994-07-09
994Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1993-04-03
995Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-12-10
996Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
997Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2007-07-28
998Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2010-03-13
999Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2009-08-07
1000Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
1001Loch SalannPelican2011-03-12
1002Loch SalannWhite Duck2006-07-15
9027Loch SalannCourt Barony2022-03-05
9051Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
1003Crystal CragsAward of Arms1996-12-14
1004Crystal CragsGolden Maple Leaf1998-06-05
1005Crystal CragsGrant of Arms2001-01-13
1006One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1994-10-22
1007One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2003-11-22
1008One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2004-03-06
1009One Thousand EyesMirror1996-10-26
1010One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-01-13
1011One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1995-10-21
1012One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1996-11-16
1013One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1996-09-21
1014One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1993-11-20
1015Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1989-03-18
1016Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-05-30
1017Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1990-07-21
1018One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1995-04-08
1019One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2003-09-13
1020One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar1998-07-10
1021One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar1999-01-09
1022One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2007-11-17
1023One Thousand EyesLaurel2008-11-01
1024One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2002-11-23
1025One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
1026One Thousand EyesPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1996-07-06
1027One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key1997-11-18
1028One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2003-06-12
1029One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2011-03-19
1030One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2012-11-17
1031One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2003-03-01
1032One Thousand EyesPelican1997-12-13
1033One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1995-10-14
1034One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1997-06-21
1035One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2015-01-17
1036One Thousand EyesViscounty1996-07-06
8582One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2019-11-23
1037Arn HoldAward of Arms1998-11-28
1038Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1997-11-15
1039Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1999-03-06
1040Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1998-09-05
1041Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1999-11-13
1042Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-01-09
1043Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1997-11-15
1044Loch SalannWhite Cygent2017-06-03
1045Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-10-04
1046Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1998-01-10
1047Gryphon's LairDefender of the White Scarf2006-03-11
1048Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos9999-12-31
1049Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2012-06-16
1050Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2004-03-13
1051Gryphon's LairGratia et Comitas2016-05-28
1052Gryphon's LairGryphon and Axe2017-01-14
1053Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer9999-12-31
1054Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-01-09
1055Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
1056Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2018-01-13
1057Gryphon's LairPaon d'Argent1999-08-28
1058Gryphon's LairPelican2006-06-09
1059Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
1060Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2005-09-10
1061Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2007-09-08
1062Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
1063Gryphon's LairWalking Pell1996-10-19
1064Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-12-11
1065Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-03-12
1066Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-06-04
1067Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
9033Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
1068One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-01-13
1069Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1996-04-13
1070Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-08-19
1071Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-09-18
1072Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-11-23
1073Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2011-07-11
1074Arn HoldKnight2013-09-14
1075Arn HoldCombattant Moose1993-05-29
1076Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2011-10-29
1077Arn HoldGolden Pillar2014-10-04
1078Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2018-01-27
1079Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-08-10
1080Arn HoldHawk's Lure1993-10-09
1081Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
1082Arn HoldQuodlibet2017-10-21
1083Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2011-10-29
1084Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2017-08-26
1085Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2013-05-18
8105Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-01-27
8151Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2018-11-04
8267Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8305Arn HoldArma Volans2019-01-26
8530Arn HoldJewel of Alces2019-08-23
8538Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
1086Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1998-01-11
1087Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-06-19
1088Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1992-03-28
1089Côte du CielAugmentation of Arms2007-09-01
1090Côte du CielAward of Arms1982-04-24
1091Côte du CielKnight2008-02-16
1092Côte du CielCitizen of Gleann Abhann2010-03-19
1093Côte du CielCourt Barony2016-01-09
1094Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-12-02
1095Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2003-05-17
1096Côte du CielGolden Pillar2002-04-20
1097Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2002-09-21
1098Côte du CielGryphon of Artemisia2005-08-27
1099Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
1100Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
1101Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-09-02
1102Côte du CielKey Cross2007-06-16
1103Côte du CielKing's Council2007-03-03
1104Côte du CielKing's Council2009-03-07
1105Côte du CielPelican2006-05-29
1106Côte du CielQuodlibet2007-04-14
1107Côte du CielWar Horn2013-03-15
8061Côte du CielLaurel2018-07-21
9005Côte du CielForget-me-not2022-03-17
9008Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-03-26
1108Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-10-25
1109One Thousand EyesArtemisian Order of Grace1994-01-08
1110One Thousand EyesAugmentation of Arms2012-11-17
1111One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1991-03-02
1112One Thousand EyesKnight1992-10-05
1113One Thousand EyesCounty2000-01-08
1114One Thousand EyesDuchy2001-01-13
1115One Thousand EyesGolden Feather of Artemisia1995-01-14
1116One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2000-03-11
1117One Thousand EyesGolden Scarf2017-11-18
1118One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2013-06-15
1119One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2014-11-22
1120One Thousand EyesGryphon of Artemisia2013-09-07
1121One Thousand EyesGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1990-10-20
1122One Thousand EyesHawk's Lure1993-11-20
1123One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-11-23
1124One Thousand EyesKing's Council1998-11-21
1125One Thousand EyesKing's Council1999-06-19
1126One Thousand EyesKing's Council2000-07-08
1127One Thousand EyesKing's Council2003-02-14
1128One Thousand EyesKing's Council2008-03-08
1129One Thousand EyesKing's Council2008-09-13
1130One Thousand EyesKing's Council2013-09-07
1131One Thousand EyesKing's Council2014-03-01
1132One Thousand EyesKing's Council2014-08-30
1133One Thousand EyesKing's Council2015-08-29
1134One Thousand EyesKing's Council2016-09-03
1135One Thousand EyesMirror2002-06-06
1136One Thousand EyesMirror2013-06-13
1137One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-06-28
1138One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-06-29
1139One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1996-07-06
1140One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1991-11-23
1141One Thousand EyesPrince's Counselor1992-07-11
1142One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2015-03-07
1143One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1991-03-29
1144One Thousand EyesQuodlibet2015-04-04
1145One Thousand EyesSiege of Crane's Combatant2015-10-17
1146One Thousand EyesSiege of Crane's Combatant2016-03-12
1147One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2013-03-16
1148One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony1996-07-06
1149One Thousand EyesViscounty1996-01-13
8617One Thousand EyesPelican2019-11-23
8902One Thousand EyesKing's Council2021-09-11
9633One Thousand EyesDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2023-11-11
1150Silver KeepAward of Arms2017-09-09
1151Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-03-10
1152One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-03-06
1153Inactive/Out of KingdomCrane's Honor2002-03-23
1154Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2001-10-20
1155Inactive/Out of KingdomAspen of Caerthe2008-01-05
1156Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-02-24
1157Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2004-05-08
1158Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1996-10-01
1159Inactive/Out of KingdomFlower1998-10-10
1160Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2000-05-13
1161Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-11-12
1162Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-07-29
1163Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2007-12-01
1164Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2002-05-11
1165Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2000-11-04
1166One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-01-17
1167Arn HoldYggdrasil2009-01-31
8150Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2018-11-04
8832Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2021-01-23
1168Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-17
1169Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2005-07-23
1170StonegateAward of Arms2016-03-19
1171StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-07-02
8355StonegateKey Cross2019-05-25
8934StonegateCourt Barony2021-11-20
9340StonegateQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
1172Loch SalannAward of Arms2007-04-28
1173Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1992-04-26
1174Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2010-01-09
1175Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-05-28
1176Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2007-05-26
1177Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
1178Gryphon's LairKey Cross2008-11-08
1179Gryphon's LairLaurel2011-01-08
1180Gryphon's LairMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-11-12
1181Gryphon's LairOleander1994-02-19
1182Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-03-30
1183Gryphon's LairPelican1996-03-23
1184Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1992-12-12
1185Gryphon's LairQuodlibet1992-04-29
1186Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
1187Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2012-06-02
1188Gryphon's LairWhite Loon2014-12-13
1189Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2006-01-21
1190Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
1191Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-04-25
1192Côte du CielDefenders of the Citadel2012-01-07
1193Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2010-09-18
1194Côte du CielGryphon and Hammer2011-06-18
1195Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1979-12-15
1196Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-03-27
1197Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1999-12-11
1198Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
1199Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1992-03-28
1200Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1993-07-31
1201Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-05-04
1202Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-10-15
1203Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-05-06
1204Arn HoldAward of Arms1986-08-12
1205Arn HoldKnight1989-05-06
1206Arn HoldCombattant Moose1994-04-16
1207Arn HoldCordon Royal1987-05-24
1208Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-10-09
1209Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1987-05-30
1210Arn HoldQueen's Order of Grace1987-12-19
1211Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1998-03-01
1212Arn HoldStag's Blood1989-02-19
1213Arn HoldAward of Arms1990-09-16
1214Arn HoldForget-me-not1991-07-20
1215Arn HoldForget-me-not1992-07-11
1216Arn HoldForget-me-not1992-10-17
1217Arn HoldGoutté de Sang1992-05-25
1218Arn HoldThrone Favor1992-07-11
1219One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-04-11
1220Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2003-07-12
1221Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1998-10-10
1222Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-10-14
1223Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2002-08-10
1224Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2005-11-05
1225Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2006-01-07
1226Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
1227Gryphon's LairKey Cross2006-12-09
1228Gryphon's LairLaurel2008-12-13
1229Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2016-01-09
1230Gryphon's LairWhite Lark1993-06-26
1231Gryphon's LairWhite Lark1995-05-20
1232Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-04-26
1233Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2005-12-10
1234Loch SalannErmine and Quill2009-03-14
1235Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
1236Loch SalannFons Animae2012-12-08
1237Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf9999-12-31
1238Loch SalannGolden Pillar2004-12-11
1239Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2006-03-11
1240Loch SalannPelican2015-06-19
1241Loch SalannWhite Duck2003-03-22
1242Loch SalannWhite Duck2005-07-16
1243Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-06-02
8570Loch SalannCrystal Heart2019-03-09
1244Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2013-09-28
1245Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms2006-05-29
1246Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1996-07-06
1247Gryphon's LairCrystal Heart2005-03-26
1248Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2013-09-14
1249Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2002-05-15
1250Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2012-03-03
1251Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle9999-12-31
1252Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2013-01-05
1253Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
1254Gryphon's LairKey Cross2003-09-06
1255Gryphon's LairLaurel2007-01-06
1256Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2009-03-07
1257Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2008-01-05
1258Gryphon's LairTrefoil and Mace2008-04-05
1259Gryphon's LairWhite Lark2002-02-15
1260Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-02-04
1261Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2005-07-31
1262Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
1263One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-06-14
1264One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-06-06
4067One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2006-06-08
1265Castelleone NuovoSilver Crane2017-08-05
1266OtherhillAward of Arms1984-03-03
1267OtherhillDragon's Heart1989-08-17
1268OtherhillHippocampus (Illiton)9999-12-31
1270OtherhillPurple Fret1987-10-24
1272Loch SalannAward of Arms1999-03-13
1273Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2009-06-06
1274Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2006-10-07
1275Loch SalannGolden Pillar2006-05-29
1276Loch SalannGrant of Arms2009-03-07
1277Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-10-18
1278Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
1279Loch SalannJewel of the Keep1999-03-27
1280Loch SalannKing's Council2003-02-14
1281Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2003-03-08
1282Loch SalannSilver Crane2004-07-10
1283Loch SalannTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2003-03-22
1284Loch SalannVigilance2001-09-08
1285Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-03-01
1286Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-07-13
1287Inactive/Out of KingdomHarp Argent1989-03-01
1288Inactive/Out of KingdomIlluminated Tower of Dreiburgen1989-04-01
1289Loch SalannAward of Arms2008-05-03
1290Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2015-08-29
1291Loch SalannCourt Barony2013-12-14
1292Loch SalannErmine and Quill2010-12-11
1293Loch SalannFons Animae2016-03-12
1294Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2008-12-13
1295Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-01-10
1296Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2011-09-24
1297Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-12-12
1298Loch SalannGryphon and Francisca2015-06-06
1299Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2009-12-12
1300Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
1301Loch SalannKey Cross2010-06-17
1302Loch SalannLaurel2010-12-11
1303Loch SalannPelican2016-01-09
1304Loch SalannQuodlibet2013-09-07
1305Loch SalannQuodlibet2014-07-26
1306Loch SalannQuodlibet2016-07-23
1307Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2014-07-12
1308Loch SalannWhite Duck2010-06-05
1309Loch SalannWhite Goose2009-06-06
1310Loch SalannWhite Lark2008-03-15
1311Loch SalannWhite Osprey2011-11-05
8522Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2019-07-20
1312Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1995-04-22
1313Gryphon's LairFabrica Ars Nivilis2005-03-19
1314Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2003-11-08
1315Gryphon's LairKey Cross2005-06-10
1316Gryphon's LairSilver Crane2005-03-19
1317Loch SalannWhite Cygent2017-09-16
1318Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-17
1319Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2005-06-03
1320Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2005-11-12
1321Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-06-28
1322Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1996-04-13
1323Inactive/Out of KingdomLeaf of Merit1990-12-31
1324Inactive/Out of KingdomRose Leaf1990-12-31
1325Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1993-10-30
1326Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1992-05-30
1327Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis1996-01-28
1328Sentinels' KeepFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
1329Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1998-07-25
1330Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-04-03
1331Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1992-10-24
1332Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-10-08
1333Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-17
1334Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain1996-10-26
1335Sentinels' KeepVigilance1991-11-09
1336Côte du CielAward of Arms2011-09-03
1337Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-12-11
1338Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
1339Inactive/Out of KingdomArma Volans2012-07-07
1340Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-03-15
1341Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2005-03-19
1342Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2002-11-02
1343Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2006-11-11
1344Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2009-01-31
1345Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-02-04
1346Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress9999-12-31
1347Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor2005-07-31
1348Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
1349Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
1350Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-05-18
1351Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2016-12-10
1352Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy2016-03-12
8615Inactive/Out of KingdomFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
1354Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1981-11-14
1356Inactive/Out of KingdomMastery of Arms1982-02-15
1357DragonmarchAward of Arms2006-12-09
1359DragonmarchDefenders of the Citadel2009-03-14
1360DragonmarchKey Cross2009-08-07
1362DragonmarchWhite Falcon2007-12-08
1363DragonmarchWhite Loon2015-06-06
1364Loch SalannWhite Cygent1994-12-10
1365Côte du CielAward of Arms2013-10-05
1366Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2011-04-23
1367Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1998-10-01
1368Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-06-16
1369Inactive/Out of KingdomEleanor's Balance1989-12-31
1370Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1990-03-17
1371Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1990-03-17
1372Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-05-28
1373Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2002-03-09
1374Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1999-10-23
1375BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2008-10-25
7374BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
8722BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-01-09
9002BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9244BronzehelmRock: Rapier2022-06-18
9540BronzehelmTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-02-03
9541BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-02-03
1376Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-08-09
1377Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-07-18
1378Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2016-03-05
1379Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2017-01-14
1380Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2016-02-26
1381Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
1382Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2014-08-30
1383Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2012-12-08
1384Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2013-07-27
1385Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-10-16
1386Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2004-07-10
1387Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
1388Arn HoldAward of Arms1985-03-09
1389Arn HoldCombattant Moose1991-12-14
1390Arn HoldPelican1993-09-04
1391Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1992-03-28
1392DeceasedAward of Arms1991-10-12
1393DeceasedGrant of Arms1999-07-17
1394DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-07-24
1395DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1992-03-14
1396Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2005-03-26
1397Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-08-23
1398Crown LandsAward of Arms1998-10-10
1399Crown LandsKnight2009-06-20
1400Crown LandsCourt Barony2015-02-07
1401Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf1999-01-01
1402Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2008-02-02
1403Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-01-29
1404Crown LandsKey Cross2009-02-12
1405Crown LandsLaurel2009-06-20
1406Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-12-09
1407Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-13
1408Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-07-10
1409Crown LandsAward of Arms1996-05-04
1410Crown LandsMateriam Superabat Opus1996-04-20
1411Crown LandsSwan and the Escallop1995-04-29
1412Loch SalannKing's Council2012-08-09
8293Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2018-07-21
9468Loch SalannLaurel1996-09-14
9469Loch SalannPelican2008-07-26
9470Loch SalannStag2000-12-09
9471Loch SalannGrant of Arms1995-09-09
9472Loch SalannStag's Heart1998-01-03
9473Loch SalannCourt Barony2000-09-09
9474Loch SalannDoe and Mountain of the Outlands2016-07-09
9475Loch SalannGilded Leaf of Caerthe1990-09-01
9476Loch SalannArch2004-05-01
9477Loch SalannGolden Nightingale2004-12-11
9478Loch SalannAward of Arms1987-12-12
9479Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]1997-10-25
9480Loch SalannCordon of Honor of Caerthe2000-01-08
9481Loch SalannQueen's Grace [Outlands]2000-05-13
9482Loch SalannDefenders of the West2000-08-17
9483Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2001-10-13
9484Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2002-09-14
9485Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2004-05-08
9486Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2004-10-09
9487Loch SalannCross of Lochac2005-08-18
9488Loch SalannSaint Louis with the Staff2005-10-22
9489Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2005-11-12
9490Loch SalannChalice of St. William the Cooper2005-12-10
9491Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2006-10-21
9492Loch SalannChalice of St. William the Cooper2007-06-23
9493Loch SalannCrown's Favor2008-08-04
9494Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2008-11-08
9495Loch SalannHarp and Chalice2011-03-26
9496Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]2012-10-20
9497Loch SalannCordon Royal2012-10-20
9498Loch SalannWalker of the Way2018-02-24
9499Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2021-08-21
9681Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
1413Inactive/Out of KingdomAlces Amici2017-08-26
1414Loch SalannAward of Arms2016-09-17
1415BronzehelmAward of Arms1997-01-04
1416BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf1999-01-02
1417BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2000-01-01
1418BronzehelmKey Cross2002-06-08
1419BronzehelmKey Cross2007-06-16
1420BronzehelmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-10-08
9717BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2024-04-13
1421Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-24
1422Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2008-01-05
1423Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-06-05
1424Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2000-08-27
1425Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-10-08
1426Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1996-01-20
1427Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1979-12-15
1428Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-07-18
1429Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-05-24
1430Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1993-05-30
1431Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2007-09-01
1432Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-01-08
1433Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2013-01-05
1434Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2010-05-29
1435Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1984-10-06
1436Inactive/Out of KingdomCounty1985-12-07
1437Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1988-10-29
1438Inactive/Out of KingdomDuchy1986-12-06
1439Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur d'Or9999-12-31
1440Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1987-12-19
1441Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1989-01-14
1442Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1986-12-20
1443Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-03-02
1444Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1989-06-24
1445Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1988-03-06
1446Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-07-28
1447Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1990-02-08
1448Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-07-28
1449Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1992-07-25
1450Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1993-01-09
1451Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1982-09-25
1452Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1979-06-16
1453Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-01-09
1454Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2000-03-04
1455Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-07-10
1456Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1993-11-20
1457Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1993-04-17
1458One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2012-06-14
1459StonegateAward of Arms2013-11-23
1460StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2014-06-12
1461StonegateTerpsichore's Mouffle2017-08-26
1463Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-02-24
1464Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-09-07
1465Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2006-07-15
1466Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-10-01
1467Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2011-06-04
1468Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2006-11-11
1469Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2010-09-18
1470Loch SalannLaurel2015-06-19
1471Loch SalannQuodlibet2015-07-25
1472Loch SalannWhite Duck2005-07-16
1473Loch SalannWhite Goose2007-12-08
1474Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-04-14
1475Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1991-11-09
1476Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1987-11-07
1477Sentinels' KeepFleur de Soleil1995-10-28
1478Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2005-10-15
1479Sentinels' KeepHeart of the Keep1995-10-28
1480Sentinels' KeepJallerhorn1995-01-28
1481Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1992-07-18
1482Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2009-10-24
1483Sentinels' KeepLight of Atenveldt1992-10-10
1484Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-01-09
1485Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2005-10-15
1486Sentinels' KeepPelican1993-02-11
1487Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1991-11-09
1488Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2002-10-19
1489Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2003-01-11
1490Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2005-03-19
1491Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2000-10-28
1492Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-03
1493Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-07-27
1494Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2013-12-14
1495Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-10-01
1496Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
1497Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2004-08-07
1498Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
1499Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
1500Loch SalannGrant of Arms2006-12-09
1501Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
1502Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
1503Loch SalannLaurel2013-01-05
1504Loch SalannWhite Duck2003-03-08
1505Loch SalannWhite Lark1997-03-15
1506Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-03-14
8773Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2020-12-12
9032Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
9693Loch SalannPelican2024-03-02
1507Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-01-10
1508Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2002-06-05
1509Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2016-12-10
1510Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-10
1511Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2017-11-11
1512Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2006-06-04
1513Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-01-09
1514Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1995-05-27
1515Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-06-17
1516Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-06-24
1517Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1998-11-28
1518Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet9999-12-31
1519Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1997-10-11
1520Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-06-19
1521Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-12-09
1522Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-11-11
1523Arn HoldNorth Star2006-09-02
1524Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-02-28
1525Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2008-06-21
1526Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2017-03-04
1527Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1996-03-09
1528Sentinels' KeepKnight2014-07-19
1529Sentinels' KeepDefenders of the Citadel2011-09-24
1530Sentinels' KeepForget-me-not1996-07-20
1531Sentinels' KeepForget-me-not2005-01-08
1532Sentinels' KeepForget-me-not2005-07-16
1533Sentinels' KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-10-21
1534Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2015-09-26
1535Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2018-03-10
1536Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
1537Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2016-03-05
1538Sentinels' KeepKing's Favour1996-07-20
1539Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
1540Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence2016-03-05
1541Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2012-03-03
1542Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2015-08-29
1543Sentinels' KeepTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2011-10-01
1544Sentinels' KeepVigilance2013-09-28
8114Sentinels' KeepGratia et Comitas2018-09-07
1545One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-06-15
1546Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1998-05-24
1547Stan WyrmAward of Arms2001-04-07
1548StonegateAward of Arms1999-03-27
1549StonegateBaroness' Oracle2015-06-20
1550StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2016-06-22
1551StonegateGolden Pillar2012-11-17
1552StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2014-11-22
1553StonegateHouse of the Serpent's Torque2000-04-08
1554StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2012-01-21
1555StonegatePaon d'Argent2012-06-14
1556StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
1557StonegatePeacock's Heart2011-11-19
1558StonegateSwan and the Escallop2010-06-19
8896StonegateCourt Barony2021-09-11
1559DragonmarchAward of Arms1998-08-22
1560DragonmarchCourt Barony2009-06-26
1561DragonmarchGolden Pillar2001-07-07
1562DragonmarchGrant of Arms2001-10-13
1563Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2015-03-21
1564Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2017-09-09
1565Gryphon's LairGryphons Covey2017-01-14
1566Gryphon's LairGryphon's Pride2011-07-23
1567Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-06-20
1568Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart2006-06-09
1569Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent2004-10-23
1570Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-09-04
1571Loch SalannGryphon and Hammer2010-08-14
1572Loch SalannGryphon and Compass2011-05-28
1573One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2014-08-07
1574One Thousand EyesMirror2013-11-23
8094One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-09-08
1575Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1999-09-11
1576Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-05-13
1577Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1997-10-11
1578Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-06-24
1579Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1995-06-24
1580Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-08-22
1581Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-09-29
1582Côte du CielLion's Pride of Atenveldt2013-03-03
1583Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-05-09
1584Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1998-01-31
1585Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2001-01-27
1586Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2001-01-06
1587Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms2001-09-08
1588Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-04-08
1589Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2005-11-05
1590Sentinels' KeepLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
1591Sentinels' KeepPelican2003-09-13
1592Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2014-04-05
1593Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2015-07-11
8774Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2020-10-03
1594Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-11-22
1595Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1992-08-01
1596Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1994-03-05
1597Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-05-11
1598Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-05-30
1599Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet1997-05-24
1600Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet1997-06-28
1601Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-12-08
1602Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1987-05-24
1603Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-07
1604Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-12-19
1605Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-09-26
1606Loch SalannAward of Arms1983-04-03
1607Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-10-28
1608Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1994-05-23
1609Sentinels' KeepJallerhorn1995-01-28
1610Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1994-05-23
1611Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1994-10-29
1612Inactive/Out of KingdomFabrica Ars Nivilis1995-07-29
1613Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1993-10-30
1614Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1994-02-05
1615Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-04-08
1616Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-06-10
1617Gryphon's LairGryphon's Pride2018-01-13
1618Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
1619Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-10-15
1620Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-07
1621Loch SalannAward of Arms1979-04-21
1622Loch SalannCounty2001-07-14
1623Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1986-03-22
1624Loch SalannDove1983-01-15
1625Loch SalannDuchy2005-09-10
1626Loch SalannFons Animae2001-12-08
1627Loch SalannGratia et Comitas1998-12-05
1628Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2010-09-04
1629Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-01-09
1630Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
1631Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
1632Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
1633Loch SalannKing's Council2007-03-03
1634Loch SalannKing's Council2009-09-05
1635Loch SalannLaurel1980-04-06
1636Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-01
1637Loch SalannPelican2008-01-05
1638Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1990-01-27
1639Loch SalannQuodlibet2012-05-05
1640Loch SalannViscounty1983-01-15
1641Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-03-08
1642Loch SalannWhite Lark1979-06-16
1643Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8863Loch SalannRose2001-07-14
1644Loch SalannAward of Arms1987-12-05
1645Loch SalannCourt Barony2005-06-11
1646Loch SalannCrystal Heart1992-12-12
1647Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1989-09-23
1648Loch SalannFons Animae1993-10-23
1649Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2012-03-10
1650Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2017-06-03
1651Loch SalannGrant of Arms1991-04-13
1652Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2009-09-05
1653Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-07-14
1654Loch SalannLaurel1991-12-07
1655Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1990-12-08
1656Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-03-02
1657Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
1658Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
1659Loch SalannPelican2006-12-09
1660Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1991-04-13
1661Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
1662Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2013-09-07
1663Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-03-08
1664Loch SalannWhite Goose2009-12-12
1665Loch SalannWhite Lark1986-12-20
1666Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
1667Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2014-12-13
8237Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2019-01-12
8614Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
1668Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1994-03-26
1669Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-09-03
1670Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1993-03-20
1671Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-09-24
1672DeceasedAward of Arms1999-10-30
1673DeceasedMateriam Superabat Opus1998-10-24
1674Côte du CielAward of Arms1997-10-04
1675Côte du CielGolden Pillar2012-09-15
1676Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-12-09
1677One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-10-31
1678One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-11-20
1679One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-11-19
1680One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-05-21
1681One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1994-11-19
1682One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1991-11-23
1683Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-10-11
1684Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2005-02-19
1685Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
1686Crown LandsGryphon's Pride2012-04-21
1687Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2009-01-31
1688Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold2009-01-31
1689Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
1690Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-06-29
1691Arn HoldEleanor's Balance1991-03-09
1692Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2004-01-31
1693Arn HoldGrant of Arms2001-01-13
1694Arn HoldMirror1991-03-09
1695Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-07-13
1696Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
1697Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2004-09-04
1698Côte du CielAward of Arms2007-04-28
1699Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2012-06-16
1700Côte du CielGolden Pillar2009-04-25
1701Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2013-10-05
1702Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
1703Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-02-07
8354Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-05-25
8387Côte du CielSwan and the Escallop2018-03-17
8915Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9348Côte du CielCourt Barony2022-11-19
1704Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-12-14
1705Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-09-06
1706Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf9999-12-31
1707Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1993-06-19
1708Inactive/Out of KingdomJallerhorn1995-01-28
1709Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1995-12-16
1710Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-05-06
1711Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-04-27
1712Inactive/Out of KingdomWooden Spoon1994-07-09
1713Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-04-05
1714Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1993-01-16
1715Loch SalannFons Animae1996-12-14
1716Loch SalannLeaping Stag1982-01-21
1717Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-04-26
1718Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-12-15
1719Loch SalannWhite Lark1983-02-26
1720Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-06-19
1721Crown LandsAward of Arms1987-11-14
1722Crown LandsCourt Barony1991-11-23
1723Crown LandsGrant of Arms1991-01-12
1724Crown LandsLight of Atenveldt1992-06-26
1725Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-03-09
1726Crown LandsMateriam Superabat Opus1992-11-21
1727Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
1728Crown LandsPaon d'Argent1992-05-23
1729Crown LandsPeacock's Heart1990-03-17
1730Crown LandsPelican1993-02-11
1731Crown LandsPillar of Artemisia1992-08-01
1732Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1992-03-03
1733Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
1734Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1995-12-09
1735Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-03-26
1736Crown LandsAward of Arms1998-11-07
1737Crown LandsTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
1738Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1996-07-18
1739One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1993-10-23
1740Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2016-07-16
1741Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
2886Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2887Arn HoldAward of Arms2012-03-03
2888Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2008-10-18
2889Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2006-11-11
1742Silver KeepAward of Arms2002-06-08
1743One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2015-11-21
1744Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
1745Arn HoldAward of Arms1995-03-25
1746Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1999-03-06
1747Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2004-11-13
1748Arn HoldJewel of Alces1998-09-05
1749Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-07-11
1750Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1995-07-22
1751Arn HoldSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
1752Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-07-18
1753Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
1754Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-15
1755Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-03-26
1756Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-08-01
1757Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-03-25
1758Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1992-05-23
1759Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-01-24
1760Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1993-07-31
1761Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-07-31
1762Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2003-10-18
1763Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1994-03-12
1764Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-17
1765Inactive/Out of KingdomRaven's Treasure2001-10-20
1766Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2002-10-19
1767Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1992-07-25
1768Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-03-02
1769Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-07-21
1770Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
1771Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1994-07-09
1772Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-01-26
1773Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1994-07-09
1774Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1986-12-20
1775Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1990-01-31
1776Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-06-05
1777Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-10-10
4192Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
4193Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
4194Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-10-14
1778Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-06-23
1779Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-03-10
1780One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2012-11-17
1781Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1991-02-15
1782Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-02-14
1783Inactive/Out of KingdomMastery of Arms1996-03-30
1784Inactive/Out of KingdomPurple Fret1993-01-23
1785Inactive/Out of KingdomRed Company1995-05-27
1786Inactive/Out of KingdomRoyal Vanguard2001-09-22
1787Inactive/Out of KingdomSapphire2003-06-21
1788One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-03-06
1789One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2002-11-23
1790One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2002-01-19
1791DeceasedFons Animae1986-12-20
1792DeceasedGrail of Grace1983-01-15
8447DeceasedWhite Lark1982-03-20
1793Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1991-07-20
1794Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-10-05
1795Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-10-20
1796Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1992-06-28
1797Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1989-03-11
1798Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-01-12
1799Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-06-29
1800Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1991-09-28
1801Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-12-09
1802Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1996-12-14
1803Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1998-03-28
1804Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf1998-06-05
1805Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-10-17
1806Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-01-18
1807Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1993-11-20
1808Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1995-04-15
1809Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-09-19
1810One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1996-10-26
1811Loch SalannAward of Arms2000-03-25
1812Loch SalannWhite Duck2000-06-17
1813Loch SalannWhite Falcon1999-03-27
1814Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2017-12-09
1815Crystal CragsAward of Arms2009-05-02
1816BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
1817Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1988-03-26
1818Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-04-23
1819Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
1820StonegatePeacock's Heart2015-11-21
1821StonegateSwan and the Escallop2013-03-16
1822Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1990-10-06
1823Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1989-04-08
1824Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1994-03-11
1825Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1994-10-29
1826Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-06-29
1827Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-06-16
1828Loch SalannAward of Arms2006-01-21
1829Loch SalannWhite Lark2002-03-23
1830OtherhillAward of Arms2015-02-07
1831Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-03
1832Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1994-12-03
1833Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2013-09-28
1834Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
1835Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2016-03-05
1836Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
1837Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
1838Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1996-12-14
1839Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1996-08-31
1840Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-01-31
1841One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2004-03-13
1842Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
1843Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-02-04
1844Arn HoldBowman's Mark2009-10-17
1845Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2007-05-20
1846Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-10-17
1847Arn HoldCounty2012-03-03
1848Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
1849Arn HoldDuchy2015-08-29
1850Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2008-10-18
1851Arn HoldGolden Pillar2013-04-02
1852Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2007-06-16
1853Arn HoldKey Cross2012-05-05
1854Arn HoldRose2012-03-03
1855Arn HoldLaurel2014-07-12
1856Arn HoldOleander2016-02-27
1857Arn HoldOleander2017-02-25
1858Arn HoldOleander2018-02-24
1859Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
1860Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
1861Arn HoldStrongbow of Artemisia2009-11-07
1862Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2012-05-05
1863Arn HoldYggdrasil2005-09-01
8283Arn HoldOleander2019-02-23
1864One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2000-10-28
1865One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2000-11-18
1866Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-03-10
1867Loch SalannCrystal Heart2013-12-14
1868Loch SalannCrystal Heart2015-12-12
1869Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
1870Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-06-02
1871Loch SalannWhite Lark2015-03-14
1872Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-05-09
1873Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1997-04-26
1874Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1996-08-10
1875Inactive/Out of KingdomTalon d'Or1998-11-21
1876BronzehelmAward of Arms2013-08-10
1877BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-07-23
8185BronzehelmGolden Scarf2019-01-05
8567BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2019-10-26
8706BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2020-10-17
1878Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2011-07-16
1879Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-06-11
1880Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose9999-12-31
1881Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-31
1882Inactive/Out of KingdomNorth Star9999-12-31
1883Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
1884Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2002-05-11
1885Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-11-19
1886Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-07-08
1887Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-09-28
1888Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1992-06-28
1889Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1992-11-21
1890Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-04-10
1891Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy1991-03-16
1892Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1988-03-20
1893Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-10-17
1894Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-02-28
1895Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-02-28
1896Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-01-09
1897Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-07-11
1898Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-09-02
1899Inactive/Out of KingdomNorth Star9999-12-31
1900Stan WyrmAward of Arms2017-09-09
8959Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2021-07-10
9255Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-08-20
9356Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2023-01-07
1901Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-08-27
1902Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-05-04
1903Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2016-03-05
1904Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-03-08
1905Loch SalannCourt Barony2017-07-02
1906Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2005-06-10
1907Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2015-12-12
1908Loch SalannFleur d'Or2018-03-10
1909Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-06-20
1910Loch SalannGolden Scarf2003-11-22
1911Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2014-12-13
1912Loch SalannMateriam Superabat Opus2008-09-20
1913Loch SalannPeacock and Key2014-11-22
1914Loch SalannPeacock's Heart1997-08-16
1915Loch SalannPelican2017-11-18
1916Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
1917Loch SalannQuodlibet2017-09-09
1918Loch SalannSwan and the Escallop1996-10-26
1919Loch SalannTalon d'Or1998-01-31
1920Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-06-03
1921Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-12-09
8026Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2018-08-04
8244Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8269Loch SalannHerald Extraordinary2019-03-02
8270Loch SalannAugmentation of Achievement2019-03-02
8498Loch SalannKing's Council2019-09-06
8619Loch SalannSable Helm: Rapier2020-01-04
8667Loch SalannPilgrims of Artemisia2020-04-18
9240Loch SalannPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9277Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9345Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9386Loch SalannDefense2023-03-04
9404Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
1922Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2008-05-31
7743Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-05-05
8148Arn HoldGolden Scarf2018-11-04
8548Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2019-08-23
1923Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-09-17
1924Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2016-12-10
1925Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-06-07
1926Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-08-08
1927Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2017-12-09
1928Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
1929Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-07-21
1930Loch SalannWhite Falcon2013-12-14
1931Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8218Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2018-12-08
8359Loch SalannKnight2019-06-01
8661Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
9043Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2021-12-11
1932Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1998-01-31
1933Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1995-10-08
1934Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
1935Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2014-08-31
1936Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1992-12-12
1937Loch SalannAward of Arms1991-09-28
1938Loch SalannCourt Barony2007-09-01
1939Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2001-05-05
1940Loch SalannGolden Pillar1998-12-12
1941Loch SalannGrant of Arms1999-03-20
1942Loch SalannLaurel2002-09-07
1943Loch SalannWhite Duck1997-07-26
1944Loch SalannWhite Lark2003-07-19
1945Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-09-10
1946Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1996-08-01
1947Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1998-05-16
1948Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Sigil1997-07-12
1949Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1997-05-03
1950Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-03-21
1951Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1994-09-10
1952Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-09-16
1953Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell1994-11-19
1954Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1993-05-01
1955StonegateAward of Arms1993-09-05
1957StonegateGryphon of Artemisia2001-07-14
1958StonegateGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-07-08
1959StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1993-11-20
1960StonegateKing's Council1999-06-19
1961StonegateKing's Council2000-01-08
1962StonegateKing's Council2002-03-09
1963StonegateKing's Council2002-09-14
1964StonegateKing's Council2005-03-12
1965StonegateKing's Council2005-08-27
1966StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
1967StonegatePeacock's Heart1995-04-29
1968StonegatePeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1993-11-20
1969StonegateQueen's Confidence1998-07-11
1970StonegateQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1993-11-20
1972StonegateSwan and the Escallop1992-03-28
1973StonegateTerritorial Court Barony2000-06-10
1974Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-04-29
1975Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-06-19
1976DeceasedAward of Arms2000-06-10
1977DeceasedCrystal of the Salt Wastes2001-05-05
1978DeceasedErmine and Quill2002-12-14
1979DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf2001-05-05
1980DeceasedGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2002-07-27
1981DeceasedGryphons Eye2000-12-09
1982DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-07-14
1984DeceasedQueen's Confidence2001-07-14
1986DeceasedWhite Lark1999-12-11
1987One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
1988Loch SalannList of Grace2015-06-18
1989Loch SalannList of Grace2016-03-12
1990One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride2007-06-16
1991One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1985-11-02
1992One Thousand EyesCounty1994-03-05
1993One Thousand EyesDuchy1999-01-09
1994One Thousand EyesFleur de Soleil1994-06-18
1995One Thousand EyesGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1990-12-08
1996One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2007-11-17
1997One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms1991-03-02
1998One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2003-10-18
1999One Thousand EyesGryphon of Artemisia2011-09-03
2000One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-03
2001One Thousand EyesKing's Sigil1996-03-02
2002One Thousand EyesRose1994-03-05
2003One Thousand EyesLaurel1995-06-11
2004One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-03-05
2005One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1994-06-18
2006One Thousand EyesMirror2001-03-17
2007One Thousand EyesMirror2009-01-17
2008One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-01-12
2009One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
2010One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2008-06-19
2011One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
2012One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1995-10-21
2013One Thousand EyesPelican2008-06-21
2014One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1996-11-16
2015One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2006-03-11
2016One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1985-11-03
2017One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1988-06-04
2018One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-03-02
2019One Thousand EyesQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1995-10-28
2020Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1978-12-30
2021Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1979-07-28
2022Inactive/Out of KingdomCompanion of the Triads1980-05-26
2023Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Sigil1994-09-03
2024Inactive/Out of KingdomLUST1980-07-12
2025Inactive/Out of KingdomValkyrie's Watch1980-02-23
2026Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1992-10-17
2027Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-08-24
2028Stan WyrmCrane's Honor2015-10-17
2029Stan WyrmDefender of the White Scarf2011-06-18
2030Stan WyrmGolden Gryphon's Talon2010-08-28
2031Stan WyrmGolden Scarf2006-07-15
2032Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2011-01-15
2033Stan WyrmGryphons Eye2016-02-06
2034Stan WyrmDefense2015-06-20
2035Stan WyrmQuodlibet2013-09-07
2036Stan WyrmSilver Crane2017-10-14
8988Stan WyrmGryphon and Francisca2022-03-12
2037Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1994-01-15
2038Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1997-06-22
2039Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1981-01-01
2040Inactive/Out of KingdomCynaguan Guard1991-07-14
2041Inactive/Out of KingdomCynaguan Order of Grace1994-07-16
2042Inactive/Out of KingdomFriendly Castle1984-07-14
2043Inactive/Out of KingdomHearthstone1986-05-24
2044Inactive/Out of KingdomCortesia1984-01-28
2045Inactive/Out of KingdomLeaf of Merit1984-11-25
2046Inactive/Out of KingdomMelan Pteron Cynagua1994-01-29
2047Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1987-06-21
2048Inactive/Out of KingdomPied Argent Ordre du1985-08-25
2049Inactive/Out of KingdomPrincess' Order of Grace1982-11-13
2050Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Order of Grace1984-05-04
2051Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2005-10-08
2052Inactive/Out of KingdomRose Leaf1985-03-23
2053Inactive/Out of KingdomScutiferus Cynaguae1995-10-28
2054Inactive/Out of KingdomWinged Harp1996-01-27
2055BronzehelmAward of Arms2006-09-30
2056Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-11-22
2057Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-04-13
2058Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-06-19
2059Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-21
2060Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2008-03-08
2061Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1996-10-12
2062Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1992-05-02
2063Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-12-14
2064Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1997-02-16
2065Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
2066Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-01-10
2067Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1997-07-12
2068Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1992-10-10
2069Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-05-11
2070Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence1998-07-11
2071Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
2072Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-09-07
2073Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1997-07-12
2074Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2011-09-03
2075Arn HoldKing's Council2015-08-29
9426Arn HoldAward of Arms2015-03-07
9553Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2023-04-15
9597Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-07-22
2076Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2008-05-17
2077StonegateAward of Arms2011-11-19
2078StonegateSwan and the Escallop2009-01-17
2079Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1997-04-26
2080Sentinels' KeepCompanion of Minstrels (of Sentinels' Keep)2017-10-14
2081Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2014-10-18
2082Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2017-08-05
2083Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2016-07-09
2084Arrow's FlightMastery of Arms2017-10-21
2085Arrow's FlightDefenders of the Citadel2017-06-03
2086Arrow's FlightKing's Council2017-03-11
2087Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2017-09-09
2088Arrow's FlightWhite Falcon2015-12-12
2084Arrow's FlightMastery of Arms2017-10-21
2085Arrow's FlightDefenders of the Citadel2017-06-03
2086Arrow's FlightKing's Council2017-03-11
2087Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2017-09-09
2088Arrow's FlightWhite Falcon2015-12-12
2089Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck9999-12-31
2090Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-05-04
2091Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-05-31
2092Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-10-19
2093Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2015-04-04
2094Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2015-10-06
2095Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1987-10-03
2096Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1999-11-13
2097Inactive/Out of KingdomCorolla Vitea1988-10-01
2098Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-31
2099Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-01-24
2100StonegateAward of Arms2012-06-16
2101StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2012-06-16
2102DeceasedAward of Arms1998-04-04
2103Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-30
2104Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-07-29
2105Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-05-11
2106One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1996-11-16
2107Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
2108Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-11-13
2109Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
2110Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
2111Crystal CragsAward of Arms2005-05-14
2112Crystal CragsGolden Pillar2008-10-25
2113Crystal CragsGolden Sun in Splendour2009-08-20
2114Arn HoldAward of Arms2010-06-18
2115Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2008-04-05
2116BronzehelmAward of Arms1998-01-17
2119BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2002-06-07
2121BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon1999-01-02
2122BronzehelmGolden Pillar9999-12-31
2123BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
2124BronzehelmIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2000-03-11
2125BronzehelmRock: Armored2018-01-06
8739BronzehelmSable Helm: Armored2021-01-09
8862BronzehelmAugmentation of Arms2021-09-11
9450BronzehelmKing's Council2023-02-11
9510BronzehelmSable Helm: Armored2023-01-07
9591BronzehelmGryphon of Artemisia2023-09-16
9685BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
2126Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-07-23
2127Crown LandsKey Cross2012-10-06
2128Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-06-08
2129Inactive/Out of KingdomRaven's Treasure2003-01-11
2130Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant2003-10-18
2131Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2002-10-19
2132BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2016-07-09
2133BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-03-21
2134BronzehelmKey Cross2016-02-26
2135Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-09-16
2136Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-11-21
2137Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2010-12-11
2138Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-23
2139Inactive/Out of KingdomPurple Fret1993-10-30
2140Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2001-05-05
2141Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1990-04-07
2142Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1995-12-16
2143Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-06-29
2144Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1991-01-12
2145Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1991-06-29
2146Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-06-19
2147Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1995-07-08
2148Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1992-03-28
2149Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
2150Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms9999-12-31
2151Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf2006-09-16
2152Inactive/Out of KingdomErmine and Gauntlet1999-12-11
2153Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2005-05-28
2154Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-09-01
2155Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2002-03-09
2156Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1998-01-24
2157DragonmarchAward of Arms2006-06-25
8112DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8144DragonmarchGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-20
8592DragonmarchGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8600DragonmarchWhite Loon2019-12-07
9654DragonmarchDefenders of the Citadel2023-09-09
2158Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2159Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-09-03
2160Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Bridle2009-07-11
2161Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2012-07-07
2162Inactive/Out of KingdomChevalier Baronia Gloria2009-05-16
2163Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2006-08-07
2164Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2009-01-31
2165Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces2008-11-15
2166Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2012-01-28
2167Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
2168Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2007-09-29
2169Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-08-03
2170BronzehelmAward of Arms1986-07-27
2172BronzehelmGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-01-12
2173BronzehelmPillar of Artemisia1995-10-07
2175Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1995-10-28
2176Sentinels' KeepKnight2000-06-10
2177Sentinels' KeepCombattant Moose2009-01-31
2178Sentinels' KeepCounty2003-09-13
2179Sentinels' KeepFer de Moline2008-04-05
2180Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-28
2181Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-10-21
2182Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1999-06-04
2183Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-09-12
2184Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-08-12
2185Sentinels' KeepHawk's Lure1997-04-12
2186Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2006-10-21
2187Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2005-03-12
2188Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2016-02-26
2189Sentinels' KeepKnight Bannerette2008-09-13
2190Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2007-03-03
2191Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2014-07-19
2192Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant1998-10-24
2193Sentinels' KeepVigilance1995-01-28
2194Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2001-11-15
2195Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf9999-12-31
2196Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2007-09-08
2197Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
2198Gryphon's LairKey Cross2006-10-14
2199Gryphon's LairLaurel2008-06-21
2200Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2004-09-11
2201Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2007-09-08
2202Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
2203Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2010-01-09
2204Gryphon's LairWhite Lark2001-11-15
2205Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-01-09
2206Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2004-09-04
2207Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2208Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-03-15
2209Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2004-11-13
2210Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2009-10-17
2211Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2008-10-18
2212Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2007-06-16
2213Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-03
2214Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2004-05-22
2215Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor2004-09-04
2216Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2009-10-17
2217Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell2007-11-03
2218Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-05-28
2219Loch SalannWhite Lark2008-12-13
2220One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
2221Crown LandsAward of Arms1998-04-04
2222One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
2223Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-11-12
2224Sentinels' KeepAward of Paws2016-03-05
2225Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-11-15
2226Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1997-08-23
2227Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-08-03
2228Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2001-09-01
2229Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-10-11
2230One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2004-01-17
2231Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace1989-12-16
2232Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1999-06-05
2233Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-01-16
2234Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1993-01-16
2235Crown LandsGolden Gryphon's Talon2017-07-03
8482Crown LandsDefenders of the Citadel2019-09-06
2236Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1991-11-23
2237Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1996-02-17
2238Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1993-11-20
2239Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2007-09-08
2240Inactive/Out of KingdomHawk's Lure1995-06-17
2241Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Sigil1996-08-31
2242Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-01-09
2243Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
2244Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet1996-04-13
2245Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1992-05-30
2246Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-07-18
2247Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1993-09-19
2248Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-11-05
2249Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-10-15
2250Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1996-05-04
2251Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-07
2252Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-06-09
2253Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
2254Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2006-10-21
2255Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2014-10-18
2256Sentinels' KeepPeacock's Heart2003-05-31
2257Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2013-07-20
2258Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2005-10-15
2259Sentinels' KeepSwan and the Escallop1994-11-19
2260Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2002-06-06
2261Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2007-05-20
2262Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-04-11
2263Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1998-03-14
2264Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1996-01-16
2265Inactive/Out of KingdomTalon d'Or1999-03-20
2266Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-07-15
2267Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-09-16
2268Inactive/Out of KingdomRoyal Commendation1995-01-14
2269Loch SalannAward of Arms2007-06-14
2270Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2016-09-17
2271Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-12-12
2272Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
2273Loch SalannGryphon's Pride1990-07-21
2274Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1990-01-13
2275Loch SalannQuodlibet2016-09-03
2276Loch SalannWhite Falcon2016-03-12
2277Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-03-03
2278Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-09-21
2279Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-07-26
2280Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-02-24
2281Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1993-02-12
2282Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-11-12
2283DeceasedGrail of Grace1981-05-24
2284DeceasedWhite Lark1981-03-28
2285Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2005-10-21
2286Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2008-03-22
2287Sentinels' KeepCrane's Honor2011-09-24
2288Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2007-10-27
2289Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2009-07-08
2290Sentinels' KeepVigilance2008-04-12
2291Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-01-18
2292Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1987-07-03
2293Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-10-13
2294Crown LandsAward of Arms2002-06-08
2295Crown LandsDefenders of the Citadel2005-04-23
2296Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
2297Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-04-26
2298Crown LandsKing's Council2005-03-12
2299Crown LandsKing's Council2008-09-13
2300Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
2301Crown LandsQuodlibet2002-09-14
2302Crown LandsQuodlibet2006-09-09
2303Crown LandsWhite Cygent1995-05-27
2304Crown LandsWreath of Valor2002-06-22
2305Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1995-05-06
2306Sentinels' KeepEye of the Swan2000-10-28
2307Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2005-10-15
2308Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms2004-07-10
2309Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1995-03-25
2310Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-01
2311Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2006-10-21
2312Sentinels' KeepPelican2011-06-18
2313Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2003-10-18
2314Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2004-03-20
2315One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-01-23
2316One Thousand EyesDefender of the White Scarf2001-11-10
2317One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2003-10-18
2318One Thousand EyesGolden Scarf2000-11-18
2319One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2004-03-06
2320One Thousand EyesGryphon of Artemisia2003-02-14
2321One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
2322One Thousand EyesKing's Council2004-03-13
2323One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1999-07-11
2324One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1998-10-24
2325One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2000-03-11
2326One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2005-11-19
2327Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
2328Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2008-07-12
2329Arn HoldUniversitatus Quadrivium2009-11-07
2330Arn HoldYggdrasil2012-07-07
2331Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2018-03-10
2332Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-04-14
2333Loch SalannList of Courtesy2017-08-05
8307Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-12-08
8361Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-06-01
8576Loch SalannWhite Duck2019-03-09
8593Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8602Loch SalannWhite Loon2019-12-07
8645Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2020-03-07
8681Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2020-06-06
2331Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2018-03-10
2332Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-04-14
2333Loch SalannList of Courtesy2017-08-05
8307Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-12-08
8361Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-06-01
8576Loch SalannWhite Duck2019-03-09
8593Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8602Loch SalannWhite Loon2019-12-07
8645Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2020-03-07
8681Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2020-06-06
2334Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-01-11
2335Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-10-19
2336Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2018-03-10
2337Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-09-03
2338Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-09-14
2339Crown LandsGryphon's Pride2002-03-09
2340Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
2341Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2007-05-05
2342Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-06-20
2343Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2017-05-28
2344Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-01-08
2345Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2011-01-08
2346Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2018-05-26
2347Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2017-06-30
2348Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2010-05-30
2349Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
8242Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2019-01-12
9233Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9614Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2024-02-24
2350OtherhillAward of Arms1979-05-26
2351OtherhillCourt Barony1985-08-24
2352OtherhillLight of Atenveldt1981-05-24
2354OtherhillStag's Tynes1981-11-21
2355OtherhillWalker of the Way1982-05-30
2356Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-03-02
2357One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2008-06-20
2358Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-09-01
2359Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1981-08-23
2360Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-01-13
2361Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf1998-03-28
2362Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf1996-12-14
2363Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-06-21
2364Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2003-09-13
2365Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-02-24
2366Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-12-10
2367Loch SalannCourt Barony2012-09-01
2368Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-04-04
2369Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-06-13
2370Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2015-12-12
2371Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
2372Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-03-05
2373Loch SalannWhite Goose2018-03-10
8070Loch SalannWhite Osprey2018-07-21
2374DeceasedAward of Arms1989-09-23
2375DeceasedWhite Falcon1994-12-10
2376DeceasedWhite Lark1993-06-26
2377Loch SalannWhite Cygent2013-09-21
2378Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-02-03
2379Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-12-11
2380Côte du CielDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2016-08-06
2381Côte du CielErmine and Gauntlet2010-07-24
2382Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2017-04-08
2383Côte du CielGolden Pillar2018-06-16
2384Côte du CielGolden Scarf2015-06-20
2385Côte du CielQuodlibet2017-03-11
8116Côte du CielQuodlibet2018-09-07
8309Côte du CielDefense2018-12-08
8484Côte du CielQuodlibet2019-09-06
9007Côte du CielGryphon and Pheon2022-03-26
9582Côte du CielQuodlibet2023-09-16
2386Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1987-10-24
2387DeceasedAward of Arms1999-10-14
2388DeceasedGolden Pillar2002-05-25
2389DeceasedGolden Pillar2004-02-13
2390DeceasedGryphon and Pheon2007-01-06
2391DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-09-07
2392Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2010-12-05
2393Inactive/Out of KingdomPanache Blanc2012-01-07
9229Inactive/Out of KingdomPanache Blanc2021-08-07
2394Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-09-04
2395DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-07-07
2396Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
2397Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2007-03-17
2398Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2013-10-25
2399Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2006-11-11
2400Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
2401Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2015-04-04
2402Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
2403Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-06-06
2404Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
2405Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2016-03-05
2406Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-06-19
2407Loch SalannKnight2017-02-25
2408Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2011-12-10
2409Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2015-06-06
2410Loch SalannErmine and Quill2012-09-29
2411Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2012-06-15
2412Loch SalannGolden Pillar2011-06-04
2413Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2012-11-03
2414Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-03-06
2415Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
2416Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
2417Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
2418Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-03-02
2419Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-09-07
2420Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
2421Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
2422Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
2423Loch SalannHerald Extraordinary2018-04-14
2424Loch SalannKing's Council2015-02-13
2425Loch SalannKing's Council2017-03-11
2426Loch SalannPelican2014-12-13
2427Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2015-12-12
2428Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-07-21
2429Loch SalannWhite Falcon2009-12-12
8058Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2018-07-21
8613Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8654Loch SalannKing's Council2020-04-18
2430Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-10-14
2431Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold9999-12-31
2432Stan WyrmGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-03-21
2433Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-10-15
2434Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
2435One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1988-07-11
2436One Thousand EyesQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1987-11-14
2437Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2004-10-30
2438Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2015-03-21
2439Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
2440Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
2441Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-09-01
2442Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2006-11-11
2443Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2000-11-18
2444Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
2445Crystal CragsAward of Arms2008-04-12
2446Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1995-07-22
2447Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
2448Arn HoldGolden Pillar2013-10-25
2449Arn HoldGrant of Arms2010-06-17
2450Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2011-10-29
2451Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Paws2016-03-05
2452BronzehelmAward of Arms2014-04-05
2453BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-05-21
8310BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2018-08-11
2454StonegateAward of Arms1998-03-14
2456StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2002-06-08
2457StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
2458StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1998-01-31
2459StonegatePaon d'Argent2003-03-01
2460StonegatePeacock's Heart2001-06-08
2461StonegateSwan and the Escallop1998-01-31
2462Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-01-31
2463Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2007-05-20
2464Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1991-01-12
2465Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2017-09-09
2466One Thousand EyesAugmentation of Arms1991-06-30
2467One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1985-11-09
2468One Thousand EyesKnight1992-06-26
2469One Thousand EyesFounding Baron One Thousand Eyes1987-11-14
2470One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
2471One Thousand EyesGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1990-06-16
2472One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1990-03-28
2473One Thousand EyesJallerhorn1995-08-01
2474One Thousand EyesLaurel1995-09-16
2475One Thousand EyesLight of Atenveldt1988-11-19
2476One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-07-21
2477One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1991-11-23
2478One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1991-06-30
2479One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1987-02-21
2480One Thousand EyesPelican1989-12-16
2481One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1990-11-17
2482One Thousand EyesPrince's Counselor1993-06-19
2483One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2006-03-11
2484One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony1991-06-29
2485One Thousand EyesViscounty1991-07-13
2486One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle1998-08-08
2487Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1995-10-14
2488Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1997-01-11
2489Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-01-16
2490Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-12-09
2491Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1991-04-27
2492Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1993-10-23
2493Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2017-10-21
2494Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-02-24
2495Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2009-07-18
2496Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-10-27
2497Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
2498Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
2499Loch SalannWhite Falcon2018-03-10
8523Loch SalannErmine and Quill2019-07-20
2500Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-01-11
2501Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1994-09-10
2502Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1985-11-09
2503Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1995-09-16
2504Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1986-09-06
2505Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1987-02-28
2506Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1991-11-23
2507Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-08-18
2508Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or1998-06-01
2509Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
2510Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-06-19
2511Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1995-06-24
2512Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1994-09-10
2513Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-10-19
2514BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
2515Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1979-05-26
2516Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1979-06-16
2517Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1990-12-08
2518Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-12-07
2519Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-07-21
2520Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-03-20
2521Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-12-14
2522Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1998-02-28
2523Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-09-01
2524Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2013-06-15
2525Arrow's FlightSwan and the Escallop2012-06-17
2526Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-07-15
2527Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1996-09-07
2528Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
2529Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
2530Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1987-02-21
2531Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-02-26
2532Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1993-11-27
2533Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-28
2534Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1995-09-16
2535Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-08
2536Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-09-10
2537Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1993-11-20
2538Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1992-03-28
2539Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2540Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
2541Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2011-06-17
2542Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold9999-12-31
2543Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-21
2544Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1986-12-20
2545Inactive/Out of KingdomAzure Archers of Atenveldt1993-11-13
2546One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2009-03-07
2547One Thousand EyesKing's Council2016-03-19
2548One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2008-07-19
2549One Thousand EyesWhite Duck2008-12-13
2550Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-01-07
2551Silver KeepAward of Arms2001-02-10
2552Silver KeepCompany of Sojourners2003-01-25
2553Silver KeepSigillum Coronae (Drachenwald)2003-01-04
2554DragonmarchAward of Arms2005-04-09
2555DragonmarchErmine and Gauntlet2001-08-11
2556One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2014-06-14
2557Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-02-04
2558Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
2559Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2014-06-07
2560Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart2014-06-14
2561Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2013-03-02
2562Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2015-02-13
2563Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy2013-09-21
2564Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-06-16
2565One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-03-08
2566Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2007-03-24
2567Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1999-11-13
2568Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-10-21
2569Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms2014-04-05
2570Sentinels' KeepQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]2003-05-10
2571Sentinels' KeepStag's Heart2000-09-03
9718Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2024-04-20
2573Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1998-10-01
8338Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1999-06-19
2575Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2013-06-14
2576Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace1990-03-31
2577Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-05-06
2578Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
2579Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2000-02-18
2580Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2003-11-22
2581Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-21
2582Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-08-10
2583Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1995-10-21
2584Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-01-13
2585Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-08-26
2586Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1995-11-18
2587Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2000-04-15
2588Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-06-14
2589Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence1998-07-11
2590Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Order of Courtesy1996-02-13
2591Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-11-19
2592Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1998-06-06
2593Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-12-13
2594Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2009-07-25
2595Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2009-03-07
2596Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2009-03-14
2597Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2010-10-16
2598Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2012-01-07
2599Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2007-12-08
2600Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-12-01
2601Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
2602Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2007-03-03
2603Crystal CragsAward of Arms1993-12-04
2604Crystal CragsList of Grace1990-03-31
2605Crystal CragsWhite Duck1993-06-26
2606One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-06-16
2607Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-01-31
2608Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-02-02
2609Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2006-02-16
2610Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-08-05
2611Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2011-12-10
2612Arrow's FlightList of Grace2017-06-03
2613Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2017-08-05
8213Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2018-12-08
2614Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2008-10-25
2615Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2009-07-18
2616DeceasedAward of Arms2003-06-28
2617Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-07-06
2618Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1999-09-11
2619Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-01-04
2620Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-09-01
2621Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2006-11-11
2622Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces2007-03-17
2623Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or2007-09-29
2624Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2005-11-19
2625Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2005-09-01
2626Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
2627Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-03-11
2628Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2009-05-08
2629Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-06-16
2630Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
2631Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
2632Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-09-05
2633Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2008-11-08
2634Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2006-06-03
2635Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-08-10
2636Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-07-13
2637Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1991-12-14
2638Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-10-10
2639Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
2640Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1993-01-10
2641Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-04-13
2642Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1992-08-29
2643Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1993-01-09
2644Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-03-20
2645Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2008-07-12
2646Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-14
2647Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2011-07-13
2648Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-12-13
2649Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2008-05-24
2650Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2005-07-16
2651Loch SalannFons Animae2014-12-13
2652Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-28
2653Loch SalannGolden Pillar2012-12-08
2654Loch SalannGolden Scarf2005-12-10
2655Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
2656Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
2657Loch SalannKey Cross2013-11-02
2658Loch SalannLaurel2016-08-06
2659Loch SalannDefense2017-03-04
2660Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-03-01
2661Loch SalannQuodlibet2007-03-03
2662Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-03-10
2663Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-12-08
2664Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
8066Loch SalannWhite Goose2018-07-20
8130Loch SalannKing's Council2018-09-07
9554Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-04-15
2665DeceasedAward of Arms2003-10-18
2667DeceasedDefenders of the Citadel2009-10-24
2668DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf2006-06-10
2669DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-05-14
2670DeceasedKey Cross2008-08-23
2671DeceasedSiege of Crane's Combatant2008-10-25
2672Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1998-03-28
2673Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2000-12-09
2674Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2002-02-15
2675Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2001-04-23
2676DeceasedArgent Plume2001-01-27
2677DeceasedAward of Arms1997-06-06
2678DeceasedGolden Pillar2000-05-13
2679DeceasedJewel of the Keep1999-07-24
2680DeceasedSilver Crane2000-10-28
2681Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-01-13
2682One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-06-06
2683One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1997-06-07
2684One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1996-11-16
2685Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
2686BronzehelmAcorn of Bronzehelm2018-05-19
2687Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2688Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-10-29
2689Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2010-08-28
2690Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
2691Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2008-05-17
2692Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2008-09-27
2693Arn HoldNorth Star2010-08-28
2694Arn HoldQuodlibet2011-05-07
2695Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2003-12-06
2696Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-24
2697Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1997-10-25
2698Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
2699Arn HoldGolden Pillar2014-07-12
2700Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2015-11-14
2701Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-03-10
2702Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-04-22
2703Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2012-03-03
2704Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross9999-12-31
2705Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
2706Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2010-08-28
2707Arn HoldCourt Barony2014-07-12
2708Arn HoldKey Cross2013-04-02
2709Arn HoldLaurel2017-07-02
2710Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
2711Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2012-01-28
2712Arn HoldYggdrasil2008-11-15
2713Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-17
2714Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2001-06-23
2715Sentinels' KeepCorde de Guerre of Caid2011-08-12
2716Sentinels' KeepCrescent Sword2004-11-14
2717Sentinels' KeepDefenders of the Citadel2016-08-06
2718Sentinels' KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-02-08
2719Sentinels' KeepGolden Trident2007-06-09
2720Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2014-10-18
2721Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2017-10-14
2722Sentinels' KeepVigilance2014-07-19
2723Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-08-27
2724Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2000-04-08
2725Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-31
2726Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1997-08-31
2727Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-01-15
2728Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1998-10-24
2729Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
2730Arn HoldAward of Arms1986-09-01
2731Arn HoldCombattant Moose1996-10-19
2732Arn HoldGrant of Arms1999-09-04
2733Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-11-28
2734Arn HoldKing's Council2002-03-09
2735Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1997-10-11
2736Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1990-12-08
2737One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-03-08
2738Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1991-03-09
2739Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-21
2740Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Bridle2009-01-31
2741Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2007-05-20
2742Inactive/Out of KingdomCheval d'Or1998-06-06
2743Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2007-07-14
2744Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2012-01-28
2745Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor2009-09-26
2746Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-09-26
2747Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2017-03-04
2748Arn HoldAward of Arms1989-09-03
2749Arn HoldCounty2006-03-11
2750Arn HoldDuchy2011-09-03
2751Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2006-10-14
2752Arn HoldGolden Pillar2008-10-18
2753Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
2754Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-01-23
2755Arn HoldJewel of Alces2009-01-31
2756Arn HoldRose2006-03-11
2757Arn HoldLaurel2007-02-03
2758Arn HoldPelican2009-10-17
2759Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1989-07-08
2760Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2004-09-11
2761Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
2762Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
2763Arn HoldTrefoil and Mace2006-10-14
2764Arn HoldWhite Duck9999-12-31
2765Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2008-04-05
8101Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-12-04
2766Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-02-21
2767Silver KeepAward of Arms1998-08-22
2768Silver KeepCounty2016-03-05
2769Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2005-07-23
2770Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2010-08-28
2771Silver KeepJewel of the Keep2015-07-11
2772Silver KeepRose2016-03-05
2773Silver KeepLaurel2011-08-27
2774Silver KeepOleander2016-02-27
9336Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
2775One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-10-30
2776One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2009-04-04
2777One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2013-06-15
2778One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2015-11-21
2779One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart9999-12-31
8393One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2019-03-16
2780Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-06-09
2781Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1999-09-04
2782Inactive/Out of KingdomUnicorn Meadow2012-07-07
2783Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-10-09
2784Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1997-08-23
2785Arn HoldKnight1995-09-16
2786Arn HoldCombattant Moose1997-08-23
2787Arn HoldCourt Barony2012-07-07
2788Arn HoldGolden Feather of Artemisia1997-01-11
2789Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2016-07-16
2790Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2013-10-25
2791Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2013-06-15
2792Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-05-01
2793Arn HoldJewel of Alces2014-07-12
2794Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
2795Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
2796Arn HoldPelican2014-06-13
2797Arn HoldPomme d'Or1998-09-05
2798Arn HoldQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
2799Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]2011-11-05
2800Arn HoldQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1996-08-03
2801Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1996-07-18
2802Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2016-07-16
2803Arn HoldViscounty1995-07-08
2804Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2017-05-06
8156Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2018-11-04
8626Arn HoldGolden Pillar2020-01-11
2805Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1990-12-08
2806Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-13
2807Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart2011-12-10
2808Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2010-11-13
2809Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Goose2009-07-25
2810Crown LandsWhite Duck2004-01-03
2811Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-05-13
2812Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1995-07-29
2813Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1993-07-31
2814Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-10-29
2815Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant2001-10-20
2816Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1992-07-18
2817One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2014-01-18
2818One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride2015-01-17
9311One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
2819Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1995-10-14
2820Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
2821Inactive/Out of KingdomCounty2000-07-08
2822Silver KeepAward of Arms2009-01-17
2823Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2011-01-15
2824StonegateAward of Arms2007-10-20
2825StonegateAward of Arms2007-11-03
2826StonegateBaroness' Favor [Three Mountains]2006-09-30
2827StonegateBaron's Favor [Three Mountains]2006-09-30
2828StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2017-11-18
2829StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-11-19
2830StonegateGolden Torc2004-02-21
2831StonegateHeart of Three Mountains2007-03-24
2832StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2017-03-18
2833StonegateMountain's Pride2006-06-10
2835StonegateSwan and the Escallop2011-06-18
3194StonegateTalon d'Or2013-06-13
8430StonegateGolden Pillar2019-05-25
8497StonegateKing's Council2019-09-06
8935StonegateCourt Barony2021-11-20
9280StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2022-09-10
9328StonegateKing's Council2022-09-17
9653StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2023-09-09
2836Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-09-16
2837Crown LandsAward of Arms2009-06-19
2838Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-11-03
2839Loch SalannCompany of Sojourners1976-12-12
2840Loch SalannGrant of Arms1978-12-30
2841Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-03-24
2842Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1981-05-24
2843Loch SalannPelican1986-09-06
2844Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1988-06-04
2845Loch SalannStag's Tynes1979-06-30
2846Loch SalannWhite Duck1980-10-18
2847Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1998-09-05
2848Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-05-09
2849Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-03-21
2850Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2003-05-10
2851Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-01-26
2852Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-28
2853Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2004-01-31
2854Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell1997-05-31
2855Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2856Arn HoldAward of Arms1998-09-19
2857Arn HoldKnight2010-06-19
2858Arn HoldCombattant Moose2008-04-05
2859Arn HoldCourt Barony2015-07-18
2860Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2009-01-31
2861Arn HoldFer de Moline9999-12-31
2862Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2007-05-19
2863Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2010-01-09
2864Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
2865Arn HoldNorth Star2010-08-28
2866Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2009-10-17
2867Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-06-26
2868Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms2018-03-10
2869Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-01-10
2870Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2015-01-10
2871Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2010-11-13
2872Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2012-01-07
2873Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2010-08-14
2874Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2016-05-28
2875Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2016-08-06
2876Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
2877Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
2878Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
2879Gryphon's LairKey Cross2013-06-15
2880Gryphon's LairLaurel2014-08-30
2881Gryphon's LairOleander2018-02-24
2882Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
2883Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
2884Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2014-10-04
2885Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
8119Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8260Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
8662Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2020-04-18
8905Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
8908Gryphon's LairKing's Council2021-09-11
9397Gryphon's LairPelican2023-03-18
9398Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2023-03-18
1740Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2016-07-16
1741Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
2886Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
2887Arn HoldAward of Arms2012-03-03
2888Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2008-10-18
2889Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2006-11-11
2890Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
2891Loch SalannAward of Arms2006-11-11
2892Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2009-04-04
2893Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-07-01
2894Crown LandsAward of Arms1993-11-27
2895Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-06-06
2896Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-03-10
2897Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-03-10
2898Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-09-22
2899Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-01-21
2900Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-05-13
2901Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-03-30
2902Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-10-11
2903Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-10-11
2904Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2017-10-14
2905One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1999-08-07
2906Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-01-31
2907Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-12-12
2908Loch SalannKnight1995-10-14
2909Loch SalannCounty2007-09-08
2910Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2001-12-08
2911Loch SalannDuchy2017-09-09
2912Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf1997-12-13
2913Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf1998-12-13
2914Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2008-12-13
2915Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2002-03-09
2916Loch SalannGryphons Eye1999-11-13
2917Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
2918Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-01-13
2919Loch SalannHawk's Lure1994-12-10
2920Loch SalannKing's Council1999-07-10
2921Loch SalannKing's Council2002-03-09
2922Loch SalannKing's Council2008-03-08
2923Loch SalannKing's Council2008-09-13
2924Loch SalannKing's Council2012-03-03
2925Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
2926Loch SalannKing's Sigil1996-08-31
2927Loch SalannLaurel2002-03-09
2928Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
2929Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1995-02-01
2930Loch SalannQuodlibet2006-03-11
2931Loch SalannWhite Duck1996-12-14
2932Loch SalannWhite Falcon1991-12-07
2933Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2016-08-06
2934Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2004-12-09
2935Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2011-01-08
2936Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2010-06-18
2937Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-10
2938Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2006-09-16
2939Gryphon's LairGrant of Arms2010-04-10
2940Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-30
2941Stan WyrmAward of Arms2012-08-25
2942Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2014-10-18
2943Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2015-12-05
2944Stan WyrmSilver Crane2017-10-14
2945Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-04-25
2946DeceasedCrystal of the Salt Wastes1994-10-22
2947DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-09-03
2948DeceasedWhite Duck1987-10-24
2949DeceasedWhite Lark1993-05-15
2950Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-09-19
2951Loch SalannErmine and Quill2012-09-29
2952Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2009-09-19
2953Loch SalannQuodlibet2011-09-17
2954Loch SalannQuodlibet2014-07-26
2955Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2012-09-15
2956Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-06-02
2957Loch SalannWhite Goose2009-04-18
2958Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-03-11
2959Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-12-09
2960Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-09-06
2961Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2002-05-11
2962Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-09-02
2963Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Bridle2008-03-08
2964Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2002-11-02
2965Inactive/Out of KingdomChevalier Baronia Gloria2006-09-02
2966Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-07-14
2967Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-01-26
2968Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
2969Inactive/Out of KingdomNorth Star2007-11-03
2970Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
2971Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor2000-11-18
2972Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2011-07-16
2973OtherhillAward of Arms1988-10-01
2974OtherhillGolden Maple Leaf2015-02-07
2975Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-16
2976Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1996-11-16
2977Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1994-11-19
2978Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-04-29
2975Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-16
2976Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1996-11-16
2977Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1994-11-19
2978Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-04-29
2980Arn HoldAward of Arms2013-10-25
2981Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-05-14
2982Arn HoldCombattant Moose2014-07-12
2983Arn HoldGolden Pillar2014-07-12
2984Arn HoldGolden Scarf2016-07-16
2985Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2016-04-02
2986Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
2987Arn HoldKing's Council2015-08-29
2988Arn HoldSilver Lute (Wealdsmere)2015-05-24
2989Arn HoldYggdrasil2013-05-18
2990Silver KeepAward of Arms2008-11-01
2991Silver KeepGryphons Eye2009-08-22
2992Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1982-04-24
2993Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
2994Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2012-03-03
2995Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2010-06-18
2996DragonmarchGolden Scarf2006-06-25
2997Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1992-03-28
2998Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-05-25
2999Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2005-06-23
3000Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2002-08-24
3001Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-10-28
3002Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1994-03-26
3003Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1993-05-15
3004Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-07-04
3005Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2007-02-03
3006Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2009-07-11
3007Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2012-01-07
3008Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-07-02
3009Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2017-08-05
3010Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-02-24
3011Loch SalannList of Courtesy2017-03-04
8524Loch SalannWhite Duck2019-07-20
8588Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2019-12-07
9394Loch SalannQuodlibet2023-03-18
9675Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9692Loch SalannDefense2024-03-16
3012BronzehelmAward of Arms2008-08-23
3013Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-20
3014Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
3015Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
3016OtherhillArtemisian Order of Grace1996-07-06
3017OtherhillAward of Arms1991-04-13
3020OtherhillGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
3021OtherhillGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-05-11
3022OtherhillKing's Sigil1996-09-07
3023OtherhillLion of Artemisia1998-01-17
3024OtherhillGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
3025OtherhillGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-01-10
3028Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-02-18
3029Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-06-14
3030Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-09
3031Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell1996-03-16
3032Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2002-02-23
3033Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-12-14
3034Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
3035Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2004-09-18
3036Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia9999-12-31
3037Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1991-07-20
3038Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1990-07-28
3039Sentinels' KeepEye of the Swan2000-01-29
3040Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis1994-08-07
3041Sentinels' KeepFleur de Soleil1992-08-01
3042Sentinels' KeepGolden Badger1998-10-24
3043Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2008-04-12
3044Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1992-10-24
3045Sentinels' KeepLaurel1993-01-10
3046Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-04-27
3047Sentinels' KeepOleander1997-02-15
3048Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-17
3049Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain1999-10-23
3050Sentinels' KeepPelican2009-06-20
3051Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1994-10-15
3052Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2008-07-26
3053Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2003-10-18
3054Sentinels' KeepVigilance1997-10-25
3055Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1990-10-21
3056Stan WyrmAward of Arms1996-05-13
3057One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-11-21
3058One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-04-26
3059Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
3060BronzehelmAward of Arms1998-05-20
3061BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2003-06-28
3062BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2015-10-03
8741BronzehelmSable Helm: Bardic2021-01-09
3063Crystal CragsAward of Arms1995-10-28
3064Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-12-14
3065Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
3066Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1998-11-01
3067Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1996-12-14
3068Crystal CragsAward of Arms2018-03-10
3069Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-19
3070Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2001-03-24
3071Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1993-12-04
3072Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-03-26
3073Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
3074Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-04-10
3075Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-07-25
3076One Thousand EyesArtemisian Order of Grace1994-08-06
3077One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1989-11-11
3078One Thousand EyesCourt Barony1998-03-28
3079One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms1993-11-20
3080One Thousand EyesGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-04-09
3081One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-01-12
3082One Thousand EyesMirror1989-03-11
3083One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-07-08
3084One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1992-03-28
3085One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1995-11-18
3086One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1991-03-09
3087One Thousand EyesPelican1994-11-19
3088One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1993-03-27
3089One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or1993-11-20
3090Loch SalannAward of Arms1986-12-20
3091Loch SalannKnight1989-12-16
3092Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1989-08-26
3093Loch SalannHawk's Lure1989-09-23
3094Loch SalannKing's Sigil1990-01-27
3095Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-01-13
3096Loch SalannQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1990-01-27
3097Loch SalannWhite Duck1986-12-20
3098Loch SalannWhite Lark1988-12-13
3099Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-11-04
3100Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2008-01-05
3101Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2008-05-24
3102Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-04-05
3103Loch SalannKnight1981-04-12
3104Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-12-15
3105Loch SalannWhite Falcon1996-12-14
3106Loch SalannWhite Lark1992-12-12
3107Crystal CragsAward of Arms2005-05-14
3108Arn HoldAward of Arms2005-06-11
3109Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-05-03
3110Loch SalannBouget2003-10-25
3111Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2015-12-12
3112Loch SalannEmpty Shell2003-06-01
3113Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2016-06-04
3114Loch SalannErmine and Quill2017-12-09
3115Loch SalannGolden Pillar2016-12-10
3116Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2017-10-21
3117Loch SalannOleander1998-02-14
3118Loch SalannOleander2013-02-02
3119Loch SalannOleander2016-02-27
3120Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
3121Loch SalannOriental Dragon2003-10-25
3122Loch SalannSilver Crane2017-09-09
3123Loch SalannSwan and the Escallop1996-11-16
3124Loch SalannWhite Duck2015-12-12
3125Loch SalannWhite Loon2017-07-08
8111Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8220Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8247Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8493Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2019-09-06
8518Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2019-06-01
8610Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8640Loch SalannPelican2020-02-22
8647Loch SalannOleander2020-02-22
8924Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
8927Loch SalannCourt Barony2021-12-11
9014Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-03-12
9036Loch SalannWhite Goose2022-03-05
9373Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2022-12-10
9678Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9689Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2024-02-24
3126Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2002-10-01
3127Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2004-09-04
3128Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
3129Arn HoldAward of Arms2002-08-23
3130Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2003-08-30
3131Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2007-03-17
3132Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-05-06
3133Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2004-08-07
3134Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2011-01-29
3135Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
3136Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
3137Arn HoldJewel of Alces2006-09-02
3138Arn HoldKey Cross2005-06-11
3139Arn HoldLaurel2007-09-01
3140Arn HoldPelican2015-01-24
3141Arn HoldPomme d'Or2005-01-22
3142Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2012-03-03
3143Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
3144Arn HoldQuodlibet2007-05-05
3145Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2003-07-12
3146Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2004-09-04
3147Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2009-10-17
8253Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8632Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2020-01-25
8673Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2020-05-02
8770Arn HoldClaves Artemisiae2020-07-18
8843Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2020-08-22
8917Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
8948Arn HoldGratia Coronae [WEST]2021-09-05
3148Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1996-09-21
3149Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1995-07-08
3150Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1993-08-19
3151Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-11-19
3152Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-04-22
3153Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-06-24
3154Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-12-12
3155Loch SalannPeacock and Key2014-11-22
3156Loch SalannWhite Cygent2016-12-10
3157Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-08-05
8215Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
9413Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9427Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-06-01
3158BronzehelmAward of Arms2017-01-14
8737BronzehelmSable Helm: Thrown Weapons2021-01-09
3159Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-06-03
3160BronzehelmAward of Arms1998-01-17
3161BronzehelmGolden Badger1999-01-09
3162BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
3163BronzehelmKing's Council2003-02-14
8184BronzehelmGolden Pillar2019-01-05
3165Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1982-03-20
3166One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-12-04
3167Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2006-11-11
3168Arrow's FlightBaroness' Oracle2007-06-16
3169Arrow's FlightDefender of the White Scarf2012-12-08
3170Arrow's FlightErmine and Gauntlet2008-12-13
3171Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2014-12-13
3172Arrow's FlightGolden Scarf2010-04-10
3173Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
3174Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
3175Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
3176Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
3177Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2006-07-15
3178Arrow's FlightDefense2017-09-16
3179Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2010-09-04
3180Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2016-09-03
3181Arrow's FlightWhite Falcon2016-11-12
8075Arrow's FlightWhite Loon2018-07-20
9352Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2022-11-12
3182BronzehelmAward of Arms1997-01-04
3183BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2016-07-23
3184BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2002-06-07
3185BronzehelmGolden Pillar1999-01-02
3186BronzehelmGrant of Arms2001-01-06
3187BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-09-07
8183BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2019-01-05
8315BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2018-08-11
3189Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
3190Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-31
3191Inactive/Out of KingdomFer de Moline2008-02-02
3192Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-10-28
3193Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-04-08
2824StonegateAward of Arms2007-10-20
2825StonegateAward of Arms2007-11-03
2826StonegateBaroness' Favor [Three Mountains]2006-09-30
2827StonegateBaron's Favor [Three Mountains]2006-09-30
2828StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2017-11-18
2829StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-11-19
2830StonegateGolden Torc2004-02-21
2831StonegateHeart of Three Mountains2007-03-24
2832StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2017-03-18
2833StonegateMountain's Pride2006-06-10
2835StonegateSwan and the Escallop2011-06-18
3194StonegateTalon d'Or2013-06-13
8430StonegateGolden Pillar2019-05-25
8497StonegateKing's Council2019-09-06
8935StonegateCourt Barony2021-11-20
9280StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2022-09-10
9328StonegateKing's Council2022-09-17
9653StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2023-09-09
3195Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1983-08-13
3196Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1985-11-03
3197Loch SalannAward of Arms1991-08-24
3198Loch SalannAward of Arms1999-01-09
3199Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-10
3200Loch SalannWhite Falcon1998-03-28
3201Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2002-11-02
3202Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-04-21
3203Inactive/Out of KingdomBowman's Mark9999-12-31
3204Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2001-09-02
3205Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2005-09-24
3206Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2004-01-31
3207Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2002-07-20
3208Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
3209Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2003-03-15
3210Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
3211Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1992-06-28
3212Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
3213Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2017-08-26
3214Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-11-11
3215Arn HoldCombattant Moose2008-04-05
3216Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf2012-01-28
3217Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
3218Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2011-07-16
3219Arn HoldGolden Pillar2008-10-18
3220Arn HoldGolden Scarf2007-11-03
3221Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2015-01-24
3222Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
3223Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
3224Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
3225Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
3226Arn HoldJewel of Alces2017-01-28
3227Arn HoldDefense2018-05-05
3228Arn HoldPelican2016-07-16
3229Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2011-10-29
3230Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2013-01-26
3231Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2012-05-05
3232Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2007-03-17
3233Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2011-06-17
3234Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
8427Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2019-08-24
3235Stan WyrmAward of Arms2005-05-07
3236Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2011-03-26
3237Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-12-12
3238Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-01
3239Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-07-09
3240Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-09-30
3241Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-10
3242Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-03
3243Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2009-06-20
3244Sentinels' KeepVigilance2009-03-21
3245Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-08
3246Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-12-05
3247Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-11-18
3248Inactive/Out of KingdomDefenders of the Citadel2002-06-08
3249Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2001-01-13
3250Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
3251Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-01-15
3252Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume2000-01-29
3253Inactive/Out of KingdomEye of the Swan2000-01-29
3254Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2000-05-13
3255Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
3256Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1999-10-23
3257Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-09-04
3258Inactive/Out of KingdombanBheran's Favor1999-05-28
3259Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight2013-06-15
3260Inactive/Out of KingdomDefenders of the Citadel2012-06-16
3261Inactive/Out of KingdomForget-me-not2000-07-15
3262Inactive/Out of KingdomForget-me-not2003-08-31
3263Inactive/Out of KingdomForget-me-not2005-07-16
3264Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Oak2004-09-25
3265Inactive/Out of KingdomGoutté de Sang2003-10-04
3266Inactive/Out of KingdomKings Favor2000-07-15
3267Inactive/Out of KingdomKings Favor2004-01-10
3268Inactive/Out of KingdomKings Favor2005-07-16
3269Inactive/Out of KingdomPernicious Lily2005-12-10
3270Inactive/Out of KingdomSergeant of Wealdsmere2000-08-31
3271Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-03-10
3272Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1985-08-04
3273One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2016-03-19
3274One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
3275Loch SalannAward of Arms1995-02-28
3276Loch SalannKnight1996-07-06
3277Loch SalannCourt Barony2014-03-01
3278Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2017-12-09
3279Loch SalannGolden Pillar2001-04-07
3280Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1997-03-15
3281Loch SalannGratia et Comitas1998-06-06
3282Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-07-10
3283Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-09-30
3284Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-03-23
3285Loch SalannHawk's Lure1996-03-26
3286Loch SalannKing's Council2001-07-14
3287Loch SalannKing's Council2002-03-09
3288Loch SalannKing's Council2014-08-30
3289Loch SalannKing's Sigil1996-08-31
3290Loch SalannPelican2014-10-04
3291Loch SalannQuodlibet1996-07-06
3292Loch SalannQuodlibet2000-04-08
3293Loch SalannWhite Duck1998-11-01
3294Loch SalannWhite Falcon1995-12-09
3295Loch SalannWhite Lark1998-05-16
3296Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2014-06-07
8062Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2018-07-21
9121Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2022-06-18
3297Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1990-10-06
3298Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-06-29
3299Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1991-06-29
3300One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-01-31
3301Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-12-07
3302Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-05-25
3303Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2007-04-24
3304Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2004-04-17
3305Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2007-01-06
3306Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2007-09-01
3307Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2006-09-09
3308Inactive/Out of KingdomPanache Blanc2009-08-08
3309Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-21
3310One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2000-01-08
3311One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1999-07-11
3312Crystal CragsAward of Arms1999-09-11
3313Crystal CragsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
3314Crystal CragsJewel of the Keep1996-03-30
3315Crystal CragsGolden Gryphon's Talon2017-10-14
3316Crystal CragsGolden Pillar2015-10-17
8087Crystal CragsKey Cross2018-08-18
3317Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1999-06-06
3318Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
3319Arn HoldAward of Arms1994-05-07
3320Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
3321Arn HoldCombattant Moose1994-09-10
3322Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf1996-06-13
3323Arn HoldGrant of Arms1996-06-13
3324Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-09-30
3325Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-07-11
3326Arn HoldPelican2002-08-31
3327Arn HoldPomme d'Or1999-03-06
3328Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1993-10-09
3329Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1995-07-22
3330Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-05-31
3331Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2015-06-20
3332Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1999-06-06
3333Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1983-07-24
3334Crown LandsAward of Arms1994-05-28
3335Crown LandsCrescent2003-12-13
3336Crown LandsGilded Thimble (Calafia)1994-05-07
3337Crown LandsGolden Trident1999-05-30
3338Crown LandsHarp Argent2007-08-18
3339Crown LandsLux Caidis2013-05-26
3340Crown LandsQueen's Favor2011-11-05
3341Crown LandsSerpent's Flame2002-12-04
8211Crown LandsWhite Duck2018-12-08
3342DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-08-10
3343DeceasedMateriam Superabat Opus1996-04-20
3344Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-04-18
3345Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1998-01-31
3346Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2000-10-28
3347Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
3348Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-02-17
3349Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
3350Arn HoldCombattant Moose1992-09-07
3351Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf1996-06-13
3352Arn HoldGolden Pillar2004-01-31
3353Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-01-09
3354Arn HoldJewel of Alces2006-02-04
3355Arn HoldLaurel2001-02-17
3356Arn HoldNorth Star9999-12-31
3357Arn HoldPomme d'Or2007-03-17
3358Arn HoldQuodlibet2006-03-11
3359Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1999-11-13
3360Arn HoldSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
3361Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2008-07-12
3362Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-03-04
3363Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-09-13
3364Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1981-12-13
3365Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2017-06-03
3366Loch SalannWhite Falcon2015-12-12
9702Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2024-03-02
3367Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1983-04-02
3368Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1983-12-17
3369Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1993-06-19
3370Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1993-07-31
3371Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-04-27
3372Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2012-08-25
3373Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2015-08-29
3374Stan WyrmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-08-27
3375Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-07-08
3376Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-01
3377Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1999-06-19
3378Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2009-01-31
3379Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2015-03-07
3380Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-31
3381Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-02-02
3382Loch SalannAward of Arms1995-11-04
3383Loch SalannCounty2017-09-09
3384Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
3385Loch SalannRose2017-09-09
3386Loch SalannPeacock and Key2014-11-22
3387Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-12-10
8120Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8216Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8262Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
8502Loch SalannDuchy2019-09-07
8652Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2020-04-18
8653Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2020-04-18
9406Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2023-03-18
9698Loch SalannPelican2024-03-02
3388Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-06-23
3389Crown LandsAward of Arms2009-08-20
3390Côte du CielAward of Arms2003-03-29
3391Côte du CielAward of Arms2003-03-29
3392Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1998-02-28
3393Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2015-08-29
3394Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos9999-12-31
3395Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2008-11-08
3396Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2012-01-07
3397Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle9999-12-31
3398Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
3399Gryphon's LairKey Cross2014-01-04
3400Gryphon's LairPelican2012-06-16
3401Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
3402Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
3403Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2015-01-10
3404Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
3405Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-07-24
3406Côte du CielAward of Arms2003-05-17
3407Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1984-02-19
3408Inactive/Out of KingdomCompanion of the Briar1990-12-22
3409Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1993-07-17
3410Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Blossom1987-12-12
3411Inactive/Out of KingdomGoutté de Sang1991-07-20
3412Inactive/Out of KingdomHawk's Lure1985-09-14
3413Inactive/Out of KingdomJambe de Lion1988-01-16
3414Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1984-04-14
3415One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2015-11-21
3416One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-06-18
8316One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-12-08
8411One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2018-12-01
8451One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2019-06-13
9302One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9303One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-12-01
3415One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2015-11-21
3416One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-06-18
8316One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-12-08
8411One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2018-12-01
8451One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2019-06-13
9302One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9303One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-12-01
3417Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2012-06-02
3418Loch SalannAward of Arms1988-06-04
3419Loch SalannWhite Lark9999-12-31
3420Crown LandsWhite Cygent2004-01-03
3421Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-09-19
3422Côte du CielFlame of Pharos2015-09-19
3423Côte du CielGolden Pillar2011-04-23
3424Côte du CielSage2017-03-11
3425Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-01-04
3426Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-03-09
3427Loch SalannCrystal Heart2006-06-09
3428Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2002-12-14
3429Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2008-12-13
3430Loch SalannPelican2010-12-11
3431Loch SalannWhite Duck2001-03-24
3432Arn HoldAward of Arms1997-04-12
3433Arn HoldGolden Pillar2003-03-15
3434Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2007-02-03
3435Arn HoldJewel of Alces2005-09-24
3436Arn HoldPelican2011-05-21
3437Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2008-10-18
3438Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2005-09-01
3439Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
3440Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1994-05-14
3441Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-06-26
3442One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-14
3443One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2001-03-17
3444One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-11-20
3445One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
3446One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1997-08-16
3447One Thousand EyesMirror1999-03-20
3448One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2001-06-09
3449One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-04-26
3450Silver KeepAward of Arms2000-02-26
3451Silver KeepKnight2009-06-18
3452Silver KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-04-08
3453Silver KeepGolden Pillar2003-09-13
3454Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2014-02-08
3455Silver KeepGrant of Arms2007-05-05
3456Silver KeepGratia et Comitas2006-02-16
3457Silver KeepGratia et Comitas2016-02-06
3458Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-06-23
3459Silver KeepRaven's Treasure2003-10-18
3460Silver KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2012-09-22
3461DragonsspineGolden Maple Leaf2010-05-01
3462DragonsspineWhite Lark2010-06-05
3463Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-06-20
3464Silver KeepGryphon's Pride2006-06-10
3465Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-10-09
3466Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-03-21
3467Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1997-06-07
3468Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-28
3469Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1998-11-28
3470Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1994-04-16
3471Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1996-01-20
3472Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2002-04-20
3473Côte du CielMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-05-18
3474Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold2009-07-11
3475Côte du CielGolden Pillar1998-05-09
3476Côte du CielGrant of Arms1998-12-05
3477Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
3478Côte du CielLaurel2013-12-14
3479Côte du CielMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-05-18
3480Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
3481One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-11-08
3482Loch SalannAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
3483Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-07-12
3484Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-12-10
3485Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2012-12-08
3486Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2011-06-04
3487Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
3488Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
3489Loch SalannOleander1997-02-15
3490Loch SalannPelican2014-06-14
3491Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
3492Loch SalannWhite Duck1997-03-15
3493Loch SalannWhite Lark2015-12-12
9263Loch SalannCourt Barony2022-08-27
3494StonegateAward of Arms9999-12-31
3495StonegateGolden Pillar2009-06-19
3496StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2014-03-15
3497StonegatePaon d'Argent2008-11-01
3498StonegatePeacocks Eye2013-11-23
3499StonegatePeacock's Heart2006-06-08
3500StonegateSwan and the Escallop9999-12-31
3501One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2001-03-17
3502One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2017-11-11
3503One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2016-03-05
3504One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2016-11-19
3505One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
3506One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride1997-06-07
3507One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2015-06-18
3508One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2014-03-15
3509One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2016-11-19
3510One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-06-18
8712One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2020-11-21
9316One Thousand EyesKey Cross2022-05-28
3511One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2011-06-17
3512One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2012-11-17
3513One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2017-11-11
3514One Thousand EyesKey Cross2014-03-15
3515One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2012-02-21
3516One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2013-01-19
3517One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2010-03-20
8381One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2018-01-20
8389One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2018-12-01
3518Silver KeepAward of Arms2009-10-03
3519Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2018-03-24
3520Silver KeepAward of Arms2009-10-03
3521Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-08-31
3522Loch SalannCourt Barony2014-03-01
3523Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2016-12-10
3524Loch SalannErmine and Quill2017-12-09
3525Loch SalannFons Animae2016-08-06
3526Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf1999-12-11
3527Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1997-03-15
3528Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-07-18
3529Loch SalannGrant of Arms1999-02-20
3530Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-07-14
3531Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
3532Loch SalannLaurel2000-12-09
3533Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
3534Loch SalannPelican2016-06-22
3535Loch SalannQueen's Confidence1999-07-10
3536Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2001-07-14
3537Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
3538Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
3539Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
3540Loch SalannQuodlibet2017-11-18
3541Loch SalannWhite Lark1997-12-13
9120Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2022-06-18
9332Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9396Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2023-03-18
3542Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-10-14
3543Crystal CragsAward of Arms1993-10-30
3544Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-10-29
3545Arn HoldYggdrasil2011-06-17
3546Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-12-14
3547Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-11-12
3548Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2015-06-06
3549Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
3550Loch SalannWhite Duck2015-03-14
3551Loch SalannWhite Lark2014-12-13
3552Loch SalannAward of Arms1991-09-07
3553Loch SalannKing's Sigil1991-09-07
3554Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1991-06-30
3555Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2000-02-18
3556Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-06-10
3557Loch SalannCourt Barony2016-09-17
3558Loch SalannCrystal Heart2005-12-10
3559Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2008-12-13
3560Loch SalannErmine and Quill2012-09-29
3561Loch SalannFons Animae2009-03-14
3562Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2007-03-03
3563Loch SalannGryphons Eye2008-05-03
3564Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-03-07
3565Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
3566Loch SalannKey Cross2008-12-13
3567Loch SalannLaurel2009-12-12
3568Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-03-05
3569Loch SalannWhite Lark2005-12-10
3570Loch SalannWhite Lark2007-07-28
3571Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1983-12-17
3572Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1981-12-13
3573Inactive/Out of KingdomGrail of Grace1981-05-24
3574Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1980-04-06
3575Loch SalannAward of Arms1988-09-04
3576Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2015-12-12
3577Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-06-14
3578Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-12-12
3579Loch SalannGrant of Arms2014-06-14
3580Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1990-01-13
3581Loch SalannList of Courtesy1988-10-29
3582Loch SalannTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1995-07-08
3583Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-08-09
3584Loch SalannWhite Falcon2001-12-08
3585Loch SalannWhite Osprey2017-12-09
8271Loch SalannPelican2019-03-02
8469Loch SalannQuodlibet2019-07-05
8772Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2020-12-12
8793Loch SalannWhite Lark2021-06-05
3586Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-05
3588Sentinels' KeepAmbassador2016-10-15
3589Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1997-04-26
3590Sentinels' KeepKnight2007-06-16
3591Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2014-10-18
3592Sentinels' KeepDefenders of the Citadel2003-04-12
3593Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-10-14
3594Sentinels' KeepGratia et Comitas2014-02-08
3595Sentinels' KeepGratia et Comitas2016-02-26
3596Sentinels' KeepGryphon of Artemisia2012-03-03
3597Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-03-11
3598Sentinels' KeepGuardian of the Keep2015-10-17
3599Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2003-02-14
3600Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2003-09-13
3601Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2006-09-09
3602Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2003-10-18
3603Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2016-10-15
3604Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2017-10-14
3605Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2017-08-05
3606Sentinels' KeepTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1999-01-02
3607Sentinels' KeepVigilance2001-03-31
8171Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2018-11-17
3608Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-06-03
3609Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-27
3610Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
3611Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-08-06
3612Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1998-06-06
3613Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-07-10
3614Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1995-01-28
3615Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-17
3616Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant1995-05-06
3617Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane1998-01-31
3618Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1994-10-29
3619Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
3620One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1997-03-08
3621Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-02-22
3622Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2003-05-17
3623Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2012-12-01
3624Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2017-11-11
3625Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2017-05-13
9353Arrow's FlightGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-11-12
3626Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1997-10-25
3627Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1996-09-28
3628Sentinels' KeepKnight1999-10-23
3629Sentinels' KeepCounty2003-03-01
3630Sentinels' KeepDuchy2005-05-15
3631Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2003-10-18
3632Sentinels' KeepGratia et Comitas2003-04-12
3633Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-10-24
3634Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2014-07-19
3635Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2003-09-13
3636Sentinels' KeepKnight Bannerette2017-02-24
3637Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain1998-10-24
3638Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2003-10-18
3639Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant1997-10-25
3640Sentinels' KeepVigilance2001-07-28
3641Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2001-10-20
3642Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1988-08-11
3643Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2004-01-10
3644Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2006-03-18
3645Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2008-03-22
3646Sentinels' KeepFleur de Soleil1993-10-30
3647Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2005-11-05
3648Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1993-02-14
3649Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1991-10-05
3650Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2008-10-25
3651Sentinels' KeepLight of Atenveldt1996-05-04
3652Sentinels' KeepNorth Star2001-01-27
3653Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-17
3654Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2002-10-19
3655Sentinels' KeepPelican1998-01-31
3656Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1991-10-05
3657Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2003-10-18
3658Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2002-01-12
9001Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2021-07-10
3659Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-13
3660Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2010-11-13
3661Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Goose2011-03-12
3662Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2000-10-28
3663Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-04-21
9604Côte du CielGolden Pillar2023-07-22
3664Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-06-15
3665Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
3666Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2000-10-28
3667Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1998-04-18
3668Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2013-02-17
3669Sentinels' KeepCrescent2007-09-02
3670Sentinels' KeepDolphin of Caid2004-09-05
3671Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2015-03-21
3672Sentinels' KeepGilded Thimble (Calafia)2004-11-30
3673Sentinels' KeepGilded Thimble (Calafia)2006-07-21
3674Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2014-07-19
3675Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2016-08-20
3676Sentinels' KeepGolden Trident2003-12-13
3677Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1999-04-01
3678Sentinels' KeepHarp Argent2005-01-08
3679Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2013-09-28
3680Sentinels' KeepLux Caidis2013-02-02
3681Sentinels' KeepQueen's Treasure2001-08-25
3682Sentinels' KeepSerpent's Flame2004-11-06
3683Sentinels' KeepSigillum Regis2005-06-04
3684Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2017-10-14
8982Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2022-02-12
8984Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2022-02-12
3685Crown LandsAward of Arms1995-06-24
3686Crown LandsPillar of Artemisia1996-11-09
3687Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2000-01-08
8413Côte du CielGryphon's Pride1994-01-22
3689Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2012-01-28
3690Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-08-30
3691Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
3692Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-01-13
3693Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-09-03
3694Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-06-29
3695Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-05-09
3696Arn HoldAward of Arms2015-05-16
3697Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
3698Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
3699Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-24
3700Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-24
3701Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1999-11-20
3702Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1998-08-08
3703Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent2000-03-11
3704Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2015-07-25
3705Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2005-12-10
3706Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-10-24
3707Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
3708Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2002-03-23
3709Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2003-12-13
3710Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-07-12
3711Loch SalannWhite Duck1993-12-04
3712Loch SalannWhite Lark1995-03-25
3713BronzehelmAward of Arms1995-10-28
3714BronzehelmCourt Barony2010-08-28
3715BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2006-09-30
3716BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
3717BronzehelmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-10-08
8725BronzehelmTerritorial Court Barony2021-01-09
8726BronzehelmKey Cross2021-01-09
8919BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9250BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2022-08-13
9366BronzehelmClaves Artemisiae2023-01-07
3720Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-12-05
3721Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-04-08
8346Côte du CielGolden Pillar2019-04-06
8589Côte du CielCheval d'Or2019-12-07
9275Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
3722Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-07-07
3723One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1997-06-07
3724Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-01-15
3725Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1993-01-30
3726Inactive/Out of KingdomFabrica Ars Nivilis1994-08-07
3727Crystal CragsAward of Arms2008-02-18
3728Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-10-19
3729Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2003-01-11
3730Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2003-10-18
3731Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-07-25
3732Loch SalannList of Grace1990-12-08
3733Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
3734Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
3735Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-09-03
3736Loch SalannWhite Duck1992-03-21
3737Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2014-02-08
3738Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2016-05-21
3739Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2017-10-14
3740Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2015-10-17
8421Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-08-17
8464Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2019-07-05
8980Sentinels' KeepGryphon and Pheon2022-02-12
9523Sentinels' KeepSable Helm: Arts and Sciences2023-05-06
9672Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2024-03-16
3741Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-08-27
3742Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander2002-02-16
3743Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-09-26
3744Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1992-02-14
3745Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-01
3746Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2008-11-08
3747Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf2007-02-15
3748Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2006-06-10
3749BronzehelmAward of Arms2008-09-27
3750Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-06-16
3751Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2012-06-16
3752Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-05-08
3753Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-09-03
3754BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
3755BronzehelmGolden Pillar2015-03-21
3756BronzehelmGolden Scarf2015-10-03
3757BronzehelmGrant of Arms2016-05-21
8192BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2019-01-05
8717BronzehelmRock: Rapier2020-11-21
3758Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-01-15
3759One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-11-22
3760One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2004-11-20
3761One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2007-06-16
3762One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2006-06-08
3763One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2008-11-01
3764One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-03-14
3765Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2007-03-17
3766Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
3767Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-04-14
3768Arn HoldKey Cross2007-02-03
3769Arn HoldPomme d'Or2009-01-31
3770Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
3771Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2008-05-31
3772One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-10-30
3773One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle1997-11-08
3774Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-09-16
3775DeceasedAward of Arms1994-06-18
3777DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-10-09
3778DeceasedPomme d'Or1998-01-24
3779DeceasedSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
3780DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1993-11-20
3781Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-07-28
3782One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2001-03-17
3783One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2017-11-11
3784One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride1993-10-09
3785One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2017-03-18
3786Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2010-11-06
3787Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-09-13
3788Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2003-06-14
3789Inactive/Out of KingdomFer de Moline9999-12-31
3790Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell9999-12-31
3791One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-06-15
3792Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2002-04-13
3793Arrow's FlightErmine and Gauntlet2016-11-12
3794Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2015-07-18
3795Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2017-08-26
3796Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-03-13
3797Arn HoldCourt Barony2012-07-07
3798Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1996-08-03
3799Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2014-07-12
3800Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-08-03
3801Arn HoldJewel of Alces1998-03-01
3802Arn HoldKey Cross2015-01-24
3803Arn HoldOleander1993-02-12
3804Arn HoldPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1994-01-08
3805Arn HoldPelican2000-10-14
3806Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1997-05-10
3807Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
3808Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]2011-11-05
3809Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1996-10-19
3810Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2000-01-15
3811Arn HoldViscounty1994-01-08
3812Arn HoldWalking Pell1992-09-01
8153Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2018-11-04
8154Arn HoldPomme d'Or2018-11-04
3814Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2016-08-20
3815Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-07-11
3816Inactive/Out of KingdomBowman's Mark2009-09-26
3817One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2009-04-04
3818One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2008-03-01
3819One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-06-15
3820Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-10-12
3821Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2000-06-09
3822Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2006-11-18
3823Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
3824Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1999-01-23
3825Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus2000-06-09
3826Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock and Key1998-06-06
3827Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1997-08-16
3828Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2000-11-18
3829Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2007-11-17
3830Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1996-08-10
3831Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2005-07-31
3832Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-09-16
3833Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1982-03-20
3834Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1988-10-29
3835Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1989-09-23
3836Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1982-12-12
3837Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1987-08-08
3838Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-04-07
3839DeceasedAward of Arms1997-06-21
3840DeceasedGolden Pillar1998-07-10
3841DeceasedGolden Pillar1999-01-09
3842Loch SalannCrystal Heart1992-07-25
3843Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2003-04-26
3844Loch SalannGrant of Arms1994-03-05
3845Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2006-09-09
3846Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-07-10
3847Loch SalannKing's Council2006-09-09
3848Loch SalannLaurel1996-07-06
3849Loch SalannPelican2001-07-14
3850Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1996-05-11
3851Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-02-19
3852Loch SalannQuodlibet1996-10-12
3853Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1999-04-23
3854Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony (2nd tenure)2006-12-09
3855Loch SalannWhite Falcon2006-02-16
3856Loch SalannWhite Lark1995-03-25
8128Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2018-09-07
9028Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-03-05
3857Crown LandsAward of Arms2007-02-15
3858Crown LandsGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-09-17
3859Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2009-09-05
3860Côte du CielAward of Arms2000-09-16
3861Côte du CielDefenders of the Citadel2009-12-05
3862Côte du CielGolden Pillar2005-07-16
3863Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2007-09-01
3864Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-04-12
3865Côte du CielKey Cross2006-12-02
3866Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-09-16
3867Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2018-04-21
3868Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
3869Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2016-03-05
3870Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2012-06-16
3871Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2014-04-05
3872Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2016-02-06
3873Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
3874Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2014-10-18
3875Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2016-03-05
3876Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-10
3877Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1992-12-12
3878Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-07-10
3879Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
3880Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-10-10
3881Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-09-26
3882Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1999-10-09
3883BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-05-21
3884Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2002-05-25
3885Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2014-01-04
3886Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2003-09-06
3887Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2017-05-28
3888Gryphon's LairGratia et Comitas2007-09-01
3889Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2006-09-09
3890Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2016-01-09
3891Gryphon's LairKey Cross2005-08-27
3892Gryphon's LairLaurel2010-01-09
3893Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
3894Gryphon's LairWhite Lark2002-12-14
9241Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2022-08-06
3895One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-11-22
3896Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1986-03-22
3897Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-03-04
3898Arrow's FlightWhite Cygent2016-11-12
3899Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2017-08-05
8214Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2018-12-08
3900Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-10-09
3901Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2006-05-29
3902Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1993-05-01
3903Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-08-22
3904Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-05-24
3905Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-11-07
3906Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2009-09-26
3907Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2002-03-23
3908Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2013-01-05
3909Gryphon's LairDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2016-08-06
3910Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-10-14
3911Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2014-09-13
9231Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2022-06-25
9232Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
3912DeceasedService Performed Under Duress9999-12-31
3913DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-11-20
3914Crystal CragsAward of Arms2001-09-15
3915One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1996-11-16
3916One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1993-10-23
3917Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2005-08-10
3918Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1985-09-14
3919Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1984-12-15
3920Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1982-03-20
3921One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2014-06-14
3922Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2008-09-20
3923One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1987-11-14
3924StonegateAward of Arms2012-03-24
3925Loch SalannAward of Arms1999-05-08
3926Loch SalannWhite Falcon1999-03-27
3927Loch SalannAward of Arms2008-12-13
3928Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2015-08-29
3929Loch SalannErmine and Quill2010-12-11
3930Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
3931Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2014-07-12
3932Loch SalannGolden Pillar2011-03-05
3933Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2011-09-24
3934Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2011-06-18
3935Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-12-12
3936Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
3937Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
3938Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-12-13
3939Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
3940Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
3941Loch SalannMantle of Gryphon's Lair2017-01-14
3942Loch SalannPelican2014-09-13
3943Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
3944Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2012-03-03
3945Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
3946Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2013-12-14
3947Loch SalannWhite Duck2010-06-05
3948Loch SalannWhite Lark2008-07-19
3950One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-01-31
3951Loch SalannAward of Arms1986-01-11
3952Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-11-23
3953Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-12-12
3954Loch SalannList of Courtesy2015-06-18
3955One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2012-06-16
3956Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-05-27
3957Loch SalannCourt Barony2012-06-02
3958Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1979-02-03
3959Loch SalannErmine and Quill2013-12-14
3960Loch SalannGrant of Arms1980-07-04
3961Loch SalannLegion of Courtesy1983-11-26
3962Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1980-04-05
3963Loch SalannPelican1981-11-14
3964Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1980-10-04
3965Loch SalannQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1980-10-04
3966Loch SalannStag's Tynes1982-07-25
3967Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
8219Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2018-12-08
3968StonegateSwan and the Escallop2006-06-08
4450StonegateAward of Arms2017-08-05
4451StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-09-23
4452StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
8098StonegateCourt Barony2018-09-22
8261StonegateQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
9389StonegateQueen's Confidence2023-03-18
9603StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2023-07-22
3969BronzehelmAward of Arms2018-01-06
3970BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-06
3971Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-09-21
3972Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-04-04
3973Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2017-08-05
3974Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
3975Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
3976Loch SalannList of Courtesy2013-07-27
3977Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-06-12
3978Loch SalannWhite Lark2015-06-18
3979Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-03-04
3980Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
8284Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
9587Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
9602Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-22
3981Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-04-07
3982Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2013-05-25
3983Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2013-10-19
3984Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
3985Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-05-06
3986Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2002-03-09
3987Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1997-06-07
3988Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-08-04
3989Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-06-01
3990Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
3991Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-10-19
3992Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2005-10-15
3993Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2005-05-21
3994Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2008-07-04
3995Arrow's FlightKnight2018-02-24
3996Arrow's FlightDefenders of the Citadel2017-07-01
3997Arrow's FlightGolden Gryphon's Talon2017-07-01
3998Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2017-03-11
3999Arrow's FlightGratia et Comitas2018-04-14
4000Arrow's FlightStag's Blood2011-07-02
4001Arrow's FlightWhite Duck9999-12-31
8141Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2018-10-20
8268Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8435Arrow's FlightClaves Artemisiae2019-06-01
4002Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2005-07-16
4003Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
4004Arn HoldAward of Arms1999-09-04
4005Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2005-03-19
4006Arn HoldCheval d'Or2000-03-04
4007Arn HoldChevalier Baronia Gloria9999-12-31
4008Arn HoldGolden Pillar2003-03-15
4009Arn HoldGolden Pillar2011-07-23
4010Arn HoldGryphons Eye2000-10-14
4011Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
4012Arn HoldJewel of Alces9999-12-31
4013Arn HoldLaurel2005-02-19
4014Arn HoldNorth Star9999-12-31
4015Arn HoldPomme d'Or9999-12-31
4016Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
4017Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
4018Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1999-09-04
4019Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
4020Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
4021Crystal CragsGolden Pillar2017-10-14
4022Crystal CragsGryphon and Pheon2015-03-21
4023Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-10-09
4024Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2016-08-06
4025Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2015-12-12
4026Loch SalannGolden Pillar2000-12-09
4027Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2018-01-13
4028Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
4029Loch SalannKing's Council2005-03-12
4030Loch SalannWhite Duck1993-04-24
8063Loch SalannCourt Barony2018-07-21
4031DragonmarchAward of Arms2009-09-19
4032Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2003-12-06
4033Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2006-03-11
4034Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2016-01-09
4035Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
4036Gryphon's LairKey Cross2009-06-20
8618Gryphon's LairSable Helm: Bardic2020-01-04
9543Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2023-06-10
9598Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2023-07-22
4037BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-09-26
4038BronzehelmGolden Scarf2011-06-18
4039Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-04-09
4040One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-06-08
4041Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1998-05-16
4042Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-01-04
4043Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1998-06-06
4044Inactive/Out of KingdomCounty1998-07-11
4045Inactive/Out of KingdomDuchy2004-03-13
4046Inactive/Out of KingdomGratia et Comitas2004-06-12
4047Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-10-12
4048Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1994-11-19
4049Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-21
4050Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1997-04-12
4051Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2001-07-14
4052Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-06-19
4053Crystal CragsArgent Plume2014-07-19
4054Crystal CragsAward of Arms2013-08-31
4055One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-01-19
4056One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2004-11-20
4057One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2006-06-10
4058One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2002-11-23
4059One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2007-11-17
4060One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2000-11-18
4061One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2001-06-08
8388One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2018-12-01
8453One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2019-06-15
4062Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1990-07-21
4063Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-06-19
4064Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1999-10-09
4065Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2015-06-27
4066StonegateAward of Arms2017-09-23
8095StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2018-09-22
8264StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8487StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
8628StonegateGolden Pillar2020-01-11
9402StonegateCourt Barony2023-03-18
9448StonegateTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
1263One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-06-14
1264One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-06-06
4067One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2006-06-08
4068Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-12-02
4069Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart2005-03-26
4070Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2008-05-24
4071Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2003-12-13
4072Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Compass2009-08-08
4073Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
4074Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2003-12-13
8317Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2019-03-02
4075Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-09-17
4076Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-11-23
4077Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1993-06-19
4078Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1992-11-21
4079Arn HoldArma Volans2011-06-17
4080Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-07-16
4081Arn HoldGryphon and Francisca2015-07-18
4082Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2013-06-15
4083One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2013-11-23
4084Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-03-10
9684Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2024-03-16
4085One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2012-06-14
4086Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-07
8852Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2021-05-08
8985Stan WyrmGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-03-12
9560Stan WyrmKey Cross2023-05-06
4087Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-06-14
4088Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-07-21
4089Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-12-10
4090Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-01-06
4091Inactive/Out of KingdomAlces Amici2017-08-26
4092Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-03-12
4093Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-11-18
4094Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2013-10-25
4095Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
4096Arn HoldPeacock's Heart2008-06-15
4097Silver KeepAward of Arms2014-04-05
4098Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-04-08
8345Côte du CielGolden Pillar2019-04-06
9276Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9551Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-04-15
4099Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-06-19
4100Loch SalannWhite Falcon2015-03-14
4101Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-07-10
4102Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1992-10-24
4103Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1989-10-14
4104Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2017-03-04
4105Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2003-07-12
4106Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-01-29
4107Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2015-08-29
4108Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-01-09
4109Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2003-10-18
4110Sentinels' KeepPelican2005-02-18
4111Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1992-01-25
4112Sentinels' KeepRaven's Treasure2001-10-20
4113Sentinels' KeepSage2016-07-09
4114Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2003-07-12
4115Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane1997-10-25
4116Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2002-08-24
4117Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2009-10-24
4118One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-04-23
4119One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
4120One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1999-01-23
4121One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-04-11
4122Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-04-25
4123Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2009-08-08
4124One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1997-10-02
4125One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1996-11-16
4126StonegateAward of Arms2013-11-23
4127StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2015-06-20
4128StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
4129StonegatePeacock's Heart2014-06-12
4130StonegateSwan and the Escallop2013-06-14
4131Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1992-07-18
4132Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1991-07-13
4133Sentinels' KeepClaves Artemisiae2015-10-17
4134Sentinels' KeepEye of the Swan2000-01-29
4135Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2000-01-29
4136Sentinels' KeepFleur de Soleil1992-05-02
4137Sentinels' KeepGolden Link2002-06-29
4138Sentinels' KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2003-10-18
4139Sentinels' KeepGryphon of Artemisia2012-08-25
4140Sentinels' KeepHeart of the Keep1991-04-27
4141Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1993-01-30
4142Sentinels' KeepKing's Council1999-01-09
4143Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2005-09-10
4144Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2010-03-06
4145Sentinels' KeepLaurel1993-02-11
4146Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-07-13
4147Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
4148Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain1999-10-23
4149Sentinels' KeepPelican1998-09-12
4150Sentinels' KeepQueen's Confidence1999-01-09
4151Sentinels' KeepQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
4152Sentinels' KeepSapphire Flagon2001-03-31
4153Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony1998-10-24
4154Silver KeepAward of Arms2011-01-15
4155Crown LandsAward of Arms2007-10-27
4156Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
4157One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1996-11-16
4158One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1995-04-29
4159Silver KeepAward of Arms2017-09-09
4160Silver KeepBaroness' Oracle2014-06-12
9414Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
4161Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-09-01
4162Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1997-06-08
4163Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1997-09-15
4164Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-08-25
4165Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-08-25
4166Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-11-09
4167Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1998-07-25
4168Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-10-28
4169Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms9999-12-31
4170Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf2009-03-14
4171Inactive/Out of KingdomErmine and Gauntlet2002-12-14
4172Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2006-09-09
4173One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1987-06-27
4174One Thousand EyesEleanor's Balance1986-12-31
4175One Thousand EyesFleur de Soleil1990-05-05
4176One Thousand EyesLaurel1991-03-02
4177One Thousand EyesLight of Atenveldt1992-08-01
4178One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-01-14
4179One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1990-03-17
4180One Thousand EyesMirror1988-03-05
4181One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-01-14
4182One Thousand EyesPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1991-01-12
4183One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-06-21
4184One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1990-09-01
4185One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
4186One Thousand EyesViscounty1991-01-12
4187Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2005-12-10
4188Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2007-10-13
4189Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
4190Arrow's FlightPelican2010-06-19
4191Arrow's FlightWhite Duck1995-12-09
1777Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-10-10
4192Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
4193Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
4194Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-10-14
4195Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1982-04-24
4196Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1979-07-28
4197OtherhillAward of Arms1995-04-08
4198OtherhillGolden Pillar2007-01-27
4199Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
4200Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-05-28
8090Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2018-08-05
8240Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2019-01-12
8420Gryphon's LairSage2019-08-03
8478Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2019-09-06
8631Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2020-01-11
9230Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9319Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2022-08-06
9424Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9526Gryphon's LairPelican2023-04-29
4199Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
4200Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-05-28
8090Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2018-08-05
8240Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2019-01-12
8420Gryphon's LairSage2019-08-03
8478Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2019-09-06
8631Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2020-01-11
9230Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9319Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2022-08-06
9424Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9526Gryphon's LairPelican2023-04-29
4201Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
4202Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-05-28
8796Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2021-05-29
9425Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9454Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2023-02-18
4201Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
4202Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-05-28
8796Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2021-05-29
9425Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9454Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2023-02-18
4203Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
4204Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-12-10
4205Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1992-03-03
4206Silver KeepAward of Arms2002-09-14
4207Silver KeepOleander2002-02-16
4208Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-09-18
4209Côte du CielCompany of Sojourners1990-04-28
8234Côte du CielGryphon and Hammer2011-05-08
8349Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2019-04-20
9383Côte du CielDefenders of the Citadel2023-03-04
4210Arn HoldAward of Arms2018-05-05
4211Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2018-05-05
4212Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-05-14
4213Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2002-11-15
4214Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2004-09-05
4215Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
4216Arn HoldAspen of Caerthe1998-01-01
4217Arn HoldAss's End1997-12-01
4218Arn HoldAss's Mane1997-10-11
4219Arn HoldAugmentation of Achievement2016-03-05
4220Arn HoldAugmentation of Arms2007-09-08
4221Arn HoldAward of Arms1997-01-05
4222Arn HoldBowman's Mark2005-07-31
4223Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2002-11-15
4224Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2004-01-15
4225Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2011-10-29
4226Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-07-16
4227Arn HoldClaves Artemisiae2016-03-05
4228Arn HoldGilded Leaf of Caerthe1998-01-01
4229Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1999-09-04
4230Arn HoldGolden Pillar2000-03-04
4231Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2005-09-10
4232Arn HoldGrant of Arms2001-09-01
4233Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2002-06-05
4234Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2004-03-13
4235Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
4236Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
4237Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-01-09
4238Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-09-04
4239Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
4240Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
4241Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
4242Arn HoldHerald Extraordinary2016-03-05
4243Arn HoldJewel of Alces2004-01-15
4244Arn HoldKing's Council2002-09-14
4245Arn HoldKing's Council2011-09-03
4246Arn HoldKing's Council2015-01-24
4247Arn HoldKing's Council2016-03-05
4248Arn HoldLaurel2003-02-14
4249Arn HoldPelican2007-02-15
4250Arn HoldPomme d'Or2002-11-15
4251Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2013-09-07
4252Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-03-01
4253Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
4254Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2016-03-05
4255Arn HoldQuodlibet2002-06-08
4256Arn HoldQuodlibet2011-04-02
4257Arn HoldQuodlibet2014-07-26
4258Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2000-06-20
4259Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2003-07-12
4260Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2010-05-22
4261Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-01-28
4262Arn HoldSilver Snowdrift1997-11-08
4263Arn HoldStrongbow of Artemisia2009-07-11
4264Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-05-16
4265Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2009-10-17
8252Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8528Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
8916Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9331Arn HoldKing's Council2022-09-17
4266Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1988-09-10
4267Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Lyre2002-10-12
4268Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Order of Courtesy1998-05-09
4269Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crescent1990-04-21
4270Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-20
4271Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Goose2009-11-14
4272Arn HoldArma Volans2016-01-23
4273Arn HoldAward of Arms2013-04-02
4274Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2014-07-12
4275Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-07-16
4276Arn HoldCombattant Moose2013-10-26
4277Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
4278Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-27
4279Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2017-05-06
4280Arn HoldYggdrasil2013-05-18
8536Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
8541Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
4281Loch SalannAward of Arms1994-07-09
4282Loch SalannCounty1999-07-10
4283Loch SalannDuchy2007-09-08
4284Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1997-04-12
4285Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
4286Loch SalannRose1999-07-10
4287Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-06-14
4288Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
4289Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-07-11
4290Loch SalannPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1997-01-11
4291Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
4292Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1997-07-12
4293Loch SalannViscounty1997-01-11
4294Loch SalannWhite Lark1995-10-14
4295Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2008-04-05
8197Castelleone NuovoGolden Pillar2019-01-05
9720Castelleone NuovoGolden Sun in Splendour2024-04-20
4296Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-01-06
4297Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2015-10-17
4298DeceasedAward of Arms1993-11-20
4299DeceasedPeacock's Heart1993-11-20
4300DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1997-06-22
4301Arn HoldAward of Arms1996-03-02
4302Arn HoldGolden Feather of Artemisia1997-07-12
4303Arn HoldGrant of Arms1996-08-31
4304Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-09-07
4305Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1997-07-12
4306Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-10-11
4307One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1984-08-19
4308One Thousand EyesLeaf of Merit1988-01-07
4309Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-03-02
4310Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-06-19
4311Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2010-01-09
4312Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2007-09-16
4313Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
4314Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-05-07
4315Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1999-06-06
4316Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1997-01-18
4317Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1997-06-07
4318Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2002-05-04
4319Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
4320Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1994-09-10
4321Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
4322Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-05-19
4323Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2009-10-17
4324Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2008-10-18
4325Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2008-10-18
4326Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
4327Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2011-07-23
4328Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2008-07-12
4329One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-01-19
4330One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2002-11-23
4331One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2001-03-17
4332Loch SalannAward of Arms1998-04-04
4333Loch SalannGryphon and Candle2011-05-28
4334Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2011-07-23
4335Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2015-06-27
4336Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2012-06-02
4337Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2011-06-04
4338Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
4339Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-05-19
4340Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2008-04-05
4341Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2007-05-19
4342Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2016-07-16
4343Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2010-01-30
4344One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2006-03-04
4345One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2006-06-08
4346Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-07-12
4347Arn HoldGolden Pillar2015-05-16
4348Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-12-09
4349Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace1988-12-13
4350Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2006-11-11
4351Crown LandsAward of Arms2004-09-03
4352Crown LandsCrystal of the Salt Wastes2004-01-03
4353One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2013-06-14
4354Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2007-02-15
4355Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-02-02
4356Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2007-10-13
4357Côte du CielAward of Arms2012-09-15
4358Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
4359One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-11-13
4360One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2004-03-13
4361One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1998-03-14
4362Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-09-03
4363Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
4364Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1990-12-08
4365Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1992-12-12
4366Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1995-06-11
4367Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-01-13
4368Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-01-11
4369Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1989-12-16
4370Silver KeepAugmentation of Arms2016-03-05
4371Silver KeepAward of Arms1997-08-16
4372Silver KeepBaronial Favour2003-10-11
4373Silver KeepBlasted Tree1994-06-19
4374Silver KeepClaves Artemisiae2016-03-05
4375Silver KeepCourt Barony2001-09-02
4376Silver KeepForget-me-not1998-01-10
4377Silver KeepForget-me-not2002-07-20
4378Silver KeepForget-me-not2003-01-11
4379Silver KeepForget-me-not2003-10-04
4380Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2015-08-29
4381Silver KeepGolden Pillar2006-04-08
4382Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2007-07-07
4383Silver KeepGoutté de Sang1999-09-04
4384Silver KeepGryphon of Artemisia2015-03-07
4385Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
4386Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-08-28
4387Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-09-07
4388Silver KeepJambe de Lion2001-05-19
4389Silver KeepKing's Council2016-03-05
4390Silver KeepKing's Favour1998-01-10
4391Silver KeepPelican2007-10-27
4392Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
4393Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2007-03-03
4394Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2016-03-05
4395Silver KeepRoyal Scribal Favor2002-01-12
4396Silver KeepRoyal Scribal Favor2002-07-20
4397Silver KeepSilver Keep2000-12-09
4398Silver KeepSilver Muse2002-10-25
4399Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-05-30
4400Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-04-17
4401Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1993-04-17
4402Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2005-12-10
4404One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-03-06
4405One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2007-06-15
4406One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-03-14
4407Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1984-08-18
4408Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1993-04-24
4409Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-01-16
4410Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1987-10-24
4411Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-09-28
4412Arn HoldCombattant Moose1993-04-17
4413Arn HoldCourt Barony2008-03-08
4414Arn HoldGolden Pillar2017-08-26
4415Arn HoldGrant of Arms1994-12-10
4416Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2014-03-01
4417Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2018-01-27
4418Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-11-12
4419Arn HoldJewel of Alces1993-11-20
4420Arn HoldLight of Atenveldt1994-05-07
4421Arn HoldNorth Star9999-12-31
4422Arn HoldOleander1993-01-09
4423Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
4424Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
4425Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-06-24
4426Arn HoldPelican1995-09-16
4427Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1993-04-17
4428Arn HoldPrincess' Knot2001-02-17
4429Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
4430Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1993-01-09
4431Arn HoldTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1997-01-11
8149Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2018-11-04
8273Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8281Arn HoldOleander2019-02-23
8425Arn HoldKnight2019-08-24
9006Arn HoldForget-me-not2022-03-17
9261Arn HoldPilgrims of Artemisia2022-08-27
9327Arn HoldKing's Council2022-09-17
9434Arn HoldKey Stone of Arn Hold2023-01-28
4432Silver KeepAward of Arms2016-02-06
4433Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2016-02-06
4434Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1981-08-23
4435Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-11-11
4436StonegateAward of Arms2017-09-23
4437Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2007-05-05
4438Sentinels' KeepVigilance2007-10-27
4439Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-10-01
4440DeceasedAward of Arms1990-09-02
4441DeceasedGolden Feather of Artemisia1991-12-07
4442DeceasedGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-09-14
4443DeceasedLight of Atenveldt1994-11-19
4444DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-10-08
4445DeceasedPeacock's Heart1992-03-28
4447DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1993-07-11
4448DeceasedQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1994-12-10
4449DeceasedTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1990-07-21
3968StonegateSwan and the Escallop2006-06-08
4450StonegateAward of Arms2017-08-05
4451StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-09-23
4452StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
8098StonegateCourt Barony2018-09-22
8261StonegateQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
9389StonegateQueen's Confidence2023-03-18
9603StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2023-07-22
4453Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2001-03-31
4454Sentinels' KeepArtemisian Order of Grace1994-10-29
4455Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1991-01-12
4456Sentinels' KeepKnight1993-05-01
4457Sentinels' KeepGolden Link2002-06-29
4458Sentinels' KeepGrant of Arms1995-02-18
4459Sentinels' KeepGratia et Comitas2003-11-08
4460Sentinels' KeepGryphon of Artemisia2010-03-06
4461Sentinels' KeepGryphons Eye2007-10-27
4462Sentinels' KeepGryphons Eye2014-07-19
4463Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-09-16
4464Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-10-28
4465Sentinels' KeepKing's Council1998-07-11
4466Sentinels' KeepKing's Council1999-01-09
4467Sentinels' KeepKing's Council2011-09-03
4468Sentinels' KeepKing's Sigil1994-03-05
4469Sentinels' KeepKing's Sigil2011-11-05
4470Sentinels' KeepLaurel1994-07-09
4471Sentinels' KeepLion of Atenveldt1995-02-18
4472Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-06-26
4473Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
4474Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2001-10-20
4475Sentinels' KeepPelican1998-06-06
4476Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1992-09-17
4477Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony1998-10-24
4478Sentinels' KeepVigilance1994-02-05
4479Silver KeepAward of Arms2016-03-05
4480Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1980-01-16
4481Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-01-17
4482Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-01-04
4483Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-01-02
4484Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
8297Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
4485Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-06-06
4486BronzehelmAward of Arms1998-01-17
4487BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-10-03
4489BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2012-10-06
4490BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2010-05-28
4491BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-07-23
4492BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
4493BronzehelmKing's Council2013-09-07
4494BronzehelmKing's Council2016-09-03
8566BronzehelmRock: Armored2019-10-26
8713BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2020-11-21
8727BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2021-01-09
8901BronzehelmKing's Council2021-09-11
4495Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-04-25
4496Arn HoldBaroness's Favor [Wealdsmere]2016-05-29
4497Arn HoldBlue Glove2011-05-28
4498Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2015-11-14
4499Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-05-05
4500Arn HoldCombattant Moose2016-05-14
4501Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf2014-07-12
4502Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
4503Arn HoldFer de Moline2013-01-26
4504Arn HoldGallant (Wealdsmere)2011-10-15
4505Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2016-04-02
4506Arn HoldGolden Scarf2013-10-25
4507Arn HoldGoutté de Sang2011-04-16
4508Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2018-05-05
4509Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
4510Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
4511Arn HoldDefense2015-06-20
4512Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-01-28
4513Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-05-06
4514Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2016-01-23
8100Arn HoldNorth Star2017-12-04
8108Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2014-05-10
8109Arn HoldPomme d'Or2015-01-24
8121Arn HoldKing's Council2018-09-07
8539Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8584Arn HoldGolden Pillar2019-11-23
4515Crown LandsGolden Pillar2000-06-10
4516Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
4517Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2003-03-08
4518Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-04-22
4519Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2008-05-24
4520Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-03
4521Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-03-07
4522Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2008-12-13
4523Silver KeepAward of Arms2008-11-01
4524Silver KeepGryphons Eye2009-08-22
4525Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-09
4526Stan WyrmAward of Arms1992-06-27
4527Stan WyrmGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-07-24
4528Stan WyrmPillar of Artemisia1995-01-21
4529Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1999-03-27
4530Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
4531Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2017-08-26
4532Arn HoldAward of Arms1995-01-14
4533Arn HoldKnight1997-08-23
4534Arn HoldCombattant Moose1996-10-19
4535Arn HoldCounty2002-03-09
4536Arn HoldDuchy2004-09-11
4537Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2016-01-23
4538Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2002-09-14
4539Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
4540Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-04-08
4541Arn HoldJewel of Alces1999-05-01
4542Arn HoldKey Cross2004-01-31
4543Arn HoldKing's Council2002-09-14
4544Arn HoldKing's Council2005-03-12
4545Arn HoldKing's Council2012-03-03
4546Arn HoldLaurel2010-06-18
4547Arn HoldQuodlibet2002-09-14
4548Arn HoldQuodlibet2007-11-03
4549Arn HoldSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
4550Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2002-12-09
4551Arn HoldTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1996-07-18
8255Arn HoldKing's Council2019-03-02
8486Arn HoldQuodlibet2019-09-06
8941Arn HoldClaves Artemisiae2021-10-16
9330Arn HoldKing's Council2022-09-17
9393Arn HoldKing's Council2023-03-18
9445Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2023-01-28
4552Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2006-04-08
4553Sentinels' KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2007-07-07
4554Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant2006-10-21
4555Sentinels' KeepVigilance2006-03-18
4556Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
4557Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
4558Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2017-08-26
4559Arn HoldAward of Arms1995-09-16
4560Arn HoldClaves Artemisiae2017-07-02
4561Arn HoldCounty2002-03-09
4562Arn HoldDuchy2004-09-11
4563Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
4564Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1999-04-10
4565Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2011-01-29
4566Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2016-03-05
4567Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
4568Arn HoldJewel of Alces1998-11-28
4569Arn HoldKing's Council2002-09-14
4570Arn HoldKing's Council2011-09-03
4571Arn HoldKing's Council2015-01-24
4572Arn HoldKing's Council2017-09-09
4573Arn HoldRose2002-03-09
4574Arn HoldLaurel2000-01-08
4575Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-07-18
4576Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
4577Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-07-11
4578Arn HoldPelican2013-04-02
4579Arn HoldPomme d'Or9999-12-31
4580Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2002-09-14
4581Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
4582Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
4583Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2012-03-03
4584Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-09-07
4585Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2003-07-12
4586Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-10-19
4587Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2002-12-09
4588Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2012-01-28
8263Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2019-03-02
8495Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
8910Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
9011Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-12
9262Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2022-08-27
9335Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9390Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2023-03-18
9592Arn HoldKing's Council2023-09-16
4589Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1998-10-01
4590BronzehelmAward of Arms2017-01-14
4591Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-06
4592Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1991-12-07
4593Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1993-01-10
4594Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-04-26
4595DragonmarchAward of Arms2003-08-02
4596One Thousand EyesPelican2003-09-13
4597One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
8368One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2018-12-01
4598Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2006-02-18
4599Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1980-04-06
4600Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2008-06-21
4601Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2010-11-13
4602Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2014-11-08
4603Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1995-03-25
4604Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2010-11-13
4605Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1991-12-07
4606One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-11-20
4607One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2003-03-01
4608One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-03-14
4609Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2012-01-07
4610Arrow's FlightAward of Arms1998-04-11
4611Arrow's FlightDefender of the White Scarf2007-09-01
4612Arrow's FlightErmine and Gauntlet1998-11-01
4613Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2002-06-06
4614Arrow's FlightGolden Scarf2006-11-11
4615Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2010-11-13
4616Arrow's FlightPelican2014-11-08
4617Arrow's FlightSwan and the Escallop1991-09-28
4618Arrow's FlightTalon d'Or1994-05-21
4619Arrow's FlightWhite Duck1997-10-25
4620Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2011-11-19
4621Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight2015-06-19
4622Inactive/Out of KingdomDefenders of the Citadel2014-10-18
4623Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-11-19
4624Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2014-07-19
4625Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
4626Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
4627Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2014-07-19
4628Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
4629Inactive/Out of KingdomPearl of the Mountain2016-07-09
4630Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2015-08-29
4631Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2013-09-28
4632One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-10-17
4633One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2016-11-19
4634One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2011-03-19
4635One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2009-11-21
4636One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2009-10-17
4640One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2017-10-21
4637Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2012-09-22
4638Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2007-07-07
4639Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2013-09-28
4632One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-10-17
4633One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2016-11-19
4634One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2011-03-19
4635One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2009-11-21
4636One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2009-10-17
4640One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2017-10-21
4641BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-09-26
4642BronzehelmGolden Scarf2013-06-15
4643DeceasedArtemisian Order of Grace1996-12-07
4644DeceasedAward of Arms1984-03-10
4645DeceasedCheval d'Or2002-10-05
4647DeceasedCompany of Sojourners1982-04-17
4648DeceasedCompany of Sojourners1990-04-28
4649DeceasedCourt Barony2006-12-02
4650DeceasedFlame of Pharos2013-09-07
4651DeceasedGolden Feather of Artemisia1994-06-18
4652DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf1998-12-05
4653DeceasedGrant of Arms1992-10-10
4654DeceasedGratia et Comitas2005-03-12
4655DeceasedGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-04-11
4658DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1994-01-22
4661DeceasedSilver Guard1988-07-03
4662Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-10-11
4663Inactive/Out of KingdomCompany of Sojourners1990-04-28
4664Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2010-12-05
4665Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1991-05-04
4666Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1992-05-30
4667Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-10-14
4668Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1992-01-11
4669Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1992-01-11
4670Arn HoldYggdrasil2011-06-17
4671Arn HoldAward of Arms2017-08-26
4672Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
4673Arn HoldYggdrasil2017-01-28
9663Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2024-01-27
4674Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-06-18
4675Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2014-06-14
4676Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2011-03-12
4677Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-11-14
4678Loch SalannGolden Scarf2012-06-02
4679Loch SalannDefense2018-03-10
4680Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-07-21
4681Loch SalannWhite Loon2017-08-05
8069Loch SalannErmine and Quill2018-07-20
8525Loch SalannWhite Duck2019-07-20
4682Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1996-03-23
4683Loch SalannArtemisian Order of Grace1994-03-05
4684Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms1989-01-14
4685Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-05-27
4686Loch SalannKnight1985-04-02
4687Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2014-08-30
4688Loch SalannCourt Barony1989-01-14
4689Loch SalannCrystal Heart2017-12-09
4690Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1982-07-31
4691Loch SalannDove1982-07-25
4692Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-03-14
4693Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
4694Loch SalannFleur d'Or1984-03-24
4695Loch SalannFons Animae2016-06-04
4696Loch SalannGrant of Arms1989-01-14
4697Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2001-03-24
4698Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2012-03-03
4699Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-12-12
4700Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
4701Loch SalannHawk's Lure1990-09-01
4702Loch SalannKing's Council2012-07-21
4703Loch SalannKing's Sigil1988-10-29
4704Loch SalannLaurel2012-09-01
4705Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1985-09-14
4706Loch SalannOleander1994-02-19
4707Loch SalannPelican1980-04-05
4708Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2015-03-07
4709Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1989-01-14
4710Loch SalannViscounty1982-07-25
4711Loch SalannWalker of the Way1978-12-30
4712Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
4713Loch SalannWhite Falcon1996-03-23
4714Loch SalannWhite Lark2012-06-02
4715Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8274Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2019-03-02
9640Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-09-09
4716Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume2000-01-29
4717Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-07-12
4718Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1999-07-24
4719Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-01-02
4720Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2000-08-27
4721Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2002-02-15
4722Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-10-12
4723Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1995-07-29
4724Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1984-12-15
4725Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1979-12-15
4726Crystal CragsAward of Arms2011-05-21
4727Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1993-01-30
4728Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-11-11
4729Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1994-09-10
4730Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-11-09
4731Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2012-07-07
4732Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2011-07-16
4733Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2010-09-25
4734Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1992-09-05
4735Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold1992-09-07
4736OtherhillAward of Arms1984-05-19
4737OtherhillLight of Atenveldt1989-10-14
4738OtherhillGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-01-13
4740OtherhillPillar of Artemisia1989-01-14
4741Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2010-06-18
4742Inactive/Out of KingdomBaby Gryphon's Feather2010-05-29
4743Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-07-11
4744Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-04-04
4745Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-04-14
4746Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart2002-06-06
4747Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1998-10-10
4748Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-12-10
4749Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2010-12-11
4750Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-05-28
4751Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2010-12-11
4752Loch SalannWhite Cygent2016-06-04
4753Crown LandsAward of Arms2009-08-20
4754Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-06-23
4755DeceasedAward of Arms1997-04-12
4756DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf1998-11-28
4757DeceasedGolden Sun in Splendour2003-05-10
4758DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-01-26
4759DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-05-10
4761DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1996-10-19
4762Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold9999-12-31
4763Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-08-22
4764Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-05-20
4765Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1996-03-23
4766Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-11-14
4767Silver KeepAward of Paws2016-03-05
4768Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-09-11
4769Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight2005-06-11
4770Inactive/Out of KingdomDefenders of the Citadel2004-10-16
4771Inactive/Out of KingdomEye of the Swan1999-07-24
4772Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-02-14
4773Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2002-07-13
4774Inactive/Out of KingdomRaven's Treasure2002-10-19
4775Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2005-10-15
4776Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1999-03-27
4777Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-08
4778Stan WyrmGolden Gryphon's Talon2013-09-28
4779Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2016-07-09
4780Stan WyrmSilver Crane2016-07-09
4781Stan WyrmVigilance2013-10-18
4782Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-08-07
4783Loch SalannKnight2011-03-19
4784Loch SalannCounty2017-03-11
4785Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2009-06-06
4786Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2010-01-09
4787Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-08-07
4788Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-03-06
4789Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
4790Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
4791Loch SalannPrince's Token2011-07-09
4792Loch SalannQuodlibet2010-03-06
4793Loch SalannViscounty2011-01-29
4794Loch SalannWhite Falcon2009-03-14
8992Loch SalannDuchy2020-04-18
4795Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-11-27
4796Loch SalannAward of Arms1995-06-24
4797Loch SalannGolden Pillar1998-11-07
4798Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-06-18
4799Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1996-11-09
4800Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2006-10-21
4801Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1996-07-06
4802Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-10-17
4803Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1996-03-02
4804Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1998-11-28
4805Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-06-10
4806Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-06-24
4807Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1992-09-01
4808Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1992-09-01
4809Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1997-10-11
4810Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1994-06-21
4811Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1993-01-16
4812Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-05-20
4813Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-10-30
4814Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-10-21
4815Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1987-05-24
4816Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1998-09-12
4817Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1994-11-19
4818Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-07-09
4819Inactive/Out of KingdomLegionnaire of the Guardians of Atenveldt1989-09-03
4820Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1994-01-15
4821Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-05-04
4822Côte du CielAward of Arms9999-12-31
4823Côte du CielGolden Pillar2009-04-25
4824Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
8386Côte du CielSwan and the Escallop2018-03-17
8450Côte du CielTalon d'Or2019-06-13
9271Côte du CielGryphon and Francisca2022-09-10
9306Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2018-12-01
9347Côte du CielCourt Barony2022-11-19
4825StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2014-11-22
4826StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-06-20
4827StonegatePeacock and Key2014-06-12
4828StonegatePeacock's Heart2008-06-15
8097StonegateCourt Barony2018-09-22
4829Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1997-01-04
4830Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-01-18
4831OtherhillAward of Arms2006-09-16
4832OtherhillSable Thistle of Ansteorra2007-09-15
4833Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-03-11
4834Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-09-16
4835Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-04-18
4836Inactive/Out of KingdomEye of the Swan2000-10-28
4837Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1998-01-31
4838Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Crane2000-10-28
4839Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-02-16
4840Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2008-06-21
4844Castelleone NuovoGolden Pillar2014-02-08
4841Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-03
4842Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-01-18
4840Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2008-06-21
4844Castelleone NuovoGolden Pillar2014-02-08
4845Loch SalannAward of Arms2006-07-15
4846Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
4847Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-03-10
4848Loch SalannWhite Duck2006-07-15
4849Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-08-06
8572Loch SalannErmine and Quill2019-03-16
4850Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-01-14
4851Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-05-09
4852Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1998-12-05
4853Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-09-21
4854Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-11-09
4855BronzehelmAward of Arms2005-06-23
8084BronzehelmGolden Scarf2018-08-18
8191BronzehelmDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2019-01-05
8716BronzehelmRock: Rapier2020-11-21
8738BronzehelmSable Helm: Rapier2021-01-09
8962BronzehelmGolden Pillar2021-08-07
9521BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-05-06
9711BronzehelmGuardian of the Keep2022-10-08
4856Inactive/Out of KingdomEleanor's Balance1988-12-31
4857Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1988-10-08
4858Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1991-11-23
4859Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1993-06-19
4860Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-10-20
4861Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1993-06-19
4862Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
4863Arn HoldAward of Arms2004-11-13
4864Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2009-07-11
4865Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2009-11-07
4866Arn HoldGolden Pillar2008-05-31
4867Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
4868Arn HoldJewel of Alces9999-12-31
4869Arn HoldNorth Star9999-12-31
4870Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2009-01-31
4871Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2009-01-31
4872Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
4873Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-06-01
4874Inactive/Out of KingdomCompany of the Silver Silkie1997-08-16
4875Inactive/Out of KingdomCoral Branch2011-05-07
4876Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2012-01-28
4877Inactive/Out of KingdomFettered Crane2008-06-21
4878Inactive/Out of KingdomFountain2008-11-08
4879Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2010-02-13
4880Inactive/Out of KingdomOpal2008-06-21
4881Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2012-09-01
4882Inactive/Out of KingdomSable Blade2007-07-07
4883Inactive/Out of KingdomSilver Osprey2009-01-31
4884Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2013-12-14
4885One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-11-23
4886One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1999-11-20
4887DragonmarchGryphon's Pride2003-09-13
4888Côte du CielAward of Arms2002-09-21
4889Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2015-12-12
4890DragonmarchAward of Arms1998-08-22
4891Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-24
4892Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-01-10
4893Loch SalannWhite Duck1992-10-17
4894Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-01-21
4895Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-08-08
4896Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-01-31
4897Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2009-01-31
4898Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2009-01-31
4899Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2008-11-15
4900StonegateArgent Hart2003-11-22
4901StonegateAspen of Caerthe2011-05-07
4902StonegateAward of Arms2002-01-05
4905StonegateGentle Dragon2004-01-31
4906StonegateGilded Leaf of Caerthe2007-09-01
4907StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2016-11-19
4908StonegateGolden Pillar2017-08-05
4909StonegateKey Cross2018-04-14
4910StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2017-03-18
4911StonegateStag's Heart2015-07-08
4912StonegateSwan and the Escallop2016-01-17
8172StonegatePeacock and Key2017-06-17
8319StonegateGolden Pillar2018-04-14
8350StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2019-05-18
8949StonegateGratia Coronae [WEST]2021-09-05
9342StonegateQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9529StonegateTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-04-08
4913Arn HoldAward of Arms2003-07-12
4914Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-12-14
4915Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-10-13
4916BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-09-26
4926BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-07-23
4927BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
4928BronzehelmGuardian of the Keep2017-10-14
8190BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2019-01-05
8320BronzehelmRock: Armored2019-01-05
8735BronzehelmSable Helm: Archery2021-01-09
8900BronzehelmKing's Council2021-09-11
4917Crystal CragsAward of Arms2009-05-02
4918Crystal CragsGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-05-21
4919Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1988-03-26
4920Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-05-02
4921Loch SalannKnight2015-04-04
4922Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2011-11-05
4923Loch SalannTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2010-12-11
4924Loch SalannWhite Falcon2010-08-14
4925Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-05-29
4916BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-09-26
4926BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-07-23
4927BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-09-03
4928BronzehelmGuardian of the Keep2017-10-14
8190BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2019-01-05
8320BronzehelmRock: Armored2019-01-05
8735BronzehelmSable Helm: Archery2021-01-09
8900BronzehelmKing's Council2021-09-11
4929DeceasedAward of Arms1991-05-11
4930DeceasedCourt Barony1996-06-14
4931DeceasedFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
4932DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-11-12
4933DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-07-29
4934DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
4935DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1992-04-11
4936Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-01-11
4937Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2010-01-09
4938Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1995-12-09
4939Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-12-12
4940Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-03-23
4941Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-15
4942Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1983-12-17
4943Stan WyrmAward of Arms1997-03-15
4944Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2010-11-06
4945One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-11-23
4946One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
4947One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2009-01-17
4948One Thousand EyesKey Cross2011-06-17
4949One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2002-11-23
4950One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2001-06-09
8390One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2019-01-19
4951Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-03-29
4952Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2015-06-27
4953Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
4954Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2011-01-08
4955Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2017-12-09
4956Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-05-28
4957Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2016-08-06
4958Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2014-04-12
4959Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2015-08-08
4960Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2014-08-08
4961Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
4962Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
4963Gryphon's LairKing's Council2015-03-07
4964Gryphon's LairKing's Council2016-09-03
4965Gryphon's LairOleander2018-02-24
4966Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
4967Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
8419Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-08-03
8483Gryphon's LairPelican2019-09-06
8496Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2019-09-06
8921Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9242Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2022-08-06
9320Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2022-08-06
9586Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
4968DragonmarchAward of Arms1998-08-22
4969Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-10-17
4970Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2011-06-18
4971Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2008-09-27
4972Crystal CragsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-05-14
4973DragonmarchAward of Arms2002-03-23
4974DragonmarchWhite Lark2001-08-11
4975Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1987-06-11
4976Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2009-09-05
4977Gryphon's LairCrystal Heart2017-12-09
4978Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2004-01-10
4979Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2003-09-13
4980Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2017-07-03
4981Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
4982Gryphon's LairOleander2018-02-24
4983Gryphon's LairPelican2004-12-11
4984Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
8235Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-12
8492Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2019-09-06
8649Gryphon's LairOleander2020-02-22
8777Gryphon's LairKey Cross2020-07-18
8831Gryphon's LairAlces Amici2021-01-23
8904Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
8974Gryphon's LairLaurel2022-03-05
9040Gryphon's LairWhite Lark2021-12-11
9224Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2021-08-07
9225Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2021-08-07
9612Gryphon's LairMantle of Gryphon's Lair2024-02-24
4985Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-04-24
4986Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
4987Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-07-08
4988Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2007-04-28
4989Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-07
4990Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2013-07-07
4991StonegateAward of Arms1999-11-20
4993StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2008-06-21
4994StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2009-06-20
4995StonegateGolden Pillar2007-06-16
4996StonegateGrant of Arms2004-03-06
4997StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2000-06-09
4998StonegateKey Cross2011-11-19
4999StonegateKing's Council2014-08-30
5001StonegatePeacock and Key2004-06-12
5002StonegatePeacock's Heart2014-06-12
5003StonegateSwan and the Escallop1998-07-11
5004StonegateTalon d'Or2003-06-13
5005Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2001-12-08
5006Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2005-10-15
5007Stan WyrmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
5008Stan WyrmAward of Arms2001-01-06
5009Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-06-20
5010Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1993-01-16
5011Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-07-29
5012Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf1998-02-28
5013Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1993-12-04
5014Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1992-07-25
5015Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-12-07
5016Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-05-04
5017Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-03-26
5018Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-12-10
5019Loch SalannAward of Arms1992-01-18
5020Loch SalannCrystal Heart1999-03-27
5021Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1995-10-14
5022Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1996-07-06
5023Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-12-14
5024Loch SalannPelican1997-01-11
5025Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1993-01-16
5026Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1995-12-09
5027Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
5028Loch SalannRadiant Rose1993-07-17
5029Loch SalannWhite Duck1991-04-27
5030Loch SalannWhite Lark1993-12-04
5031Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2009-04-25
5032Stan WyrmAward of Arms2006-09-30
5033Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1991-05-19
5034Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace1988-10-29
5035Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-07-08
5036Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-02-21
5037Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1990-12-08
5038Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1995-10-21
5039Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-05-08
5040Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-11-13
5041Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-03-04
8064Loch SalannKey Cross2018-07-21
8139Loch SalannOleander2007-02-17
8140Loch SalannFons Animae2018-09-08
8212Loch SalannWhite Lark2018-12-08
8321Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-12-08
9042Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2021-12-11
9644Loch SalannLaurel2023-09-09
5042Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-07-12
5043Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
5044One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2007-11-17
5045One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2007-11-17
5046One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2007-03-13
5047Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-07-25
5048Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1993-12-04
5049Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1994-04-09
5050Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-07-29
5051Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-04-10
5052Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-03-21
5053Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-12-12
5054Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1996-12-14
5055Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1989-09-23
5056Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-31
5057Inactive/Out of KingdomFer de Moline2008-02-02
5058Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-28
5059Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1996-12-14
5060Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1998-03-28
5061Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-12-09
5062One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1995-01-14
5063One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf1998-11-21
5064One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-11-18
5065One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1994-11-19
5066One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key1999-06-05
5067One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1998-11-21
5068One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1996-11-16
5069One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1994-05-21
5070Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-01-10
5071Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-09-21
5072Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1996-12-07
5073Loch SalannList of Grace2016-06-04
5074Loch SalannAward of Arms1983-06-04
5075Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-02-01
5076Inactive/Out of KingdomFriendly Castle2000-07-16
5077Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2004-05-01
5078Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2007-06-16
5079Inactive/Out of KingdomCortesia2000-07-16
5080Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-12-14
5081Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2013-12-14
5082Loch SalannErmine and Quill2013-12-14
5083Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2003-03-11
5084Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2012-06-02
5085Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2002-10-19
5086Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
5087Loch SalannWhite Duck2002-03-23
5088Loch SalannWhite Falcon2003-05-31
5089Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-11-03
5090Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2009-01-31
5091Inactive/Out of KingdomNorth Star2008-07-12
5092Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
5093Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2010-08-28
5094Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-11-11
5095Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-05-17
5096Arn HoldCombattant Moose2007-03-17
5097Arn HoldGolden Scarf2008-06-21
5098Arn HoldPomme d'Or2010-08-28
5099Arn HoldYggdrasil2006-03-11
5100Stan WyrmAward of Arms2011-03-26
5101Loch SalannCourt Barony1998-12-12
5102Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
5103Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2014-12-13
5104Loch SalannGrant of Arms1997-10-11
5105Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia1998-07-11
5106Loch SalannLaurel2005-06-10
5107Loch SalannQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
5108Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2006-03-11
5109Loch SalannWhite Duck1998-03-28
5110Loch SalannWhite Lark1997-12-13
5111Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2006-09-02
5112Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1991-01-12
5113Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-01-11
5114Stan WyrmAward of Arms1999-07-17
5115Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
5116Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1982-09-25
5117Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1991-07-13
5118Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-07-15
5119Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-09-03
5120Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
5121One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2014-01-18
5122Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-01-11
5123Côte du CielAward of Arms2011-02-19
5124Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2013-10-05
5125Côte du CielGolden Pillar2012-04-28
5126Côte du CielQuodlibet2011-09-17
5127Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms2007-09-08
5128Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1999-05-28
5129Gryphon's LairKnight2006-01-07
5130Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel9999-12-31
5131Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon9999-12-31
5132Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2004-03-13
5133Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2006-09-09
5134Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2004-09-11
5135Gryphon's LairKing's Council2014-08-30
5136Gryphon's LairKing's Council2017-09-09
5137Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia9999-12-31
5138Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2010-01-09
5139Gryphon's LairWhite Duck9999-12-31
5140Gryphon's LairWhite Falcon9999-12-31
8480Gryphon's LairKing's Council2019-09-06
5141Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms1997-04-26
5142Castelleone NuovoCrane's Honor2017-10-14
5143Castelleone NuovoDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2015-10-17
5144Castelleone NuovoGolden Pillar2015-02-13
5145Castelleone NuovoGolden Scarf2010-11-20
5146Castelleone NuovoVigilance2015-10-17
5147Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-08-22
5148Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1996-03-02
5149Silver KeepAward of Arms2006-06-10
5150Silver KeepGolden Pillar2008-08-23
5151Silver KeepJewel of the Keep2010-10-23
5152Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2014-07-19
5153One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2005-11-19
5154One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2009-06-19
5155One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2006-06-08
5156Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-06-04
5157Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-07-13
5158Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
5159Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-11-11
5160Arn HoldCourt Barony2012-01-28
5161Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2008-10-18
5162Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
5163Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
8351StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2011-06-17
8352StonegateSwan and the Escallop2010-11-20
8746StonegateKey Cross2021-04-10
5166Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1994-06-21
5167Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1993-01-16
5168One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1992-11-21
5169Stan WyrmAward of Arms2006-09-30
5170Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-08-09
5171Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-08-25
5172Loch SalannCrystal Heart2003-12-13
5173Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-07-16
5174Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-11-13
5175Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2016-01-09
5176Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
5177Loch SalannKey Cross2012-09-01
5178Loch SalannWhite Lark2015-06-06
8764Loch SalannLaurel2021-02-27
8794Loch SalannWhite Duck2021-06-05
9046Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
9375Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2022-12-10
5179Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2007-07-07
5180Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-01-09
5181Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-06-10
5182Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-07-08
5183Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1994-08-27
5184Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1994-11-19
5185Loch SalannAward of Arms1985-09-14
5186Loch SalannCourt Barony2018-05-05
5187Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1988-06-04
5188Loch SalannFons Animae1993-01-16
5189Loch SalannGolden Feather of Artemisia1992-07-11
5190Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
5191Loch SalannLaurel1988-10-29
5192Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-01-11
5193Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
5194Loch SalannPelican1994-06-18
5195Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1993-09-19
5196Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1986-12-06
5197Loch SalannWhite Duck1985-12-21
5198Loch SalannWhite Lark1986-12-20
5199Silver KeepAward of Arms2014-02-08
5200Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-06-14
5201Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2003-10-11
5202Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-09-13
5203Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-06-14
5204Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-07-16
5205Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-01-28
5206Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2018-03-10
5207Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-12-14
5208Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-01-24
5209Loch SalannWhite Duck1996-08-31
5210Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1996-11-16
5211Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-05-13
5212Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-09-18
5213One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2003-11-22
5214Côte du CielGryphon's Pride1992-04-11
5215Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2016-12-10
5216Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-05-04
5217Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1996-11-16
5218Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-06-18
5219Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2004-07-10
5220Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1992-09-26
5221Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2018-05-26
5222Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2007-09-29
5223Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2009-09-05
5224Gryphon's LairPelican2008-01-05
5225Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1995-06-10
5226Gryphon's LairWhite Duck1993-05-01
9223Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2021-08-07
5227Crystal CragsAward of Arms2007-02-15
5228Arn HoldAward of Arms2012-07-07
5229Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2013-01-26
5230Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2014-11-15
5231Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2015-11-14
5232Arn HoldCombattant Moose2014-07-12
5233Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2018-01-27
5234Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
5235Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-01-23
5236Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2016-07-16
5237Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2017-02-24
5238Arn HoldPomme d'Or2016-07-16
5239Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-08-26
5240Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2015-07-18
5241Arn HoldWalking Pell2017-01-28
5242Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2016-07-16
5243Arn HoldYggdrasil2013-05-18
8282Arn HoldOleander2019-02-23
8426Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2019-08-24
8769Arn HoldQuodlibet2020-07-18
8844Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2020-08-22
9339Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9431Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2023-01-28
9565Arn HoldKnight2023-07-08
5244Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-03-19
5245Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-12-15
5246Silver KeepVigilance2016-10-15
5247Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-12-30
5248Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1980-12-13
5249Loch SalannFons Animae1988-12-13
5250Loch SalannWhite Duck1980-12-13
5251Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-30
5252Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1999-10-09
5253Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-10-03
5254Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-06-19
5255Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
5256Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-06-09
5257Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2009-05-08
5258Silver KeepAward of Arms2006-07-15
5259Silver KeepSilver Crane2018-03-24
8131Silver KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-13
5260DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-03-24
5263DragonmarchDefenders of the Citadel2005-06-10
5265DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-02-14
5266DragonmarchKing's Council2007-03-03
5269DragonmarchWhite Falcon2002-06-29
5270Inactive/Out of KingdomAugmentation of Arms1997-01-04
5271Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-07-23
5272Inactive/Out of KingdomCompany of Sojourners1997-01-18
5273Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1997-01-04
5274One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1986-09-13
5275One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1987-02-21
5276Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart2012-06-14
5277Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
5278Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1988-10-29
5279Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1978-12-30
5280Gryphon's LairKnight1981-02-15
5281Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2001-02-17
5282Gryphon's LairCrystal Heart2003-12-13
5283Gryphon's LairCrystal of the Salt Wastes1980-07-12
5284Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2009-01-09
5285Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-01-08
5286Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon1997-12-13
5287Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2007-01-06
5288Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2007-12-08
5289Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
5290Gryphon's LairLight of Atenveldt1985-03-03
5291Gryphon's LairPelican1986-01-11
5292Gryphon's LairStag's Tynes1982-07-24
5293Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2012-06-02
5294Gryphon's LairValkyrie's Watch1979-12-15
5295Gryphon's LairWhite Duck1979-12-15
5296Gryphon's LairWhite Duck2007-06-02
5297Gryphon's LairWhite Falcon1992-12-12
5298Gryphon's LairWhite Loon2014-12-13
5299Gryphon's LairWhite Phoenix2017-07-08
8238Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms2019-01-12
9613Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2024-02-24
5300Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-01-31
5301Arn HoldCombattant Moose2010-07-10
5302Arn HoldYggdrasil2008-07-12
5303Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
5304Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1991-12-07
5305Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2010-10-16
5306Gryphon's LairFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
5307Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-05-28
5308Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2016-03-05
5309Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2014-01-04
5310Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hearth2017-07-01
5311Gryphon's LairGryphons Eye2016-03-05
5312Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
5313Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
8553Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2019-08-03
8711Gryphon's LairKey Cross2020-11-21
9219Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2021-06-26
9234Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
5314Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2012-09-22
5315Sentinels' KeepDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2017-11-11
5316Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2015-03-21
5317Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2007-07-07
5318Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2011-09-24
5319Sentinels' KeepVigilance2013-09-28
5320Inactive/Out of KingdomCrane's Honor2003-03-22
5321Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2000-10-28
5322Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy1990-03-31
5323Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2007-11-03
5324Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-02-04
5325Arn HoldYggdrasil2005-09-01
5326Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
5327Arn HoldCombattant Moose2009-09-26
5328Arn HoldCourt Barony2014-07-12
5329Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
5330Arn HoldYggdrasil2008-11-15
5331Silver KeepAward of Arms1993-10-30
5332DeceasedAward of Arms1987-11-14
5333DeceasedFleur de Soleil1989-11-11
5335DeceasedLight of Atenveldt1993-11-20
5336DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-11-11
5337DeceasedPeacock's Heart1992-11-21
5338DeceasedTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1990-07-21
5339Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-07-16
5340Arn HoldGolden Pillar2014-10-04
5341Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2016-07-16
5342Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
5343Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
5344Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2016-07-16
8106Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2018-01-27
8249Arn HoldGratia et Comitas2019-03-02
5345Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2007-10-27
5346Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2007-10-27
5347Sentinels' KeepGryphon and Pheon2009-10-24
5348Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2007-10-27
5349Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2009-07-18
5350Sentinels' KeepStrongbow of Artemisia2011-04-02
5351Sentinels' KeepVigilance2008-10-25
5352Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-08-02
5353Inactive/Out of KingdomForget-me-not2003-08-02
5354Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Osprey2007-11-17
5355Inactive/Out of KingdomJambe de Lion2006-05-15
5356Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2017-09-16
5357Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-03-22
5358Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2002-07-13
5359Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant2005-10-15
5360One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-04-26
5361Crown LandsAward of Arms1995-08-13
5362Crown LandsElm Leaf of Myrgan Wood2006-05-13
5363Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-02-26
5364Crown LandsJewel of the Keep2004-04-24
5365Crown LandsKey Cross2005-05-07
5366Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-08-16
5367Crown LandsPelican2006-02-16
5368Crown LandsQuodlibet2016-08-20
9259Crown LandsCourt Barony2022-08-20
5369Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-10-29
5370Arn HoldYggdrasil2011-06-17
5371Inactive/Out of KingdomOleander1997-02-16
5372Crystal CragsAward of Arms2005-05-14
5373Arn HoldArma Volans2012-05-19
5374Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-01-23
5375Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2012-07-07
5376Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-04-14
5377Loch SalannErmine and Quill2013-09-21
5378Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1992-06-06
5379Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar1998-06-06
5380Sentinels' KeepOleander1992-02-14
5381Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
5382Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
5383Sentinels' KeepQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1997-06-08
5384Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane1998-10-24
5385Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1991-12-14
5386Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold1991-12-14
5387Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1996-03-24
5388Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2016-02-27
5389Silver KeepAward of Arms2016-09-03
5390Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-09-04
5391Loch SalannCourt Barony2008-12-13
5392Loch SalannCrystal Heart1999-03-27
5393Loch SalannFons Animae2016-06-04
5394Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2016-03-05
5395Loch SalannGrant of Arms2005-05-07
5396Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-10
5397Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
5398Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
5399Loch SalannPrince's Counselor1992-07-11
5400Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
5401Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-04-14
5402Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-11-09
9052Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
5403Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-02-17
5404Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1999-09-04
5405Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2005-09-24
5406Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2008-09-27
5407Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-05-06
5408Arn HoldKnight1993-10-09
5409Arn HoldCombattant Moose1992-03-28
5410Arn HoldCounty2006-03-11
5411Arn HoldDuchy2011-09-03
5412Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1991-10-12
5413Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-10-12
5414Arn HoldJewel of Alces2008-09-27
5415Arn HoldKing's Council1998-11-28
5416Arn HoldLaurel1994-05-07
5417Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-04-13
5418Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia9999-12-31
5419Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1994-03-05
5420Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-03-02
5421Arn HoldQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1994-09-03
5422Arn HoldQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1996-03-02
5423Arn HoldQuodlibet1997-07-12
5424Arn HoldQuodlibet2006-09-09
5425Arn HoldQuodlibet2017-09-09
5426Arn HoldSincerity and Honor1995-09-16
5427Arn HoldSolar Heart1993-05-01
5428Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1991-12-14
5429Arn HoldTrefoil and Mace2006-10-14
5430Arn HoldViscounty1993-07-10
5431Arn HoldWalking Pell1993-11-20
8540Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
5432Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold9999-12-31
5433Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1993-04-03
5434Sentinels' KeepArtemisian Order of Grace1994-07-09
5435Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1990-01-13
5436Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2006-10-21
5437Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-04-27
5438Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1992-07-18
5439Sentinels' KeepLight of Atenveldt1992-08-01
5440Sentinels' KeepLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
5441Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-06-19
5442Sentinels' KeepOleander1992-02-14
5443Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
5444Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
5445Sentinels' KeepPelican1992-10-10
5446Sentinels' KeepPillar of Artemisia1992-07-11
5447Sentinels' KeepQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1994-08-06
5448Sentinels' KeepVigilance1991-07-20
8775Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2020-10-03
9299Sentinels' KeepCornerstone of the Keep2022-10-08
5449Crown LandsAward of Arms1997-04-26
8132Crown LandsJewel of the Keep2018-10-13
8195Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-05
8780Crown LandsKey Cross2021-03-27
5450Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-05-26
5451Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
5452Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1994-03-05
5453One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-03-08
5454Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-08-22
5455Crown LandsAward of Arms1993-07-11
5456Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-06-18
5457Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
5458Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
5459Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-12-14
5460Loch SalannCourt Barony2007-09-01
5461Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1998-10-17
5462Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2000-12-09
5463Loch SalannGrant of Arms1999-03-20
5464Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2004-04-17
5465Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2005-03-12
5466Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-01-24
5467Loch SalannPelican2001-10-13
5468Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1997-07-12
5469Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2007-09-01
5470Loch SalannWhite Duck1996-08-31
5471Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-06-06
5472Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2000-08-27
5473Crystal CragsAward of Arms2007-02-15
5474DeceasedAward of Arms1999-09-11
5475DeceasedJewel of the Keep1999-03-24
5476Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-01-09
5477Arn HoldAward of Arms1998-11-28
5478Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1998-11-28
5479Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1999-07-10
5480Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-05-31
5481Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-07-19
5482Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-12
5483Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2000-04-08
5484StonegateAward of Arms2008-06-20
5485StonegateGolden Pillar2012-06-16
5486StonegateSwan and the Escallop2003-03-01
5487Silver KeepAward of Arms1993-04-10
5488Silver KeepDefenders of the Citadel2003-06-14
5489Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2006-08-26
5490Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-09-14
5491Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1993-09-19
5492Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2017-08-26
8577Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2019-11-02
9186Arn HoldAward of Arms2022-05-07
5493Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-11-28
5494Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-06-24
5495Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2013-08-10
5496Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-04-12
5497Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Pheon2003-04-12
5498Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2008-01-05
5499Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2018-05-26
8258Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2019-03-02
8731Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2021-01-16
9222Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2021-06-26
5500Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-12-11
5501Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
5502Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2005-07-31
5503Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2016-05-21
5504Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
5505Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
5506Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2010-06-18
5507Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1993-01-23
5508Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1993-08-21
5509Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-03-07
5510Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2010-12-11
5511Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2013-03-02
5512Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-12-13
5513Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1997-07-26
5514Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1996-12-14
5515Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2007-09-29
5516Crown LandsAward of Arms2009-08-20
5517Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-01
5518Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-07-16
5519Arn HoldGolden Bridle2016-04-02
5520Arn HoldCheval d'Or2013-01-26
5521Arn HoldChevalier Baronia Gloria2012-05-05
5522Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
5523Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2012-03-03
5524Arn HoldYggdrasil2011-07-16
8256Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2019-03-02
5525Stan WyrmAward of Arms1997-03-15
5526Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1997-01-11
5527Inactive/Out of KingdomAugmentation of Arms2005-08-27
5528Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1998-07-11
5529Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf1997-01-10
5530Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1998-12-12
5531Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1997-07-26
5532Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
5533Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-07-11
5534Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2003-09-13
5535Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-05-04
5536Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1994-11-19
5537Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1993-11-20
5538Inactive/Out of KingdomTalon d'Or1995-08-26
5539Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony2001-04-23
5540Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1994-10-22
5541Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1988-06-04
5542Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1993-01-10
5543Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-05
5544Côte du CielAward of Arms2000-09-16
5545OtherhillAward of Arms2015-02-07
5546BronzehelmAward of Arms2003-09-13
5547Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2011-03-12
5548Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2007-03-31
5549Arrow's FlightErmine and Gauntlet2017-05-13
5550Arrow's FlightGolden Scarf2017-07-01
8065Arrow's FlightDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-07-21
8285Arrow's FlightOleander2019-02-23
8286Arrow's FlightOleander2018-02-24
8287Arrow's FlightOleander2017-02-25
8288Arrow's FlightOleander2010-02-13
8289Arrow's FlightOleander2009-02-14
8290Arrow's FlightOleander2008-02-16
8291Arrow's FlightOleander2007-02-17
8642Arrow's FlightDefense2020-03-07
9516Arrow's FlightSable Helm: Rapier2023-01-07
9632Arrow's FlightCourt Barony2023-11-11
9668Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
5551Stan WyrmAward of Arms2011-09-09
5552Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2011-04-02
5553Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1986-12-20
5554Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
5555Arn HoldAward of Arms1999-09-18
5556Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress9999-12-31
5557Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-05-17
5558Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2005-07-23
5559Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1983-03-26
5560Inactive/Out of KingdomBaroness' Award of Courtesy2001-08-25
5561Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Dolphin2002-01-05
5562Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2006-04-22
5563Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2008-04-06
5564Inactive/Out of KingdomGordian Knot1984-03-03
5565Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-11-07
5566Inactive/Out of KingdomLozulet1998-05-30
5567Inactive/Out of KingdomMeridian Cross1995-05-26
5568Inactive/Out of KingdomOwl2004-05-22
5569Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2009-06-20
5570Inactive/Out of KingdomSable Gryphon9999-12-31
5571Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-07-15
5572Côte du CielAward of Arms2016-09-17
5573Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-07-23
5574Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2010-05-15
5575Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2015-03-21
5576Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-11-09
5577Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2015-03-14
5578Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-03-12
5579Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-03-11
5580Loch SalannGolden Scarf2017-03-04
5581Loch SalannList of Courtesy2016-08-06
5582Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-06-07
8223Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
5583Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-06-10
5584Loch SalannCourt Barony2016-09-17
5585Loch SalannCrystal Heart2005-12-10
5586Loch SalannGolden Pillar2009-03-07
5587Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-03-07
5588Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
5589Loch SalannPelican2011-01-08
5590Loch SalannWhite Duck2007-07-28
5591StonegateAward of Arms2008-06-20
5592StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2015-06-20
5593StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-03-15
5594StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-03-11
5595StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2013-11-23
5596StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2015-11-21
5597StonegateSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
8864StonegateGolden Pillar2021-09-25
9714StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2024-03-23
5598Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1992-07-25
5599Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1992-07-25
5600Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy1989-12-16
5601Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-07-09
5602Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1991-12-07
5603Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1994-07-09
5604Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-03-20
5605Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1991-05-28
5606Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1992-03-28
5607Inactive/Out of KingdomSable Comet of Ansteorra1984-04-15
5608DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-07-07
5609DragonmarchGolden Pillar2006-06-25
5610DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
5611DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2009-03-07
5612DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2009-09-05
9590DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
9651DragonmarchCourt Barony2023-09-09
5613Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2008-10-25
5614Sentinels' KeepGryphon and Pheon2011-09-04
5615Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2009-10-24
5616One Thousand EyesAcorn2013-07-06
5617One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2014-09-06
5618Loch SalannAward of Arms2014-06-07
5619Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-12-08
5620Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-07-08
5621One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
5622One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2014-06-12
5623Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1993-10-30
5624Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2009-05-08
5625Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2011-12-10
8230Arrow's FlightGentle Dragon2018-09-05
8231Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2018-05-05
8232Arrow's FlightScales of Dragonspine2018-06-09
8513Arrow's FlightWhite Lark2019-05-11
5626Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-10-18
5627Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2008-08-23
5628One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1991-09-28
5629One Thousand EyesFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
5630One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf1998-11-21
5631One Thousand EyesKing's Council1998-11-21
5632One Thousand EyesLaurel2003-11-22
5633One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-06-26
5634One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1991-03-09
5635One Thousand EyesMirror1993-10-23
5636One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-07-11
5637One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1997-03-08
5638One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
5639One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1997-07-12
5640Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2017-11-18
9238Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2022-08-06
5641Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-04-03
5642Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
5643Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1993-01-30
5644Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-04-21
8143Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-20
8457Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-07-12
9123Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2022-06-18
5645One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-11-22
5646One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-12-13
5647Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2010-11-13
5648Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2017-11-11
5649Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2000-10-14
5650Gryphon's LairBoga Fyrd2001-05-05
5651Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2017-07-03
5652Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2004-02-13
5653Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2004-06-11
5654Gryphon's LairGryphon and Pheon2003-06-13
5655Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2004-03-13
5656Gryphon's LairStrongbow of Artemisia2015-07-25
5657Gryphon's LairStrongbow of Artemisia2015-08-08
8126Gryphon's LairPelican2018-09-07
8765Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2021-04-10
8766Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2021-04-10
8914Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9227Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2021-08-07
9228Gryphon's LairGryphon and Bow2021-08-07
5658Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-06-19
5659Loch SalannCrystal Heart2011-12-10
5660Loch SalannErmine and Quill2013-12-14
5661Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2012-07-21
5662Loch SalannGolden Pillar2010-12-11
5663Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2016-03-12
5664Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2012-11-03
5665Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2014-01-04
5666Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-03-06
5667Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
5668Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-03-02
5669Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
5670Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
5671Loch SalannKey Cross2016-12-10
5672Loch SalannKing's Council2015-02-13
5673Loch SalannPelican2016-05-28
5674Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2015-12-12
5675Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-03-10
5676Loch SalannWhite Goose2010-12-11
5677Loch SalannWhite Lark2011-03-12
8224Loch SalannFons Animae2018-12-08
8608Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8660Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
5678Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-10-07
5679DeceasedAward of Arms1986-12-20
5680DeceasedCrystal of the Salt Wastes1994-12-10
5681DeceasedGrant of Arms1991-09-07
5682DeceasedGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-01-26
5683DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
5684DeceasedQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1987-12-05
5685DeceasedWhite Duck1987-12-19
5686DeceasedWhite Falcon1992-12-12
5687Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2008-04-19
5688Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
5689Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2006-03-11
5690Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
5691Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2006-11-11
5692Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2007-09-16
5693Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2011-06-17
5694Gryphon's LairGryphon and Axe2017-01-14
5695Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2013-05-25
5696Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-09-05
5697Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
5698Arn HoldAugmentation of Arms2014-08-30
5699Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-10-09
5700Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
5701Arn HoldCourt Barony2002-02-15
5702Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1996-01-13
5703Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2014-10-04
5704Arn HoldJewel of Alces2001-01-27
5705Arn HoldLaurel1998-06-06
5706Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-09-16
5707Arn HoldNorth Star1999-05-01
5708Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
5709Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2002-03-09
5710Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
5711Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-09-07
5712Arn HoldQuodlibet1996-04-13
5713Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1998-05-16
5714Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1994-04-16
5715Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2006-02-16
5716DeceasedAward of Arms1986-07-27
5717DeceasedCourt Barony2000-11-10
5718DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-07-24
5720DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1988-10-08
5721Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-01-11
5722BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-10-03
5723BronzehelmCourt Barony2016-07-09
5724BronzehelmGolden Pillar2010-05-28
5725BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2016-03-05
5726BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-08-28
5727BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2013-09-07
5728BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2016-09-03
5729BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2018-05-19
8728BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-01-09
8913BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
5730Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-05-10
5731Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-08-26
5732Arn HoldGryphon and Francisca2015-07-18
5733Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2013-01-26
5734Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2017-01-28
5735Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-09-14
5736Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2001-10-20
5737Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2012-07-21
5738Loch SalannGolden Scarf2013-06-15
5739Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
5740Loch SalannWhite Lark2013-12-14
5741Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2010-05-01
5742Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2016-12-10
5743Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2013-11-09
5744Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2012-01-07
5745Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2015-08-08
5746Arrow's FlightGryphon and Pheon2017-11-11
5747Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
5748Arrow's FlightWhite Lark2013-03-09
8422Arrow's FlightKey Cross2019-08-24
8939Arrow's FlightPelican2021-11-13
5749One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1995-04-29
5750Crown LandsAward of Arms1996-08-03
5751Crown LandsCourt Barony2008-09-13
5752Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf1999-11-20
5753Crown LandsGolden Pillar1998-04-04
5754Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2004-12-18
5755Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
5756Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-03-12
5757Crown LandsKey Cross2009-01-31
5758Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
5759Crown LandsSincerity and Honor1997-08-23
5760Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-12-10
5761Côte du CielAward of Arms2010-09-18
9379Côte du CielDefenders of the Citadel2022-12-10
9412Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
5762Arn HoldAward of Arms2002-05-04
5763Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2008-07-12
5764Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2007-05-19
5765Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2008-07-12
5766Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
5767Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
5768Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-10-17
5769Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-01-15
5770Arn HoldAward of Arms2017-02-24
5771Arn HoldBowman's Mark2017-01-28
5772Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-08-26
5773Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-05-05
5774Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2018-01-27
5775Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-05-14
9408Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-03-18
5776Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-05-08
5777Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-03-10
5778StonegateSwan and the Escallop2015-01-17
5779Arn HoldAward of Arms9999-12-31
5780Arn HoldCombattant Moose2008-02-02
5781Arn HoldFer de Moline2007-05-19
5782Arn HoldPomme d'Or2009-09-26
5783Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2008-10-18
5784Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2011-07-23
5785Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2010-11-13
5786Arrow's FlightCourt Barony2015-07-25
5787Arrow's FlightFons Animae2016-03-12
5788Arrow's FlightFons Animae2016-06-04
5789Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2011-07-23
5790Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2014-11-08
5791Arrow's FlightGryphon and Candle2018-05-26
5792Arrow's FlightGryphons Eye2015-07-25
5793Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
5794Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
5795Arrow's FlightKey Cross2014-06-14
5796Arrow's FlightOleander2018-02-24
5797Arrow's FlightQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
5798Arrow's FlightQueen's Confidence2015-03-07
5799Arrow's FlightQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
5800Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2016-10-01
5801Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2016-11-12
5802Arrow's FlightWhite Lark2013-12-14
8078Arrow's FlightGolden Sun in Splendour2018-07-28
8222Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8477Arrow's FlightGratia et Comitas2019-09-06
8581Arrow's FlightWhite Phoenix2019-11-16
8730Arrow's FlightLaurel2021-01-23
8857Arrow's FlightGratia Coronae [WEST]2021-09-04
9301Arrow's FlightAlces Amici2021-10-16
9589Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-09-16
5803Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-05-14
5804Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-05-05
5805Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-27
8102Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-01-27
8324Arn HoldWalking Pell2019-01-26
9428Arn HoldAward of Arms2015-07-18
9449Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2023-01-28
9661Arn HoldKnight2024-01-27
5806Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-12-10
5807Loch SalannCounty2010-03-06
5808Loch SalannDuchy2012-09-01
5809Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-10-03
5810Loch SalannKing's Council2005-08-27
5811Loch SalannRose2010-03-06
5812Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2008-12-13
5813Loch SalannTrefoil and Mace2006-04-08
8855Loch SalannThe Prince's Favor2021-09-11
9037Loch SalannWhite Lark2022-03-05
5814Loch SalannWhite Cygent2017-09-16
8848Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2021-07-03
5815Loch SalannWhite Falcon2012-07-21
5816Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms9999-12-31
5817BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
5819BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2008-09-27
5820Loch SalannAward of Arms1988-06-04
5821Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2003-04-26
5822Loch SalannGolden Pillar2002-03-23
5823Loch SalannGrant of Arms1994-03-05
5824Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-12-14
5825Loch SalannPelican1996-07-06
5826Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
5827Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-02-19
5828Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1999-04-23
5829Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony (2nd tenure)2006-12-09
5830Loch SalannWhite Duck1995-03-25
8127Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2018-09-07
8686Loch SalannErmine and Quill2020-03-07
9035Loch SalannCrystal Heart2022-03-05
9641Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2023-09-09
5831Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1996-03-24
5832Arn HoldAward of Arms1987-09-26
5833Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
5834Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1997-04-12
5835Arn HoldJewel of Alces1997-10-11
5836Arn HoldLeaf of Merit1988-01-02
5837Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-09-16
5838Arn HoldPelican1999-11-06
5839Arn HoldRose Leaf1989-04-08
5840Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1994-04-16
5841Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2007-11-03
5842Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2008-02-02
5843Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
5844Arn HoldAward of Arms9999-12-31
5845Arn HoldPomme d'Or1999-09-04
5846Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-01-01
5847One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-11-20
5848One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2006-03-04
5849Loch SalannAward of Arms2007-07-28
5850Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2007-07-28
5851Loch SalannWhite Goose2007-07-28
5852Inactive/Out of KingdomEleanor's Balance1987-12-31
5853Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-01-13
5854Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-01-13
5855BronzehelmAward of Arms2010-05-28
5856BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2016-02-06
5857BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-09-03
5858BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2013-09-07
5859BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2016-09-03
5860BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2018-01-06
8463BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2019-07-05
8723BronzehelmCourt Barony2021-01-09
8736BronzehelmSable Helm: Arts and Sciences2021-01-09
8742BronzehelmAmber's Fox2021-01-09
8912BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
9522BronzehelmAmber's Fox2023-05-06
9578BronzehelmSable Helm: Arts and Sciences2023-09-02
5861Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-24
5862Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-03-20
5863Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2010-09-04
5864Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Goose2010-06-05
5865Côte du CielAward of Arms2008-10-11
5866Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2006-09-09
5867Stan WyrmAward of Arms2011-06-17
5868Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2007-05-12
5869Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2011-12-10
8227Arrow's FlightScales of Dragonspine2018-06-09
8228Arrow's FlightGentle Dragon2015-09-05
8229Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2018-05-05
8514Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2019-05-11
8680Arrow's FlightWhite Lark2020-06-06
8768Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2020-07-18
8779Arrow's FlightKey Cross2021-03-13
8795Arrow's FlightWhite Phoenix2021-06-05
8922Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9039Arrow's FlightWhite Loon2021-11-13
5870Inactive/Out of KingdomArtemisian Order of Grace1995-06-10
5871Inactive/Out of KingdomFabrica Ars Nivilis1995-01-28
5872Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1990-07-28
5873Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1991-01-26
5874Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1991-07-20
5875Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
5876Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1995-01-14
5877Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1992-07-25
5878Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-05-04
5879Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1995-01-14
5880Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1992-08-29
5881Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1995-01-14
5882Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-05-09
5883Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1990-04-07
5884Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
5885Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-08-01
5886Stan WyrmAward of Arms1992-04-11
5887Stan WyrmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-08-07
5888Stan WyrmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-07-13
5889Inactive/Out of KingdomAugmentation of Arms1991-06-30
5890Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1983-11-12
5891Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1989-02-20
5892Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1988-10-29
5893Inactive/Out of KingdomHawk's Lure1988-08-06
5894Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Sigil1990-01-27
5895Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1990-12-08
5896Inactive/Out of KingdomLion of Atenveldt1990-03-03
5897Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-07-28
5898Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-07-29
5899Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1988-10-08
5900Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1988-10-08
5901Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1990-01-13
5902Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1991-06-30
5903OtherhillAward of Arms2008-02-02
5904Loch SalannAward of Arms2014-12-13
5905Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-12-12
5906Loch SalannWhite Osprey2012-12-08
8678Loch SalannWhite Duck2020-06-06
5907Silver KeepAward of Arms2002-10-12
5908Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2006-07-15
5909BronzehelmAward of Arms2003-06-28
5910Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-10-25
5911Inactive/Out of KingdomSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
5912Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1995-01-28
5913Inactive/Out of KingdomAlces Amici2017-08-26
5914DragonmarchWhite Duck2001-08-11
5915One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-01-31
5916Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-08-05
5917Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2017-08-05
5918Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-03-24
5919Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-02-24
5920Loch SalannList of Courtesy2016-06-04
8076Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-07-21
8767Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2020-07-18
8928Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2021-12-11
9667Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
5921Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1984-03-10
5922Gryphon's LairCompany of Sojourners1982-04-17
5923Gryphon's LairCompany of Sojourners1990-04-28
5924Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2006-12-02
5925Gryphon's LairDragon's Tears1986-07-05
5926Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2017-07-03
5927Gryphon's LairGrant of Arms1992-10-10
5928Gryphon's LairGratia et Comitas2005-03-12
5929Gryphon's LairLaurel1993-06-20
5930Gryphon's LairMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-09-26
5931Gryphon's LairOrden des Lindquistringe1988-06-19
5932Gryphon's LairPelican2003-12-06
5933Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1993-09-19
5934Gryphon's LairQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-08-31
5935Gryphon's LairWhite Duck2002-02-23
5936Inactive/Out of KingdomPaon d'Argent1992-11-21
5937Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2017-12-09
5938Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace2017-08-05
5939Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2017-12-09
8217Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2018-12-08
8243Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2019-01-12
8343Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2019-03-23
8574Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2019-03-09
5940Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1980-09-20
5941Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1995-05-06
5942Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1995-07-29
5943Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-05-24
5944Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2008-01-05
5945Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-01-12
5946Crown LandsAward of Arms1988-11-05
5947Crown LandsKnight2002-02-16
5948Crown LandsCounty2002-09-14
5949Crown LandsCynaguan Medal of Honor1990-01-27
5950Crown LandsDuchy2005-03-12
5951Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2005-09-03
5952Crown LandsGolden Pillar2006-02-16
5953Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-11-07
5954Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2001-01-13
5955Crown LandsGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-11-09
5956Crown LandsKey Cross2009-11-21
5957Crown LandsKing's Council2002-03-09
5958Crown LandsLeaf of Merit1992-06-15
5959Crown LandsPrincess' Token1991-07-13
5960Crown LandsQuodlibet2002-03-09
5961Crown LandsWreath of Valor1995-10-07
9270Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
5962BronzehelmAward of Arms1993-04-10
5964BronzehelmGolden Pillar2016-05-21
5965BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-10
5967BronzehelmHerald Extraordinary2016-04-30
5968BronzehelmPeacock's Heart1999-11-20
5970BronzehelmService Performed Under Duress1993-01-09
5972BronzehelmSilver Crane2006-10-21
5974One Thousand EyesArtemisian Order of Grace1994-01-08
5975One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1991-03-02
5976One Thousand EyesCounty2000-01-08
5977One Thousand EyesCourt Barony1996-07-06
5978One Thousand EyesDuchy2001-01-13
5979One Thousand EyesGryphon of Artemisia2000-01-08
5980One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
5981One Thousand EyesRose2000-01-08
5982One Thousand EyesMirror2002-06-06
5983One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-06-28
5984One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-06-29
5985One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1996-07-06
5986One Thousand EyesPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1996-01-13
5987One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1991-11-23
5988One Thousand EyesPelican1995-06-11
5989One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1994-04-09
5990One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
5991One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1995-10-28
5992One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony1996-07-06
5993One Thousand EyesViscounty1996-01-13
9305One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2018-12-01
5994Loch SalannAward of Arms2000-03-25
5995Loch SalannErmine and Quill2002-03-23
5996Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
5997Loch SalannWhite Duck2000-06-17
5998Loch SalannWhite Falcon1999-03-27
5999Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2017-12-09
8068Loch SalannErmine and Quill2018-07-20
8325Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2018-12-08
6000Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-02-26
6001Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-04-29
6002Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1993-06-19
6003Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-11-21
6004Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-05-02
6005Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-05-01
6006Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1997-08-13
6007Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-04-23
6008Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1981-03-28
6009Loch SalannGrail of Grace1982-07-25
6010Loch SalannGrant of Arms1981-05-23
6011Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1980-04-05
6012Loch SalannLUST1980-05-25
6013Loch SalannPelican1981-11-14
6014Loch SalannStag's Tynes1980-01-19
6015Loch SalannWhite Duck1986-12-20
6016Loch SalannWhite Lark1979-06-16
6017Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1991-07-13
6018Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
6019Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-01-09
6020Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-09-10
6021Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1994-09-10
6022Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-28
6023Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-07-21
6024Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-15
6025Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1993-07-10
6026Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1993-10-09
6027Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-09-28
6028Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1996-03-02
6029Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1995-09-16
6030Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1994-04-16
6031Inactive/Out of KingdomSolar Heart1993-05-01
6032Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1993-07-10
6033One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2009-06-20
6034One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2011-10-01
6035One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2013-06-15
6036One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2012-01-21
6037One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
6038One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2011-11-19
6039One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2008-06-21
6040Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-01-31
6041Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-09-03
6042Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-05-19
6043Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress9999-12-31
6044Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor2008-04-05
6045Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2014-06-14
6046Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2012-06-02
6047Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-09-14
6048OtherhillAward of Arms1986-08-23
6050OtherhillClaves Artemisiae2015-03-07
6051OtherhillCourt Barony1994-09-03
6052OtherhillGilded Thorn1989-05-20
6053OtherhillGolden Pillar2001-03-11
6054OtherhillGrant of Arms1996-02-17
6055OtherhillGryphon of Artemisia2008-03-08
6056OtherhillGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1989-05-20
6057OtherhillHawk's Lure1987-12-05
6058OtherhillLion of Atenveldt1996-02-17
6060OtherhillQueen's Confidence2008-03-08
6061OtherhillQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1985-11-02
6062Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-06-08
6063Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-04-14
6064Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6065Loch SalannWhite Duck2001-12-08
6066Loch SalannWhite Falcon2016-12-10
8604Loch SalannCrystal Heart2019-12-07
8612Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9047Loch SalannErmine and Quill2021-12-11
9567Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9594Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2023-09-16
9674Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2024-03-16
6067Inactive/Out of KingdomArgent Plume1996-03-30
6068Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-01-31
6069Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-10
6070Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus2003-11-22
6071One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2014-09-06
6072One Thousand EyesSable Clarion of the Western Seas2016-01-09
6073Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-08-22
6074Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-05-09
6075Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1986-03-22
6076Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-08-28
6077Inactive/Out of KingdomBaroness' Oracle1997-08-11
6078Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-11-24
6079Inactive/Out of KingdomErmine and Gauntlet2003-12-13
6080Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2007-01-06
6081Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2006-01-21
6082Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-09-06
6083Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-09-08
6084Arn HoldAward of Arms1983-04-03
6085Arn HoldCourt Barony1996-08-31
6086Arn HoldDefender of the White Scarf1994-12-11
6087Arn HoldFleur de Soleil1985-08-24
6088Arn HoldFons Animae1994-12-10
6089Arn HoldGrant of Arms1995-06-10
6090Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-03-05
6091Arn HoldLaurel1986-08-23
6092Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2008-11-15
6093Arn HoldWhite Falcon1995-12-09
8159Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-11-04
6094Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms1989-01-14
6095Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-03-11
6096Loch SalannKnight1978-05-28
6097Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2014-08-30
6098Loch SalannCommander of the Fleur de Soleil1988-08-06
6099Loch SalannCrystal Heart2017-12-09
6100Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1982-07-31
6101Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1981-11-14
6102Loch SalannFleur d'Or1984-03-24
6103Loch SalannFons Animae2014-12-13
6104Loch SalannGrant of Arms1980-11-22
6105Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2001-03-24
6106Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2012-03-03
6107Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
6108Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-03-07
6109Loch SalannHawk's Lure1990-09-01
6110Loch SalannKing's Sigil1988-10-29
6111Loch SalannLaurel1987-12-05
6112Loch SalannLeaping Stag1980-10-18
6113Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1980-11-22
6114Loch SalannLion of Atenveldt1980-11-22
6115Loch SalannPelican1981-11-21
6116Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2012-09-01
6117Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1989-01-14
6118Loch SalannViscounty1982-07-25
6119Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
6120Loch SalannWhite Falcon1996-03-23
6121Loch SalannWhite Lark1988-10-29
6122Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8326Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2019-03-02
6123Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-06-14
6124Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
6125Loch SalannWhite Cygent2012-12-08
6126Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-11-12
6127One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle1998-08-08
6128Loch SalannAward of Arms1998-09-19
6129Loch SalannKnight2009-02-14
6130Loch SalannCounty2014-03-01
6131Loch SalannCrystal Heart2006-06-09
6132Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2004-12-11
6133Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2006-12-09
6134Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-03-26
6135Loch SalannFons Animae2005-12-10
6136Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2002-06-06
6137Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
6138Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2004-01-24
6139Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
6140Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
6141Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-03-11
6142Loch SalannKey Cross2017-07-02
6143Loch SalannPelican2016-01-09
6144Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
6145Loch SalannQuodlibet2006-03-11
6146Loch SalannService Performed Under Duress2009-09-26
6147Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-03-10
6148Loch SalannWhite Falcon2002-03-23
6149Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-06-04
6150Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
6151Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2017-07-08
8663Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
8689Loch SalannSocietas Aquilae Coronatae2020-03-07
6152Inactive/Out of KingdomAstral Fog1977-07-17
6153Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1985-03-09
6154Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-07-25
6155Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1997-03-15
6156Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1994-07-09
6157Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-05-01
6158Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-12-12
6159Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1993-12-04
6160Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-03-21
6161Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1985-03-03
6162Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1984-04-14
6163One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-03-14
6164One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2004-03-06
6165One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2003-03-01
6166One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
6167One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2013-06-13
6168One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2000-03-11
6169One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2012-11-17
6170One Thousand EyesPelican2006-03-04
6171One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-08-16
6172One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2012-11-17
8239One Thousand EyesDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2019-01-12
8395One Thousand EyesMirror2019-03-16
6173Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-09-02
6174Inactive/Out of KingdomBowman's Mark9999-12-31
6175Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
6176Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose9999-12-31
6177Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
6178Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
6179Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1993-01-09
6180Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-10-08
6181Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep1994-07-09
6182Sentinels' KeepKing's Sigil1994-03-05
6183Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-06-19
6184Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-01-14
6185Sentinels' KeepSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
6186Sentinels' KeepVigilance1993-04-03
6187One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1990-11-01
6188One Thousand EyesCourt Barony1999-11-13
6189One Thousand EyesFleur de Soleil1995-10-14
6190One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-06-21
6191One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1992-03-28
6192One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-06-21
6193One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-11-13
6194Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-07-08
6195One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1992-08-01
6196One Thousand EyesCrescent2015-11-11
6197One Thousand EyesDolphin of Caid2014-09-06
6198One Thousand EyesHarp Argent2017-09-30
6199One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-03-25
6200One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus9999-12-31
6201One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1992-05-23
6202One Thousand EyesSable Clarion of the Western Seas2011-04-23
6203One Thousand EyesTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-01-24
6204One Thousand EyesWa'a Oar2011-04-23
6205Silver KeepAward of Arms2010-03-06
6206Silver KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2010-03-06
6207Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-10-09
6208Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1991-01-19
6209Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1994-10-22
6210Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-11-23
6211Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-05-08
6212Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-03-25
6213Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1990-12-08
6214Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
6215Inactive/Out of KingdomEleanor's Balance1990-06-16
6216Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1991-03-09
6217Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1993-10-25
6218Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2008-06-20
6219Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-12-10
6220Gryphon's LairGryphon and Axe2018-01-13
6221Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2018-05-27
9542Gryphon's LairGryphon and Tablet2023-06-10
9665Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2024-01-27
6222Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms2000-08-27
6223Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-10-08
6224StonegateAward of Arms2003-06-14
6226StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2008-06-21
6227StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-10
6228StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2003-11-22
6229StonegateKing's Council2014-03-01
6230StonegatePeacock's Heart2008-06-15
6233StonegateSwan and the Escallop2004-11-13
9279StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9294StonegateCourt Barony2022-09-17
9405StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
6234Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-06-04
6235Crystal CragsAward of Arms1994-09-24
6236Crystal CragsGolden Sun in Splendour2008-08-23
6237Crystal CragsAward of Arms1994-07-09
6238Crystal CragsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-01-08
6239One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2004-03-06
6240Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
6241Arn HoldAward of Arms2006-02-04
6242Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2007-03-17
6243Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2008-05-31
6244Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-09-26
6245Arn HoldKnight2014-09-13
6246Arn HoldCombattant Moose2008-09-27
6247Arn HoldCounty2012-03-03
6248Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2011-01-29
6249Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
6250Arn HoldDuchy2015-08-29
6251Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2007-06-16
6252Arn HoldGrant of Arms2009-01-31
6253Arn HoldKing's Council2011-09-03
6254Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
6255Arn HoldQuodlibet2007-10-13
6256Arn HoldQuodlibet2016-09-03
6257Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2013-01-26
6258Arn HoldWalking Pell2009-05-16
6259Arn HoldYggdrasil2005-09-01
8537Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
6260Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2014-07-19
6261DeceasedAward of Arms1998-04-11
6262DeceasedSwan and the Escallop1996-08-10
6263Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
6264Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
6265Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2002-03-16
6266Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
6267Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2007-11-03
6268Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or2010-09-25
6269Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
6270Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1987-08-08
6271Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1987-05-30
6272DragonmarchAward of Arms2009-06-26
6273Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-01-17
6274Loch SalannAward of Arms1993-01-16
6275Loch SalannCrystal Heart2002-06-08
6276Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1998-12-12
6277Loch SalannList of Grace1991-03-16
6278Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-07-12
6279Loch SalannWhite Lark1992-10-17
6280Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
6281Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-05-02
6282Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1997-11-15
6283Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1992-08-01
6284Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1993-12-04
6285Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1999-11-20
6286Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-28
6287Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1996-08-04
6288Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-11-20
6289Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2003-08-15
6290Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1992-03-08
6291Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1992-12-14
6292Silver KeepAward of Arms2006-07-15
6293Silver KeepGolden Pillar2008-06-20
6294Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2011-01-15
6295Crystal CragsGolden Pillar2018-05-12
6296Crystal CragsAward of Arms2007-02-15
6297Crystal CragsGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-05-21
6298Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-07-11
6299Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-07-29
8110Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-09-01
6300Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-07-16
6301Arn HoldGolden Bridle2016-04-02
6302Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2012-01-28
6303Arn HoldCheval d'Or2012-05-05
6304Arn HoldCombattant Moose2013-01-26
6305Arn HoldKing's Council2012-03-03
6306Arn HoldQuodlibet2014-07-26
6307Arn HoldYggdrasil2011-07-16
6308One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1999-01-23
6309One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2006-03-04
6310One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2007-01-13
6311One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2006-06-08
6312Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep2000-02-26
6313Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-11-10
6314Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2004-11-13
6315Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
6316Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-10-14
6317Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1992-08-22
6318Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-09-05
6319StonegateAward of Arms2001-11-10
6320StonegateSwan and the Escallop1999-06-06
6321Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2012-08-09
6322Loch SalannAward of Arms2004-09-18
6323Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2013-12-14
6324Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2013-03-09
6325Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2006-12-09
6326Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2017-03-11
6327Loch SalannKing's Council2010-01-09
6328Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
6329Loch SalannKing's Council2017-03-11
6330Loch SalannKing's Missiliers2004-09-18
6331Loch SalannLozulet2005-03-18
6332Loch SalannPelican2010-12-11
6333Loch SalannQuodlibet2007-06-16
6334Loch SalannSharks Tooth2005-03-18
6335Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2008-09-20
6336Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2011-12-10
6337Loch SalannWhite Goose2007-06-03
6338Loch SalannWhite Loon2014-06-07
6339Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2016-12-10
8515Loch SalannFons Animae2019-06-01
8605Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8682Loch SalannErmine and Quill2020-06-06
6340Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1990-07-21
6341Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1990-07-21
6342Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-05-19
6343Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
6344Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2007-05-19
6345Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-04-19
6346Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2011-09-24
6347Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2013-09-28
6348Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2011-03-12
6349Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2014-07-19
6350Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-09-18
6351Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-12-13
6352Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2016-12-10
6353Loch SalannKing's Council2011-03-05
6354Loch SalannWhite Duck2015-03-14
6355Loch SalannWhite Goose2014-06-07
8207Loch SalannErmine and Quill2018-12-08
8342Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2019-03-09
8650Loch SalannOleander2020-02-22
8776Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2020-07-18
8953Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2021-06-05
9337Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9385Loch SalannPelican2023-03-04
6356Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2013-10-05
6357Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-11-22
6358Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-07
6359Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes9999-12-31
6360Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf9999-12-31
6361Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar9999-12-31
6362Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1999-12-11
6363Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia9999-12-31
6364Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-02-26
8675Crown LandsAward of Arms1994-06-18
8676Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2016-02-26
6365Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-07
8568Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep2019-08-17
8700Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9285Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-10-15
9350Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-11-19
6366Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2017-08-05
6367Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2017-01-14
6368Gryphon's LairWhite Cygent2016-12-10
6369Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-05-31
6370Loch SalannCounty2011-03-05
6371Loch SalannCrystal Heart2006-06-09
6372Loch SalannDuchy2013-03-02
6373Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-03-12
6374Loch SalannFons Animae2013-09-21
6375Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-08-30
6376Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-06-06
6377Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6378Loch SalannRose2011-03-05
6379Loch SalannPelican2015-08-08
6380Loch SalannWhite Duck2002-11-15
6381Loch SalannWhite Lark2018-03-10
6382Loch SalannAward of Arms1998-09-19
6383Loch SalannCounty2014-03-01
6384Loch SalannCrystal Heart2006-06-09
6385Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-03-26
6386Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-28
6387Loch SalannGolden Pillar2002-06-06
6388Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2004-01-24
6389Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
6390Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-30
6391Loch SalannRose2014-03-01
6392Loch SalannPelican2011-12-10
6393Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
6394Loch SalannWhite Duck9999-12-31
6395Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-12-09
8664Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
6396Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-06-13
6397Loch SalannKnight1982-03-07
6398Loch SalannCourt Barony1991-08-24
6399Loch SalannCrystal Heart1992-07-25
6400Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1986-03-22
6401Loch SalannGrail of Grace1983-01-15
6402Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1993-06-19
6403Loch SalannKing's Sigil1987-12-05
6404Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1985-09-07
6405Loch SalannLUST1979-05-28
6406Loch SalannPelican1986-02-22
6407Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1989-02-19
6408Loch SalannQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1994-08-06
6409Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1997-04-12
6410Loch SalannWhite Duck1988-10-29
6411Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-05-05
6412Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-07-16
6413Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-10-14
6414Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-10-14
6415Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-06-19
6416Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Hammer2010-08-14
6417Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2008-12-13
6418Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1994-01-15
6419Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
6420BronzehelmAward of Arms2017-10-14
6421BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2014-02-08
8165BronzehelmRock: Rapier2018-08-11
8466BronzehelmGolden Scarf2019-07-05
8963BronzehelmCheval d'Or2021-08-07
8983BronzehelmGolden Bridle2022-02-12
9513BronzehelmRock: Equestrian2023-01-07
6422Inactive/Out of KingdomCornerstone of the Keep1990-07-28
6423StonegateAward of Arms2010-06-19
6424StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-03-10
6425StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2010-03-20
6426StonegateSwan and the Escallop2010-03-20
6427Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-04-21
6428Inactive/Out of KingdomCoeur d'Elan1995-07-22
6429Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1995-06-10
6430Inactive/Out of KingdomHope of Arn Hold1995-07-22
6431Arn HoldAward of Arms2007-10-27
6432Arn HoldCrane's Honor2012-10-20
6433Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2013-08-31
6434Arn HoldGolden Scarf2012-03-03
6435Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2013-01-05
6436Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6437Arn HoldGryphon's Pride1999-10-23
6438Arn HoldJewel of the Keep2012-02-04
6439Arn HoldKey Cross2014-10-18
6440Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2016-02-06
8418Arn HoldLaurel2019-08-24
8633Arn HoldFer de Moline2020-01-25
8859Arn HoldCourt Barony2021-09-11
8975Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9295Arn HoldCounty2022-09-17
9298Arn HoldRose2022-09-17
9419Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9532Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2023-01-28
6441One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2012-06-14
6442Loch SalannArtemisian Order of Grace1994-03-05
6443Loch SalannCounty1991-03-02
6444Loch SalannDuchy1992-03-07
6445Loch SalannGolden Feather of Artemisia1991-01-12
6446Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1988-12-13
6447Loch SalannRose1991-03-02
6448Loch SalannLaurel1994-07-09
6449Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-06-27
6450Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
6451Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
6452Loch SalannPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1989-01-14
6453Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1990-07-21
6454Loch SalannPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
6455Loch SalannViscounty1989-01-14
6456Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2008-05-31
6457Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-09
6458Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1995-05-20
6459DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-03-24
6461DragonmarchCrystal Heart2003-04-26
6463DragonmarchGolden Pillar2003-08-02
6464DragonmarchGolden Pillar2007-06-16
6465DragonmarchGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2002-06-29
6466DragonmarchGolden Sun in Splendour2011-02-17
6467DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2003-09-13
6468DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2007-03-03
6469DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2009-03-07
6470Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-06-21
6471Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6556Loch SalannAward of Arms2001-12-08
8590Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2019-12-07
8918Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9004Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9372Loch SalannPelican2022-12-10
9566Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9588Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
6472One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1993-11-20
6473One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-07
6474One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1993-06-19
6475One Thousand EyesMirror1997-11-08
6476One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-05-21
6477One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop9999-12-31
6478Côte du CielAward of Arms2015-04-25
6479Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2012-08-09
6480Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-06-08
6481Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-06-14
6482Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus2003-07-26
6483Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2010-12-11
6484Loch SalannAward of Arms1984-07-22
6485Loch SalannKnight1987-06-06
6486Loch SalannCordon Royal2003-08-14
6487Loch SalannCounty1999-07-10
6488Loch SalannDuchy2001-07-14
6489Loch SalannFons Animae2001-12-08
6490Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2012-12-08
6491Loch SalannGolden Pillar2005-12-10
6492Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1994-12-10
6493Loch SalannGratia et Comitas2003-12-13
6494Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2000-07-08
6495Loch SalannHawk's Lure1986-05-02
6496Loch SalannKing's Council2000-01-08
6497Loch SalannKing's Council2003-02-14
6498Loch SalannKing's Council2003-09-13
6499Loch SalannKing's Council2006-09-09
6500Loch SalannKing's Council2009-03-07
6501Loch SalannKing's Council2009-09-05
6502Loch SalannKing's Council2011-03-05
6503Loch SalannKing's Council2013-09-07
6504Loch SalannKing's Council2015-02-13
6505Loch SalannKing's Council2017-03-11
6506Loch SalannKing's Favour2006-07-15
6507Loch SalannKing's Sigil1986-12-06
6508Loch SalannKing's Sigil1988-08-06
6509Loch SalannKing's Sigil1996-08-31
6510Loch SalannKing's Sigil1997-07-12
6511Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2000-07-08
6512Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2014-03-01
6513Loch SalannQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1987-05-03
6514Loch SalannQuodlibet2017-03-11
6515Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2008-12-13
6516Loch SalannThrone Favor2007-02-17
6517Loch SalannTrefoil and Mace2006-04-08
6518Loch SalannViscounty1997-01-11
6519Loch SalannWhite Duck1984-04-14
6520Loch SalannWhite Falcon1995-10-14
6521Loch SalannWhite Lark1995-12-09
8629Loch SalannKey Cross2020-01-11
8656Loch SalannKing's Council2020-04-18
8690Loch SalannSocietas Aquilae Coronatae2020-03-07
8854Loch SalannThe Prince's Favor2021-09-11
8898Loch SalannPelican2021-09-11
8903Loch SalannKing's Council2021-09-11
9125Loch SalannFfraid2022-06-04
9329Loch SalannKing's Council2022-09-17
9585Loch SalannKing's Council2023-09-16
6522Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae2001-12-08
6523Inactive/Out of KingdomTalon d'Or1995-10-21
6524Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-12-07
6525Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2014-11-15
6526Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-02-28
6527Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2013-01-05
6528Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2011-01-08
6529Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2012-05-05
6530Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
6531Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-01-29
6532Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-07-22
6529Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2012-05-05
6530Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
6531Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-01-29
6532Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-07-22
6533BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-10-03
6534BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2010-08-28
6535Crystal CragsAward of Arms2006-04-08
6536Loch SalannKnight1991-06-29
6537Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-08-04
6538Loch SalannQuodlibet1997-01-11
6539Loch SalannViscounty1994-01-08
6540Loch SalannWhite Lark1981-10-29
6541Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-09-16
6542Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2009-05-23
6543Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2006-05-29
6544Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2005-05-28
6546Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
6547Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2011-07-23
6545DragonmarchAward of Arms2003-08-02
6541Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-09-16
6542Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2009-05-23
6543Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2006-05-29
6544Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2005-05-28
6546Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
6547Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2011-07-23
6548Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Cygent1997-08-13
6549StonegateAward of Arms1999-10-30
6550StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
6551StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2002-01-19
6552StonegatePeacock and Key2000-06-09
6553StonegatePeacock's Heart1999-08-28
6554DragonmarchAward of Arms1999-12-11
7517DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-06-25
8412DragonmarchGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-06-24
8601DragonmarchWhite Falcon2019-12-07
9670DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
6555Crystal CragsAward of Arms2008-02-18
6471Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6556Loch SalannAward of Arms2001-12-08
8590Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2019-12-07
8918Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9004Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9372Loch SalannPelican2022-12-10
9566Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9588Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
6557Loch SalannAward of Arms9999-12-31
6558Loch SalannGrant of Arms2015-12-12
6559Loch SalannPeacock's Heart1994-11-19
6560Loch SalannSwan and the Escallop1993-08-21
6561Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-12-03
6562Crown LandsElm Leaf of Myrgan Wood2006-05-13
6563Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-02-17
6564Loch SalannWhite Goose2010-12-11
6565Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-06-14
6566Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2009-09-05
6567Loch SalannAward of Arms1980-06-13
6568Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2004-03-13
6569Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2007-05-19
6570Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2011-09-24
6571BronzehelmAugmentation of Arms2002-10-12
6572BronzehelmAward of Arms1985-09-28
6573BronzehelmCompany of Sojourners1987-03-21
6574BronzehelmCourt Barony2004-02-14
6575BronzehelmDragon's Tears1986-07-05
6576BronzehelmGrant of Arms1992-10-10
6577BronzehelmGryphons Eye2016-05-21
6578BronzehelmHerald Extraordinary2015-06-28
6579BronzehelmKing's Council1999-01-09
6580BronzehelmLight of Atenveldt1993-10-09
6581BronzehelmOrden des Lindquistringe1987-03-21
6582BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-06-14
6584BronzehelmPillar of Artemisia1991-01-12
6585BronzehelmQueen's Confidence2003-09-13
6586BronzehelmRoyal Commendation1994-10-29
9710BronzehelmLeaf of Merit2022-10-02
6587Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2011-06-04
6588Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2014-09-13
6589Arrow's FlightGryphon and Candle2017-07-03
6590Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
8938Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2021-11-13
9038Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2021-11-13
6591Inactive/Out of KingdomBaroness' Oracle2002-01-19
6592Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-06-19
6593Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2007-04-28
6594Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
6595One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1994-11-19
6596One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1994-11-19
6597One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1996-11-09
6598One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2008-03-08
6599One Thousand EyesErmine and Quill2015-12-12
6600One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2001-11-24
6601One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2003-11-15
6602One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2002-09-14
6603One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
6604One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
6605One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1997-06-07
6606One Thousand EyesWhite Duck2013-03-09
6607Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-01-31
6608Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-05-16
6609Arn HoldCheval d'Or2009-07-11
6610Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2009-09-05
6611Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2012-09-15
6612Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-12-29
6613Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-12-29
6614Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1994-01-15
6615Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-05-28
6616Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-10-14
6617Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
6618Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Jewels2009-05-23
6619Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2006-10-14
6620Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2005-12-10
6621OtherhillAward of Arms1984-08-18
6623OtherhillCourt Barony2007-01-27
6624OtherhillGolden Sun in Splendour2005-01-29
6625OtherhillHawk's Lure1985-03-02
6626OtherhillLight of Atenveldt1985-08-25
6628OtherhillPillar of Artemisia1995-04-08
6629OtherhillTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1990-07-21
6630Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-07-28
6631Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2008-06-21
6632Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
6633Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-08-10
6634Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2014-11-15
6635Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell2011-10-29
6636One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2007-09-02
6637One Thousand EyesBaron's Favor [Glymm Mere]2008-06-14
6638One Thousand EyesCrystal of Glymm Mere2007-02-24
6639One Thousand EyesGolden Blossom2006-06-10
6640One Thousand EyesGoutté de Sang2008-12-06
6641One Thousand EyesRed Hart2008-05-04
8385One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2018-01-20
8452One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2019-06-13
6642One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2013-11-23
6643One Thousand EyesGolden Gryphon's Talon2017-11-11
6644One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2014-03-15
6645One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2016-03-16
6646One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
9636One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-11-11
6647Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1987-12-05
6648Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1990-05-05
6649Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-01-14
6650Inactive/Out of KingdomHawk's Lure1989-11-11
6651Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1989-03-01
6652Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1989-11-11
6653Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1988-06-04
6654Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1990-09-01
6655Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1988-06-04
6656Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1991-03-02
6657Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1991-01-12
6658Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1983-08-13
6659Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur d'Or1987-09-02
6660Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2008-11-15
6661Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-03-11
6662Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2017-12-09
9018Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2022-03-12
6663Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-01-23
6664Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
6665Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2016-05-14
6666Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-01-23
6667One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2013-11-23
6668Silver KeepAward of Arms2002-06-08
6669Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2010-12-11
6670Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-10
6671Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2002-09-14
6672Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2003-09-13
6673Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2017-09-09
6674Silver KeepSilver Crane2018-03-24
6675Crystal CragsAward of Arms2017-10-14
6676Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms1999-11-20
6677Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1992-05-06
6678Gryphon's LairDefender of the White Scarf2002-06-08
6679Gryphon's LairErmine and Gauntlet2002-05-25
6680Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar1998-12-12
6681Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2017-07-02
6682Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2017-10-14
6683Gryphon's LairJewel of the Keep1993-07-03
6684Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2006-01-07
6685Gryphon's LairMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-21
6686Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1993-07-03
6687Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
8025Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2018-08-04
8146Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2018-10-20
8236Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-12
8246Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8459Gryphon's LairPelican2019-07-20
8479Gryphon's LairKing's Council2019-09-06
6688Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-05-28
6689Loch SalannAward of Arms1986-01-11
6690Loch SalannGrail of Grace1983-01-15
6691Loch SalannQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1983-01-15
6692One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1999-03-20
6693One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1999-01-23
6694Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2016-07-09
6695Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1985-02-09
6696Sentinels' KeepSilver Stirrup2000-10-14
6697Sentinels' KeepStag2000-01-29
6698Sentinels' KeepTrefoil1999-03-06
8137Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2018-10-13
6699Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2010-12-11
6700OtherhillAward of Arms1983-10-24
6701OtherhillBaroness' Favor [White Waters]9999-12-31
6702OtherhillSilver Oak1987-05-09
6703Gryphon's LairGryphon's Pride2018-01-13
6705Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
6704Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-07-28
6703Gryphon's LairGryphon's Pride2018-01-13
6705Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
6706Côte du CielAward of Arms2008-02-14
6707Côte du CielFlame of Pharos2015-09-19
6708Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2011-01-08
6709Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2016-12-10
6710Côte du CielGryphon and Candle2013-09-14
6711Côte du CielGryphons Eye2016-11-05
6712Côte du CielGryphon's Pride1993-09-19
6713Côte du CielKey Cross2014-09-13
6714Côte du CielQuodlibet2009-04-04
8490Côte du CielSage2019-09-06
6715Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-09-09
6716Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2009-08-08
6717Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-03-07
6718Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-09-05
6719Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Compass2008-05-24
6720Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
6721BronzehelmDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-01-06
6722BronzehelmGolden Pillar2013-08-10
6723BronzehelmGolden Scarf2014-04-05
6724BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2018-06-16
6725BronzehelmGrant of Arms2016-07-23
6726BronzehelmGryphon and Pheon2015-03-21
6727BronzehelmRock: Archery2018-01-06
6728BronzehelmSilver Crane2016-03-12
8189BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-05
8449BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2019-05-04
9515BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-01-07
9577BronzehelmKey Cross2023-09-02
6729One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1995-01-14
6730One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1997-04-26
6731One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1995-04-29
6732BronzehelmAward of Arms2008-08-23
6733Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2006-09-09
6734Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2011-03-26
6739Stan WyrmAward of Arms2003-07-12
6735Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1998-11-28
6736Inactive/Out of KingdomHeart of the Keep1992-01-25
6737Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-11-09
6738Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-07-22
6734Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2011-03-26
6739Stan WyrmAward of Arms2003-07-12
6740Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-05-02
6741OtherhillAward of Arms1985-08-24
6743OtherhillCourt Barony1994-09-03
6745OtherhillGolden Maple Leaf2003-12-13
6746OtherhillGolden Sun in Splendour2009-06-20
6748OtherhillGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1997-07-12
6750OtherhillPillar of Artemisia1989-05-20
6751OtherhillQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1985-11-03
6752Côte du CielAward of Arms2003-03-29
6753Côte du CielGolden Scarf2006-06-09
6754Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2011-02-17
6755Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1993-07-24
6756Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight2002-09-15
6757Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-09-12
6758Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-09-28
6759Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1997-04-05
6760Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1996-03-30
6761Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-08-27
6762Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-09-14
6763Crown LandsGryphon's Pride2002-03-09
6764Crown LandsQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
6765Arrow's FlightAward of Arms1988-09-03
6766Arrow's FlightCourt Barony2015-03-07
6767Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2007-10-13
6768Arrow's FlightMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-06-29
6769Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1991-01-12
6770Arrow's FlightPelican2008-03-08
6771Arrow's FlightQueen's Grace of Atenveldt1993-12-04
6772Arrow's FlightWhite Duck1996-04-27
6773Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-05-28
6774Loch SalannFlame of Pharos2013-05-25
6775Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-01-04
8182Loch SalannGryphon and Hammer2012-05-26
8733Loch SalannWhite Duck2020-12-12
9053Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
9368Loch SalannGolden Pillar2022-12-10
6776One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1987-08-16
6777One Thousand EyesFleur of Æthelmearc2005-08-16
6778One Thousand EyesPearl1992-01-11
6779StonegateAward of Arms2008-09-13
6780StonegateGryphon's Pride2007-04-28
6781Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy1981-12-13
6782One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride1995-01-14
6783Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2002-06-05
6784Arrow's FlightGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-11-11
6785Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2017-11-11
6786Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2016-02-20
6787Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2016-12-10
6788Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-07-08
9291Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-07-23
9297Loch SalannGolden Scarf2022-09-17
9700Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2024-03-02
6789Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2017-10-14
6790OtherhillAward of Arms2014-02-08
6791OtherhillGolden Pillar2015-02-07
6792Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2012-05-05
6793StonegateAward of Arms2003-11-22
6794StonegateCourt Barony2008-09-13
6795StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-28
6796StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-01
6797StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6798StonegateKey Cross2008-05-24
6800StonegateGryphon and Compass2007-06-16
6801StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2015-11-21
6802StonegatePeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2014-11-22
6804StonegateQueen's Confidence2005-03-12
6805StonegateQueen's Confidence2008-09-13
6806StonegateQueen's Confidence2017-03-11
6807StonegateQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
6808StonegateSwan and the Escallop2003-05-03
6809StonegateTerritorial Court Barony2014-11-22
8276StonegateGolden Pillar2019-03-02
8481StonegateAugmentation of Arms2019-09-06
8933StonegateGryphon of Artemisia2021-11-20
9012StonegateKing's Council2022-03-12
9333StonegateQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9679StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
6810DragonmarchAward of Arms2006-05-06
6811DragonmarchGolden Maple Leaf2009-02-12
6813Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Grace1990-01-27
6814Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-05-04
6815Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2004-05-22
6816Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2006-11-11
6817Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or2008-04-05
6818Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
6819Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
6820Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
6821Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-09-04
6822Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2015-06-19
6823Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon2015-06-06
6824Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2015-01-10
6825Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2015-10-17
6826Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2017-05-28
6827Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2018-01-13
6828Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2016-05-28
6829Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
6830Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2017-06-30
6831Crown LandsAward of Arms2010-08-28
6832Loch SalannAward of Arms2000-09-16
6833Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
6834Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
6835Arn HoldAward of Arms1997-03-24
6836Arn HoldCourt Barony2011-09-03
6837Arn HoldCygnus2007-05-19
6838Arn HoldFer de Moline9999-12-31
6839Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2008-10-18
6840Arn HoldGolden Pillar2008-05-31
6841Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2009-11-07
6842Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
6843Arn HoldNorth Star2008-05-31
6844Arn HoldPelican2011-01-29
6845Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2011-09-03
8531Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2019-08-23
8578Arn HoldJewel of Alces2019-11-02
6846Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-11-21
6847Inactive/Out of KingdomCounty2004-03-13
6848Côte du CielAward of Arms2016-09-17
6849Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2018-04-21
6850Côte du CielGolden Pillar2017-04-08
8555Côte du CielKey Cross2019-09-28
6851One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2016-08-06
6852One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2014-03-15
6853One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2013-06-15
6854One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2013-06-14
6855One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
6856One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2012-06-14
8383One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2018-01-20
9713One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2024-03-23
6857Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2008-06-21
6858Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2012-03-03
6859Arrow's FlightWhite Lark2017-05-13
8344Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2019-03-23
9637Arrow's FlightKey Cross2023-11-04
6860Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1996-05-18
6861One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2003-11-22
6862Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-09-03
6863Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2017-02-24
8330Gryphon's LairDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-12-08
8503Gryphon's LairSilver Morion2011-08-20
8504Gryphon's LairGuardian of the Saguaro2011-12-31
8507Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2012-01-07
8509Gryphon's LairGolden Blade2013-03-03
8510Gryphon's LairErmine and Gauntlet2017-03-04
8603Gryphon's LairWhite Lark2019-12-07
8616Gryphon's LairFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8641Gryphon's LairDefense2020-02-22
9374Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-12-10
9583Gryphon's LairQuodlibet2023-09-16
9686Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9697Gryphon's LairKey Cross2024-03-02
6864DeceasedAward of Arms1998-07-25
6866DeceasedJewel of the Keep2001-09-08
6868Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-01-15
6869Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-12-11
6870Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6871Loch SalannWhite Falcon2014-03-08
9034Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
6872Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-04-14
6873Loch SalannWhite Lark2013-07-27
6874Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-12-12
6875Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-07-15
6876Stan WyrmAward of Arms1989-09-03
6877Stan WyrmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-06-15
6878Côte du CielAward of Arms2000-09-16
6879Côte du CielGolden Pillar2005-07-16
6880Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2007-09-01
6881Côte du CielKey Cross2006-12-02
6882Côte du CielQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
6883Silver KeepAward of Arms2010-07-24
6884Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2012-06-15
6885Silver KeepGolden Pillar2014-02-08
6886Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2017-04-15
6887Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2016-09-03
6888Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2017-09-09
6889Silver KeepKey Cross2013-09-07
6890Silver KeepLaurel2015-07-11
6891Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2013-09-07
6892Silver KeepSage2017-04-15
6893Silver KeepSilver Crane2017-10-14
8194Silver KeepStrongbow of Artemisia2019-01-05
8909Silver KeepQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
9616Silver KeepCourt Barony2024-02-10
6894One Thousand EyesAmethyst Chalice2004-09-04
6895One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1990-01-13
6896One Thousand EyesCercle d'Honneur2005-03-19
6897One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2002-02-15
6898One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms2000-11-10
6899One Thousand EyesMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-04-13
6900One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2012-06-16
6901One Thousand EyesNorth Star2004-09-04
6902One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2014-06-12
6903One Thousand EyesPelican2003-11-22
6904One Thousand EyesPomme d'Or2005-01-22
6905One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
6906Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2013-08-10
6907One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-11-08
6908One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2000-06-10
6909Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2016-08-20
6910Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-10-03
6911One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-07-11
6912Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-05-02
6913Côte du CielAward of Arms2002-12-14
6914Côte du CielCrystal Heart2008-12-13
6915Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2010-09-18
6916Côte du CielGolden Pillar2017-04-08
6917Côte du CielGolden Sun in Splendour2018-06-16
6918Côte du CielKey Cross2016-01-09
6919Côte du CielSage2016-08-06
8115Côte du CielCourt Barony2018-09-07
8233Côte du CielGryphon and Candle2013-12-14
9642Côte du CielLaurel2023-09-09
6920Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1996-06-29
6921Loch SalannKnight2002-04-14
6922Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-01-02
6923Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-08-17
6924Loch SalannKing's Council2016-09-03
8925Loch SalannCourt Barony2021-09-11
8926Loch SalannKing's Council2021-09-11
9392Loch SalannKing's Council2023-03-18
9703Loch SalannLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2024-01-06
9722Loch SalannCounty2024-03-16
6925DeceasedAward of Arms1996-08-03
6926DeceasedCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
6927DeceasedJewel of Alces9999-12-31
6928DeceasedService Performed Under Duress1998-11-28
6929DeceasedService Performed Under Duress2001-01-28
6930DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1999-11-13
6931Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1994-09-18
6932Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-05-11
6933Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-05-13
6934Inactive/Out of KingdomWooden Spoon1996-04-15
6935Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-05-05
6936Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1993-12-04
6937Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-10-01
6938Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2017-08-26
6939Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
6940Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2017-08-26
6941Arn HoldYggdrasil2012-01-28
8266Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8529Arn HoldJewel of Alces2019-08-23
6942Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-08-07
6943Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2008-02-02
6944Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor9999-12-31
6945Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2008-07-12
6946Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes1986-12-20
6947Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1980-12-13
6948Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1996-07-06
6949Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-11-11
6950Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2009-07-11
6951Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2007-11-03
6952Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil9999-12-31
6953Crown LandsAward of Arms1998-08-22
6954Crown LandsKnight2008-08-23
6955Crown LandsDefenders of the Citadel2005-05-14
6956Crown LandsElm Leaf of Myrgan Wood2006-05-13
6957Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2006-08-26
6958Crown LandsGolden Pillar2008-04-12
6959Crown LandsJewel of the Keep2004-04-24
6960Crown LandsKey Cross2015-10-12
6961Crown LandsPelican2016-02-26
6962Crown LandsQuodlibet2016-08-20
9254Crown LandsCourt Barony2022-08-20
6963One Thousand EyesSilver Sycamore2014-08-05
6964Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-08-27
6965Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2002-10-12
6966Arn HoldAward of Arms2002-08-22
6967Arn HoldCombattant Moose2004-09-04
6968Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-12-14
6969Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle9999-12-31
6970DeceasedArgent Plume2002-03-23
6971DeceasedAward of Arms1997-01-04
6972DeceasedCourt Barony2010-02-13
6973DeceasedCrystal Heart2006-06-09
6974DeceasedErmine and Quill2009-03-14
6975DeceasedEye of the Swan2000-01-29
6976DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf2003-10-11
6977DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf2003-11-08
6978DeceasedGolden Pillar2003-03-22
6979DeceasedGolden Sun in Splendour2003-10-18
6980DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
6981DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
6982DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-09-09
6983DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-09-05
6984DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
6985DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6986DeceasedJewel of the Keep1998-07-25
6987DeceasedKing's Council2003-02-14
6988DeceasedKing's Council2003-09-13
6989DeceasedKing's Council2010-01-09
6990DeceasedKing's Council2010-09-04
6992DeceasedQueen's Confidence2003-03-08
6993DeceasedQueen's Confidence2005-09-10
6994DeceasedQueen's Confidence2009-03-07
6995DeceasedQueen's Confidence2010-09-04
6996DeceasedSilver Crane2004-07-10
6997DeceasedStar of the Desert - Gules2010-02-13
6998Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1990-10-20
6999Inactive/Out of KingdomTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1990-07-21
7000Arn HoldAward of Arms1986-05-25
7001Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-09-30
7002Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1989-01-07
7003Stan WyrmAward of Arms1988-10-08
7004Stan WyrmGrant of Arms2011-08-27
7005Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep1995-12-16
7006Stan WyrmOleander1988-02-14
7007Stan WyrmPillar of Artemisia1992-06-06
7008Stan WyrmRoyal Commendation1994-12-03
7009Sentinels' KeepFledge Crane2017-10-14
7010Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2014-07-19
8077Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-07-28
7011OtherhillAward of Arms1992-07-11
7013OtherhillCourt Barony2008-03-08
7014OtherhillGolden Pillar1999-10-09
7015OtherhillGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-09-21
7017OtherhillPillar of Artemisia1992-07-11
7018OtherhillQueen's Confidence2015-03-07
7020Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1986-08-23
7021Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1989-01-14
7022Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-10-12
7023One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2000-06-09
7024One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2002-03-09
7025One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2003-06-14
7026One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-06-08
7027One Thousand EyesIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2001-03-17
7028One Thousand EyesKey Cross2004-03-06
7029One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2002-10-05
7030One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1999-08-07
7031Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1985-07-15
7032Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2008-09-20
7033Loch SalannAward of Arms1987-09-05
7034Loch SalannKnight1989-12-16
7035Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2008-02-02
7036Loch SalannHawk's Lure1988-08-06
7037Loch SalannKing's Sigil1987-12-05
7038Loch SalannKing's Sigil1990-03-03
7039Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1987-12-05
7040Loch SalannViscounty1989-07-08
7041Loch SalannWhite Duck1986-12-31
7042Côte du CielAward of Arms2014-06-14
7043Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2014-06-14
7044Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
7045Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-01-06
7046Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
7047Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-01-23
7048Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
7049Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
7050Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-01-23
8103Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-01-27
8104Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-01-27
8634Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2020-01-25
8672Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2020-05-02
8702Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9341Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9429Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2023-01-28
9443Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-01-28
9662Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2024-01-27
9669Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
7051Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1981-11-14
7052Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1981-03-28
7053Loch SalannAward of Arms1987-09-05
7054Loch SalannKnight1989-09-23
7055Loch SalannCommander of the Guardians of Atenveldt1991-09-07
7056Loch SalannCounty1991-03-02
7057Loch SalannCourt Barony1991-09-07
7058Loch SalannDuchy1992-03-07
7059Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1988-12-13
7060Loch SalannGrant of Arms1996-08-31
7061Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-07-09
7062Loch SalannHawk's Lure1991-03-02
7063Loch SalannKing's Council2000-01-08
7064Loch SalannKing's Council2007-09-08
7065Loch SalannKing's Sigil1987-12-05
7066Loch SalannLion of Atenveldt1996-08-31
7067Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
7068Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1990-07-21
7069Loch SalannPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
7070Loch SalannViscounty1989-01-14
7071Crystal CragsAward of Arms2008-08-23
7072One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2010-06-19
7073One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2011-03-19
7074One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2010-06-17
7075One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2009-11-21
7076Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1981-03-28
7077Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1980-09-09
7078Inactive/Out of KingdomFons Animae1992-12-12
7079Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-04-27
7080Inactive/Out of KingdomList of Courtesy1991-01-19
7081Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1995-04-22
7082Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-09-26
7083Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1993-05-15
7084BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2016-07-23
8461BronzehelmGolden Pillar2019-07-05
8714BronzehelmRock: Armored2020-11-21
8721BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2021-01-09
8907BronzehelmKing's Council2021-09-11
9519BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2023-05-06
9575BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2023-09-02
9683BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9706BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2024-01-06
7085BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2018-05-19
7086BronzehelmAward of Arms2000-08-27
7087BronzehelmGolden Pillar2006-10-21
7088BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2010-07-24
7089BronzehelmJewel of the Keep2000-04-08
7090Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2006-09-16
7091Côte du CielAugmentation of Arms2006-05-29
7092Côte du CielAward of Arms2001-09-22
7093Côte du CielKnight2008-06-21
7094Côte du CielCourt Barony2008-01-05
7095Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2005-05-28
7096Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2008-05-24
7097Côte du CielGryphon and Hammer2008-05-24
7098Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-05-28
7099Côte du CielKing's Council2007-03-03
7100Côte du CielKing's Council2011-03-05
7101Côte du CielKing's Council2011-09-03
7102Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia9999-12-31
7103Côte du CielQuodlibet9999-12-31
7104Côte du CielQuodlibet2007-03-03
7105Côte du CielQuodlibet2011-04-02
7106Côte du CielTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2011-01-08
8627Côte du CielGolden Pillar2020-01-11
7107Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-05-06
7108Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1999-11-13
7109Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-11-28
7110Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces1998-09-05
7111Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1997-10-11
7112Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1995-07-22
7113Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell1995-08-19
7114Loch SalannAward of Arms1998-12-12
7115Loch SalannCounty2007-03-03
7116Loch SalannCrystal Heart2001-05-05
7117Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2008-03-15
7118Loch SalannDuchy2009-03-07
7119Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2007-06-16
7120Loch SalannGolden Pillar2003-12-13
7121Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2005-03-12
7122Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2011-03-05
7123Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-03-11
7124Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
7125Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-03-05
7126Loch SalannKing's Council2013-03-02
7127Loch SalannKing's Council2015-02-13
7128Loch SalannRose2007-03-03
7129Loch SalannOleander2007-02-17
7130Loch SalannOleander2009-02-14
7131Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
7132Loch SalannPelican2005-06-11
7133Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
7134Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
7135Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2009-09-05
7136Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2016-09-03
7137Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2003-04-26
7138Loch SalannTrefoil and Mace2005-04-09
7139Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-06-03
7140Loch SalannWhite Lark1998-03-28
8248Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8657Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2020-04-18
8920Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9676Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9694Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2024-03-02
7141Crown LandsAward of Arms2017-07-03
7142Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1996-07-06
7143Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-11-07
7144StonegateAward of Arms1986-11-08
7145StonegateBard's Laureate1989-03-11
7146StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2012-11-17
7147StonegateGolden Sun in Splendour2014-11-22
7148StonegateHouse of the Serpent's Torque2000-04-08
7149StonegateKey Cross2017-11-11
7150StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2011-11-19
7152StonegateSwan and the Escallop2010-06-19
7153StonegateTalon d'Or2016-01-16
8897StonegateCourt Barony2021-09-11
7154DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-10-13
7155Loch SalannKnight2015-02-14
7156Loch SalannCrystal Heart2015-12-12
7157Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2013-09-21
7158Loch SalannErmine and Quill2013-09-21
7159Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2011-01-08
7160Loch SalannGolden Pillar2012-12-08
7161Loch SalannWhite Duck2011-09-24
7162Loch SalannWhite Falcon2014-12-13
7163Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-12-09
7164BronzehelmAward of Arms1993-01-09
7166BronzehelmCourt Barony2010-08-28
7167BronzehelmDefenders of the Citadel2002-10-12
7168BronzehelmGolden Pillar1999-01-02
7169BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2006-09-30
7170BronzehelmGryphon's Pheon1994-09-10
7171BronzehelmGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1995-10-07
8724BronzehelmTerritorial Court Barony2021-01-09
8899BronzehelmKing's Council2021-09-11
9367BronzehelmClaves Artemisiae2023-01-07
7172Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2012-08-09
7173Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-12-14
7174Loch SalannKnight2002-06-08
7175Loch SalannClaves Artemisiae2016-03-05
7176Loch SalannCounty2007-03-03
7177Loch SalannCrystal Heart2015-12-12
7178Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1999-12-11
7179Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2008-01-05
7180Loch SalannDuchy2009-03-07
7181Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2003-12-13
7182Loch SalannGolden Badger2016-05-28
7183Loch SalannGolden Pillar2016-08-06
7184Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2016-08-06
7185Loch SalannGolden Scarf2005-09-10
7186Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2014-01-04
7187Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2001-01-13
7188Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-09-18
7189Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-03-08
7190Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
7191Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
7192Loch SalannKing's Council2002-09-14
7193Loch SalannKing's Council2004-03-13
7194Loch SalannKing's Council2006-09-09
7195Loch SalannKing's Council2009-09-05
7196Loch SalannKing's Council2010-01-09
7197Loch SalannKing's Council2010-08-28
7198Loch SalannKing's Council2013-09-07
7199Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
7200Loch SalannKing's Council2016-09-03
7201Loch SalannKing's Council2017-03-11
7202Loch SalannDefense2016-03-05
7203Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2016-03-05
7204Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2017-03-11
7205Loch SalannQuodlibet2013-09-07
7206Loch SalannQuodlibet2015-08-29
7207Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2003-04-26
7208Loch SalannTrefoil and Mace2005-04-09
7209Loch SalannWhite Falcon1998-03-28
7210Loch SalannWhite Goose2015-03-14
7211Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8071Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-07-21
8081Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2018-08-18
8117Loch SalannQuodlibet2018-09-07
8129Loch SalannKing's Council2018-09-07
8254Loch SalannKing's Council2019-03-02
8621Loch SalannSable Helm: Armored2020-01-04
8655Loch SalannKing's Council2020-04-18
8687Loch SalannErmine and Quill2020-03-07
8894Loch SalannKing's Council2021-09-11
8931Loch SalannPelican2021-12-11
9023Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-03-05
9024Loch SalannKing's Council2022-03-05
9677Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9695Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2024-03-02
7212Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2002-06-08
7213Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2004-05-22
7214Inactive/Out of KingdomQuodlibet2002-04-13
7215Loch SalannGrant of Arms1995-06-10
7216Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1993-09-19
7217Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-09
7218Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1995-05-13
7219Crown LandsAward of Arms1993-05-08
7220Crown LandsFleur de Soleil1997-06-07
7221Crown LandsLaurel1998-12-12
7222Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-11-09
7223Crown LandsRose Leaf1994-10-08
7224Crown LandsSilver Spoon9999-12-31
7225Crown LandsWooden Spoon9999-12-31
7226DeceasedMateriam Superabat Opus1998-06-07
7227DeceasedSwan and the Escallop1999-11-20
7228Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1993-10-30
7229BronzehelmAward of Arms2010-06-18
7230Arn HoldAward of Arms2017-02-24
7231Arn HoldCombattant Moose2015-11-14
7232Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
7233Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-27
7234Arn HoldYggdrasil2017-01-28
7235Arn HoldYggdrasil9999-12-31
7236Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-09-04
7237One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2013-06-15
7238One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2012-11-23
7239One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2016-08-06
7240One Thousand EyesGolden Badger2016-08-06
7241One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
7242One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2014-06-12
7243One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2015-11-21
7244One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2012-06-14
8378One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2017-11-11
8384One Thousand EyesPeacocks Eye2018-01-20
7245Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1996-08-10
7246Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1996-08-10
7247BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2013-06-14
7248BronzehelmAcorn of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
7247BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2013-06-14
7248BronzehelmAcorn of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
7249Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice1999-09-04
7250Arn HoldAward of Arms1986-06-14
7251Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur1998-11-28
7252Arn HoldCombattant Moose1998-03-01
7253Arn HoldJewel of Alces1996-10-19
7254Arn HoldKey Cross2009-01-31
7255Arn HoldLight of Atenveldt1996-08-03
7256Arn HoldPelican1999-01-09
7257Arn HoldPillar of Artemisia1995-09-16
7258Arn HoldRose Leaf1989-04-08
7259Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress1995-10-21
7260Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle1994-04-16
7261Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2007-11-03
7262Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2008-02-02
7263Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of the Keep1994-10-29
7264Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1993-10-30
7265Inactive/Out of KingdomWooden Spoon1994-07-09
7266Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-07-11
7267Arn HoldFer de Moline9999-12-31
7268Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2011-10-29
7269Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2012-05-05
7270Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-09-28
7271Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-05-09
7272Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1997-05-31
7273Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride1999-06-06
7274One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2001-01-20
7275Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1994-05-07
7276Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1995-04-08
7277Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1995-07-08
7278Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1995-05-27
7279Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell1991-12-14
7280Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-11-10
7281Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2003-03-08
7282DragonmarchGolden Maple Leaf2009-06-26
7283DragonmarchWhite Duck2001-08-11
7284Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1993-06-12
7285Gryphon's LairKnight2004-03-06
7286Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2003-06-17
7287Gryphon's LairGolden Gryphon's Talon1998-09-19
7288Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-09-19
7289Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2005-03-26
7290Inactive/Out of KingdomAugmentation of Arms1996-09-07
7291Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1989-11-04
7292Inactive/Out of KingdomBlasted Oak1991-05-26
7293Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight1997-07-12
7294Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony1992-05-02
7295Inactive/Out of KingdomCrab Claw9999-12-31
7296Inactive/Out of KingdomEagle's Feather9999-12-31
7297Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1995-10-14
7298Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1991-05-25
7299Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon of Artemisia1999-07-10
7300Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2001-07-07
7301Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pheon1996-07-27
7302Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel1992-08-12
7303Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-05-11
7304Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-01-10
7305Inactive/Out of KingdomPearl1990-12-01
7306Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1994-09-10
7307Inactive/Out of KingdomSea Stag1992-09-19
7308Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Baron Retired (Atlantia) (Lochmere)1991-05-25
7309Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1995-12-09
7310Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1996-04-27
7311Stan WyrmAward of Arms2011-09-09
7312Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2011-04-02
7313One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1998-11-21
7314One Thousand EyesGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-07-11
7315One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1999-01-23
7316One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1999-11-20
7317One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1998-04-11
7318Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1992-08-22
7319Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-06-20
7320Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2011-07-23
7321Loch SalannErmine and Quill2012-06-02
7322Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
7323Loch SalannGolden Scarf2009-06-20
7324Loch SalannDefense2018-01-13
7325Loch SalannQuodlibet2012-03-03
7326Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-12-09
7327Loch SalannWhite Loon2016-12-10
9048Loch SalannErmine and Quill2021-12-11
7328One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-06-18
7329Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2006-03-18
7330Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1993-11-20
7331Sentinels' KeepKnight2002-09-07
7332Sentinels' KeepDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-06-16
7333Sentinels' KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2000-01-08
7334Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2007-10-27
7335Sentinels' KeepGolden Scarf2012-09-22
7336Sentinels' KeepGryphons Eye2006-10-21
7337Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-01-08
7338Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1994-06-18
7339Sentinels' KeepIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1993-11-20
7340Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2013-09-28
7341Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-11-16
7342Sentinels' KeepMateriam Superabat Opus1992-11-21
7343Sentinels' KeepPeacock's Heart2002-11-23
7344Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2005-10-15
7345Sentinels' KeepTerritorial Court Barony2002-06-06
7346Sentinels' KeepTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2007-06-16
7347Sentinels' KeepVigilance2005-07-09
7348StonegateAward of Arms2015-06-20
7349DeceasedAward of Arms1990-11-17
7350DeceasedTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-09-16
7351Loch SalannAward of Arms2016-01-09
7352Loch SalannWhite Falcon2015-06-06
7353Stan WyrmAward of Arms2005-05-07
7354Stan WyrmGolden Scarf2011-04-02
7355Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2006-09-30
7356Crown LandsAward of Arms1996-08-03
7357Crown LandsGolden Pillar1998-04-04
7358Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2006-04-29
7359Crown LandsGrant of Arms1999-11-27
7360Crown LandsKing's Council2005-03-12
7361Crown LandsKing's Council2008-09-13
7362Crown LandsPelican2007-06-16
7363Crown LandsSincerity and Honor1997-08-23
7364StonegateAward of Arms2008-10-11
7365Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-12-14
7366Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2015-06-20
7367Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2014-06-07
7368Loch SalannErmine and Quill2015-06-18
7369Loch SalannGolden Scarf2014-12-13
7370Loch SalannList of Courtesy2013-06-01
7371Loch SalannQuodlibet2015-07-25
7372Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-12-10
7373Loch SalannWhite Osprey2013-09-21
8147Loch SalannGryphon and Axe2018-10-20
8358Loch SalannGryphon and Francisca2019-06-01
8895Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2021-09-11
8978Loch SalannDefense2022-03-05
9045Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
1375BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2008-10-25
7374BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
8722BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-01-09
9002BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9244BronzehelmRock: Rapier2022-06-18
9540BronzehelmTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-02-03
9541BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-02-03
7375Crown LandsGolden Pillar2000-06-10
7376Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2003-09-13
7377Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
7378Crown LandsGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2003-09-13
7379One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2014-06-13
7380Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-11-07
7381Inactive/Out of KingdomCheval d'Or1998-11-28
7382Inactive/Out of KingdomChevalier Baronia Gloria2009-08-29
7383Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2011-10-29
7384Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
7385Silver KeepAward of Arms2006-02-16
7386Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-04-14
7387Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-04-14
7388Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
8521Loch SalannWhite Falcon2019-07-20
9422Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9593Loch SalannKing's Council2023-09-16
9721Loch SalannCounty2024-03-16
7389Arn HoldAward of Arms2014-07-12
7390Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-05-05
7391Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
7392Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2017-08-26
7393Arn HoldGolden Pillar2018-01-27
7394Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-08-30
7395Arn HoldOleander2017-02-25
7396Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2015-08-29
7397Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2015-07-18
7398Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2015-07-18
7399Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2017-05-06
7400Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2015-01-24
7401Arn HoldYggdrasil2014-05-10
8332Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2019-01-26
8668Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2020-05-02
8709Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2020-11-07
7402Crown LandsAward of Arms2013-09-14
7403Crown LandsFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
7404Crown LandsFlame of Pharos2013-09-14
7405Crown LandsWhite Lark2017-06-03
8783Crown LandsOnore del Ponte d'Oro2016-10-22
8786Crown LandsOpal2016-11-19
8787Crown LandsCoral Branch2017-04-15
8789Crown LandsGarland2017-12-09
8790Crown LandsPearl2018-05-26
8791Crown LandsOnore del Ponte d'Argento2018-11-03
8792Crown LandsLaurel2019-08-04
9696Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2024-03-02
7406Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
7407Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
7408Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2002-03-16
7409Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2002-03-09
7410Stan WyrmAward of Arms2018-03-10
8193Stan WyrmGolden Scarf2019-01-05
9300Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep2022-10-08
7411Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2003-03-15
7412Gryphon's LairGratia et Comitas2013-03-02
7413Gryphon's LairWhite Falcon2013-12-14
7414Loch SalannAward of Arms2003-12-13
7415Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-07-16
7416Loch SalannWhite Duck2008-12-13
7417Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-11-09
7418Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2013-03-09
7419Loch SalannGolden Scarf2016-08-06
7420Loch SalannAward of Arms2016-11-05
7421Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-08-06
8067Loch SalannWhite Falcon2018-07-20
7422Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2005-09-10
7423Inactive/Out of KingdomSincerity and Honor1996-04-27
7424One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1995-01-14
7425One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2001-06-09
7426One Thousand EyesMirror1994-11-19
7427One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1994-05-21
7428Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
7429Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2012-07-07
7430Arn HoldAward of Arms1992-12-12
7431Arn HoldCourt Barony2007-09-01
7432Arn HoldCrystal Heart1996-12-14
7433Arn HoldCrystal of the Salt Wastes1997-03-15
7434Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf1997-12-13
7435Arn HoldGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1997-10-25
7436Arn HoldGrant of Arms1998-03-28
7437Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2014-08-30
7438Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-03-03
7439Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
7440Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-08-26
7441Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1997-07-12
7442Arn HoldJewel of Alces2009-05-16
7443Arn HoldKey Cross2004-08-07
7444Arn HoldLaurel2006-06-10
7445Arn HoldLight of Atenveldt1997-06-07
7446Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-06-14
7447Arn HoldOleander1990-02-01
7448Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
7449Arn HoldPelican1998-10-10
7450Arn HoldPomme d'Or9999-12-31
7451Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2009-09-05
7452Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
7453Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress9999-12-31
7454Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2009-10-17
7455Arn HoldTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1994-03-05
7456Arn HoldWhite Lark1996-04-27
7457Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2007-09-29
8245Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8272Arn HoldAugmentation of Arms2019-03-02
8423Arn HoldTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2019-08-24
8911Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2021-09-11
9321Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2022-08-27
9409Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
7458Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-07-02
7459Loch SalannFons Animae2017-05-13
7460Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2017-09-02
7461Loch SalannWhite Lark2005-12-10
7462Stan WyrmAward of Arms2014-04-05
7463Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume1997-02-01
7464Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1995-05-06
7465Sentinels' KeepCourt Barony2000-11-10
7466Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis1997-02-01
7467Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf1998-10-24
7468Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2002-10-19
7469Sentinels' KeepMaple Leaf of Artemisia1995-10-28
7470Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet1997-10-11
7471Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-03-09
7472Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1995-07-22
7473Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1981-12-13
7474BronzehelmAward of Arms2009-10-03
7477BronzehelmGolden Pillar2017-01-14
8861BronzehelmAugmentation of Arms2021-09-11
8923BronzehelmGryphon of Artemisia2021-09-11
9246BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2022-06-18
9357BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2023-01-07
9520BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2023-05-06
7479Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal of the Salt Wastes2004-12-11
7480Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2009-01-10
7481Inactive/Out of KingdomFlame of Pharos2010-05-29
7482Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2009-05-23
8333Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2019-03-02
7483Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-04-25
7484Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-09-29
7485Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2017-12-09
7486Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2015-12-12
7487Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2016-12-10
7488Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2017-03-04
7489Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
7490Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
7491Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2013-03-02
7492Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2014-12-13
7493Crystal CragsAward of Arms2001-09-15
7494Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-05-24
7495Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-01-10
7496Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1999-06-19
7497Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-08-29
7498Loch SalannQuodlibet2016-07-23
7499Loch SalannWhite Duck2015-12-12
7500Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-08-06
7501Loch SalannWhite Goose2015-06-06
7502Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-06-07
7503Loch SalannGolden Pillar2002-04-13
7504Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2002-09-14
7505Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2014-02-08
7506Arrow's FlightList of Grace2016-08-06
7507Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-07
7508Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2001-05-27
7509Arrow's FlightKnight2009-05-23
7510Arrow's FlightDefenders of the Citadel2007-09-01
7511Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2009-04-11
7512Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2007-09-08
7513Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2007-09-08
7514Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2008-03-08
7515Arrow's FlightTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)2006-11-11
7516Arrow's FlightWhite Falcon2006-06-03
6554DragonmarchAward of Arms1999-12-11
7517DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2006-06-25
8412DragonmarchGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-06-24
8601DragonmarchWhite Falcon2019-12-07
9670DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
7518Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-09-06
7519Loch SalannCounty2017-03-11
7520Loch SalannCrystal Swan2011-01-29
7521Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-03-12
7522Loch SalannErmine and Quill2016-06-04
7523Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2015-02-13
7524Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2010-03-06
7525Loch SalannRose2017-03-11
7526Loch SalannPrince's Token2011-07-09
7527Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2010-03-06
7528Loch SalannViscounty2011-01-29
7529Loch SalannWhite Falcon2017-09-16
8994Loch SalannDuchy2020-04-18
9049Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2021-12-11
9370Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2022-12-10
7530Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2011-09-24
7531Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2006-10-21
7532Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2007-03-24
7533Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2016-03-12
7534Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2007-07-07
7535Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2011-08-27
7536Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2008-03-22
7537Sentinels' KeepKey Cross2015-08-29
7538Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2008-10-25
7539Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2016-07-09
7540Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress1998-09-05
7541Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1993-07-11
7542Gryphon's LairDefender of the White Scarf1999-11-20
7543Gryphon's LairErmine and Gauntlet1999-06-19
7544Gryphon's LairGryphon of Artemisia2007-03-03
7545Gryphon's LairPelican2009-01-10
7546Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1997-06-21
7547Gryphon's LairQuodlibet1997-07-12
7548Gryphon's LairTerritorial Court Barony2016-01-09
7549Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2009-08-08
7550Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1994-09-04
7551Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
7552Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
7553Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1994-06-18
7554Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-01-16
7555Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Falcon1995-03-25
7556Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-07-21
7557Loch SalannWhite Falcon2017-06-03
7558Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-12-10
7559Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2015-12-12
8055Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-07-21
8221Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8552Loch SalannFlame of Pharos2019-09-14
9003Loch SalannCourt Barony2022-04-16
7556Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-07-21
7557Loch SalannWhite Falcon2017-06-03
7558Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-12-10
7559Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2015-12-12
8055Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-07-21
8221Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8552Loch SalannFlame of Pharos2019-09-14
9003Loch SalannCourt Barony2022-04-16
7560Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-04-04
7561Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
7562Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
7563Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
7564Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-06-04
7565Loch SalannWhite Goose2016-12-10
8607Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9377Loch SalannGolden Pillar2022-12-10
9630Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2023-12-09
7566Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-03-07
7567Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-07-24
7568Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2009-04-04
7569Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-05-01
7570Stan WyrmArgent Plume1992-10-24
7571Stan WyrmAward of Arms1987-06-27
7572Stan WyrmGrant of Arms1993-10-30
7573Stan WyrmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-05-30
7574Stan WyrmMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-10-10
7575Stan WyrmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-05-18
7406Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2009-09-26
7577Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance1993-07-31
7578Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice1997-08-23
7579Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-10-14
7580Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur1998-11-28
7581Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose1996-09-01
7582Inactive/Out of KingdomDefender of the White Scarf1999-06-06
7583Crown LandsAward of Arms1995-06-24
7584Crown LandsGolden Pillar1998-09-19
7585Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-03-04
7586Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-04-25
7587Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2015-04-04
7588Loch SalannList of Courtesy2013-09-21
7589Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-11-09
7590Loch SalannWhite Duck2016-08-06
7591Loch SalannWhite Goose2015-06-18
7592Loch SalannAward of Arms1989-12-16
7593Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1996-01-13
7594Loch SalannWhite Duck1988-06-21
7595Loch SalannWhite Lark1992-09-26
7596Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1992-03-28
7597Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-06-13
7598Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark2002-10-19
7599One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1994-01-29
7600One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2013-06-15
7601One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2011-06-17
7602One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2012-09-15
7603One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2013-03-16
7604One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2013-06-13
7605Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2016-10-15
7606Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2011-09-24
7607One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1997-01-11
7608Crown LandsAward of Arms2005-12-03
7609Crown LandsElm Leaf of Myrgan Wood2006-05-13
7610Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-06-08
7611Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-03-10
9378Loch SalannAward of Arms2022-12-10
7612DeceasedAward of Arms2005-06-23
7613DeceasedGolden Gryphon's Talon2006-09-30
7614Silver KeepAward of Arms2005-06-23
7615Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1996-03-16
7616Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
7617Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice2009-10-17
7618Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1997-04-12
7619Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
7620Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose9999-12-31
7621Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2009-01-31
7622Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2003-03-15
7623Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2007-02-03
7624Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2011-07-16
7625Inactive/Out of KingdomWalking Pell9999-12-31
7626Inactive/Out of KingdomYggdrasil2007-05-19
7627BronzehelmGolden Scarf2017-01-14
7628BronzehelmRock: Rapier2018-01-06
8188BronzehelmDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2019-01-05
8465BronzehelmGolden Pillar2019-07-05
8715BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2020-11-21
7629One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1996-11-16
7630One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2003-09-13
7631One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms2000-03-11
7632One Thousand EyesKing's Council2004-03-13
7633One Thousand EyesLaurel2004-02-13
7634One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1997-10-15
7635One Thousand EyesMirror1999-08-28
7636One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent1998-11-21
7637One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1996-08-10
7638One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or1997-01-25
7639Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1993-10-25
7640Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Pride2012-06-02
7641Loch SalannAward of Arms2006-12-09
7642Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2005-07-16
8414Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2014-08-30
7644Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms9999-12-31
7645Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-05-27
7646Loch SalannCamille1982-03-28
7647Loch SalannKnight1980-02-17
7648Loch SalannCompanion of the Triads1984-03-24
7649Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1986-03-22
7650Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1981-11-14
7651Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2013-12-14
7652Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
7653Loch SalannKing's Sigil1987-12-05
7654Loch SalannLegion of Gallantry of the Outlands2005-06-10
7655Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1981-05-23
7656Loch SalannMeritorious Order of Unique and Sensual Excesses1983-04-03
7657Loch SalannPelican1988-09-04
7658Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2005-09-10
7659Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2007-06-16
7660Loch SalannValkyrie's Watch1979-12-15
7661Loch SalannViscounty1983-01-15
7662Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
7663Loch SalannWhite Lark1979-12-15
7664Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
7665Loch SalannAward of Arms1990-06-16
7666Loch SalannKnight2002-05-04
7667Loch SalannCourt Barony2010-01-09
7668Loch SalannDolphin of Caid1994-12-31
7669Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon1998-10-10
7670Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2007-02-15
7671Loch SalannGrant of Arms1998-10-10
7672Loch SalannGryphon and Hammer2006-06-09
7673Loch SalannLegion of Courtesy1996-05-04
7674Loch SalannSable Oak of Darach Shire1993-09-25
7675Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-01-13
9226Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2021-08-07
7676Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2007-04-14
7677Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2008-11-08
7678Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2009-03-21
7679Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart2007-01-13
7680Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2011-03-05
7681Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop2006-06-08
7682OtherhillAward of Arms2015-02-07
7683Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2003-07-12
7684One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2015-03-21
7685Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-12-09
7686StonegateAward of Arms2017-09-23
8096StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2018-09-22
8265StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8494StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
9401StonegateCourt Barony2023-03-18
9447StonegateTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
9547StonegateGolden Pillar2023-05-13
7687Arn HoldAward of Arms9999-12-31
7688Arn HoldGolden Pillar1998-12-05
7689Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1992-05-16
7690Arn HoldIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1994-05-21
7691Arn HoldLaurel1999-11-20
7692Arn HoldMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-05-11
7693Arn HoldMateriam Superabat Opus1995-08-26
7694Arn HoldMirror1998-08-08
7695Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms9999-12-31
7696Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-10-03
7697Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-05-11
7698Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1994-03-09
7699Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2009-07-18
7700Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1994-11-12
7701One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2014-06-14
7702Silver KeepAward of Arms2012-10-06
7703Silver KeepGolden Sun in Splendour2016-09-03
7704Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2015-03-21
7705Silver KeepSilver Crane2017-10-14
7706Silver KeepStrongbow of Artemisia2015-10-17
8471Silver KeepQuodlibet2019-07-05
9017Silver KeepPelican2022-03-12
9111Silver KeepQuodlibet2022-06-18
9617Silver KeepCourt Barony2024-02-10
7707Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-05-06
7708Inactive/Out of KingdomKnight2000-11-18
7709Inactive/Out of KingdomFleur de Soleil1997-01-11
7710Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Feather of Artemisia1996-07-06
7711Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar2000-02-18
7712Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1999-04-10
7713Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1997-01-04
7714Inactive/Out of KingdomIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes1995-11-18
7715Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-07-11
7716Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council1998-11-21
7717Inactive/Out of KingdomKing's Council2000-01-08
7718Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2000-04-15
7719Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-03-16
7720Inactive/Out of KingdomMateriam Superabat Opus1995-10-21
7721Inactive/Out of KingdomPeacock's Heart1995-08-26
7722Inactive/Out of KingdomSwan and the Escallop1994-06-19
7723Inactive/Out of KingdomTerritorial Court Barony1998-06-06
7724Loch SalannList of Courtesy2017-06-03
7725Crystal CragsAward of Arms1996-12-14
7726Crystal CragsGolden Sun in Splendour2003-04-12
7727Crystal CragsPelican2005-05-14
7728One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1994-06-18
7729One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus1998-04-11
7730One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1993-06-19
7731Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2012-08-09
7732Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart2013-07-27
7733Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Maple Leaf2016-03-05
7734Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Sun in Splendour2015-01-24
7735Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-09-01
7736Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
7737Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2013-03-02
7738Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2014-08-30
7739Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2017-03-11
7740Inactive/Out of KingdomSage2016-03-05
7741Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2012-12-08
7742Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper2014-11-15
1922Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2008-05-31
7743Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-05-05
8148Arn HoldGolden Scarf2018-11-04
8548Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2019-08-23
7744Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-12-09
7745Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-06
7746Silver KeepAward of Arms2009-10-24
7747Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2017-09-09
9453Silver KeepGolden Pillar2023-02-11
7748Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1990-09-01
7749Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1994-06-18
7750Inactive/Out of KingdomPillar of Artemisia1991-06-15
7751Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1996-11-09
7752Silver KeepAward of Arms2016-02-06
7753Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2016-02-06
7754Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-07-12
7755Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1996-12-14
7756Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
7757Arn HoldAward of Arms1979-09-23
7758Arn HoldBowman's Mark9999-12-31
7759Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur9999-12-31
7760Arn HoldKnight1981-08-23
7761Arn HoldCombattant Moose9999-12-31
7762Arn HoldCourt Barony1986-11-08
7763Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2007-07-14
7764Arn HoldGryphon of Artemisia2009-03-07
7765Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1996-11-09
7766Arn HoldJewel of Alces2005-09-01
7767Arn HoldKing's Council1999-07-11
7768Arn HoldKing's Council2002-03-09
7769Arn HoldKing's Council2002-09-14
7770Arn HoldKing's Council2006-03-11
7771Arn HoldKing's Council2007-09-08
7772Arn HoldKing's Council2008-03-08
7773Arn HoldKing's Council2012-03-03
7774Arn HoldKing's Sigil1997-07-12
7775Arn HoldLeaf of Merit1985-09-21
7776Arn HoldPelican2009-11-07
7777Arn HoldPomme d'Or9999-12-31
7778Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1985-05-04
7779Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1987-01-03
7780Arn HoldQueen's Order of Grace1981-01-05
7781Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2003-07-12
7782Arn HoldStrongbow of Artemisia2015-05-16
7783Arn HoldTygers Combattant9999-12-31
7784Arn HoldViscounty1987-11-14
8977Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9016Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-12
7785Crown LandsAward of Arms1994-06-18
7786Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf1998-04-04
7787Crown LandsGrant of Arms2001-11-24
7788Crown LandsMaple Leaf of Artemisia1996-09-21
7789Crown LandsPelican2002-04-13
7790Crown LandsPillar of Artemisia1995-08-19
7791Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2011-03-26
7792Silver KeepAward of Arms1991-06-30
7793Silver KeepGrant of Arms1998-08-22
7794Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-08-22
7795Silver KeepGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1997-01-04
7796Silver KeepPelican1999-01-02
7797Silver KeepAward of Arms2012-09-22
7798Silver KeepDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2016-07-23
7799Silver KeepGolden Scarf2014-02-08
7800Silver KeepPeacock and Key2014-06-12
7801Silver KeepSilver Crane2015-10-17
7802Silver KeepSwan and the Escallop2012-06-17
8122Silver KeepGolden Pillar2018-09-07
9416Silver KeepGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
7803Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1985-03-09
7804Inactive/Out of KingdomMaple Leaf of Artemisia1991-01-12
7805Inactive/Out of KingdomCombattant Moose2011-03-05
7806Inactive/Out of KingdomFer de Moline2007-09-29
7807Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Scarf2009-01-31
7808Inactive/Out of KingdomGuildmaster of Fence1998-10-01
7809Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or2008-10-18
7810Inactive/Out of KingdomService Performed Under Duress2009-05-17
7811Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle2008-04-05
7812Inactive/Out of KingdomUnicorn Meadow2008-11-15
7813Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2014-07-19
7814Inactive/Out of KingdomAmethyst Chalice9999-12-31
7815Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1995-10-21
7816Inactive/Out of KingdomCercle d'Honneur2001-11-17
7817Inactive/Out of KingdomCheval d'Or1998-06-06
7818Inactive/Out of KingdomChevalier Baronia Gloria2004-05-22
7819Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1998-11-28
7820Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Pillar1999-06-04
7821Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1999-11-13
7822Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-03-09
7823Inactive/Out of KingdomJewel of Alces2006-02-04
7824Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2004-03-13
7825Inactive/Out of KingdomNorth Star9999-12-31
7826Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican2001-06-09
7827Inactive/Out of KingdomPomme d'Or2000-07-01
7828Inactive/Out of KingdomTerpsichore's Mouffle1997-11-15
7829Inactive/Out of KingdomWindmuhlen Keeper9999-12-31
7830DeceasedAward of Arms1998-05-02
7831DeceasedGolden Maple Leaf1998-05-02
7832Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2001-03-31
7833Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2005-10-15
7834Inactive/Out of KingdomVigilance2004-10-16
7835Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-06-18
7836Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-11-13
7837Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2009-12-12
7838Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-05-13
7839Loch SalannWhite Lark2014-11-09
9376Loch SalannKey Cross2022-12-10
7840Côte du CielAward of Arms2009-04-25
7841Côte du CielCompany of Sojourners1990-04-28
7842Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2013-01-05
7843Côte du CielGryphon's Pride1996-12-07
7844Loch SalannArtemisian Order of Grace1994-09-03
7845Loch SalannAward of Arms1978-10-15
7846Loch SalannCrystal Heart1992-07-25
7847Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes1979-07-28
7848Loch SalannDove1981-07-05
7849Loch SalannFleur de Soleil1996-07-27
7850Loch SalannGolden Feather of Artemisia1991-06-29
7851Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann1986-12-20
7852Loch SalannGrant of Arms1994-09-03
7853Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia1999-01-09
7854Loch SalannJallerhorn1995-10-28
7855Loch SalannKing's Council1998-11-21
7856Loch SalannKing's Sigil1990-03-03
7857Loch SalannLaurel1981-11-14
7858Loch SalannLight of Atenveldt1991-05-24
7859Loch SalannLion of Atenveldt1994-09-03
7860Loch SalannMaple Leaf of Artemisia1992-01-11
7861Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1993-01-09
7862Loch SalannPelican1985-03-03
7863Loch SalannPillar of Artemisia1989-01-14
7864Loch SalannPrince's Counselor1993-01-09
7865Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Atenveldt]1990-01-27
7866Loch SalannRadiant Rose1993-05-01
7867Loch SalannStag's Tynes1980-07-12
7868Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony1997-04-12
7869Loch SalannViscounty1981-07-05
7870Loch SalannWhite Duck1979-06-16
7871Loch SalannWhite Lark1980-10-18
7872Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1998-09-19
7873Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1998-12-12
7874Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2002-01-12
7875Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1999-09-11
7876Sentinels' KeepFabrica Ars Nivilis2002-01-12
7877Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2003-03-22
7878Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2006-04-08
7879Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2000-01-29
7880Sentinels' KeepPearl of the Mountain2004-10-16
7881One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1988-11-19
7882One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar1999-02-14
7883One Thousand EyesGolden Sun in Splendour2003-11-22
7884One Thousand EyesHerald Extraordinary2002-10-12
7885One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1996-10-26
7886One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes1997-11-08
7887One Thousand EyesPelican2006-11-18
7888One Thousand EyesPillar of Artemisia1997-03-08
7889Inactive/Out of KingdomAugmentation of Arms1991-06-30
7890Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1981-07-11
7891Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1982-07-11
7892Inactive/Out of KingdomCrystal Heart1990-12-08
7893Inactive/Out of KingdomForget-me-not1985-01-12
7894Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1988-10-29
7895Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1989-01-14
7896Inactive/Out of KingdomLight of Atenveldt1990-03-03
7897Inactive/Out of KingdomLion of Atenveldt1988-10-29
7899Inactive/Out of KingdomPapillon Argenté d'Artemisie l'Ordre du1990-01-13
7900Inactive/Out of KingdomPelican1990-09-01
7901Inactive/Out of KingdomViscounty1990-01-13
7902Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck1991-06-30
7903Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2001-03-03
7904Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2014-10-18
7905Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2014-07-19
7906Sentinels' KeepSilver Crane2016-03-12
7907Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1988-06-04
7908Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms9999-12-31
7909Silver KeepAward of Arms1988-10-08
7910Silver KeepFleur de Soleil1990-01-13
7911Silver KeepLaurel1990-08-04
7912Inactive/Out of KingdomMirror1991-01-12
7913Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1990-11-17
7914Inactive/Out of KingdomPrince's Counselor1990-10-20
7915StonegateAward of Arms2006-11-18
7916StonegateGolden Pillar2006-11-18
7917StonegateSwan and the Escallop9999-12-31
7918Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-12-09
7919Loch SalannGolden Pillar2017-12-09
7920Loch SalannWhite Goose2017-08-05
7921Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-03-04
7922Côte du CielWhite Cygent2013-12-14
7923Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2017-10-21
7924Côte du CielWhite Cygent2013-12-14
7925DeceasedArgent Plume1991-07-20
7927DeceasedFabrica Ars Nivilis1994-08-07
7928DeceasedGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-05-25
7929DeceasedJewel of the Keep1996-03-30
7930DeceasedMaple Leaf of Artemisia1990-08-04
7931DeceasedGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1992-07-11
7932DeceasedPearl of the Mountain2000-10-28
7934DeceasedPillar of Artemisia1997-05-24
7935DeceasedPrince's Counselor1996-01-13
7937DeceasedRaven's Treasure2001-10-20
7938DeceasedSiege of Crane's Combatant1994-08-07
7941StonegateAugmentation of Arms2017-06-17
7942StonegateAward of Arms1992-12-12
7944StonegateCourt Barony2008-09-13
7945StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2001-11-10
7946StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2000-06-10
7947StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2011-11-19
7948StonegateGratia et Comitas1999-12-11
7949StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
7950StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
7951StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2012-01-21
7952StonegateKey Cross2017-08-26
7953StonegateKing's Council2005-03-12
7954StonegateKing's Council2008-09-13
7955StonegateOsha of the Miracle Ladder2012-06-14
7957StonegateQueen's Confidence1999-07-10
7958StonegateQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
7961StonegateSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
7962StonegateTerritorial Court Barony2014-11-22
7963StonegateWhite Duck1993-04-24
7964StonegateWhite Falcon1993-04-24
7965StonegateWhite Lark1992-04-26
8277StonegateGolden Pillar2019-03-02
8379StonegatePaon d'Argent2017-11-11
8380StonegatePeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2017-11-11
8643StonegateGryphon of Artemisia2020-03-07
9671StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
7966One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1997-06-07
7967Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Duck2000-03-25
7968Loch SalannAward of Arms2013-06-01
7969Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2014-03-08
7970Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
7971Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2009-09-05
7972Loch SalannWhite Cygent2005-12-10
7973Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-03-07
7974Loch SalannErmine and Quill2010-12-11
7975Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
7976Loch SalannWhite Duck2009-07-25
7977Loch SalannWhite Lark2009-12-12
7978Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1993-05-30
7979Arn HoldAward of Arms2011-01-29
7980Arn HoldGolden Pillar2016-07-16
7981Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
7982Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
7983Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
7984Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2004-03-13
7985One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2009-06-20
7986One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2013-11-23
7987One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2012-03-24
7988One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2012-07-24
7989One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2008-06-21
7990One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1996-11-16
7991One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2002-01-19
7992One Thousand EyesPaon d'Argent2002-10-05
7993One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart1997-11-08
7994One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2002-11-23
7995One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop1995-10-21
1903Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2016-03-05
1904Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-03-08
1905Loch SalannCourt Barony2017-07-02
1906Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2005-06-10
1907Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2015-12-12
1908Loch SalannFleur d'Or2018-03-10
1909Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-06-20
1910Loch SalannGolden Scarf2003-11-22
1911Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2014-12-13
1912Loch SalannMateriam Superabat Opus2008-09-20
1913Loch SalannPeacock and Key2014-11-22
1914Loch SalannPeacock's Heart1997-08-16
1915Loch SalannPelican2017-11-18
1916Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
1917Loch SalannQuodlibet2017-09-09
1918Loch SalannSwan and the Escallop1996-10-26
1919Loch SalannTalon d'Or1998-01-31
1920Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-06-03
1921Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-12-09
8026Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2018-08-04
8244Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8269Loch SalannHerald Extraordinary2019-03-02
8270Loch SalannAugmentation of Achievement2019-03-02
8498Loch SalannKing's Council2019-09-06
8619Loch SalannSable Helm: Rapier2020-01-04
8667Loch SalannPilgrims of Artemisia2020-04-18
9240Loch SalannPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9277Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9345Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9386Loch SalannDefense2023-03-04
9404Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
7941StonegateAugmentation of Arms2017-06-17
7942StonegateAward of Arms1992-12-12
7944StonegateCourt Barony2008-09-13
7945StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2001-11-10
7946StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2000-06-10
7947StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2011-11-19
7948StonegateGratia et Comitas1999-12-11
7949StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2000-07-08
7950StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
7951StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2012-01-21
7952StonegateKey Cross2017-08-26
7953StonegateKing's Council2005-03-12
7954StonegateKing's Council2008-09-13
7955StonegateOsha of the Miracle Ladder2012-06-14
7957StonegateQueen's Confidence1999-07-10
7958StonegateQueen's Confidence2004-03-13
7961StonegateSwan and the Escallop1995-08-26
7962StonegateTerritorial Court Barony2014-11-22
7963StonegateWhite Duck1993-04-24
7964StonegateWhite Falcon1993-04-24
7965StonegateWhite Lark1992-04-26
8277StonegateGolden Pillar2019-03-02
8379StonegatePaon d'Argent2017-11-11
8380StonegatePeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2017-11-11
8643StonegateGryphon of Artemisia2020-03-07
9671StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
7998BronzehelmGoutté de Sang2004-06-12
7999BronzehelmAward of Arms2001-02-25
8003BronzehelmDefenders of the West2011-07-03
8004BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Service)2008-12-11
8005BronzehelmValorous Estate2010-12-11
8006BronzehelmPrincess' Talon of Favor2011-03-05
8007BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2011-06-18
8008BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Martial)2012-02-04
8009BronzehelmSilver Barberry2012-12-08
8010BronzehelmThrone's Favor of the Summits2012-12-08
8011BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2012-12-08
8012BronzehelmSilver Barberry2014-06-21
8013BronzehelmThrone's Favor of the Summits2014-06-21
8014BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2014-06-21
8015BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Service)2017-05-28
8016BronzehelmBell and Chain2003-07-12
8020BronzehelmBaron's Favor [Stromgard]2005-06-18
8022BronzehelmAurei Ursi Ordo2008-05-24
8023BronzehelmDragon's Kin2014-09-27
8468BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-07-05
7998BronzehelmGoutté de Sang2004-06-12
7999BronzehelmAward of Arms2001-02-25
8003BronzehelmDefenders of the West2011-07-03
8004BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Service)2008-12-11
8005BronzehelmValorous Estate2010-12-11
8006BronzehelmPrincess' Talon of Favor2011-03-05
8007BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2011-06-18
8008BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Martial)2012-02-04
8009BronzehelmSilver Barberry2012-12-08
8010BronzehelmThrone's Favor of the Summits2012-12-08
8011BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2012-12-08
8012BronzehelmSilver Barberry2014-06-21
8013BronzehelmThrone's Favor of the Summits2014-06-21
8014BronzehelmGryphon's Paw2014-06-21
8015BronzehelmGrail of the Summits (Service)2017-05-28
8016BronzehelmBell and Chain2003-07-12
8020BronzehelmBaron's Favor [Stromgard]2005-06-18
8022BronzehelmAurei Ursi Ordo2008-05-24
8023BronzehelmDragon's Kin2014-09-27
8468BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-07-05
1375BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2008-10-25
7374BronzehelmAward of Arms2016-07-23
8722BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-01-09
9002BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9244BronzehelmRock: Rapier2022-06-18
9540BronzehelmTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-02-03
9541BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-02-03
1903Loch SalannAugmentation of Arms2016-03-05
1904Loch SalannAward of Arms1997-03-08
1905Loch SalannCourt Barony2017-07-02
1906Loch SalannDefender of the White Scarf2005-06-10
1907Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2015-12-12
1908Loch SalannFleur d'Or2018-03-10
1909Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-06-20
1910Loch SalannGolden Scarf2003-11-22
1911Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2014-12-13
1912Loch SalannMateriam Superabat Opus2008-09-20
1913Loch SalannPeacock and Key2014-11-22
1914Loch SalannPeacock's Heart1997-08-16
1915Loch SalannPelican2017-11-18
1916Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
1917Loch SalannQuodlibet2017-09-09
1918Loch SalannSwan and the Escallop1996-10-26
1919Loch SalannTalon d'Or1998-01-31
1920Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-06-03
1921Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-12-09
8026Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2018-08-04
8244Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8269Loch SalannHerald Extraordinary2019-03-02
8270Loch SalannAugmentation of Achievement2019-03-02
8498Loch SalannKing's Council2019-09-06
8619Loch SalannSable Helm: Rapier2020-01-04
8667Loch SalannPilgrims of Artemisia2020-04-18
9240Loch SalannPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9277Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9345Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9386Loch SalannDefense2023-03-04
9404Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
2084Arrow's FlightMastery of Arms2017-10-21
2085Arrow's FlightDefenders of the Citadel2017-06-03
2086Arrow's FlightKing's Council2017-03-11
2087Arrow's FlightQuodlibet2017-09-09
2088Arrow's FlightWhite Falcon2015-12-12
6676Gryphon's LairAugmentation of Arms1999-11-20
6677Gryphon's LairAward of Arms1992-05-06
6678Gryphon's LairDefender of the White Scarf2002-06-08
6679Gryphon's LairErmine and Gauntlet2002-05-25
6680Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar1998-12-12
6681Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2017-07-02
6682Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2017-10-14
6683Gryphon's LairJewel of the Keep1993-07-03
6684Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2006-01-07
6685Gryphon's LairMaple Leaf of Artemisia1997-06-21
6686Gryphon's LairPillar of Artemisia1993-07-03
6687Gryphon's LairQueen's Confidence2017-09-09
8025Gryphon's LairCourt Barony2018-08-04
8146Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2018-10-20
8236Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-12
8246Gryphon's LairGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8459Gryphon's LairPelican2019-07-20
8479Gryphon's LairKing's Council2019-09-06
8027Stan WyrmTantony of Tir Ysgithr (Argent)2013-03-02
8028Stan WyrmLion's Pride of Atenveldt2012-09-18
8415Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
8956Stan WyrmAward of Arms2021-07-10
8037Stan WyrmQueen's Grace of Atenveldt2010-05-01
8038Stan WyrmHawk's Lure2012-03-27
8039Stan WyrmBlood of Fenris2010-03-06
8040Stan WyrmSable Lion of Caerthe2006-11-18
8041Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-08-14
8042Stan WyrmKing's Sigil2012-11-03
8043Stan WyrmWhite Oak2012-11-03
8044Stan WyrmFellowship of the Boar (Argent)2009-10-17
8045Stan WyrmFellowship of the Boar (Vert)2013-03-02
8046Stan WyrmKing's Award of Excellence2001-05-26
8048Stan WyrmSharks Tooth2002-11-16
8049Stan WyrmUndine2004-09-04
8050Stan WyrmFletcher1995-05-07
8051Stan WyrmOnore del Ponte Nero2003-11-08
8052Stan WyrmOnore del Ponte d'Oro2004-02-21
8053Stan WyrmArgent Shield2014-11-01
8054Stan WyrmSable Sword2016-02-06
8083Stan WyrmDefenders of the Citadel2018-08-18
8322Stan WyrmKnight2019-02-23
8323Stan WyrmQuodlibet2019-03-02
8954Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2021-07-10
8986Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2022-03-12
8029Stan WyrmPilgrim of the Desert2012-09-18
8030Stan WyrmFlower of the Desert2009-10-03
8031Stan WyrmCoral Branch2005-09-17
8032Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-11-16
8033Stan WyrmFellowship of the Boar (Vert)2012-02-18
8034Stan WyrmUndine2004-04-03
8035Stan WyrmUndine2004-09-04
8036Stan WyrmOnore del Ponte d'Argento2003-11-08
8088Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2018-08-18
8167Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2018-11-17
8187Stan WyrmKey Cross2019-01-05
8564Stan WyrmFabrica Ars Nivilis2019-03-23
8987Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-03-12
6721BronzehelmDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-01-06
6722BronzehelmGolden Pillar2013-08-10
6723BronzehelmGolden Scarf2014-04-05
6724BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2018-06-16
6725BronzehelmGrant of Arms2016-07-23
6726BronzehelmGryphon and Pheon2015-03-21
6727BronzehelmRock: Archery2018-01-06
6728BronzehelmSilver Crane2016-03-12
8189BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-05
8449BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2019-05-04
9515BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-01-07
9577BronzehelmKey Cross2023-09-02
5548Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2007-03-31
5549Arrow's FlightErmine and Gauntlet2017-05-13
5550Arrow's FlightGolden Scarf2017-07-01
8065Arrow's FlightDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2018-07-21
8285Arrow's FlightOleander2019-02-23
8286Arrow's FlightOleander2018-02-24
8287Arrow's FlightOleander2017-02-25
8288Arrow's FlightOleander2010-02-13
8289Arrow's FlightOleander2009-02-14
8290Arrow's FlightOleander2008-02-16
8291Arrow's FlightOleander2007-02-17
8642Arrow's FlightDefense2020-03-07
9516Arrow's FlightSable Helm: Rapier2023-01-07
9632Arrow's FlightCourt Barony2023-11-11
9668Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
7556Loch SalannAward of Arms2012-07-21
7557Loch SalannWhite Falcon2017-06-03
7558Loch SalannWhite Lark2016-12-10
7559Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2015-12-12
8055Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-07-21
8221Loch SalannCrystal Heart2018-12-08
8552Loch SalannFlame of Pharos2019-09-14
9003Loch SalannCourt Barony2022-04-16
8072Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2018-07-20
8118Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-09-07
8203Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-12-08
8336Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-12-08
8691Loch SalannSocietas Aquilae Coronatae2020-03-07
9323Loch SalannQuodlibet2022-09-17
9388Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2023-03-04
9628Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2023-12-09
9666Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9715Loch SalannPeacock's Heart2024-03-23
8073Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-07-20
8205Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-12-08
8074Loch SalannList of Grace2018-07-20
8499Loch SalannAward of Arms2019-09-06
8080Silver KeepGolden Scarf2018-07-28
8168Silver KeepGolden Pillar2018-11-17
8027Stan WyrmTantony of Tir Ysgithr (Argent)2013-03-02
8028Stan WyrmLion's Pride of Atenveldt2012-09-18
8415Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
8956Stan WyrmAward of Arms2021-07-10
8089Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
8082Castelleone NuovoGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
8086Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-08-18
8849Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2021-07-03
8089Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
2331Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2018-03-10
2332Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-04-14
2333Loch SalannList of Courtesy2017-08-05
8307Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-12-08
8361Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-06-01
8576Loch SalannWhite Duck2019-03-09
8593Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8602Loch SalannWhite Loon2019-12-07
8645Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2020-03-07
8681Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2020-06-06
5449Crown LandsAward of Arms1997-04-26
8132Crown LandsJewel of the Keep2018-10-13
8195Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2019-01-05
8780Crown LandsKey Cross2021-03-27
3575Loch SalannAward of Arms1988-09-04
3576Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2015-12-12
3577Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-06-14
3578Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2015-12-12
3579Loch SalannGrant of Arms2014-06-14
3580Loch SalannGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1990-01-13
3581Loch SalannList of Courtesy1988-10-29
3582Loch SalannTotally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK)1995-07-08
3583Loch SalannWhite Duck2014-08-09
3584Loch SalannWhite Falcon2001-12-08
3585Loch SalannWhite Osprey2017-12-09
8271Loch SalannPelican2019-03-02
8469Loch SalannQuodlibet2019-07-05
8772Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2020-12-12
8793Loch SalannWhite Lark2021-06-05
500Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2017-08-26
8438Arn HoldLeaf of Merit2001-04-21
8439Arn HoldAward of Arms2001-04-21
8440Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2018-08-25
8441Arn HoldFer de Moline2014-11-15
8535Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8580Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-11-02
8703Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9407Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-03-18
1573One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2014-08-07
1574One Thousand EyesMirror2013-11-23
8094One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2018-09-08
8093Crown LandsAward of Arms2018-09-08
8092Crown LandsAward of Arms2018-09-08
8091Loch SalannQuodlibet2018-09-08
8210Loch SalannList of Grace2018-12-08
8356Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2019-06-01
8357Loch SalannAward of Arms2019-06-01
8575Loch SalannWhite Goose2019-03-09
8651Loch SalannOleander2020-02-22
9606Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2023-07-22
4066StonegateAward of Arms2017-09-23
8095StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2018-09-22
8264StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8487StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
8628StonegateGolden Pillar2020-01-11
9402StonegateCourt Barony2023-03-18
9448StonegateTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
8099StonegateAward of Arms2018-09-22
8107Arn HoldYggdrasil2018-01-27
8152Arn HoldAward of Arms2018-11-04
8306Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2019-01-26
8542Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
2157DragonmarchAward of Arms2006-06-25
8112DragonmarchGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-09-07
8144DragonmarchGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-20
8592DragonmarchGolden Pillar2019-12-07
8600DragonmarchWhite Loon2019-12-07
9654DragonmarchDefenders of the Citadel2023-09-09
8133Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-10-13
8135Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-10-13
8136Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-10-13
8569Sentinels' KeepVigilance2019-08-17
6694Sentinels' KeepArgent Plume2016-07-09
6695Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms1985-02-09
6696Sentinels' KeepSilver Stirrup2000-10-14
6697Sentinels' KeepStag2000-01-29
6698Sentinels' KeepTrefoil1999-03-06
8137Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2018-10-13
5498Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2008-01-05
5499Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2018-05-26
8258Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2019-03-02
8731Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2021-01-16
9222Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2021-06-26
8086Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-08-18
8849Sentinels' KeepGolden Pillar2021-07-03
8145Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2018-10-20
8155Arn HoldYggdrasil2018-11-04
8671Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2020-05-02
8158Arn HoldYggdrasil2018-11-04
8250Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2019-03-02
8251Arn HoldAward of Arms2019-03-02
8327Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-01-26
8670Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2020-05-02
8107Arn HoldYggdrasil2018-01-27
8152Arn HoldAward of Arms2018-11-04
8306Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2019-01-26
8542Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8160Loch SalannStag's Blood2008-02-16
8161Loch SalannScorpion of al-Barran2007-11-18
8162Loch SalannHammer of al-Barran2008-05-24
8163Loch SalannAward of Arms2005-09-17
8164Loch SalannAntares Kano of al-Barran2005-05-28
8517Loch SalannList of Courtesy2019-06-01
8679Loch SalannErmine and Quill2020-06-06
8166BronzehelmRock: Rapier2018-08-11
8186BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-01-05
8467BronzehelmGolden Scarf2019-07-05
8169Arn HoldGolden Pillar2018-11-17
8173Arn HoldIron Hart2013-03-01
8174Arn HoldStag's Blood2009-07-24
8175Arn HoldSable Lion of Caerthe2010-07-24
8176Arn HoldAspen of Caerthe2013-08-03
8177Arn HoldPromise of the Outlands2004-07-04
8178Arn HoldGreen Tree of Caerthe2009-01-03
8179Arn HoldCordon of Honor of Caerthe2010-04-17
8180Arn HoldFallen Snow2014-04-05
8181Arn HoldKnight2015-09-05
8533Arn HoldFer de Moline2019-08-23
8839Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2021-05-08
8860Arn HoldCourt Barony2021-09-11
8976Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9296Arn HoldCounty2022-09-17
9420Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9539Arn HoldPilgrims of Artemisia2023-02-03
8198BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-01-05
8199BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-01-05
9558BronzehelmGolden Pillar2023-05-06
8200Stan WyrmAward of Arms2019-01-05
8201BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-01-05
8448BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2019-05-04
9363BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-01-07
8202BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-01-05
1777Inactive/Out of KingdomGrant of Arms1998-10-10
4192Inactive/Out of KingdomLost Jewel Of Bronzehelm2018-01-06
4193Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia1994-12-10
4194Inactive/Out of KingdomWhite Lark1995-10-14
8206Loch SalannWhite Lark2018-12-08
8204Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-12-08
8226Loch SalannList of Grace2018-03-24
8311Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-12-08
8437Loch SalannGolden Pillar2019-06-01
8516Loch SalannWhite Loon2019-06-01
8683Loch SalannGolden Reflection of Loch Salann2020-06-06
8705Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2020-10-17
8209Loch SalannList of Courtesy2018-12-08
8208Crown LandsWhite Falcon2018-12-08
8313Crown LandsAward of Arms2013-05-26
2610Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2017-08-05
2611Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2011-12-10
2612Arrow's FlightList of Grace2017-06-03
2613Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2017-08-05
8213Arrow's FlightCrystal Heart2018-12-08
1923Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-09-17
1924Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2016-12-10
1925Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-06-07
1926Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-08-08
1927Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2017-12-09
1928Loch SalannKing's Council2014-03-01
1929Loch SalannWhite Duck2012-07-21
1930Loch SalannWhite Falcon2013-12-14
1931Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-12-12
8218Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2018-12-08
8359Loch SalannKnight2019-06-01
8661Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2020-04-18
9043Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2021-12-11
8225Loch SalannWhite Lark2018-12-08
38Loch SalannArgent Plume2016-03-12
39Loch SalannAward of Arms2015-10-03
41Loch SalannJewel of the Keep2017-03-04
42Loch SalannSilver Crane2017-03-04
9643Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2023-09-09
8416Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2019-01-12
8692Loch SalannSocietas Aquilae Coronatae2020-03-07
8279StonegateAward of Arms2019-03-02
8292Crystal CragsAward of Arms2019-03-24
8294Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2018-07-07
8295Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Confidence2018-07-21
8296Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-06-23
8298Inactive/Out of KingdomGrail of Grace1983-01-15
8299Inactive/Out of KingdomQueen's Order of Grace1983-01-15
8300Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1986-01-11
8301Inactive/Out of KingdomCourt Barony2018-07-21
1072Arn HoldAward of Arms1991-11-23
1073Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2011-07-11
1074Arn HoldKnight2013-09-14
1075Arn HoldCombattant Moose1993-05-29
1076Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2011-10-29
1077Arn HoldGolden Pillar2014-10-04
1078Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2018-01-27
1079Arn HoldGryphon's Talon of Artemisia1991-08-10
1080Arn HoldHawk's Lure1993-10-09
1081Arn HoldKing's Council2014-08-30
1082Arn HoldQuodlibet2017-10-21
1083Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2011-10-29
1084Arn HoldTerritorial Court Barony2017-08-26
1085Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2013-05-18
8105Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-01-27
8151Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2018-11-04
8267Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8305Arn HoldArma Volans2019-01-26
8530Arn HoldJewel of Alces2019-08-23
8538Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
8308BronzehelmRock: Rapier2019-01-05
8417Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2019-01-26
8314Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-12-08
8571Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2019-03-09
8594Loch SalannGolden Scarf2019-12-07
8318Arn HoldKing's Council2019-03-02
9369Arn HoldCourt Barony2022-12-10
9391Arn HoldKing's Council2023-03-18
9395Arn HoldQuodlibet2023-03-18
9432Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2023-01-28
9500Arn HoldAward of Arms2007-11-04
9501Arn HoldCrimson Mace2008-06-21
9502Arn HoldBlood of Fenris2008-09-06
9503Arn HoldHawk's Lure2009-11-08
9504Arn HoldKnight2011-02-19
9505Arn HoldKing's Sigil2011-05-07
9506Arn HoldJambe de Lion2017-06-03
9507Arn HoldForget-me-not2022-05-07
9508Arn HoldKings Favor2022-07-02
9509Arn HoldGoutté de Sang2022-07-02
8331Arn HoldYggdrasil2019-01-26
8334BronzehelmBe of Bronzehelm2019-01-05
8462BronzehelmGolden Pillar2019-07-05
9343BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-10-22
9421BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9574BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-09-02
9682BronzehelmGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
9705BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2024-01-06
8337Inactive/Out of KingdomBaroness' Oracle2014-01-18
6541Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms2000-09-16
6542Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon and Candle2009-05-23
6543Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphons Eye2006-05-29
6544Inactive/Out of KingdomKey Cross2005-05-28
6546Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2011-09-03
6547Inactive/Out of KingdomLaurel2011-07-23
16Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2002-11-02
17Arn HoldAward of Arms1999-09-04
18Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-10-17
19Arn HoldCombattant Moose1999-09-04
20Arn HoldGolden Pillar2002-03-16
21Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2007-04-03
22Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2002-01-26
23Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2005-09-03
24Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2008-09-13
25Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2011-07-16
26Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2000-01-15
9188Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2022-05-07
9446Arn HoldTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
8339Crown LandsAward of Arms2008-10-25
8340Crown LandsAward of Arms2006-06-10
5591StonegateAward of Arms2008-06-20
5592StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2015-06-20
5593StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-03-15
5594StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-03-11
5595StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2013-11-23
5596StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2015-11-21
5597StonegateSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
8864StonegateGolden Pillar2021-09-25
9714StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2024-03-23
5591StonegateAward of Arms2008-06-20
5592StonegateDefenders of the Citadel2015-06-20
5593StonegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2014-03-15
5594StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2017-03-11
5595StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2013-11-23
5596StonegateMateriam Superabat Opus2015-11-21
5597StonegateSwan and the Escallop2015-11-21
8864StonegateGolden Pillar2021-09-25
9714StonegateIron Talon of One Thousand Eyes2024-03-23
8341Inactive/Out of KingdomAward of Arms1999-10-30
6607Arn HoldAward of Arms2009-01-31
6608Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2009-05-16
6609Arn HoldCheval d'Or2009-07-11
8348Côte du CielAward of Arms2019-04-06
8347Côte du CielAward of Arms2019-04-06
4098Côte du CielAward of Arms2017-04-08
8345Côte du CielGolden Pillar2019-04-06
9276Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9551Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-04-15
8363Loch SalannAward of Arms2019-06-01
8364BronzehelmAward of Arms2002-10-12
8365BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2019-07-06
8704BronzehelmKey Cross2020-10-17
8082Castelleone NuovoGryphon's Pride2018-08-18
8367Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2019-07-05
8781Sentinels' KeepGolden Maple Leaf2021-03-27
8951Sentinels' KeepService Performed Under Duress2019-06-15
8952Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2020-10-03
9581Sentinels' KeepGryphon and Pheon2023-09-16
9595Sentinels' KeepStrongbow of Artemisia2023-09-16
9607Sentinels' KeepQuodlibet2023-07-22
6789Castelleone NuovoAward of Arms2017-10-14
4596One Thousand EyesPelican2003-09-13
4597One Thousand EyesQueen's Confidence1998-12-12
8368One Thousand EyesPeacock and Key2018-12-01
8396One Thousand EyesPeacock's Heart2018-01-20
8399One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2018-03-17
8400One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2019-01-19
8401One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2019-01-19
9304One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
8410One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2018-06-16
8409One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2018-06-16
8408One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2018-06-16
6431Arn HoldAward of Arms2007-10-27
6432Arn HoldCrane's Honor2012-10-20
6433Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2013-08-31
6434Arn HoldGolden Scarf2012-03-03
6435Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2013-01-05
6436Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6437Arn HoldGryphon's Pride1999-10-23
6438Arn HoldJewel of the Keep2012-02-04
6439Arn HoldKey Cross2014-10-18
6440Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2016-02-06
8418Arn HoldLaurel2019-08-24
8633Arn HoldFer de Moline2020-01-25
8859Arn HoldCourt Barony2021-09-11
8975Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9295Arn HoldCounty2022-09-17
9298Arn HoldRose2022-09-17
9419Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9532Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2023-01-28
6431Arn HoldAward of Arms2007-10-27
6432Arn HoldCrane's Honor2012-10-20
6433Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2013-08-31
6434Arn HoldGolden Scarf2012-03-03
6435Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2013-01-05
6436Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2014-03-01
6437Arn HoldGryphon's Pride1999-10-23
6438Arn HoldJewel of the Keep2012-02-04
6439Arn HoldKey Cross2014-10-18
6440Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2016-02-06
8418Arn HoldLaurel2019-08-24
8633Arn HoldFer de Moline2020-01-25
8859Arn HoldCourt Barony2021-09-11
8975Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-05
9295Arn HoldCounty2022-09-17
9298Arn HoldRose2022-09-17
9419Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9532Arn HoldSincerity and Honor2023-01-28
8428Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2019-08-17
9282Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2022-10-15
8429Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2019-08-17
9283Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2022-10-15
8442Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-04-02
8444Arn HoldFer de Moline2014-11-15
8446Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2018-08-25
8534Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8701Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
8842Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2020-08-22
6587Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2011-06-04
6588Arrow's FlightGolden Maple Leaf2014-09-13
6589Arrow's FlightGryphon and Candle2017-07-03
6590Arrow's FlightGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2012-03-03
8938Arrow's FlightGolden Pillar2021-11-13
9038Arrow's FlightWhite Duck2021-11-13
8455One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2019-06-13
9191One Thousand EyesLaurel2000-11-04
9192One Thousand EyesFlower1997-10-11
9193One Thousand EyesArgent Hart1996-10-05
9194One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2012-09-02
9195One Thousand EyesGilded Leaf of Caerthe1995-01-07
9196One Thousand EyesAspen of Caerthe1996-11-22
9197One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1994-07-09
9198One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Outlands]1999-03-27
9199One Thousand EyesGolden Feather2006-10-21
9200One Thousand EyesKeystone of Caerthe2013-05-25
9346One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2022-11-19
8456One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2019-06-13
8936One Thousand EyesGratia et Comitas2021-11-20
9201One Thousand EyesFlower2016-01-02
9202One Thousand EyesGrant of Arms2002-01-05
9203One Thousand EyesStag's Blood1999-08-14
9204One Thousand EyesStag's Heart2001-01-06
9205One Thousand EyesCourt Barony2002-01-05
9206One Thousand EyesArgent Hart2011-09-03
9207One Thousand EyesSable Lion of Caerthe1995-01-07
9208One Thousand EyesAspen of Caerthe1997-01-04
9209One Thousand EyesGilded Leaf of Caerthe1999-02-02
9210One Thousand EyesAward of Arms1990-09-02
9211One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Outlands]1999-05-08
9212One Thousand EyesGolden Feather2006-10-21
9213One Thousand EyesKeystone of Caerthe2013-05-25
9214One Thousand EyesSharparrow2012-07-21
9215One Thousand EyesGolden Pheon2007-01-06
9216One Thousand EyesDoe and Mountain of the Outlands2017-10-15
9217One Thousand EyesVenerable Guard1997-10-11
9218One Thousand EyesBlack Glove of Caerthe2000-12-09
9351One Thousand EyesTerritorial Court Barony2022-11-19
8458Loch SalannAward of Arms2019-07-20
8460Silver KeepGryphon and Pheon2019-07-27
9618Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2024-02-10
8475BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-07-05
8476BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2019-07-05
9344BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2022-10-22
8074Loch SalannList of Grace2018-07-20
8499Loch SalannAward of Arms2019-09-06
8500Côte du CielGolden Pillar2019-09-06
9112Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-06-18
8501Côte du CielAward of Arms2019-09-06
8511Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2019-09-06
6365Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-07
8568Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep2019-08-17
8700Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9285Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-10-15
9350Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-11-19
8526Loch SalannList of Courtesy2019-06-01
8677Loch SalannWhite Lark2020-06-06
8527Loch SalannList of Grace2019-06-01
4272Arn HoldArma Volans2016-01-23
4273Arn HoldAward of Arms2013-04-02
4274Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2014-07-12
4275Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-07-16
4276Arn HoldCombattant Moose2013-10-26
4277Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
4278Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-27
4279Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2017-05-06
4280Arn HoldYggdrasil2013-05-18
8536Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2019-08-23
8541Arn HoldAmethyst Chalice2019-08-23
8545Arn HoldYggdrasil2019-08-24
8546Arn HoldService Performed Under Duress2019-08-23
8972Arn HoldAward of Arms2021-08-28
8547Arn HoldYggdrasil2019-08-24
8971Arn HoldAward of Arms2021-08-28
8550Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2019-08-03
8734Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2021-01-16
8551Gryphon's LairBaby Gryphon's Feather2019-08-03
8554Côte du CielAward of Arms2019-09-28
8557Côte du CielAward of Arms2019-09-28
8558Myrgan WoodAward of Arms2019-02-22
8559BronzehelmAward of Arms2019-10-19
8560BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2019-10-19
8561Silver KeepAward of Arms2019-10-19
8563Silver KeepAward of Arms2016-03-05
8565Sentinels' KeepJewel of the Keep2019-03-23
8136Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2018-10-13
8569Sentinels' KeepVigilance2019-08-17
5492Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2017-08-26
8577Arn HoldHope of Arn Hold2019-11-02
9186Arn HoldAward of Arms2022-05-07
8579Arn HoldYggdrasil2019-11-02
8586One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2019-11-23
8587One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2019-11-23
6471Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6556Loch SalannAward of Arms2001-12-08
8590Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2019-12-07
8918Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9004Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9372Loch SalannPelican2022-12-10
9566Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9588Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
6471Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6556Loch SalannAward of Arms2001-12-08
8590Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2019-12-07
8918Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2021-09-11
9004Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2022-04-16
9372Loch SalannPelican2022-12-10
9566Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9588Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
8595Loch SalannDolphin of Caid2012-11-10
8596Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-05-25
8598Loch SalannSerpent's Flame2009-05-25
8599Loch SalannGilded Thimble (Calafia)2016-12-03
8611Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
8688Loch SalannList of Courtesy2020-03-07
6062Loch SalannAward of Arms2002-06-08
6063Loch SalannGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-04-14
6064Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
6065Loch SalannWhite Duck2001-12-08
6066Loch SalannWhite Falcon2016-12-10
8604Loch SalannCrystal Heart2019-12-07
8612Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2019-12-07
9047Loch SalannErmine and Quill2021-12-11
9567Loch SalannCourt Barony2023-07-08
9594Loch SalannDefenders of the Citadel2023-09-16
9674Loch SalannGryphon of Artemisia2024-03-16
8622BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2020-01-04
8623BronzehelmRock: Archery2020-01-04
8665BronzehelmGryphon and Pheon2020-04-18
8624BronzehelmBe of Bronzehelm2020-01-04
8625BronzehelmAward of Arms2020-01-04
8782BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-03-27
9442BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-01-28
8630Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2020-01-11
8635Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2020-01-25
8636Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2020-01-25
7047Arn HoldAward of Arms2016-01-23
7048Arn HoldDen Grimme Aeling2017-08-26
7049Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2015-08-29
7050Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-01-23
8103Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-01-27
8104Arn HoldTerpsichore's Mouffle2018-01-27
8634Arn HoldWindmuhlen Keeper2020-01-25
8672Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2020-05-02
8702Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9341Arn HoldQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9429Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2023-01-28
9443Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-01-28
9662Arn HoldGolden Sun in Splendour2024-01-27
9669Arn HoldGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
8637DragonmarchAward of Arms2020-02-22
8639DragonmarchGolden Gryphon's Talon2020-02-22
9022DragonmarchDefenders of the Citadel2022-03-05
9552DragonmarchGolden Maple Leaf2023-04-15
8646Loch SalannAward of Arms2020-03-07
8666Silver KeepGolden Gryphon's Talon2020-04-18
8685Loch SalannWhite Lark2020-06-06
8947Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-11-16
8955Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2021-07-10
8981Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-02-12
9257Stan WyrmKey Cross2022-08-20
5916Loch SalannAward of Arms2017-08-05
5917Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2017-08-05
5918Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-03-24
5919Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-02-24
5920Loch SalannList of Courtesy2016-06-04
8076Loch SalannWhite Duck2018-07-21
8767Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2020-07-18
8928Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2021-12-11
9667Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2024-03-16
8708BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2020-10-17
9576BronzehelmTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-09-02
8718BronzehelmBe of Bronzehelm2021-01-09
8719BronzehelmAcorn of Bronzehelm2021-01-09
8720BronzehelmAcorn of Bronzehelm2021-01-09
8729BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2021-01-09
8965BronzehelmGolden Pillar2021-08-07
8991BronzehelmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-03-12
9251BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2022-08-13
9514BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-01-07
8748Loch SalannWhite Cygent2019-02-23
9687Loch SalannCrown's Jewel2024-03-16
8748Loch SalannWhite Cygent2019-02-23
9687Loch SalannCrown's Jewel2024-03-16
8748Loch SalannWhite Cygent2019-02-23
9687Loch SalannCrown's Jewel2024-03-16
8771One Thousand EyesGolden Maple Leaf2020-07-18
8797One Thousand EyesFlower2017-01-07
8798One Thousand EyesArgent Hart2015-06-27
8799One Thousand EyesAspen of Caerthe2010-05-30
8800One Thousand EyesGilded Leaf of Caerthe2014-02-15
8801One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2002-11-09
8802One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2004-11-13
8803One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2012-11-10
8804One Thousand EyesCoronet's Smile2018-05-25
9459One Thousand EyesMateriam Superabat Opus2022-11-19
1493Loch SalannAward of Arms1996-07-27
1494Loch SalannCrystal of the Salt Wastes2013-12-14
1495Loch SalannErmine and Quill2005-10-01
1496Loch SalannFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
1497Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2004-08-07
1498Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-12-11
1499Loch SalannGolden Pillar2015-12-12
1500Loch SalannGrant of Arms2006-12-09
1501Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2016-03-05
1502Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2018-03-10
1503Loch SalannLaurel2013-01-05
1504Loch SalannWhite Duck2003-03-08
1505Loch SalannWhite Lark1997-03-15
1506Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2015-03-14
8773Loch SalannTerritorial Court Barony2020-12-12
9032Loch SalannCrystal Heart2021-12-11
9693Loch SalannPelican2024-03-02
8805One Thousand EyesStag2014-10-25
8806One Thousand EyesStag's Heart2012-09-02
8807One Thousand EyesArgent Hart2015-05-09
8808One Thousand EyesAspen of Caerthe2007-01-06
8809One Thousand EyesSable Lion of Caerthe2010-05-30
8810One Thousand EyesGilded Leaf of Caerthe2018-09-29
8811One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-05-10
8812One Thousand EyesCordon Royal2004-10-09
8813One Thousand EyesCordon Royal2012-11-10
8937One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2021-11-20
8805One Thousand EyesStag2014-10-25
8806One Thousand EyesStag's Heart2012-09-02
8807One Thousand EyesArgent Hart2015-05-09
8808One Thousand EyesAspen of Caerthe2007-01-06
8809One Thousand EyesSable Lion of Caerthe2010-05-30
8810One Thousand EyesGilded Leaf of Caerthe2018-09-29
8811One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-05-10
8812One Thousand EyesCordon Royal2004-10-09
8813One Thousand EyesCordon Royal2012-11-10
8937One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2021-11-20
8815WindegateLion's Strength2015-08-22
8817WindegateU Rock2011-12-03
8819WindegateGolden Torc1994-01-28
8821WindegateGoutté de Sang1992-06-13
8822WindegateRoyal Scribal Favor2017-05-28
8823WindegateBell and Chain2010-05-30
8824WindegateSergeant of Three Mountains1995-05-04
8825WindegateAward of Arms1990-11-03
8826WindegateMountain's Pride2016-10-01
8827WindegateCrystal Rainbow2000-10-23
8828WindegateJambe de Lion1994-09-03
8829WindegateMountain Sun2011-06-11
8815WindegateLion's Strength2015-08-22
8817WindegateU Rock2011-12-03
8819WindegateGolden Torc1994-01-28
8821WindegateGoutté de Sang1992-06-13
8822WindegateRoyal Scribal Favor2017-05-28
8823WindegateBell and Chain2010-05-30
8824WindegateSergeant of Three Mountains1995-05-04
8825WindegateAward of Arms1990-11-03
8826WindegateMountain's Pride2016-10-01
8827WindegateCrystal Rainbow2000-10-23
8828WindegateJambe de Lion1994-09-03
8829WindegateMountain Sun2011-06-11
7402Crown LandsAward of Arms2013-09-14
7403Crown LandsFellowship of Saint Francis of Loch Salann2017-03-04
7404Crown LandsFlame of Pharos2013-09-14
7405Crown LandsWhite Lark2017-06-03
8783Crown LandsOnore del Ponte d'Oro2016-10-22
8786Crown LandsOpal2016-11-19
8787Crown LandsCoral Branch2017-04-15
8789Crown LandsGarland2017-12-09
8790Crown LandsPearl2018-05-26
8791Crown LandsOnore del Ponte d'Argento2018-11-03
8792Crown LandsLaurel2019-08-04
9696Crown LandsGolden Sun in Splendour2024-03-02
8856One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2021-09-04
8868One Thousand EyesDuchy2009-01-03
8870One Thousand EyesCounty2007-05-05
8871One Thousand EyesRose2007-05-05
8872One Thousand EyesLaurel2010-10-02
8873One Thousand EyesRose Leaf2008-03-22
8874One Thousand EyesLeaf of Merit2010-07-03
8875One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2008-08-23
8876One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-08-28
8877One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2011-01-08
8878One Thousand EyesQueen's Treasure2007-08-25
8879One Thousand EyesQueen's Treasure2008-08-23
8881One Thousand EyesCorolla Vitea2007-12-08
8882One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2007-07-14
8884One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2009-01-31
8885One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2010-01-30
8886One Thousand EyesDen Grimme Aeling2009-10-31
8887One Thousand EyesWestern Lily2008-05-31
8888One Thousand EyesCrown's Favor2008-05-17
8889One Thousand EyesDefenders of the West2012-03-31
8890One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2008-05-17
8891One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2009-11-21
8892One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2010-11-20
8893One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2011-11-19
8865One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2021-09-25
9124One Thousand EyesGolden Scarf2022-06-18
9458One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2022-11-19
8865One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2021-09-25
9124One Thousand EyesGolden Scarf2022-06-18
9458One Thousand EyesTalon d'Or2022-11-19
8867StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2021-09-25
9537StonegatePeacock and Key2023-04-08
9548StonegateGolden Pillar2023-05-13
8856One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2021-09-04
8868One Thousand EyesDuchy2009-01-03
8870One Thousand EyesCounty2007-05-05
8871One Thousand EyesRose2007-05-05
8872One Thousand EyesLaurel2010-10-02
8873One Thousand EyesRose Leaf2008-03-22
8874One Thousand EyesLeaf of Merit2010-07-03
8875One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2008-08-23
8876One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-08-28
8877One Thousand EyesQueen's Cypher [WEST]2011-01-08
8878One Thousand EyesQueen's Treasure2007-08-25
8879One Thousand EyesQueen's Treasure2008-08-23
8881One Thousand EyesCorolla Vitea2007-12-08
8882One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2007-07-14
8884One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2009-01-31
8885One Thousand EyesPrincess' Token2010-01-30
8886One Thousand EyesDen Grimme Aeling2009-10-31
8887One Thousand EyesWestern Lily2008-05-31
8888One Thousand EyesCrown's Favor2008-05-17
8889One Thousand EyesDefenders of the West2012-03-31
8890One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2008-05-17
8891One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2009-11-21
8892One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2010-11-20
8893One Thousand EyesPrincess' Favor (Mists)2011-11-19
8932DragonmarchGolden Maple Leaf2021-12-11
8940Arn HoldAward of Arms2021-11-13
8944Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2021-10-16
8944Inactive/Out of KingdomGolden Gryphon's Talon2021-10-16
8945Arrow's FlightGryphon's Pride2021-10-16
8947Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-11-16
8955Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2021-07-10
8981Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-02-12
9257Stan WyrmKey Cross2022-08-20
8947Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-11-16
8955Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2021-07-10
8981Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-02-12
9257Stan WyrmKey Cross2022-08-20
8957Stan WyrmAward of Arms2021-07-10
9557Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2023-05-06
8958Stan WyrmAward of Arms2021-07-10
1900Stan WyrmAward of Arms2017-09-09
8959Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2021-07-10
9255Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-08-20
9356Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2023-01-07
8960Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2021-07-10
8961Stan WyrmAward of Arms2021-07-10
6420BronzehelmAward of Arms2017-10-14
6421BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2014-02-08
8165BronzehelmRock: Rapier2018-08-11
8466BronzehelmGolden Scarf2019-07-05
8963BronzehelmCheval d'Or2021-08-07
8983BronzehelmGolden Bridle2022-02-12
9513BronzehelmRock: Equestrian2023-01-07
8964BronzehelmCheval d'Or2021-08-07
8966Crown LandsAward of Arms2021-08-07
8967WindegateAward of Arms2021-08-14
9019WindegateGolden Gryphon's Talon2022-03-12
8968WindegateAward of Arms2021-08-14
8969WindegateAward of Arms2021-08-14
8970WindegateAward of Arms2021-08-14
8989Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2022-03-12
8990Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2022-03-12
2342Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-06-20
2343Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2017-05-28
2344Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-01-08
2345Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2011-01-08
2346Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2018-05-26
2347Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2017-06-30
2348Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2010-05-30
2349Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
8242Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2019-01-12
9233Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9614Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2024-02-24
2342Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2009-06-20
2343Gryphon's LairDefenders of the Citadel2017-05-28
2344Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2011-01-08
2345Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2011-01-08
2346Gryphon's LairGolden Sun in Splendour2018-05-26
2347Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2017-06-30
2348Gryphon's LairGryphon and Hammer2010-05-30
2349Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2018-01-13
8242Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2019-01-12
9233Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9614Gryphon's LairGryphon and Compass2024-02-24
8996One Thousand EyesHand of Tyr2017-10-14
8997One Thousand EyesCygnus2014-05-17
8998One Thousand EyesGriffin & Sword2005-08-16
8999One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-03-15
9000One Thousand EyesCompany of Sojourners2003-03-15
8996One Thousand EyesHand of Tyr2017-10-14
8997One Thousand EyesCygnus2014-05-17
8998One Thousand EyesGriffin & Sword2005-08-16
8999One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2003-03-15
9000One Thousand EyesCompany of Sojourners2003-03-15
3056Stan WyrmAward of Arms1996-05-13
9009Côte du CielAward of Arms2022-03-26
9010Côte du CielAward of Arms2022-03-26
9020Arn HoldKing's Council2022-03-12
9054Arn HoldDuchy1999-08-28
9055Arn HoldCounty1998-01-03
9056Arn HoldViscounty1995-11-18
9057Arn HoldKnight1999-05-01
9058Arn HoldLeaf of Merit2010-06-19
9059Arn HoldAward of Arms1993-09-10
9060Arn HoldLegion of Courtesy2004-04-17
9061Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]1995-04-29
9062Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]1999-01-02
9063Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]1999-08-28
9064Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2000-08-26
9065Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2001-01-06
9066Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2002-03-30
9067Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2003-01-04
9068Arn HoldKings Favor2004-02-14
9069Arn HoldForget-me-not2004-02-14
9070Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2009-01-03
9071Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-05-01
9072Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-08-28
9073Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2011-01-08
9074Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2011-04-30
9075Arn HoldQueen's Cypher [WEST]2021-09-05
9076Arn HoldDefenders of the West2000-08-17
9077Arn HoldCorolla Vitea2007-09-22
9078Arn HoldPrincess' Order of Grace1993-03-27
9079Arn HoldCynaguan Medal of Honor1993-04-24
9080Arn HoldCynaguan Medal of Honor2000-07-15
9081Arn HoldPrincess' Token2000-01-29
9082Arn HoldPrincess' Token2010-01-30
9083Arn HoldPrince's Token2013-07-13
9084Arn HoldPrincess' Favor (Mists)1995-11-18
9085Arn HoldPrincess' Favor (Mists)2008-05-17
9086Arn HoldPrincess' Favor (Mists)2010-11-20
9087Arn HoldStalwart Heart2021-09-11
9088Arn HoldCoeur d'Azur2012-05-19
9089Arn HoldArmure Epatant2005-04-02
9090Arn HoldSilver Ivy1997-05-17
9091Arn HoldQueen's Rapier2008-08-04
9092Arn HoldQueen's Order of Maintenance2021-09-05
9093Arn HoldMuckin' Tall Maul2004-05-22
9094Arn HoldMuckin' Great Clubbe1995-04-29
9095Arn HoldWreath of Chivalry2001-10-13
9096Arn HoldWreath of Chivalry1997-03-22
9097Arn HoldWreath of Chivalry1995-03-18
9098Arn HoldWreath of Chivalry1993-03-20
9099Arn HoldSilver Mantle2009-10-04
9100Arn HoldWestern Hero2006-02-18
9101Arn HoldValor2000-08-17
9102Arn HoldKnight Bannerette [West]2002-10-05
9103Arn HoldAsh Leaf2008-05-04
9104Arn HoldWestern White Scarf2009-10-10
9105Arn HoldHastae Leonis, Ordo2006-01-14
9021Crystal CragsAward of Arms2022-03-12
9110StonegateAward of Arms2022-06-18
9109Crown LandsAward of Arms2022-06-18
9107Crown LandsAward of Arms2022-06-18
9108Crown LandsCheval d'Or2022-06-18
9106StonegateAward of Arms2022-06-18
9115Crown LandsAward of Arms2022-06-18
9114One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2022-06-18
9530One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-04-08
9113One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2022-06-18
9460One Thousand EyesPeacock's Pride of One Thousand Eyes2022-11-19
9531One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-04-08
9117Crown LandsGryphon's Pride2022-06-18
9118One Thousand EyesGryphon's Pride2022-06-18
9122Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2022-06-18
9664Crown LandsGolden Pillar2024-01-27
9116Loch SalannGryphon's Pride2022-06-18
5644Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-04-21
8143Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-20
8457Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-07-12
9123Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2022-06-18
5644Côte du CielAward of Arms2018-04-21
8143Côte du CielGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-10-20
8457Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-07-12
9123Côte du CielGolden Maple Leaf2022-06-18
9126Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1998-08-29
9127Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1997-08-23
9128Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1980-05-03
9129Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1978-08-19
9130Crown LandsMuckin' Great Clubbe1972-03-26
9131Crown LandsQueen's Order of Grace1973-03-31
9132Crown LandsAward of Arms2001-11-17
9133Crown LandsLeaf of Merit1977-04-23
9134Crown LandsPelican1999-01-02
9135Crown LandsKnight1973-05-05
9136Crown LandsCounty1974-05-04
9137Crown LandsDuchy1975-08-02
9138Crown LandsDuchy1986-08-23
9139Crown LandsCounty1984-01-07
9140Crown LandsViscounty1983-01-29
9141Crown LandsPelican1983-08-20
9142Crown LandsRose1984-01-07
9143Crown LandsLaurel1998-01-03
9144Crown LandsGrant of Arms1990-06-23
9146Crown LandsLeaf of Merit1982-01-30
9147Crown LandsRose Leaf1987-01-24
9148Crown LandsWestern Lily2008-05-03
9149Crown LandsCourt Barony2010-05-30
9150Crown LandsAward of Arms1979-01-06
9151Crown LandsQueen's Order of Grace2008-06-21
9152Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1990-04-28
9153Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1991-04-28
9154Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1992-01-04
9155Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1996-01-06
9156Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]1997-08-23
9157Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2005-04-30
9158Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2006-08-26
9159Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2008-01-05
9160Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2008-05-03
9161Crown LandsCrown's Favor2008-09-13
9162Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2009-01-03
9163Crown LandsCrown's Favor2010-01-30
9164Crown LandsCrown's Favor2010-03-21
9165Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-05-01
9166Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2010-08-28
9167Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2011-01-08
9168Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2012-05-05
9169Crown LandsQueen's Cypher [WEST]2018-08-25
9170Crown LandsQueen's Order of Maintenance2009-01-03
9171Crown LandsQueen's Treasure2003-08-23
9172Crown LandsQueen's Treasure2010-05-01
9173Crown LandsCrystal Swan1984-07-14
9174Crown LandsDames de la Mer2009-11-21
9175Crown LandsFriendly Castle1983-03-01
9176Crown LandsHearthstone1982-07-17
9177Crown LandsPrincess' Token1982-07-17
9178Crown LandsPrincess' Token1990-07-14
9179Crown LandsPrincess' Favor (Mists)2005-11-12
9180Crown LandsPrincess' Token2010-01-30
9181Crown LandsPrincess' Favor (Mists)2011-11-19
9182Crown LandsDen Grimme Aeling2013-01-26
9183Crown LandsBurdened Bouget1992-01-04
9184Crown LandsLa Courtesia1981-11-07
9185Crown LandsWestern Roll of Honor2008-03-22
9189Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-05-07
9187Arn HoldAward of Arms2022-05-07
9190Stan WyrmAward of Arms2022-07-09
9293Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-09-17
9292Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-09-17
9237Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2022-06-25
9239Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9236Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9235Gryphon's LairPaladin of Gryphon's Lair2022-06-25
9318Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2022-08-06
9611Gryphon's LairGryphon and Candle2024-02-24
9243Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9545Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2023-06-10
9252BronzehelmBe of Bronzehelm2022-08-13
9517BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2023-05-06
9573BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2023-09-02
9707BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2024-01-06
9253BronzehelmBe of Bronzehelm2022-08-13
9358BronzehelmGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-01-07
9572BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2023-09-02
9266Arn HoldAward of Arms2022-08-27
9265Arn HoldAward of Arms2022-08-27
9264Crown LandsGolden Maple Leaf2022-08-27
9274Côte du CielAward of Arms2022-09-10
9418Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9273Côte du CielAward of Arms2022-09-10
9417Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9272Crown LandsAward of Arms2022-09-10
9269Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
9268Inactive/Out of KingdomGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2022-09-10
6350Loch SalannAward of Arms2010-09-18
6351Loch SalannGolden Pillar2014-12-13
6352Loch SalannGryphon and Pheon2016-12-10
6353Loch SalannKing's Council2011-03-05
6354Loch SalannWhite Duck2015-03-14
6355Loch SalannWhite Goose2014-06-07
8207Loch SalannErmine and Quill2018-12-08
8342Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2019-03-09
8650Loch SalannOleander2020-02-22
8776Loch SalannTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2020-07-18
8953Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2021-06-05
9337Loch SalannQueen's Confidence2022-09-17
9385Loch SalannPelican2023-03-04
9284BronzehelmGryphon's Pride2022-10-15
6365Stan WyrmAward of Arms2002-12-07
8568Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep2019-08-17
8700Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2020-09-12
9285Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2022-10-15
9350Stan WyrmGolden Sun in Splendour2022-11-19
8429Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2019-08-17
9283Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2022-10-15
8428Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2019-08-17
9282Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2022-10-15
9281Stan WyrmAward of Arms2022-10-15
9290Stan WyrmAward of Arms2022-10-15
9289Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2022-10-15
9288Stan WyrmGryphon's Pride2022-10-15
9287Stan WyrmAward of Arms2022-10-15
9293Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-09-17
9292Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-09-17
6787Loch SalannErmine and Gauntlet2016-12-10
6788Loch SalannWhite Lark2017-07-08
9291Loch SalannAward of Arms2011-07-23
9297Loch SalannGolden Scarf2022-09-17
9700Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2024-03-02
8318Arn HoldKing's Council2019-03-02
9369Arn HoldCourt Barony2022-12-10
9391Arn HoldKing's Council2023-03-18
9395Arn HoldQuodlibet2023-03-18
9432Arn HoldUnicorn Meadow2023-01-28
9500Arn HoldAward of Arms2007-11-04
9501Arn HoldCrimson Mace2008-06-21
9502Arn HoldBlood of Fenris2008-09-06
9503Arn HoldHawk's Lure2009-11-08
9504Arn HoldKnight2011-02-19
9505Arn HoldKing's Sigil2011-05-07
9506Arn HoldJambe de Lion2017-06-03
9507Arn HoldForget-me-not2022-05-07
9508Arn HoldKings Favor2022-07-02
9509Arn HoldGoutté de Sang2022-07-02
7410Stan WyrmAward of Arms2018-03-10
8193Stan WyrmGolden Scarf2019-01-05
9300Stan WyrmJewel of the Keep2022-10-08
4084Loch SalannGolden Scarf2018-03-10
9684Loch SalannDéfenseurs de l'Ordre du Papillon2024-03-16
5770Arn HoldAward of Arms2017-02-24
5771Arn HoldBowman's Mark2017-01-28
5772Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2017-08-26
5773Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-05-05
5774Arn HoldGryphon and Pheon2018-01-27
5775Arn HoldYggdrasil2016-05-14
9408Arn HoldGolden Pillar2023-03-18
9312One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9310One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9309One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9308One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9314One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2018-12-01
9317Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2022-08-06
9326Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2022-09-17
9355Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2022-11-12
9354Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2022-11-12
9361BronzehelmAward of Arms2023-01-07
9362BronzehelmGolden Maple Leaf2023-01-07
9359Sentinels' KeepAward of Arms2023-01-07
9360BronzehelmAward of Arms2023-01-07
9559BronzehelmGolden Scarf2023-05-06
9709BronzehelmRock: Rapier2023-05-06
9364BronzehelmGolden Scarf2023-01-07
9365WindegateDefenders of the Citadel2023-01-07
9349One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2022-11-19
9380Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2023-02-18
9381Gryphon's LairGolden Pillar2023-02-18
9457Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2023-02-18
9546Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2023-06-10
9384Loch SalannStrongbow of Artemisia2023-03-04
9699Loch SalannGolden Sun in Splendour2024-03-02
9387Inactive/Out of KingdomTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-03-04
7686StonegateAward of Arms2017-09-23
8096StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2018-09-22
8265StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-03-02
8494StonegateGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2019-09-06
9401StonegateCourt Barony2023-03-18
9447StonegateTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-01-28
9547StonegateGolden Pillar2023-05-13
9399Gryphon's LairGolden Maple Leaf2023-03-18
9274Côte du CielAward of Arms2022-09-10
9418Côte du CielGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
7387Loch SalannAward of Arms2018-04-14
7388Loch SalannOleander2018-02-24
8521Loch SalannWhite Falcon2019-07-20
9422Loch SalannGryphon's Heart of Artemisia2023-03-18
9593Loch SalannKing's Council2023-09-16
9721Loch SalannCounty2024-03-16
9433Arn HoldCombattant Moose2023-01-28
9436Arn HoldAward of Arms2023-01-28
9568Arn HoldGolden Scarf2023-07-08
9430Arn HoldYggdrasil2023-01-28
9435Arn HoldAward of Arms2023-01-28
9444Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2023-01-28
9439Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2023-01-28
9569Arn HoldAward of Arms2023-07-08
9438Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2023-01-28
9437Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2023-01-28
9441Arn HoldAward of Arms2023-01-28
9440Arn HoldAward of Arms2023-01-28
9451Silver KeepAward of Arms2023-02-11
9621Silver KeepCheval d'Or2024-02-10
9455Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2023-02-18
9360BronzehelmAward of Arms2023-01-07
9559BronzehelmGolden Scarf2023-05-06
9709BronzehelmRock: Rapier2023-05-06
9360BronzehelmAward of Arms2023-01-07
9559BronzehelmGolden Scarf2023-05-06
9709BronzehelmRock: Rapier2023-05-06
9461Loch SalannAward of Arms1999-01-02
9462Loch SalannLegion of Gallantry of the Outlands1999-05-30
9463Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2000-05-13
9464Loch SalannDefenders of the West2000-08-17
9465Loch SalannCordon Royal2004-10-09
9466Loch SalannQueen's Cypher [Outlands]2005-11-12
9467Loch SalannSaint Michael with the Harp2004-12-11
9524BronzehelmAnvil of Bronzehelm2023-05-06
9525BronzehelmSaint Hildegarde of Bingen2023-05-06
9528Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2023-04-29
9527Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2023-04-29
9114One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2022-06-18
9530One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-04-08
9533WindegateGryphon's Pride2023-02-11
9538One Thousand EyesBaroness' Oracle2023-04-08
9536One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2023-04-08
9535One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2023-04-08
9534One Thousand EyesSwan and the Escallop2023-04-08
9660One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2023-10-21
9544Gryphon's LairFlame of Pharos2023-06-10
9610Gryphon's LairSaint Biancas Heart2024-02-24
9243Gryphon's LairPanache Blanc2022-08-06
9545Gryphon's LairGolden Scarf2023-06-10
9550StonegateAward of Arms2023-05-13
9549StonegateAward of Arms2023-05-13
9561Stan WyrmGolden Pillar2023-05-06
9555Stan WyrmGolden Maple Leaf2023-05-06
9556Stan WyrmAward of Arms2023-05-06
9570Arn HoldAward of Arms9999-12-31
9708WindegateAward of Arms2023-09-02
9596Inactive/Out of KingdomTête de Mort et la Fleur de Lys2023-09-16
9600StonegateAward of Arms2023-07-22
9635StonegateGolden Maple Leaf2023-11-11
9599StonegateAward of Arms2023-07-22
2074Arn HoldGryphon's Pride2011-09-03
2075Arn HoldKing's Council2015-08-29
9426Arn HoldAward of Arms2015-03-07
9553Arn HoldGolden Maple Leaf2023-04-15
9597Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2023-07-22
9605One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-07-22
9688One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2024-02-24
9620Silver KeepAward of Arms2024-02-10
9619Silver KeepAward of Arms2024-02-10
9615Silver KeepCheval d'Or2024-02-10
9625Silver KeepGolden Maple Leaf2024-02-10
9631Loch SalannAward of Arms2023-12-09
5608DragonmarchAward of Arms2001-07-07
5609DragonmarchGolden Pillar2006-06-25
5610DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2006-09-09
5611DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2009-03-07
5612DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2009-09-05
9590DragonmarchQueen's Confidence2023-09-16
9651DragonmarchCourt Barony2023-09-09
9634One Thousand EyesGolden Pillar2023-11-11
9639Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2023-11-04
9638Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2023-11-04
9655Crown LandsAward of Arms2023-09-09
9656Crown LandsAward of Arms2023-09-09
9650Crown LandsAward of Arms2023-09-09
9652Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2023-09-09
9645Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2023-09-09
9646Côte du CielGryphon's Pride2023-09-09
9647Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2023-09-09
9648Arrow's FlightAward of Arms2023-09-09
5039Loch SalannAward of Arms2009-05-08
5040Loch SalannGolden Maple Leaf2010-11-13
5041Loch SalannWhite Duck2017-03-04
8064Loch SalannKey Cross2018-07-21
8139Loch SalannOleander2007-02-17
8140Loch SalannFons Animae2018-09-08
8212Loch SalannWhite Lark2018-12-08
8321Loch SalannGolden Pillar2018-12-08
9042Loch SalannWhite Phoenix2021-12-11
9644Loch SalannLaurel2023-09-09
9657River SerponndeAward of Arms2023-10-07
9659One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2023-10-21
9658Sentinels' KeepGryphon's Pride2023-10-21
5803Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2016-05-14
5804Arn HoldCercle d'Honneur2018-05-05
5805Arn HoldGolden Gryphon's Talon2018-01-27
8102Arn HoldCombattant Moose2018-01-27
8324Arn HoldWalking Pell2019-01-26
9428Arn HoldAward of Arms2015-07-18
9449Arn HoldDefenders of the Citadel2023-01-28
9661Arn HoldKnight2024-01-27
9691Gryphon's LairAward of Arms2024-02-24
9690One Thousand EyesAward of Arms2024-02-24
9701Loch SalannAward of Arms2024-03-02
9716StonegateAward of Arms2024-04-27